Lifezone Metals Initiates Process for Risk Insurance with U.S. International Development Finance Corporation for the Kabanga Nickel Project in Tanzania

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Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM) has initiated discussions with U.S. and Tanzanian officials to advance investment in critical minerals projects in Africa, focusing on the Kabanga Nickel Project in Tanzania. The project, a partnership between Lifezone, the Tanzanian government, and BHP Group , is considered one of the world's largest undeveloped nickel sulfide deposits. Lifezone has signed a retainer letter with the U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) to evaluate political risk insurance coverage for future investments in the project.

The Kabanga Project has gained recognition under the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) and the Minerals Security Partnership, highlighting its significance in developing sustainable critical mineral supply chains. Lifezone plans to use its Hydromet Technology, which is expected to reduce emissions and costs compared to traditional smelting methods. The project's Definitive Feasibility Study is set to be completed in September.

Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM) ha avviato discussioni con funzionari statunitensi e tanzaniani per promuovere investimenti in progetti di minerali critici in Africa, concentrandosi sul Progetto Nickel Kabanga in Tanzania. Il progetto, una partnership tra Lifezone, il governo tanzaniano e il gruppo BHP, è considerato uno dei più grandi giacimenti di solfuri di nichel non sviluppati al mondo. Lifezone ha firmato una lettera di impegno con il U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) per valutare la copertura assicurativa contro il rischio politico per i futuri investimenti nel progetto.

Il Progetto Kabanga ha ottenuto riconoscimenti nell'ambito della Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) e della Minerals Security Partnership, evidenziando la sua importanza nello sviluppo di catene di approvvigionamento sostenibili di minerali critici. Lifezone intende utilizzare la sua tecnologia Hydromet, che dovrebbe ridurre le emissioni e i costi rispetto ai metodi di fusione tradizionali. Lo Studio di Fattibilità Definitivo del progetto sarà completato a settembre.

Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM) ha iniciado conversaciones con funcionarios de EE. UU. y Tanzania para avanzar en inversiones en proyectos de minerales críticos en África, centrándose en el Proyecto Nickel Kabanga en Tanzania. El proyecto, una asociación entre Lifezone, el gobierno tanzaniano y BHP Group, se considera uno de los depósitos de sulfuro de níquel no desarrollados más grandes del mundo. Lifezone ha firmado una carta de retención con la U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) para evaluar la cobertura de seguro contra riesgos políticos para futuras inversiones en el proyecto.

El Proyecto Kabanga ha ganado reconocimiento bajo la Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) y la Minerals Security Partnership, destacando su importancia en el desarrollo de cadenas de suministro sostenibles de minerales críticos. Lifezone planea utilizar su tecnología Hydromet, que se espera reduzca las emisiones y los costos en comparación con los métodos de fundición tradicionales. El Estudio de Viabilidad Definitivo del proyecto se completará en septiembre.

라이프존 메탈스 (NYSE: LZM)는 아프리카의 주요 광물 프로젝트에 대한 투자를 촉진하기 위해 미국 및 탄자니아 정부 관계자들과 논의를 시작했습니다. 특히 탄자니아의 카방가 니켈 프로젝트에 집중하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 라이프존, 탄자니아 정부 및 BHP 그룹 간의 파트너십으로, 세계에서 가장 큰 미개발 니켈 황화물 매장지 중 하나로 여겨지고 있습니다. 라이프존은 미국 국제 개발 금융 공사 (DFC)와 계약을 체결하여 프로젝트에 대한 향후 투자에 대한 정치적 위험 보험 적용 범위를 평가할 예정입니다.

카방가 프로젝트는 글로벌 인프라 및 투자 파트너십 (PGI)광물 안전 파트너십의 감명을 받았으며, 이는 지속 가능한 주요 광물 공급망 개발의 중요성을 강조합니다. 라이프존은 전통적인 제련 방법에 비해 배출가스와 비용을 줄일 것으로 예상되는 Hydromet 기술을 사용할 계획입니다. 프로젝트의 최종 타당성 조사는 9월에 완료될 예정입니다.

Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM) a engagé des discussions avec des responsables américains et tanzaniens pour faire avancer les investissements dans des projets de minéraux critiques en Afrique, en se concentrant sur le Projet Nickel Kabanga en Tanzanie. Ce projet, un partenariat entre Lifezone, le gouvernement tanzanien et BHP Group, est considéré comme l'un des plus grands gisements de sulfure de nickel non développés au monde. Lifezone a signé une lettre de réservation avec la U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) pour évaluer la couverture d'assurance risque politique pour de futurs investissements dans le projet.

Le projet Kabanga a gagné en reconnaissance dans le cadre de la Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) et de la Minerals Security Partnership, soulignant son importance dans le développement de chaînes d'approvisionnement durables pour les minéraux critiques. Lifezone prévoit d'utiliser sa technologie Hydromet, qui devrait réduire les émissions et les coûts par rapport aux méthodes de fusion traditionnelles. L'étude de faisabilité définitive du projet devrait être achevée en septembre.

Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM) hat Gespräche mit amerikanischen und tansanischen Beamten aufgenommen, um Investitionen in kritische Mineralprojekte in Afrika voranzutreiben, mit besonderem Fokus auf das Kabanga Nickel Projekt in Tansania. Das Projekt, eine Partnerschaft zwischen Lifezone, der tansanischen Regierung und der BHP Group, gilt als eines der größten unerschlossenen Nickel-Sulfid-Vorkommen der Welt. Lifezone hat mit der U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) einen Vertrag unterzeichnet, um die politische Risikoabsicherung für zukünftige Investitionen in das Projekt zu bewerten.

Das Kabanga-Projekt hat unter der Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) und der Minerals Security Partnership Anerkennung erlangt, was seine Bedeutung für die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lieferketten für kritische Mineralien hervorhebt. Lifezone plant die Verwendung seiner Hydromet-Technologie, die im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Schmelzverfahren eine Reduzierung von Emissionen und Kosten erwartet. Die abschließende Machbarkeitsstudie des Projekts soll im September abgeschlossen werden.

  • Initiation of political risk insurance process with U.S. DFC for the Kabanga Nickel Project
  • Recognition of Kabanga Project under PGI and Minerals Security Partnership
  • Potential establishment of first-of-its-kind nickel, copper, and cobalt processing in Tanzania
  • Expected reduction in emissions and costs through Hydromet Technology compared to traditional smelting
  • None.

The initiation of risk insurance discussions with the U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) for the Kabanga Nickel Project is a positive development for Lifezone Metals. This move could potentially mitigate political risks and attract more investors, enhancing the project's financial viability. The recognition of Kabanga as part of the Minerals Security Partnership and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) further strengthens its strategic importance.

However, investors should note that the project is still in the development stage, with the Definitive Feasibility Study due in September. The financial implications and potential returns remain uncertain at this point. The collaboration with the Tanzanian government and BHP Group adds credibility, but also introduces complexities in terms of profit-sharing and operational control. Investors should closely monitor the upcoming feasibility study results for a clearer picture of the project's economic potential.

The Kabanga Nickel Project's potential as one of the world's largest undeveloped nickel sulfide deposits is significant for the global nickel market. The project's focus on producing LME-grade nickel, copper and cobalt aligns well with the growing demand for battery metals in the electric vehicle industry. Lifezone's Hydromet Technology, which claims to reduce emissions and costs compared to traditional smelting, could provide a competitive edge.

However, the market impact will depend on the project's production capacity and timeline, which are not yet disclosed. The global nickel market is currently oversupplied, primarily due to increased Indonesian production. Kabanga's entry could potentially exacerbate this situation if it comes online during a period of market surplus. Investors should consider the long-term supply-demand dynamics of nickel and other battery metals when evaluating this project's potential impact on Lifezone's future revenues.

The engagement with U.S. and Tanzanian government officials, along with the potential DFC risk insurance, significantly reduces the political risk profile of the Kabanga project. This multilateral support, including recognition from PGI and the Minerals Security Partnership, provides a strong diplomatic backing that could help navigate potential political challenges in Tanzania.

However, investors should remain cautious. Tanzania has a history of resource nationalism and the government's 16% free-carried interest in the project could lead to future disagreements over profit-sharing or operational control. The phrase "for Tanzanians, by Tanzanians" in the U.S. official's statement suggests a strong emphasis on local benefits, which could translate into additional obligations for Lifezone. While the current political climate appears favorable, long-term investors should be prepared for potential policy shifts that could affect the project's economics or ownership structure.

Kabanga: Supported by the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment and Recognized as a Project within the Minerals Security Partnership

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Lifezone Metals Limited’s (NYSE: LZM) Chief Executive Officer, Chris Showalter is pleased to announce that Lifezone has engaged in high-level discussions with U.S. and Tanzanian Government officials to further investment initiatives in critical minerals projects in Africa.

From left to right: Keith Liddell (Chair, Lifezone), Benedict Busunzu (CEO, Lifezone’s Tanzania subsidiary, Tembo Nickel), K. Danae Pauli (Senior Advisor, PGI), Chris Showalter (CEO, Lifezone), Hon. Anthony Mavunde (Tanzanian Minister of Minerals), Michael Battle (U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania), Helaina Matza (Acting Special Coordinator, PGI), Buberwa Mukurasi (Economics Advisor, U.S. Embassy) and George Karumuna (Tanzanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 26, 2024. (Photo: Business Wire)

From left to right: Keith Liddell (Chair, Lifezone), Benedict Busunzu (CEO, Lifezone’s Tanzania subsidiary, Tembo Nickel), K. Danae Pauli (Senior Advisor, PGI), Chris Showalter (CEO, Lifezone), Hon. Anthony Mavunde (Tanzanian Minister of Minerals), Michael Battle (U.S. Ambassador to Tanzania), Helaina Matza (Acting Special Coordinator, PGI), Buberwa Mukurasi (Economics Advisor, U.S. Embassy) and George Karumuna (Tanzanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on August 26, 2024. (Photo: Business Wire)

The Kabanga Nickel Project, located in north-west Tanzania, is being advanced through a strategic partnership between Lifezone, the Government of Tanzania and BHP Group Limited. Kabanga is believed to be one of the world's largest and highest-grade undeveloped nickel sulfide deposits. The Project is expected to establish first-of-its-kind nickel, copper and cobalt processing in Tanzania, delivering value addition and driving sustainable development for the benefit of Tanzania’s citizens.

During a visit to Dar es Salaam on August 26, 2024, Mr. Showalter, alongside key U.S. representatives including Acting Special Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (“PGI”), Helaina Matza and Ambassador of the United States to Tanzania, Michael Battle, met with Tanzanian Government officials. These meetings, which included discussions with the Minister of Minerals, the Honorable Anthony Mavunde, focused on the ongoing progress and future potential of the Kabanga Nickel Project.

The U.S. Government highlighted the importance of the Kabanga Nickel Project to help advance the energy transition and as a model of strategic economic cooperation between the United States and Tanzania. This collaboration was previously showcased at the U.S.-Africa Summit in 2022 and reinforced by Vice President Harris during her visit to Tanzania in 2023.

Lifezone’s subsidiary, Kabanga Nickel Limited, has signed a retainer letter with the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (“DFC”) to commence the evaluation process for political risk insurance coverage for future investments into the Kabanga underground nickel-copper-cobalt mine site and the Kahama Hydromet refinery site.

Lifezone is proposing a comprehensive investment plan that seeks to secure the future of the Kabanga Nickel Project. Through these collaborative efforts and discussions, Lifezone aims to strengthen partnerships and secure investments that will contribute to the sustainable development of critical minerals resources in Africa.

Mr. Showalter stated: “Our partnership with the United States and Tanzania continues to deepen as we pursue our common goals of building resilient supply chains for critical minerals, while fostering sustainable economic development. Further, the U.S. Government’s recognition through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment and identification of Kabanga as a project within the Mineral Security Partnership demonstrates the Project’s significance for like-minded partners as well as for the United States. We look forward to working closely with DFC on this Project. None of this would be possible without our partners in Tanzania and their ongoing and demonstrated support of the Project.”

Ms. Matza added: “PGI, as the overarching U.S. Government approach to supporting sustainable infrastructure development, has been a supporter of the Kabanga Nickel Project, which will positively impact the battery supply chain security for both the U.S. and its partners. The Kabanga Project exemplifies the goals of sustainable development — ‘for Tanzanians, by Tanzanians’ — that Vice President Harris articulated during her 2023 visit.”

The Kabanga Nickel Project is expected to be a fully integrated mine-to-metal operation that will enable a fully auditable supply chain with production of refined, LME-grade nickel, copper and cobalt metals. Lifezone will apply its Hydromet Technology, which provides an alternative to traditional pyrometallurgical smelting, and is able to significantly reduce carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions (relative to smelting) with lower expected operating and capital costs. The Kabanga Definitive Feasibility Study is progressing towards completion in September.

About PGI

The Office of the U.S. Coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) leads and coordinates the U.S. President’s flagship G7+ initiative for the advancement of strategic, values-driven and high standard infrastructure and investment in low- and middle-income countries. Through PGI, the U.S. government alongside our G7 partners aims to mobilize $600 billion over the next five years in global infrastructure investments that will make a difference in people’s lives around the world, strengthen and diversify our supply chains, and advance shared national security interests.

The Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment - United States Department of State

About MSP

The Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) aims to accelerate the development of diverse and sustainable critical energy minerals supply chains through working with host governments and industry to facilitate targeted financial and diplomatic support for strategic projects along the value chain. MSP partners include Australia, Canada, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union (represented by the European Commission). The MSP considers projects along the full clean energy value chain, from mining, extraction, and secondary recovery, to processing and refining, and ultimately to recycling. MSP Partners strive to elevate environmental, social, and governance principles across the minerals sector, supporting projects that promote local value addition and uplift communities.

Minerals Security Partnership - United States Department of State

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About Lifezone Metals

At Lifezone Metals (NYSE: LZM), our mission is to provide cleaner and more responsible metals production and recycling. Using a scalable platform underpinned by our Hydromet Technology, we offer the potential for lower energy consumption, lower emissions and lower cost metals production compared to traditional smelting.

Our Kabanga Nickel Project in Tanzania is believed to be one of the world's largest and highest-grade undeveloped nickel sulfide deposits. By pairing with our Hydromet Technology, we are working to unlock a new source of LME-grade nickel, copper and cobalt for the global battery metals markets, to empower Tanzania to achieve full in-country value creation and become the next premier source of Class 1 nickel. A Definitive Feasibility Study for the mine-to-metals project is due for completion in Q3 2024.

Through our US-based, platinum, palladium and rhodium recycling partnership, we are working to demonstrate that our Hydromet Technology can process and recover platinum group metals from responsibly sourced spent automotive catalytic converters in a cleaner and more efficient way than conventional smelting and refining methods.

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Investor Relations – North America

Evan Young

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Source: Lifezone Metals


What is the current status of Lifezone Metals' Kabanga Nickel Project in Tanzania?

Lifezone Metals is advancing the Kabanga Nickel Project through partnerships with the Tanzanian government and BHP Group The company has initiated discussions with U.S. and Tanzanian officials for investment and has begun the process for political risk insurance with the U.S. DFC. The project's Definitive Feasibility Study is expected to be completed in September.

How is the U.S. government involved in Lifezone Metals' (LZM) Kabanga Nickel Project?

The U.S. government has recognized the Kabanga Nickel Project under the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI) and the Minerals Security Partnership. Lifezone Metals (LZM) is also working with the U.S. International Development Finance (DFC) to evaluate political risk insurance coverage for future investments in the project.

What technology does Lifezone Metals (LZM) plan to use in the Kabanga Nickel Project?

Lifezone Metals (LZM) plans to use its proprietary Hydromet Technology for the Kabanga Nickel Project. This technology is an alternative to traditional pyrometallurgical smelting and is expected to significantly reduce carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide emissions, as well as lower operating and capital costs compared to conventional smelting methods.

When is the Definitive Feasibility Study for Lifezone Metals' (LZM) Kabanga Project expected to be completed?

The Definitive Feasibility Study for Lifezone Metals' (LZM) Kabanga Nickel Project is progressing towards completion and is expected to be finished in September 2024.

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