Lifeway Foods Confirms Receipt of Unsolicited, Non-Binding Proposal from Danone

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Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), a leading U.S. supplier of kefir and fermented probiotic products, has received an unsolicited, non-binding proposal from Danone North America PBC. The proposal aims to acquire all outstanding shares of Lifeway's common stock that Danone does not already own for $25.00 per share in cash.

According to a Schedule 13D amendment filed with the SEC, Danone currently beneficially owns approximately 23.4% of Lifeway's outstanding common stock. Lifeway's board of directors, along with independent outside advisors, will carefully review and evaluate the proposal to determine the best course of action for the company and its stakeholders.

Lifeway shareholders are advised that no action is required at this time. The company has not committed to providing updates on this or any other proposal, except as required by law.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), un importante fornitore americano di kefir e prodotti probiotici fermentati, ha ricevuto una proposta non vincolante e non richiesta da Danone North America PBC. La proposta mira ad acquisire tutte le azioni ordinarie in circolazione di Lifeway che Danone non possiede già a $25,00 per azione in contante.

Secondo una modifica del Schedule 13D depositata presso la SEC, Danone attualmente possiede circa il 23,4% delle azioni ordinarie di Lifeway. Il consiglio di amministrazione di Lifeway, insieme a consulenti indipendenti esterni, esaminerà e valuterà con attenzione la proposta per determinare la miglior linea d'azione per l'azienda e i suoi stakeholder.

Si consiglia agli azionisti di Lifeway che al momento non è richiesta alcuna azione. L'azienda non si è impegnata a fornire aggiornamenti su questa o qualsiasi altra proposta, tranne quando richiesto dalla legge.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), un proveedor líder de kefir y productos probióticos fermentados en EE. UU., ha recibido una propuesta no solicitada y no vinculante de Danone North America PBC. La propuesta tiene como objetivo adquirir todas las acciones ordinarias en circulación de Lifeway que Danone no posee actualmente a $25.00 por acción en efectivo.

Según una enmienda del Schedule 13D presentada ante la SEC, Danone actualmente posee aproximadamente el 23.4% de las acciones comunes en circulación de Lifeway. La junta directiva de Lifeway, junto con asesores externos independientes, revisará y evaluará cuidadosamente la propuesta para determinar el mejor curso de acción para la empresa y sus partes interesadas.

Se aconseja a los accionistas de Lifeway que no se requiere ninguna acción en este momento. La empresa no se ha comprometido a proporcionar actualizaciones sobre esta o cualquier otra propuesta, salvo lo que exija la ley.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), 미국의 주요 케 피르 및 발효 프로바이오틱 제품 공급업체가 Danone North America PBC로부터 요청되지 않은 비구속 제안을 받았습니다. 이 제안은 Danone이 이미 소유하고 있지 않은 Lifeway의 모든 보통주를 주당 $25.00 현금으로 인수하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

SEC에 제출된 Schedule 13D 개정안에 따르면 Danone은 현재 Lifeway의 보통주 약 23.4%를 유익하게 소유하고 있습니다. Lifeway의 이사회는 독립 외부 자문과 함께 제안을 신중하게 검토하고 평가하여 회사와 이해관계자에게 최선의 행동 방침을 결정할 것입니다.

Lifeway 주주에게 현재는 아무런 조치가 필요하지 않다는 점을 권장합니다. 회사는 법에서 요구하지 않는 한 이 제안이나 다른 제안에 대한 업데이트를 제공하겠다고 약속하지 않았습니다.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), un fournisseur américain de premier plan de kéfir et de produits probiotiques fermentés, a reçu une proposition non sollicitée et non contraignante de Danone North America PBC. Cette proposition vise à acquérir toutes les actions ordinaires en circulation de Lifeway que Danone ne possède pas déjà pour $25,00 par action en espèces.

Selon un amendement au Schedule 13D déposé auprès de la SEC, Danone détient actuellement environ 23,4% des actions ordinaires en circulation de Lifeway. Le conseil d'administration de Lifeway, avec l'aide de conseillers externes indépendants, examinera et évaluera attentivement la proposition afin de déterminer la meilleure voie à suivre pour l'entreprise et ses parties prenantes.

Les actionnaires de Lifeway sont informés qu'aucune action n'est requise à ce stade. L'entreprise ne s'est pas engagée à fournir des mises à jour sur cette ou toute autre proposition, sauf si la loi l'exige.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), ein führender amerikanischer Anbieter von Kefir und fermentierten probiotischen Produkten, hat ein unverbindliches, unaufgeforderte Angebot von Danone North America PBC erhalten. Ziel des Angebots ist der Erwerb aller ausstehenden Aktien von Lifeways Stammaktien, die Danone noch nicht besitzt, zu einem Preis von 25,00 $ pro Aktie in bar.

Nach einer Änderung des Schedule 13D, die bei der SEC eingereicht wurde, hält Danone derzeit ungefähr 23,4% der ausstehenden Stammaktien von Lifeway. Der Vorstand von Lifeway wird zusammen mit unabhängigen externen Beratern das Angebot sorgfältig prüfen und bewerten, um den besten Handlungsweg für das Unternehmen und seine Interessengruppen zu bestimmen.

Lifeway-Aktionären wird geraten, dass derzeit keine Maßnahmen erforderlich sind. Das Unternehmen hat sich nicht verpflichtet, Updates zu diesem oder anderen Angeboten bereitzustellen, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben.

  • Potential acquisition offer at $25.00 per share in cash
  • Interest from major industry player (Danone) could indicate Lifeway's market value
  • Unsolicited nature of the proposal may create uncertainty
  • Potential loss of independence if acquisition proceeds


This unsolicited proposal from Danone to acquire Lifeway Foods at $25.00 per share represents a significant development for LWAY investors. The offer price implies a substantial premium over Lifeway's current market valuation, potentially signaling Danone's strong interest in expanding its presence in the probiotics market.

Key points to consider:

  • Danone already owns 23.4% of Lifeway's stock, giving them a strategic advantage in this potential acquisition.
  • The non-binding nature of the proposal means there's no guarantee of a deal, but it could spark interest from other potential buyers.
  • Lifeway's board will need to evaluate if this offer truly reflects the company's long-term value and growth prospects in the rapidly expanding probiotics sector.

Investors should watch for potential counterbids or negotiations that could drive the price higher. However, they should also be prepared for the possibility that the board may reject the offer if they believe Lifeway can create more value independently.

This proposal highlights the growing importance of the probiotic and functional foods market. Danone's interest in Lifeway underscores the strategic value of kefir and fermented probiotic products in the broader dairy industry landscape.

Industry implications:

  • Consolidation trend: This move reflects ongoing consolidation in the health-focused food sector as larger players seek to expand their portfolios.
  • Market validation: Danone's bid validates the growth potential of the microbiome-supporting products market.
  • Competition intensification: If successful, this acquisition could pressure other major food companies to bolster their probiotic offerings.

For Lifeway shareholders, this proposal could be a double-edged sword. While it offers a potential short-term gain, it may also limit their participation in the long-term growth of the probiotics market if the company is absorbed by Danone.

MORTON GROVE, Ill., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) ("Lifeway" or "the Company"), a leading U.S. supplier of kefir and fermented probiotic products to support the microbiome, confirmed that it has received an unsolicited, non-binding proposal from Danone North America PBC ("Danone") to acquire all outstanding shares of common stock of Lifeway it does not already own for $25.00 per share in cash. According to the Schedule 13D amendment filed yesterday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission disclosing the proposal, Danone beneficially owns approximately 23.4% of Lifeway's outstanding common stock.

Consistent with its fiduciary duties, Lifeway's board of directors, in consultation with its independent outside advisors, will carefully review and evaluate the proposal to determine the course of action that it believes is in the best interests of the Company and its stakeholders. 

The Company does not undertake any obligation to provide any updates with respect to this or any other proposal or transaction, except as required under applicable law.

Lifeway shareholders do not need to take any action at this time. 

About Lifeway Foods, Inc.

Lifeway Foods, Inc., which has been recognized as one of Forbes' Best Small Companies, is America's leading supplier of the probiotic, fermented beverage known as kefir. In addition to its line of drinkable kefir, the company also produces a variety of cheeses and a ProBugs line for kids. Lifeway's tart and tangy fermented dairy products are now sold across the United States, Mexico, Ireland, South Africa and France. Learn how Lifeway is good for more than just you at


Derek Miller
Vice President of Communications, Lifeway Foods


Longacre Square Partners
Joe Germani / Miller Winston

Forward-Looking Statements

This release (and oral statements made regarding the subjects of this release) contains "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding, among other things, future operating and financial performance, product development, market position, business strategy and objectives. These statements use words, and variations of words, such as "continue," "build," "future," "increase," "drive," "believe," "look," "ahead," "confident," "deliver," "outlook," "expect," and "predict." Other examples of forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, (i) statements of Company plans and objectives, including the introduction of new products, or estimates or predictions of actions by customers or suppliers, (ii) statements of future economic performance, and (III) statements of assumptions underlying other statements and statements about Lifeway or its business. You are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations of future events and thus are inherently subject to uncertainty. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from Lifeway's expectations and projections. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include: price competition; the decisions of customers or consumers; the actions of competitors; changes in the pricing of commodities; the effects of government regulation; possible delays in the introduction of new products; and customer acceptance of products and services. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties, and other factors can be found in Lifeway's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and the Company's subsequent filings with the SEC. Copies of these filings are available online at https://www.sec.gov, or on request from Lifeway. Information in this release is as of the dates and time periods indicated herein, and Lifeway does not undertake to update any of the information contained in these materials, except as required by law. Accordingly, YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE STATEMENTS OR OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ANY ARCHIVED PRESS RELEASE

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SOURCE Lifeway Foods, Inc.


What is the offer price for Lifeway Foods (LWAY) in Danone's proposal?

Danone's proposal offers to acquire Lifeway Foods (LWAY) shares for $25.00 per share in cash.

How much of Lifeway Foods (LWAY) does Danone currently own?

According to the Schedule 13D amendment, Danone beneficially owns approximately 23.4% of Lifeway Foods' (LWAY) outstanding common stock.

Is Lifeway Foods (LWAY) obligated to accept Danone's proposal?

No, Lifeway Foods (LWAY) is not obligated to accept the proposal. The board of directors will review and evaluate it to determine the best course of action for the company and its stakeholders.

Do Lifeway Foods (LWAY) shareholders need to take any action regarding Danone's proposal?

No, Lifeway Foods (LWAY) shareholders do not need to take any action at this time regarding Danone's proposal.

Lifeway Foods Inc


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Packaged Foods
Dairy Products
United States of America