LICT Corporation Reports Results for the 2nd Quarter 2024
LICT reported strong Q2 2024 results, with revenues increasing 15.8% to $33.7 million and EBITDA up 21% to $14.2 million. The growth was driven by regulated revenues, which rose $3.2 million to $14.9 million, largely due to the acceptance of Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM). Non-regulated revenues increased 8% to $18.8 million.
The company announced a $100 per share charitable contribution program for registered shareholders and increased its share buyback authorization. LICT also highlighted its participation in various FCC programs, including E-ACAM, which will provide $37.2 million annually through 2038, and ReConnect grants totaling $157.5 million.
LICT continues to expand its broadband infrastructure, owning 6,713 miles of fiber optic cable and 95 towers. The company reported a 2.2% increase in broadband lines and a 1% growth in total revenue generating units.
LICT ha riportato risultati forti per il secondo trimestre del 2024, con un aumento del fatturato del 15,8% a 33,7 milioni di dollari e un EBITDA in crescita del 21% a 14,2 milioni di dollari. La crescita è stata trainata dai ricavi regolamentati, che sono aumentati di 3,2 milioni di dollari, arrivando a 14,9 milioni di dollari, principalmente grazie all'accettazione dell'Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM). I ricavi non regolamentati sono aumentati dell'8%, raggiungendo 18,8 milioni di dollari.
La compagnia ha annunciato un programma di contributi caritativi di 100 dollari per azione per gli azionisti registrati e ha aumentato la propria autorizzazione per il riacquisto di azioni. LICT ha anche evidenziato la sua partecipazione a vari programmi della FCC, inclusi E-ACAM, che fornirà annualmente 37,2 milioni di dollari fino al 2038, e sovvenzioni ReConnect per un totale di 157,5 milioni di dollari.
LICT continua ad espandere la propria infrastruttura di broadband, possedendo 6.713 miglia di cavo in fibra ottica e 95 torri. L'azienda ha registrato un aumento del 2,2% nelle linee broadband e una crescita dell'1% nelle unità che generano reddito totale.
LICT reportó resultados sólidos en el segundo trimestre de 2024, con un aumento del 15.8% en los ingresos, alcanzando 33.7 millones de dólares y un EBITDA que subió un 21% a 14.2 millones de dólares. El crecimiento fue impulsado por ingresos regulados, que aumentaron 3.2 millones de dólares a 14.9 millones de dólares, en gran parte debido a la aceptación de Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM). Los ingresos no regulados crecieron un 8% hasta alcanzar 18.8 millones de dólares.
La compañía anunció un programa de contribución caritativa de 100 dólares por acción para accionistas registrados y aumentó su autorización para recompra de acciones. LICT también destacó su participación en varios programas de la FCC, incluyendo E-ACAM, que proporcionará 37.2 millones de dólares anualmente hasta 2038, y subsidios ReConnect que totalizan 157.5 millones de dólares.
LICT continúa expandiendo su infraestructura de banda ancha, poseyendo 6,713 millas de cable de fibra óptica y 95 torres. La compañía reportó un aumento del 2.2% en líneas de banda ancha y un crecimiento del 1% en unidades generadoras de ingresos totales.
LICT는 2024년 2분기 강력한 실적을 보고했으며, 수익이 15.8% 증가하여 3,370만 달러에 달했습니다 그리고 EBITDA는 21% 증가하여 1,420만 달러에 이릅니다. 성장은 주로 규제 수익에 의해 추진되었으며, 이는 320만 달러 증가하여 1,490만 달러에 이르렀고, 이는 크게 Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM)의 채택 덕분입니다. 비규제 수익은 8% 증가하여 1,880만 달러에 도달했습니다.
회사는 등록된 주주를 위한 주당 100달러의 자선 기부 프로그램을 발표했으며, 자사주 매입 승인 금액을 증가시켰습니다. LICT는 또한 E-ACAM을 포함한 다양한 FCC 프로그램에 참여하고 있음을 강조했으며, 이는 2038년까지 연간 3,720만 달러를 제공하고, 총 1억 5,750만 달러의 ReConnect 보조금을 포함합니다.
LICT는 6,713마일의 광케이블과 95개의 타워를 소유하며, 브로드밴드 인프라를 지속적으로 확장하고 있습니다. 회사는 브로드밴드 회선이 2.2% 증가했으며, 총 수익 창출 단위가 1% 성장했습니다.
LICT a rapporté de solides résultats pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024, avec une augmentation des revenus de 15,8 % à 33,7 millions de dollars et un EBITDA en hausse de 21 % à 14,2 millions de dollars. La croissance a été stimulée par des revenus réglementés, qui ont augmenté de 3,2 millions de dollars pour atteindre 14,9 millions de dollars, principalement grâce à l'acceptation de l'Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM). Les revenus non réglementés ont augmenté de 8 % pour atteindre 18,8 millions de dollars.
La société a annoncé un programme de contribution caritative de 100 dollars par action pour les actionnaires enregistrés et a augmenté son autorisation de rachat d'actions. LICT a également souligné sa participation à divers programmes de la FCC, y compris E-ACAM, qui fournira 37,2 millions de dollars par an jusqu'en 2038, et des subventions ReConnect totalisant 157,5 millions de dollars.
LICT continue d'élargir son infrastructure de bande passante, possédant 6 713 miles de câbles en fibre optique et 95 tours. La société a signalé une augmentation de 2,2 % des lignes de bande passante et une croissance de 1 % des unités génératrices de revenus totaux.
LICT meldete im zweiten Quartal 2024 starke Ergebnisse mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 15,8 % auf 33,7 Millionen Dollar und einem EBITDA-Anstieg um 21 % auf 14,2 Millionen Dollar. Das Wachstum wurde durch regulierte Einnahmen getragen, die um 3,2 Millionen Dollar auf 14,9 Millionen Dollar stiegen, was hauptsächlich auf die Akzeptanz von Enhanced ACAM (E-ACAM) zurückzuführen ist. Die nicht regulierten Einnahmen stiegen um 8 % auf 18,8 Millionen Dollar.
Das Unternehmen kündigte ein gemeinnütziges Beitragsprogramm von 100 Dollar pro Aktie für registrierte Aktionäre an und erhöhte seine Genehmigung für Aktienrückkäufe. LICT hob auch seine Teilnahme an verschiedenen FCC-Programmen hervor, darunter E-ACAM, das jährlich 37,2 Millionen Dollar bis 2038 bereitstellt, sowie ReConnect-Zuschüsse in Höhe von insgesamt 157,5 Millionen Dollar.
LICT erweitert weiterhin seine Breitbandinfrastruktur und besitzt 6.713 Meilen Glasfaserkabel und 95 Türme. Das Unternehmen berichtete von einem 2,2%igen Anstieg der Breitbandleitungen und einem 1%igen Wachstum der insgesamt Einnahmen erzeugenden Einheiten.
- Revenue increased 15.8% to $33.7 million in Q2 2024
- EBITDA grew 21% to $14.2 million in Q2 2024
- Regulated revenues rose $3.2 million to $14.9 million due to E-ACAM acceptance
- Non-regulated revenues increased 8% to $18.8 million
- E-ACAM program will provide $37.2 million annually through 2038
- Awarded $157.5 million in ReConnect III and IV grants
- Broadband lines increased 2.2% to 45,358
- Total revenue generating units grew 1% to 72,262
- Non-regulated EBITDA decreased slightly from $7.2 million to $7.0 million
- Voice lines decreased by 1.9% to 23,394
Increase In Revenues of
15.8% for the Second Quarter
21% to from$14.2 million in prior year$11.7 million
- Share Buyback Authorization Increased
Designated Charitable Contribution of
per Share for Registered Shareholders Approved$100
2024-Unaudited Second Quarter Results
Total revenues in the second quarter of 2024 increased by
Regulated revenues were
Non-regulated revenues for the second quarter of 2024 increased
Total EBITDA was
Regulated EBITDA in the second quarter of 2024 was
Non-regulated EBITDA in the second quarter was
OTHER INCOME/(EXPENSES) – Other income/expenses remained flat at
EARNINGS PER SHARE – Earnings per share from continuing operations for the second quarter of 2024 were
Shareholder Designated Charitable Contribution Program
LICT Corporation (OTC Pink: LICT) will continue its Shareholder Charitable Contribution program for all registered shareholders. Each registered shareholder will be eligible to designate a 501 c3 charity to which a
We believe charitable giving is a cornerstone of society and an obligation for those with means to make a difference in the world. As an organization, LICT will have no control over the donations, but we are happy to make them on behalf of our shareholders.
Over the past 7 years, LICT has made more than
Details will be announced before year end regarding the details of the contribution.
Share Repurchase Program
During the three months ended June 30, 2024, the Company repurchased 205 shares for
LICT’s Board of Directors increased the Company’s authorization to repurchase shares by an additional 400 shares, bringing the total to 514 authorized for repurchase. We will continue to repurchase shares on an opportunistic basis.
FCC Programs and Other Capital Expenditures
With the acceptance of the FCC’s E-ACAM program effective January 1, 2024, LICT now has buildout requirements to a minimum speed of 100/20 Mbps to almost 20,000 locations which must be completed by December 31, 2028 (the company has already commenced the buildout process). E-ACAM increased LICT’s federal Universal Service Fund (USF) revenues an incremental
I. |
On June 28, 2024 the |
II. |
The Federal Communications Commission proposed an increase in ACAM funding through a program known as E-ACAM, which began January 1, 2024. |
In the new program LICT entities will receive |
III. |
As previously announced, LICT has been awarded |
IV. |
ACP was terminated in May of 2024. LICT informed its ACP customers that the Company will continue an equivalent credit through January 31, 2025, at LICT’s cost. Eligible ACP customers received a continuation of their broadband credit of up to |
Strategic Initiatives
The spin-off of our
LICT’s acquisition of Manti Telephone Communications Company (MTCC), and AFConnect (AFI) is complete, the non-regulated facet of the Manti transaction closed on December 1, 2023. The regulated portion, Manti Telephone Company (MTC) transaction is still pending regulatory approval.
As previously reported, during the fourth quarter of 2023, LICT completed the sale of
FIXED WIRELESS - Sound Broadband LLC, the wireless subsidiary of LICT Corporation specializing in fixed wireless solutions, has successfully completed 5G deployments in its existing service areas and expanded into new markets across
OPERATING STATISTICS/BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT - LICT owns and operates 6,713 miles of fiber optic cable, 9,040 miles of copper cable, 841 miles of coaxial cable and 95 towers.
June 30, |
December 31, |
Increase |
Percent Increase |
2024 |
2023 |
(Decrease) |
(Decrease) |
Broadband lines |
45,358 |
44,367 |
991 |
Voice Lines |
17,114 |
17,549 |
(435) |
( |
Out of franchise |
6,280 |
6,287 |
(7) |
( |
Total |
23,394 |
23,836 |
(442) |
( |
Video Subscribers |
3,510 |
3,341 |
169 |
Revenue Generating Units |
72,262 |
71,544 |
718 |
This release contains certain forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including without limitation anticipated financial results, financing, capital expenditures and corporate transactions. It should be recognized that such information is based upon certain assumptions, projections and forecasts, including without limitation, business conditions and financial markets, regulatory and other approvals, and the cautionary statements set forth in documents filed by LICT on its website, As a result, there can be no assurance that any possible transactions will be accomplished or be successful, or that financial targets will be met. Such forward-looking information is subject to uncertainties, risks and inaccuracies, which could be material.
LICT Corporation is a holding company with subsidiaries in broadband and other telecommunications services that actively seeks acquisitions, principally in its existing business.
LICT Corporation Statements of Operations (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data) |
Three Months Ended June 30, |
Six Months Ended June 30, |
2024 (Unaudited) |
2023 (Unaudited) |
2024 (Unaudited) |
2023 (Unaudited) |
Operating Revenues |
$ |
33,684 |
$ |
29,088 |
$ |
67,183 |
$ |
58,093 |
Operating Expenses: |
Cost of revenue |
16,763 |
14,631 |
32,836 |
29,532 |
General and administrative costs at operations |
2,730 |
2,748 |
5,476 |
5,381 |
Corporate office expenses |
1,158 |
1,166 |
2,437 |
2,230 |
Depreciation and amortization |
5,803 |
4,767 |
11,807 |
10,065 |
Total Operating Expenses |
26,454 |
23,312 |
52,556 |
47,208 |
Operating Income |
7,230 |
5,776 |
14,627 |
10,885 |
Other Income (Expense) |
Investment income |
315 |
155 |
1,208 |
980 |
Interest expense |
(1,096 |
) |
(629 |
) |
(2,066 |
) |
(1,266 |
) |
Unrealized loss on investment |
(42 |
) |
- |
(636 |
) |
- |
Equity in earnings of affiliated companies |
252 |
24 |
225 |
24 |
Other |
28 |
(49 |
) |
67 |
(110 |
) |
Total Other Income (Expense) |
(543 |
) |
(499 |
) |
(1,202 |
) |
(372 |
) |
Income from continuing operations |
6,687 |
5,277 |
13,425 |
10,513 |
Provision for Income Taxes |
(1,780 |
) |
(1,484 |
) |
(3,541 |
) |
(2,773 |
) |
Income from continuing operations, net of tax |
4,907 |
3,793 |
9,884 |
7,740 |
Income from discontinued operations |
- |
1,766 |
- |
3,277 |
Tax Provision for discontinued operations |
- |
(493 |
) |
- |
(851 |
) |
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax |
- |
1,273 |
- |
2,426 |
Net Income |
$ |
4,907 |
$ |
5,066 |
$ |
9,884 |
$ |
10,166 |
Capital Expenditures |
$ |
11,761 |
$ |
9,191 |
$ |
28,115 |
$ |
18,867 |
Basic & Diluted Weighted Average Shares |
16,775 |
17,224 |
16,859 |
17,267 |
Actual shares outstanding at end of period |
16,674 |
17,165 |
16,674 |
17,165 |
Earnings Per Share: |
Income from continuing operations |
$ |
293 |
$ |
220 |
$ |
586 |
$ |
448 |
Income from discontinued operations |
- |
74 |
- |
141 |
Basic & Diluted Earnings Per Share |
$ |
293 |
$ |
294 |
$ |
586 |
$ |
589 |
LICT Corporation
Balance Sheet (In Thousands, Except Per Share Data) |
(Unaudited) June 30, 2024 |
(Audited) December 31, 2023 |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
14,377 |
$ |
11,545 |
Accounts receivable, less allowances of |
9,719 |
7,123 |
Note receivable from affiliate, including accrued interest Material and supplies |
16,202 14,533 |
15,345 16,825 |
Prepaid expenses, and other current assets |
4,453 |
4,417 |
Total current assets |
59,284 |
55,255 |
Property, plant, and equipment, net |
165,233 |
150,112 |
Goodwill |
48,251 |
48,251 |
Other intangibles |
34,363 |
34,590 |
Investments in Affiliated Companies |
7,006 |
7,396 |
Other assets |
13,671 |
11,436 |
Total assets |
$ |
327,808 |
$ |
307,040 |
Current liabilities: |
Trade accounts payable |
$ |
6,928 |
$ |
7,773 |
Accrued interest payable |
400 |
272 |
Accrued liabilities |
8,497 |
7,696 |
Current maturities of long-term debt |
50,075 |
3,876 |
Total current liabilities |
65,900 |
19,617 |
Long-term debt |
19,839 |
49,576 |
Deferred income taxes |
28,803 |
28,898 |
Other liabilities |
13,429 |
14,261 |
Total liabilities |
127,971 |
112,352 |
Total shareholders’ equity |
199,837 |
194,688 |
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity |
$ |
327,808 |
$ |
307,040 |
EBITDA is an established measure of operating performance and liquidity that is commonly reported and widely used by analysts, investors, and other interested parties in the telecommunications industry because it eliminates many differences in financial, capitalization, and tax structures. We believe that EBITDA trends are a valuable indicator of whether our operations are able to produce sufficient operating cash flow to fund working capital needs, service debt obligations, and fund capital expenditures.
EBITDA is calculated as Operating Profit from Continuing Operations plus depreciation and amortization expense and corporate expenses.
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
June 30, |
June 30, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
EBITDA Reconciliation: |
Operating Profit from Continuing Operations |
$ |
7,230 |
$ |
5,776 |
$ |
14,627 |
$ |
10,885 |
Additions: |
Corporate expenses |
1,158 |
1,166 |
2,437 |
2,230 |
Depreciation and amortization |
5,803 |
4,767 |
11,807 |
10,065 |
EBITDA from Operations |
$ |
14,191 |
$ |
11,709 |
$ |
28,871 |
$ |
23,180 |
Sources and Uses of Cash: |
(Unaudited) |
June 30, 2024 |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
Net Income |
$ |
4,907 |
$ |
9,884 |
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities |
Cash Activity (Net Use of Cash) |
(2,636 |
) |
(3,401 |
) |
Non-cash Activity (Depreciation, amortization & other activity) |
4,541 |
12,635 |
Total Net Cash provided by Operating Activities |
6,812 |
19,118 |
Cash Flows from Investing Activities |
Capital Expenditures |
(11,761 |
) |
(28,115 |
) |
Other Investing Activities |
(67 |
) |
102 |
Total Net Cash Used in Investing Activities |
(11,828 |
) |
(28,013 |
) |
Cash Flows from Financing Activities |
Borrowing from Line of credit, net |
12,000 |
16,500 |
Purchase of treasury stock |
(3,189 |
) |
(4,735 |
) |
Payments to reduce long-term debt |
(20 |
) |
(38 |
) |
Total Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities |
8,791 |
11,727 |
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
3,775 |
2,832 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the period |
10,602 |
11,545 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents at the end of the period |
$ |
14,377 |
$ |
14,377 |
LIQUIDITY - The company is in the process of closing on a new
CAPITAL EXPENDITURES – For the second quarter of 2024, capital expenditures were
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Stephen J.
Vice President- Finance
Source: LICT Corporation