LiveWire Group, Inc. Reports 2024 Second Quarter Financial Results

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LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR) reported its Q2 2024 financial results, showing mixed performance across its segments. The Electric Motorcycles segment saw 379% growth in unit sales year-over-year, reaching 158 units. However, STACYC electric balance bike sales declined by 53%. Despite an 8% decrease in consolidated revenue to $6.4 million, the company improved its consolidated operating loss by 12% to $28.2 million.

Key highlights include:

  • Maintained #1 position in U.S. on-road electric motorcycle retail sales for H1 2024
  • Electric Motorcycles revenue increased by 219% to $2.4 million
  • STACYC revenue decreased by 36% to $4.0 million
  • Net loss improved by 39% to $24.8 million

LiveWire reaffirmed its 2024 outlook, expecting 1,000-1,500 electric motorcycle sales and an operating loss of $105-$115 million.

LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre del 2024, mostrando una performance mista nei suoi segmenti. Il segmento delle moto elettriche ha registrato una crescita del 379% nelle vendite unitari rispetto all'anno precedente, raggiungendo le 158 unità. Tuttavia, le vendite delle biciclette elettriche STACYC sono diminuite del 53%. Nonostante una diminuzione dell'8% nel fatturato consolidato a 6,4 milioni di dollari, l'azienda ha migliorato la sua perdita operativa consolidata del 12%, arrivando a 28,2 milioni di dollari.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Mantenuta la posizione di #1 nelle vendite al dettaglio di moto elettriche on-road negli Stati Uniti per il primo semestre del 2024
  • Il fatturato delle moto elettriche è aumentato del 219% a 2,4 milioni di dollari
  • Il fatturato di STACYC è diminuito del 36% a 4 milioni di dollari
  • La perdita netta è migliorata del 39% a 24,8 milioni di dollari

LiveWire ha confermato le previsioni per il 2024, prevedendo vendite di 1.000-1.500 moto elettriche e una perdita operativa di 105-115 milioni di dollari.

LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR) reportó sus resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, mostrando un desempeño mixto en sus segmentos. El segmento de motocicletas eléctricas vio un crecimiento del 379% en las ventas de unidades en comparación con el año anterior, alcanzando las 158 unidades. Sin embargo, las ventas de bicicletas eléctricas STACYC cayeron un 53%. A pesar de una disminución del 8% en los ingresos consolidados a 6.4 millones de dólares, la empresa mejoró su pérdida operativa consolidada en un 12%, alcanzando los 28.2 millones de dólares.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • Se mantuvo en la posición #1 en ventas minoristas de motocicletas eléctricas en carretera en EE. UU. para el primer semestre de 2024
  • Los ingresos de motocicletas eléctricas aumentaron un 219% a 2.4 millones de dólares
  • Los ingresos de STACYC disminuyeron un 36% a 4.0 millones de dólares
  • La pérdida neta mejoró un 39% a 24.8 millones de dólares

LiveWire reafirmó sus previsiones para 2024, esperando ventas de 1,000 a 1,500 motocicletas eléctricas y una pérdida operativa de 105 a 115 millones de dólares.

LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하며 세그먼트 전반에 걸쳐 혼합된 성과를 보였습니다. 전기 오토바이 세그먼트는 전년 대비 379% 성장하여 158대의 판매를 기록했습니다. 그러나 STACYC 전기 균형 자전거 판매는 53% 감소했습니다. 매출이 8% 감소하여 640만 달러에 도달했음에도 불구하고, 회사는 통합 운영 손실을 12% 개선하여 2820만 달러를 기록했습니다.

주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 2024년 상반기 미국 도로용 전기 오토바이 소매 판매에서 #1 위치 유지
  • 전기 오토바이 매출이 219% 증가하여 240만 달러
  • STACYC 매출이 36% 감소하여 400만 달러
  • 순손실이 39% 개선되어 2480만 달러

LiveWire는 2024년 전망을 재확인하며 1000~1500대의 전기 오토바이 판매와 1억0500만~1억1500만 달러의 운영 손실을 예상하고 있습니다.

LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR) a publié ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre de 2024, montrant une performance mixte à travers ses segments. Le segment des motos électriques a connu une croissance de 379% des ventes unitaires par rapport à l'année précédente, atteignant 158 unités. Cependant, les ventes de vélos équilibre STACYC ont diminué de 53%. Malgré une baisse de 8% des revenus consolidés à 6,4 millions de dollars, l'entreprise a amélioré sa perte d'exploitation consolidée de 12% à 28,2 millions de dollars.

Les points clés incluent :

  • Maintien de la position #1 aux États-Unis pour les ventes au détail de motos électriques sur route pour le premier semestre 2024
  • Les revenus des motos électriques ont augmenté de 219% pour atteindre 2,4 millions de dollars
  • Les revenus de STACYC ont diminué de 36% pour atteindre 4 millions de dollars
  • La perte nette a été améliorée de 39% à 24,8 millions de dollars

LiveWire a confirmé ses prévisions pour 2024, s'attendant à vendre entre 1 000 et 1 500 motos électriques et à enregistrer une perte d'exploitation de 105 à 115 millions de dollars.

LiveWire Group, Inc. (NYSE: LVWR) meldete seine Finanzzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2024 und zeigte eine gemischte Leistung in seinen Segmenten. Das Segment der Elektromotorräder verzeichnete ein 379%iges Wachstum bei den Verkaufszahlen im Jahresvergleich und erreichte 158 Einheiten. Im Gegensatz dazu sanken die Verkäufe von STACYC-Elektrobalancebikes um 53%. Trotz eines Rückgangs des konsolidierten Umsatzes um 8% auf 6,4 Millionen US-Dollar verbesserte das Unternehmen seinen konsolidierten Betriebsverlust um 12% auf 28,2 Millionen US-Dollar.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • Die #1-Position im US-Verkauf von Straßen-Elektromotorrädern im Einzelhandel für das erste Halbjahr 2024 behauptet
  • Der Umsatz mit Elektromotorrädern stieg um 219% auf 2,4 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Der Umsatz von STACYC sank um 36% auf 4,0 Millionen US-Dollar
  • Der Nettoverlust verbesserte sich um 39% auf 24,8 Millionen US-Dollar

LiveWire bestätigte seinen Ausblick für 2024 und erwartet den Verkauf von 1.000 bis 1.500 Elektromotorrädern sowie einen Betriebsverlust von 105 bis 115 Millionen US-Dollar.

  • 379% year-over-year increase in electric motorcycle unit sales
  • 12% improvement in consolidated operating loss
  • 219% increase in Electric Motorcycles segment revenue
  • Maintained #1 position in U.S. on-road electric motorcycle retail sales for H1 2024
  • 39% improvement in net loss
  • 8% decrease in consolidated revenue to $6.4 million
  • 53% decline in STACYC electric balance bike unit sales
  • 36% decrease in STACYC segment revenue
  • Projected operating loss of $105-$115 million for full year 2024

LiveWire's Q2 2024 results present a mixed picture with some positive developments and ongoing challenges. The 379% year-over-year increase in motorcycle units sold to 158 is impressive, signaling growing market acceptance. However, this growth comes from a low base and the absolute numbers remain modest for a public company.

The $3.8 million improvement in consolidated operating loss is encouraging, demonstrating the effectiveness of cost-reduction initiatives. Yet, with a quarterly operating loss of $28.2 million, the company remains far from profitability. The 12% reduction in operating loss is a step in the right direction, but sustained and accelerated improvement will be crucial.

The Electric Motorcycles segment shows promise with a 219% revenue increase, but the $26.8 million operating loss in this core segment is concerning. STACYC's performance is worrying, with a 36% revenue decline and a significant increase in operating loss.

The full-year guidance of 1,000 to 1,500 electric motorcycle units and an operating loss of $105 million to $115 million suggests that profitability remains a distant goal. Investors should closely monitor the company's ability to scale production, reduce costs and achieve sustainable growth in the competitive electric vehicle market.

LiveWire's position as the #1 on-road electric motorcycle retailer in the U.S. for H1 2024 is a significant achievement in a rapidly evolving market. This leadership status could provide a competitive edge as the electric motorcycle segment grows. However, it's important to contextualize this within the overall motorcycle market, where electric vehicles still represent a small fraction.

The planned portfolio expansion in both Electric Motorcycles and STACYC segments is a strategic move to capture more market share. New product launches could stimulate demand, but their success will depend on market reception and the company's ability to execute effectively.

The stark contrast between the Electric Motorcycles and STACYC segments is noteworthy. While Electric Motorcycles saw triple-digit growth, STACYC experienced a 53% decline in unit sales. This divergence suggests a need for a reassessment of the STACYC strategy or potential market saturation in the electric balance bike category.

The company's focus on cost reduction while investing in new products indicates a balancing act between short-term financial improvement and long-term growth. This strategy aligns with industry trends but carries execution risks. The success of upcoming product launches will be critical in determining LiveWire's trajectory in the competitive electric vehicle market.

MILWAUKEE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- LiveWire Group, Inc. (“LiveWire” or the “Company”) (NYSE: LVWR) today reported second quarter 2024 results.

"In the second quarter, we achieved continued growth in existing markets for our Electric Motorcycles segment. In fact, we maintained our position as the #1 on-road electric motorcycle retailer in the U.S. for the first half of 2024. With a 12 percent improvement in consolidated operating loss for the quarter over prior year, we remain committed to cost reduction initiatives while investing in portfolio expansion in both our Electric Motorcycles and STACYC segments, with upcoming new products planned,” said Karim Donnez, CEO, LiveWire.

Second Quarter 2024 Summary of Results

  • Unit sales of 158 electric motorcycles, an increase of 35% over first quarter 2024 and triple digit increase over second quarter 2023.
  • In line with expectations, consolidated operating loss improved by $3.8 million driven by overall cost reduction initiatives.

LiveWire Group, Inc. – Consolidated Results

$ in millions*

2nd quarter




Motorcycle Units




Electric Balance Bike Units








Consolidated Revenue




Electric Motorcycles












Consolidated Operating Loss




Electric Motorcycles












Net Loss




*Amounts may not add or recalculate due to rounding.

The Company’s consolidated net loss was $24.8 million for the second quarter of 2024 compared to $40.7 million in the same period of the prior year driven by the segment results noted below, a decrease of $1.2 million in interest income offset by an increase of $13.2 million of non-operating income related to the decrease in fair value of the outstanding warrants as of June 30, 2024 as compared to prior year.

LiveWire Group, Inc. is comprised of two business segments:

  • Electric Motorcycles – focused on the sale of electric motorcycles and related products
  • STACYC – focused on the sale of electric balance bikes for kids and related products

Electric Motorcycles

Electric Motorcycles revenue increased $1.7 million in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the prior year period, due to higher unit sales in the quarter. Selling, engineering and administrative expenses decreased $3.1 million compared to the prior year largely as a result of overall cost reduction initiatives. In line with expectations, operating loss decreased by $5.1 million compared to the second quarter of 2023 driven by decreases in selling, engineering and administrative expenses and cost of goods sold.


In line with expectations, STACYC revenue and operating income were down compared to same quarter 2023 primarily due to a reduction in third party branded distributor volumes and a planned increase in spend relating to product development costs for new models.

2024 Financial Outlook

For the full year 2024, the Company continues to expect:

  • Electric Motorcycle sales of 1,000 to 1,500 revenue units
  • LiveWire Group operating loss of $105 to $115 million


The public is invited to attend an audio webcast from 8-9 a.m. CDT. LiveWire leadership will be joining the Harley-Davidson, Inc. audio webcast to discuss our results, developments in the business, and updates to the Company’s outlook. The webcast login can be accessed at The audio replay will be available by approximately 10:00 a.m. CDT.

About LiveWire

LiveWire has a dedicated focus on the electric motorcycle sector. LiveWire’s majority shareholder is Harley-Davidson, Inc. LiveWire comes from the lineage of Harley-Davidson and is capitalizing on a decade of its learnings in the EV sector. With a dedicated focus on EV, LiveWire plans to develop the technology of the future and to invest in the capabilities needed to lead the transformation of motorcycling.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

The Company intends that certain matters discussed in this press release are “forward-looking statements” intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements concerning possible or assumed future actions, business strategies, events or results of operations, and any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Words or phrases such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “is on track,” “may,” “might,” “objective,” “ongoing,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “remain committed,” “should,” “target,” “will” and “would,” or similar words or phrases, or the negatives of those words or phrases, may identify forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not necessarily mean that a statement is not forward-looking. The forward-looking statements in this press release are only predictions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our business, financial condition and results of operations. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and are subject to a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements, including the risks, uncertainties and assumptions described in prior public filings titled “Risk Factors.” These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks, including, without limitation, the following: our history of losses and expectation to incur significant expenses and continuing losses for the foreseeable future; our limited operating history, the rollout of our business and the timing of expected business milestones, including our ability to develop and manufacture electric vehicles of sufficient quality and appeal to customers on schedule and on a large scale; our financial and business performance, including financial projections and business metrics and any underlying assumptions thereunder; our ability to obtain funding for our operations and manage costs; our future capital requirements and sources and uses of cash; changes in our strategy, future operations, financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects and plans, including our ability to effectively execute the Company’s relocation and streamlined headcount plan within expected costs and time and our ability to realize the expected savings in 2024 and on an ongoing annual basis; our ability to attract and retain a large number of customers; challenges we face as a pioneer into the highly-competitive and rapidly evolving electric vehicle industry; our operational and financial risks if we fail to effectively and appropriately separate the LiveWire business from the H-D business; H-D making decisions for its overall benefit that could negatively impact our overall business; our relationship with H-D and its impact on our other business relationships; our ability to leverage contract manufacturers, including H-D and Kwang Yang Motor Co., Ltd., a Taiwanese company (“KYMCO”), to contract manufacture our electric vehicles; retail partners being unwilling to participate in our go-to-market business model or their inability to establish or maintain relationships with customers for our electric vehicles; potential delays in the design, manufacture, financing, regulatory approval, launch and delivery of our electric vehicles; building out our supply chain, including our dependency on our existing suppliers and our ability to source suppliers, in each case many of which are single-sourced or limited-source suppliers, for our critical components such as batteries and semiconductor chips; our ability to rely on third-party and public charging networks; our ability to attract and retain key personnel; our business, expansion plans and opportunities, including our ability to scale our operations and manage our future growth effectively; the effects on our future business of competition, the pace and depth of electric vehicle adoption generally and our ability to achieve planned competitive advantages with respect to our electric vehicles and products, including with respect to reliability, safety and efficiency; our business and H-D’s business overlapping and being perceived as competitors; our inability to maintain a strong relationship with H-D or to resolve favorably any disputes that may arise between us and H-D; our dependency on H-D for a number of services, including services relating to quality and safety testing. If those service arrangements terminate, it may require significant investment for us to build our own safety and testing facilities, or we may be required to obtain such services from another third-party at increased costs; any decision by us to electrify H-D products, or the products of any other company; our expectations regarding our ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection and not infringe on the rights of others; potential harm caused by misappropriation of our data and compromises in cybersecurity; changes in laws, regulatory requirements, governmental incentives and fuel and energy prices; the impact of health epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic, on our business, the other risks we face and the actions we may take in response thereto; litigation, regulatory proceedings, complaints, product liability claims and/or adverse publicity; and the possibility that we may be adversely affected by other economic, business and/or competitive factors. Because forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond our control, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The events and circumstances reflected in our forward-looking statements may not be achieved or occur, and actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Moreover, we operate in an evolving environment. Some of these risks and uncertainties may in the future be amplified by new risk factors and uncertainties that may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all risk factors and uncertainties. As a result of these factors, we cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this press release will prove to be accurate. Except as required by applicable law, we do not plan to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether as a result of any new information, future events, changed circumstances, or otherwise. You should read this earnings release completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.

LiveWire Group, Inc.

Consolidated Statements of Operations

(In thousands, except per share amounts)




Three months ended

Six months ended


June 30,


June 30,

June 30,


June 30,

Revenue, net















Costs and expenses:







Cost of goods sold















Selling, administrative and engineering expense















Total operating costs and expenses















Operating loss















Interest income















Change in fair value of warrant liabilities















Loss before income taxes















Income tax provision















Net loss






















Net loss per share, basic and diluted






















Weighted-average shares, basic and diluted















LiveWire Group, Inc.

Consolidated Balance Sheets

(In thousands)






June 30,


December 31,





Current assets:




Cash and cash equivalents








Accounts receivable, net








Accounts receivable from related party








Inventories, net








Other current assets








Total current assets








Property, plant and equipment, net
















Deferred tax assets








Lease assets








Intangible assets, net








Other long-term assets








Total assets












Current liabilities:




Accounts payable








Accounts payable to related party








Accrued liabilities








Current portion of lease liabilities








Total current liabilities








Long-term portion of lease liabilities








Deferred tax liabilities








Warrant liabilities








Other long-term liabilities








Total liabilities








Shareholders' equity:




Preferred Stock






Common Stock








Treasury Stock








Additional paid-in-capital








Accumulated deficit








Accumulated other comprehensive income








Total shareholders' equity








Total liabilities and shareholders' equity






LiveWire Group, Inc.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(In thousands)



Six months ended


June 30,


June 30,

Cash flows from operating activities:




Net loss








Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities




Depreciation and amortization








Change in fair value of warrant liabilities








Stock compensation expense








Provision for doubtful accounts








Deferred income taxes








Inventory write-down








Cloud computing arrangements development costs







Other, net








Changes in current assets and liabilities:




Accounts receivable, net








Accounts receivable from related party
















Other current assets








Accounts payable and accrued liabilities








Accounts payable to related party








Net cash used by operating activities








Cash flows from investing activities:




Capital expenditures








Net cash used by investing activities








Cash flows from financing activities:




Repurchase of common stock







Proceeds received from exercise of warrants (Note 7)



Net cash used by financing activities








Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents












Cash and cash equivalents:




Cash and cash equivalents—beginning of period








Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents








Cash and cash equivalents—end of period









Media Contact: Jenni Coats (414) 343-7902

Financial Contact: Shawn Collins (414) 343-8002

Source: LiveWire Group, Inc.


What was LiveWire's (LVWR) electric motorcycle sales growth in Q2 2024?

LiveWire (LVWR) reported a 379% year-over-year increase in electric motorcycle unit sales for Q2 2024, reaching 158 units.

How did LiveWire's (LVWR) consolidated revenue change in Q2 2024?

LiveWire's (LVWR) consolidated revenue decreased by 8% to $6.4 million in Q2 2024 compared to the same period last year.

What is LiveWire's (LVWR) projected operating loss for the full year 2024?

LiveWire (LVWR) expects an operating loss between $105 to $115 million for the full year 2024.

How many electric motorcycles does LiveWire (LVWR) expect to sell in 2024?

LiveWire (LVWR) expects to sell between 1,000 to 1,500 electric motorcycles in 2024.

LiveWire Group, Inc.


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Auto Manufacturers
Motorcycles, Bicycles & Parts
United States of America