Experis Named IT Talent and Solutions Leader by Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® Assessment

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Experis, a global IT workforce solutions leader and part of ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), has been named a Leader in Everest Group's U.S. IT Contingent Talent and Strategic Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 for the third consecutive year. The report highlights Experis' ability to source talent for both traditional and next-generation technologies across key industries. It also recognizes the company's significant investments in IT-managed services, including specialized practice areas and a robust technology partnership ecosystem with major players like AWS, Microsoft, and IBM.

The assessment acknowledges Experis' focus on critical in-demand skills, efforts to strengthen talent development in data and AI, and enhancement of managed services solutions. The company's comprehensive suite of L&D offerings and strong vision for managed services, along with a dedicated industry focus, have helped it drive differentiation in the market. Experis is one of six companies in the Leader category out of 30 evaluated in this year's assessment.

Experis, un leader globale nelle soluzioni per la forza lavoro IT e parte di ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), è stata nominata Leader nella valutazione PEAK Matrix® 2024 dell'Everest Group per i talenti contingenti IT e soluzioni strategiche negli Stati Uniti per il terzo anno consecutivo. Il rapporto evidenzia la capacità di Experis di reclutare talenti sia per tecnologie tradizionali che per quelle di nuova generazione in settori chiave. Riconosce anche i significativi investimenti dell'azienda nei servizi IT gestiti, comprese aree di pratica specializzate e un robusto ecosistema di partnership tecnologiche con grandi attori come AWS, Microsoft e IBM.

La valutazione riconosce il focus di Experis sulle competenze criticali e richieste, gli sforzi per rafforzare lo sviluppo dei talenti in ambito dati e intelligenza artificiale, e il miglioramento delle soluzioni di servizi gestiti. La suite completa di offerte di formazione e sviluppo dell'azienda e una forte visione per i servizi gestiti, insieme a un focus specifico sul settore, hanno contribuito a differenziarla nel mercato. Experis è una delle sei aziende nella categoria Leader su 30 valutate nella valutazione di quest'anno.

Experis, un líder global en soluciones de fuerza laboral IT y parte de ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), ha sido nombrado Líder en la evaluación PEAK Matrix® 2024 del Everest Group sobre talento contingente de IT y soluciones estratégicas en EE. UU. por tercer año consecutivo. El informe destaca la capacidad de Experis para obtener talento en tecnologías tanto tradicionales como de nueva generación a través de industrias clave. También reconoce las inversiones significativas de la empresa en servicios de IT gestionados, incluyendo áreas de práctica especializadas y un robusto ecosistema de asociaciones tecnológicas con actores importantes como AWS, Microsoft e IBM.

La evaluación reconoce el enfoque de Experis en habilidades críticas y demandadas, los esfuerzos por fortalecer el desarrollo de talentos en datos e IA, y la mejora de las soluciones de servicios gestionados. La suite integral de ofertas de capacitación y desarrollo de la empresa y su sólida visión para los servicios gestionados, junto con un enfoque dedicado a la industria, han ayudado a diferenciarla en el mercado. Experis es una de las seis empresas en la categoría de Líder de las 30 evaluadas en la evaluación de este año.

Experis는 글로벌 IT 인력 솔루션 리더이자 ManpowerGroup(NYSE: MAN)의 일부로, 2024년 Everest Group의 미국 IT 임시 인재 및 전략적 솔루션 PEAK Matrix® 평가에서 3년 연속 리더로 선정되었습니다. 보고서는 Experis가 주요 산업에서 전통적인 기술과 차세대 기술에 대한 인재를 확보하는 능력을 강조합니다. 또한 AWS, Microsoft, IBM과 같은 주요 기업과의 기술 파트너십 생태계와 전문 분야를 포함한 IT 관리 서비스에 대한 상당한 투자를 인정합니다.

평가는 Experis의 주요 수요 기술에 대한 집중, 데이터와 AI에서의 인재 개발 강화를 위한 노력, 그리고 관리 서비스 솔루션의 향상을 인정합니다. Experis의 포괄적인 학습 및 개발(L&D) 제공과 관리 서비스에 대한 강력한 비전, 그리고 산업에 대한 헌신적인 초점이 차별화에 기여했습니다. Experis는 올해 평가된 30개 기업 중 리더 카테고리에 속한 6개 기업 중 하나입니다.

Experis, un leader mondial des solutions de main-d'œuvre IT et partie de ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), a été nommé Leader dans l'évaluation PEAK Matrix® 2024 du groupe Everest sur les talents contingents IT et les solutions stratégiques aux États-Unis pour la troisième année consécutive. Le rapport met en avant la capacité d'Experis à sourcer des talents tant pour les technologies traditionnelles que pour les technologies de nouvelle génération dans des secteurs clés. Il reconnaît également les investissements significatifs de l'entreprise dans les services IT gérés, y compris des domaines de pratique spécialisés et un écosystème robustes de partenariats technologiques avec des acteurs majeurs comme AWS, Microsoft et IBM.

L'évaluation reconnaît l'accent mis par Experis sur des compétences critiques et en demande, les efforts pour renforcer le développement des talents en matière de données et d'IA, ainsi que l'amélioration des solutions de services gérés. L'ensemble complet d'offres de formation et de développement de l'entreprise, ainsi que sa vision forte pour les services gérés, accompagné d'un focus dédié sur l'industrie, ont permis de se différencier sur le marché. Experis est l'une des six entreprises de la catégorie Leader parmi les 30 évaluées cette année.

Experis, ein globaler Anbieter von IT-Workforce-Lösungen und Teil von ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN), wurde zum dritten Mal in Folge zum Leader in der PEAK Matrix®-Bewertung 2024 der Everest Group für US-IT-Contingent-Talente und strategische Lösungen ernannt. Der Bericht hebt die Fähigkeit von Experis hervor, Talente sowohl für traditionelle als auch für Next-Generation-Technologien in wichtigen Branchen zu gewinnen. Außerdem wird das signifikante Investment des Unternehmens in IT-Managed Services anerkannt, einschließlich spezialisierter Praxisbereiche und eines robusten Technologie-Partnerschafts-Ökosystems mit großen Akteuren wie AWS, Microsoft und IBM.

Die Bewertung würdigt den Fokus von Experis auf kritische, gefragte Fähigkeiten, die Bemühungen zur Stärkung der Talententwicklung in den Bereichen Daten und KI sowie die Verbesserung der Managed Services-Lösungen. Das umfassende Angebot an Lern- und Entwicklungsprogrammen (L&D) des Unternehmens und die starke Vision für Managed Services, zusammen mit einem engagierten branchenspezifischen Fokus, haben zur Differenzierung auf dem Markt beigetragen. Experis ist eines von sechs Unternehmen in der Leader-Kategorie von insgesamt 30, die in dieser Bewertung berücksichtigt wurden.

  • Named Leader in Everest Group's U.S. IT Contingent Talent and Strategic Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment for the third consecutive year
  • Recognized for ability to source talent for both traditional and next-generation technologies across key industries
  • Significant investments in IT-managed services and specialized practice areas
  • Strong partnerships with leading technology providers like AWS, Microsoft, and IBM
  • Comprehensive suite of L&D offerings and strong vision for managed services offerings
  • None.

Report Highlights Experis' Wide-Ranging Services and Strategic Partnerships

MILWAUKEE, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- For the third year in a row, Experis®, a global leader in IT workforce solutions and part of the ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN) family of brands, has been named a Leader in Everest Group's U.S. IT Contingent Talent and Strategic Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024.

The report recognizes Experis for its ability to source talent for both traditional and next-generation technologies across key industries such as manufacturing, BFSI, wholesale and retail trade, information, healthcare and professional, scientific and technical services.

Additionally, the report highlights the "significant investments" in IT-managed services, such as:

  • Specialized practice areas, including business transformation, enterprise applications, cloud and infrastructure and digital workspace
  • Robust technology partnership ecosystem featuring collaborations with AWS, Microsoft, IBM, RedHat, ClearDATA and Arrow.

"Our strong partnerships with leading technology providers like AWS, Microsoft and IBM are crucial to our ability to help clients modernize their applications, prepare data for AI integration, and develop custom solutions," said Kye Mitchell, Senior Vice President, Experis Services. "The recognition as a Leader by Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® Assessment underscores our commitment to empowering our customers to succeed in an ever-evolving digital landscape."

"Experis has continued to showcase strong investments toward strengthening its IT contingent staffing and IT services capabilities," said Priyanka Mitra, Vice President, Everest Group, "Helping it retain its positioning as a Leader on our U.S. IT Contingent Talent and Strategic Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment. With its focus on critical in-demand skills, its efforts to fortify its talent development offerings in the data and AI space, and its focus on enhancing its managed services solutions, it has further reinforced its overall portfolio of offerings. Its comprehensive suite of L&D offerings and strong vision for managed services offerings, complete with a dedicated industry focus, has helped it drive differentiation in the market." 

The assessment also details Experis's investments in candidate upskilling/reskilling and redeployment initiatives:

  • Consultant Experience Manager, Experis Academy, and webinars
  • Placement partnerships with some of the largest tech companies in the world
  • Hire-train-deploy model to build client-specific talent pool
  • Apprenticeship programs
  • Multiple talent recognition programs

Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® Assessment is an annual evaluation of contingent staffing providers' market success and delivery capability. This year's U.S. assessment reviews the ability of 30 companies to deliver services successfully through the dimensions of vision and strategy, scope of services offered, innovation and investments, and delivery footprint. The companies are then segmented into Leaders, Major Contenders, and Aspirants based on the Everest Group's comprehensive evaluation.

Experis is one of six companies in the Leader category.

Experis ®is the global leader in professional resourcing and project-based solutions. Experis accelerates organizations' growth by attracting, assessing, and placing specialized expertise in IT to deliver in-demand talent for mission-critical positions and projects, enhancing the competitiveness of the organizations and people we serve. Experis is part of the ManpowerGroup® (NYSE: MAN) family of brands, which also includes Manpower and Talent Solutions.

For more information, visit, or follow us on LinkedIn and X.


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SOURCE ManpowerGroup


What recognition did Experis receive in the Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024?

Experis was named a Leader in Everest Group's U.S. IT Contingent Talent and Strategic Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 for the third consecutive year.

What are some key industries where Experis sources IT talent?

Experis sources IT talent for key industries such as manufacturing, BFSI, wholesale and retail trade, information, healthcare, and professional, scientific and technical services.

Who are some of Experis' major technology partners mentioned in the press release?

The press release mentions AWS, Microsoft, IBM, RedHat, ClearDATA, and Arrow as part of Experis' robust technology partnership ecosystem.

What initiatives has Experis invested in for candidate development?

Experis has invested in initiatives such as Consultant Experience Manager, Experis Academy, webinars, placement partnerships, hire-train-deploy model, apprenticeship programs, and multiple talent recognition programs.



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