Lyft and Smartcar Partner to Tackle the Top Pain Point for EV Drivers — Range Anxiety

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Lyft and Smartcar have partnered to address range anxiety, the top concern for EV drivers on the Lyft platform. The new 'Rides in Range' feature ensures EV drivers only receive ride requests within their current battery range, with a 20-mile buffer. Smartcar's API retrieves EV battery level data, allowing Lyft to alert drivers to charge after completing a trip if their battery level is expected to fall below 20 percent.

The feature aims to build an efficient and convenient experience for EV drivers and passengers, eliminating the need for drivers to constantly evaluate battery range for each request. This partnership supports Lyft's goal of reaching 100 million EV rides on the platform by the end of 2025, while addressing a major deterrent to EV adoption in the rideshare industry.

Lyft e Smartcar hanno stretto una partnership per affrontare l'ansia da autonomia, la principale preoccupazione per i conducenti di veicoli elettrici sulla piattaforma Lyft. La nuova funzione 'Rides in Range' garantisce che i conducenti di veicoli elettrici ricevano solo richieste di corsa entro il loro attuale range di batteria, con un margine di 20 miglia. L'API di Smartcar recupera i dati sul livello della batteria dei veicoli elettrici, permettendo a Lyft di avvisare i conducenti di ricaricare dopo aver completato un viaggio se il loro livello di batteria è previsto scendere sotto il 20 percento.

Questa funzione mira a costruire un'esperienza efficiente e conveniente per i conducenti di veicoli elettrici e i passeggeri, eliminando la necessità per i conducenti di valutare costantemente la portata della batteria per ogni richiesta. Questa partnership supporta l'obiettivo di Lyft di raggiungere 100 milioni di corse in veicoli elettrici sulla piattaforma entro la fine del 2025, affrontando al contempo un deterrente principale all'adozione dei veicoli elettrici nell'industria del ridesharing.

Lyft y Smartcar se han unido para abordar la ansiedad por la autonomía, la principal preocupación de los conductores de vehículos eléctricos en la plataforma Lyft. La nueva función 'Rides in Range' asegura que los conductores de vehículos eléctricos solo reciban solicitudes de viaje dentro de su rango actual de batería, con un margen de 20 millas. La API de Smartcar recupera datos del nivel de batería de los vehículos eléctricos, permitiendo a Lyft alertar a los conductores para que carguen después de completar un viaje si se espera que su nivel de batería baje del 20 por ciento.

La función tiene como objetivo construir una experiencia eficiente y conveniente para los conductores de vehículos eléctricos y los pasajeros, eliminando la necesidad de que los conductores evalúen constantemente el rango de batería para cada solicitud. Esta asociación apoya el objetivo de Lyft de alcanzar 100 millones de viajes en vehículos eléctricos en la plataforma para finales de 2025, mientras se aborda un importante obstáculo para la adopción de vehículos eléctricos en la industria del ridesharing.

리프트(Lyft)와 스마트카(Smartcar)가 파트너십을 체결하여 리프트 플랫폼의 전기차(EV) 운전자가 가장 걱정하는 거리 불안(range anxiety)을 해결합니다. 새로운 'Rides in Range' 기능은 EV 운전자가 현재 배터리 범위 내에서만 승차 요청을 받을 수 있도록 하며, 20마일의 여유를 둡니다. 스마트카의 API는 EV 배터리 수준 데이터를 가져와, 리프트가 운전자가 여행을 완료한 후 배터리 수준이 20% 이하로 떨어질 것으로 예상되는 경우 충전을 알릴 수 있도록 합니다.

이 기능은 EV 운전자가 필요할 때 배터리 범위를 계속해서 평가해야 하는 필요성을 없애고, EV 운전자와 승객에게 효율적이고 편리한 경험을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 파트너십은 리프트가 2025년 말까지 플랫폼에서 1억 번의 EV 승차를 달성하는 목표를 지원하며, 라이드셰어 산업에서 EV 채택을 저해하는 주요 요인에 대응합니다.

Lyft et Smartcar se sont associés pour répondre à l'anxiété d'autonomie, la principale préoccupation des conducteurs de véhicules électriques sur la plateforme Lyft. La nouvelle fonctionnalité 'Rides in Range' garantit que les conducteurs de véhicules électriques ne reçoivent que des demandes de course dans leur plage de batterie actuelle, avec une marge de 20 miles. L'API de Smartcar récupère les données du niveau de batterie des véhicules électriques, permettant à Lyft d'alerter les conducteurs de recharger après avoir terminé un trajet si leur niveau de batterie est censé descendre en dessous de 20 pour cent.

Cette fonctionnalité vise à créer une expérience efficace et pratique pour les conducteurs de véhicules électriques et les passagers, éliminant ainsi la nécessité pour les conducteurs d'évaluer constamment leur autonomie pour chaque demande. Ce partenariat soutient l'objectif de Lyft d'atteindre 100 millions de trajets en véhicules électriques sur la plateforme d'ici fin 2025, tout en s'attaquant à un important obstacle à l'adoption des véhicules électriques dans l'industrie du covoiturage.

Lyft und Smartcar haben eine Partnerschaft geschlossen, um die Reichweitenangst, die größte Sorge von Elektrofahrzeugfahrern auf der Lyft-Plattform, anzugehen. Die neue Funktion 'Rides in Range' sorgt dafür, dass Elektrofahrzeugfahrer nur Fahranfragen innerhalb ihrer aktuellen Batteriereichweite erhalten, mit einem Puffer von 20 Meilen. Die API von Smartcar ruft Daten zum Batteriestand von Elektrofahrzeugen ab und ermöglicht es Lyft, die Fahrer nach Abschluss einer Fahrt zu warnen, dass sie aufladen sollten, wenn der Batteriestand voraussichtlich unter 20 Prozent fällt.

Ziel der Funktion ist es, eine effiziente und bequeme Erfahrung für Elektrofahrzeugfahrer und -passagiere aufzubauen, wodurch die Notwendigkeit entfällt, dass Fahrer ständig die Batteriereichweite für jede Anfrage prüfen. Diese Partnerschaft unterstützt Lyfts Ziel, bis Ende 2025 100 Millionen Fahrten mit Elektrofahrzeugen auf der Plattform zu erreichen und gleichzeitig ein großes Hindernis für die Annahme von Elektrofahrzeugen in der Mitfahrindustrie anzugehen.

  • Partnership with Smartcar to implement 'Rides in Range' feature, addressing EV drivers' top concern
  • Automated ride assignments based on EV battery data, potentially increasing driver efficiency and earnings
  • Proactive charging reminders to prevent trip interruptions
  • Potential to increase matching speed and enhance passenger experience
  • Supports Lyft's goal of 100 million EV rides by the end of 2025
  • None.


This partnership between Lyft and Smartcar addresses a critical challenge in EV adoption for ride-sharing: range anxiety. By integrating Smartcar's API to access real-time battery data, Lyft's new "Rides in Range" feature could significantly improve the EV driver experience. This smart matching system, which only assigns rides within the vehicle's current range plus a 20-mile buffer, has the potential to:

  • Increase driver confidence and productivity
  • Enhance passenger satisfaction by reducing trip interruptions
  • Accelerate EV adoption among Lyft drivers

While this is a positive step for Lyft's EV strategy, the immediate financial impact may be . The feature primarily addresses existing EV drivers' concerns rather than directly boosting revenue. However, long-term benefits could include increased driver retention, improved platform efficiency and progress towards Lyft's goal of 100 million EV rides by 2025. This initiative aligns with broader industry trends towards sustainability and could give Lyft a competitive edge in attracting environmentally conscious drivers and riders.

This partnership represents a strategic move for Lyft in the competitive ride-sharing market. By addressing range anxiety, Lyft is targeting a key barrier to EV adoption among its drivers. The potential benefits include:

  • Increased driver satisfaction and retention
  • Improved operational efficiency
  • Enhanced brand image as an eco-friendly option

However, the market impact may be gradual. EV adoption in ride-sharing is still in early stages and the feature's success depends on the rate of EV uptake among Lyft drivers. The partnership with Smartcar demonstrates Lyft's commitment to innovation and could attract tech-savvy drivers. From an investor perspective, this move positions Lyft favorably in the long-term transition to electric mobility, potentially leading to cost savings and market share gains as EV adoption accelerates. While not likely to drive immediate revenue growth, it strengthens Lyft's competitive positioning and aligns with growing consumer and regulatory focus on sustainability in transportation.

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Smartcar, the leading API platform for mobility businesses, today announced a partnership with Lyft, one of the largest transportation networks in North America, to tackle range anxiety and help EV drivers accept rides with confidence.

Lyft’s ‘Rides in Range’ feature ensures EV drivers only receive ride requests within their current battery range. It’s now available for EV drivers on the platform with a 20-mile buffer on an EV’s battery range to accommodate different driving styles or route obstacles.

With EV battery level data retrieved via Smartcar, Rides in Range can also alert drivers to charge after completing a trip if their battery level is expected to fall below 20 percent. By combining automatic trip-matching and proactive EV charging reminders, Lyft aims to build an efficient and convenient experience for EV drivers and passengers using the platform.

Range anxiety is the #1 EV pain point for drivers on Lyft

Range anxiety is the top concern for EV drivers on the platform, as they want to avoid interrupting trips to charge or being unable to find chargers during a ride.

With Rides in Range, EV drivers on Lyft don’t have to deal with the cognitive burden of evaluating battery range for each request. Accurate and automated ride assignments with EV battery data retrieved via Smartcar help Lyft drivers take on more trips with confidence, boost ratings, and increase tips from customers.

“At Lyft, we’re all about making life easier for drivers on our platform, and we know that range anxiety is a big deal for those with electric vehicles. That’s why we’re so excited about our new ‘Rides in Range’ feature, thanks to our partnership with Smartcar,” said Ciara Chow, Lyft Product Manager. “Now, our drivers can take on rides without constantly worrying about their battery levels. It’s a game changer that helps them focus on what they do best – providing great rides for people who need them.”

Secure, no-hassle EV range checks for drivers

The feature is automatically enabled for future rides once drivers connect their EVs to Lyft via Smartcar. Lyft’s evaluation criteria of the Smartcar platform included its technical capabilities, user experience for drivers, and the ability to scale the Rides in Range feature across the most popular EV models on Lyft and on the road today.

With Smartcar’s consent-based API and immediate onboarding, Lyft can roll this feature out to most of their EV drivers without adding the burden of technical dependencies and security concerns. This one-time setup ensures drivers only share the necessary data permissions with Lyft, maintaining privacy while improving the driver experience.

“One of the greatest challenges of our time is addressing climate change, and it’s inspiring to see companies like Lyft make impactful commitments to grow electrification on the platform significantly,” said Sahas Katta, CEO and co-founder at Smartcar. “Smartcar is thrilled to partner with Lyft to accelerate this shift by enhancing the EV experience. This is just the beginning, and we look forward to building more solutions that make the transition to EVs seamless and efficient.”

Building a reliable and emission-free future for rideshare

By optimizing ride assignments based on battery range, Lyft hopes the ‘Rides in Range’ feature will increase matching speed, enhance the passenger experience, and reduce charging interruptions during trips.

This partnership underscores Smartcar and Lyft’s shared commitment to a sustainable future by supporting EV adoption and addressing the pain points that deter drivers from going electric. With more EVs on the platform providing seamless trips, Lyft can further its goal of reaching 100 million EV rides on the platform by the end of 2025.

To learn more, please visit

About Smartcar

Smartcar, the leading API platform for connected vehicles, empowers businesses to develop mobility solutions that put drivers in control of their vehicle data. Founded in 2015, Smartcar provides developer tools to help companies integrate with cars using a unified API, manage API connections, and implement consent management. Smartcar unlocks the freedom of movement for everyone by removing barriers to mobility app development and helping vehicle owners choose how they want to use their car data — whether that’s on solutions for energy management, vehicle repairs, EV charging, rideshare, auto insurance, and more. Smartcar has raised $36M to date and is backed by Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), New Enterprise Associates (NEA), and Energize Capital.

About Lyft (NASDAQ: LYFT)

Lyft is one of the largest transportation networks in North America, bringing together rideshare, bikes, and scooters all in one app. We are customer-obsessed and driven by our purpose: getting riders out into the world so they can live their lives together, and providing drivers a way to work that gives them control over their time and money.

Winona Rajamohan


Source: Smartcar


What is Lyft's new 'Rides in Range' feature for EV drivers?

Lyft's 'Rides in Range' feature ensures EV drivers only receive ride requests within their current battery range, with a 20-mile buffer. It uses Smartcar's API to retrieve battery level data and alert drivers to charge when necessary.

How does the Lyft-Smartcar partnership address range anxiety for EV drivers?

The partnership addresses range anxiety by automatically matching EV drivers with rides within their battery range and providing proactive charging reminders, eliminating the need for drivers to constantly evaluate their battery levels for each request.

What is Lyft's goal for EV rides on its platform by the end of 2025?

Lyft aims to reach 100 million EV rides on its platform by the end of 2025, and the partnership with Smartcar supports this goal by enhancing the EV driver experience.

How does the 'Rides in Range' feature benefit LYFT stock?

The feature could potentially increase driver efficiency, improve passenger experience, and support Lyft's sustainability goals, which may positively impact LYFT stock by attracting more EV drivers and passengers to the platform.

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