InZinc Discovers New Anomaly Supporting Extension of Near Surface Mineralization at Indy Sedex Project, Central BC

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InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) has discovered a new soil anomaly named Hilo at its Indy Sedex project in British Columbia. The anomaly is located 400m east of the B-9 Zone, where previous drilling revealed 10.0% zinc and lead with 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9m.

The Indy project has been correlated to the Selwyn Basin, one of the world's largest Sedex zinc-lead-silver-barite belts. The project, situated 90km from Prince George, benefits from excellent infrastructure access and holds a renewed 5-year, 60-drill hole permit. The company has $2.0 million in working capital as of September 2024.

The new Hilo anomaly extends over 2.0km by 350m and suggests potential eastward continuation of B-9 Zone mineralization. The B-9 Zone has been intersected in 13 of 15 drill holes over a 450m strike-length to a depth of 130m. Additionally, South32 has increased exploration activities at the adjacent Maguire Sedex project.

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) ha scoperto una nuova anomalia del suolo chiamata Hilo nel suo progetto Indy Sedex in Columbia Britannica. L'anomalia si trova a 400 metri a est della Zona B-9, dove le perforazioni precedenti hanno rivelato il 10,0% di zinco e piombo con 16,2 g/t di argento su 9,9 metri.

Il progetto Indy è stato correlato al Bacino di Selwyn, uno dei più grandi cinturoni di zinco-piombo-argento-barite Sedex al mondo. Il progetto, situato a 90 km da Prince George, beneficia di un eccellente accesso alle infrastrutture e detiene un permesso rinnovato di 5 anni per 60 perforazioni. L'azienda ha 2,0 milioni di dollari in capitale circolante a settembre 2024.

La nuova anomalia Hilo si estende per 2,0 km per 350 metri e suggerisce una potenziale continuazione verso est della mineralizzazione della Zona B-9. La Zona B-9 è stata intersecata in 13 dei 15 fori di perforazione su una lunghezza di 450 metri fino a una profondità di 130 metri. Inoltre, South32 ha aumentato le attività di esplorazione nel progetto Maguire Sedex adiacente.

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) ha descubierto una nueva anomalía del suelo llamada Hilo en su proyecto Indy Sedex en Columbia Británica. La anomalía se encuentra a 400 metros al este de la Zona B-9, donde las perforaciones anteriores revelaron un 10,0% de zinc y plomo con 16,2 g/t de plata sobre 9,9 metros.

El proyecto Indy se ha correlacionado con la Cuenca de Selwyn, uno de los cinturones de zinc-plomo-plata-barita Sedex más grandes del mundo. El proyecto, situado a 90 km de Prince George, se beneficia de un excelente acceso a la infraestructura y posee un permiso renovado de 5 años para 60 perforaciones. La empresa tiene 2,0 millones de dólares en capital de trabajo a partir de septiembre de 2024.

La nueva anomalía Hilo se extiende por 2,0 km y 350 metros y sugiere una posible continuación hacia el este de la mineralización de la Zona B-9. La Zona B-9 ha sido intersecada en 13 de los 15 agujeros de perforación a lo largo de una longitud de 450 metros hasta una profundidad de 130 metros. Además, South32 ha aumentado las actividades de exploración en el proyecto Maguire Sedex adyacente.

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN)은 브리티시컬럼비아의 Indy Sedex 프로젝트에서 Hilo라는 새로운 토양 이상 현상을 발견했습니다. 이 이상 현상은 이전 드릴링에서 9.9m에 걸쳐 10.0% 아연과 납, 16.2 g/t 은을 발견한 B-9 구역에서 동쪽으로 400m 떨어진 곳에 위치하고 있습니다.

Indy 프로젝트는 세계에서 가장 큰 Sedex 아연-납-은-바륨 벨트 중 하나인 Selwyn 분지와 연관되어 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 프린스 조지에서 90km 떨어진 곳에 위치하며, 우수한 인프라 접근성을 갖추고 있으며 60개의 드릴 홀에 대한 5년 갱신 허가를 보유하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2024년 9월 기준으로 200만 달러의 운영 자본을 보유하고 있습니다.

새로운 Hilo 이상 현상은 2.0km x 350m에 걸쳐 있으며 B-9 구역의 광물화가 동쪽으로 계속될 가능성을 시사합니다. B-9 구역은 450m의 스트라이크 길이에서 130m 깊이까지 15개의 드릴 홀 중 13개에서 교차되었습니다. 또한, South32는 인접한 Maguire Sedex 프로젝트에서 탐사 활동을 증가시켰습니다.

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) a découvert une nouvelle anomalie du sol appelée Hilo dans son projet Indy Sedex en Colombie-Britannique. L'anomalie est située à 400 m à l'est de la zone B-9, où des forages précédents ont révélé 10,0 % de zinc et de plomb avec 16,2 g/t d'argent sur 9,9 m.

Le projet Indy a été corrélé au bassin de Selwyn, l'un des plus grands ceintures de zinc-plomb-argent-barytine Sedex au monde. Le projet, situé à 90 km de Prince George, bénéficie d'un excellent accès aux infrastructures et détient un permis renouvelé de 5 ans pour 60 trous de forage. L'entreprise dispose de 2,0 millions de dollars de fonds de roulement en septembre 2024.

La nouvelle anomalie Hilo s'étend sur 2,0 km par 350 m et suggère une éventuelle continuation vers l'est de la minéralisation de la zone B-9. La zone B-9 a été intersectée dans 13 des 15 trous de forage sur une longueur de 450 m jusqu'à une profondeur de 130 m. De plus, South32 a intensifié ses activités d'exploration sur le projet Maguire Sedex adjacent.

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) hat an ihrem Indy Sedex-Projekt in British Columbia eine neue Bodenanomalie namens Hilo entdeckt. Die Anomalie befindet sich 400 m östlich der Zone B-9, wo frühere Bohrungen 10,0% Zink und Blei sowie 16,2 g/t Silber über 9,9 m ergaben.

Das Indy-Projekt wurde mit dem Selwyn-Becken in Verbindung gebracht, einem der größten Sedex-Zink-Blei-Silber-Barit-Gürtel der Welt. Das Projekt, das 90 km von Prince George entfernt liegt, profitiert von einem ausgezeichneten Zugang zur Infrastruktur und hält eine erneuerte Genehmigung für 60 Bohrlöcher über einen Zeitraum von 5 Jahren. Das Unternehmen verfügt zum Stand September 2024 über ein Betriebskapital von 2,0 Millionen Dollar.

Die neue Hilo-Anomalie erstreckt sich über 2,0 km und 350 m und deutet auf eine mögliche Fortsetzung der Mineralisierung der Zone B-9 in östlicher Richtung hin. Die Zone B-9 wurde in 13 von 15 Bohrlöchern über eine Streichlänge von 450 m bis in eine Tiefe von 130 m durchschnitten. Darüber hinaus hat South32 die Explorationsaktivitäten im angrenzenden Maguire Sedex-Projekt ausgeweitet.

  • Discovery of new Hilo anomaly suggesting expansion of mineralization zone
  • Strong drilling results at B-9 Zone (10.0% zinc/lead, 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9m)
  • Renewed 5-year drilling permit for 60 holes
  • $2.0 million working capital as of September 2024
  • Strategic location with access to infrastructure
  • Correlation to prolific Selwyn Basin enhances project potential
  • None.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 24, 2025) - InZinc Mining Ltd. (TSXV: IZN) ("InZinc" or the "Company") is pleased to report a new soil anomaly has been identified to the east of the B-9 Zone at the Indy Sedex (zinc-lead-silver) project (100% interest) located 90 km southeast of Prince George in central British Columbia, Canada. The new Hilo anomaly is located 400 m east of the B-9 Zone, where 450 m of shallow mineralization including an intercept of 10.0% (zinc and lead) and 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9 m is outlined by previous drilling. The Hilo anomaly is suggestive of the potential eastward continuation of B-9 Zone mineralization (see Figure 1).

Indy - A High-Potential Southern Analogue of the Prolific Selwyn Basin

In 2024, in addition to discovery of extensive barite mineralization, stratigraphy of the Indy project was age constrained and correlated to one of the world's most prolific Sedex zinc-lead-silver-barite belts, the Selwyn Basin. The Selwyn Basin hosts the world's second largest accumulation of Sedex deposits, including some of the world's largest. Previously the mineralized sequences within the 1,100 km long Selwyn Basin were only known to occur in the Yukon and northeastern BC. Recent work strongly indicates the Indy project represents a southern analogue of the Selwyn Basin strata and its related mineralization (see News Release 2024-06, May 16, 2024 for details). The Indy project, located just 90 km from Prince George, is particularly well located with respect to road, rail and power infrastructure.

Renewal of a 5-year, 60 drill hole permit was received in mid-2024. The Company is well positioned with working capital1 of $2.0 million and has commenced planning for 2025 activities.

New Hilo Anomaly - Expansion Potential of B-9 Zone Mineralization

The Hilo anomaly is outlined by new (2024) soil geochemical sampling extending over an area of 2.0 km by 350 m east of the B-9 Zone mineralization. The B-9 Zone has been intersected in 13 of 15 drill holes over a 450 m strike-length to a depth of 130 m and remains open for expansion in all directions.

  • Hilo anomaly - 450 m strike with strong zinc, lead and barium in soil.

  • Located 400 m east of B-9 Zone.

  • First barium in soil anomaly proximal to B-9 Zone.

  • To date, only 450 m of the extensive 2.4 km long soil Anomaly B (zinc, lead, silver, barium) has been drill tested and is host to B-9 Zone mineralization.

  • Airborne EM geophysical surveys identify a strong conductive response over 1.4 km coinciding with the upper or eastern edge of the soil Anomaly B and with B-9 Zone mineralization.

  • Hilo anomaly is potentially indicative of an eastward continuation of B-9 Zone mineralization.

Additional fall 2024 work at Indy included approximately 2.2 km of road rehabilitation and new trails to gain access to the Keel West and Delta targets in preparation for drilling.

South32 Increases Exploration Activities to the North of Indy

South32 Limited, a globally diversified metals and mining company, independently staked 200 km2 of mineral claims northwest and adjacent to Indy in late 2021. In 2024, South32 substantially increased exploration activities at the Maguire Sedex project, including over 600 line-km of airborne geophysics and geological and geochemical programs.

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Figure 1: B-9 Zone Soil Geochemistry, Geophysics and Drilling Map

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Property-Wide Sedex Drill Targets

The widespread distribution of mineralization (sulphide and barite) and related geochemical and geophysical anomalies across the 7.5 km Main Trend define high-potential exploration targets for Sedex deposits at Indy (see Figure 2):

  • Hilo Anomaly - 450 m strike with strong zinc, lead and barium in soil, located 400 m east of B-9 Zone.

  • B-9 Zone - Near surface Sedex-style mineralization (up to 10.0% zinc and lead, 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9 m) at the B-9 sulphide zone (450 m strike open for expansion in all directions), within a 2.4 km long multi-element soil geochemical anomaly (Anomaly B).

  • Anomaly C - Untested, very high contrast multi-element soil geochemical anomaly extends over 750 m in length.

  • Echo - A 1.9 km long continuous high contrast, multi-element (zinc, lead, barium signatures) soil geochemical anomaly with approximately 900 m remaining to be drill tested.

  • Keel Barite - Extensive barite mineralization (700 m strike) at Keel with local enrichment in zinc-lead sulphides at Keel West.

  • Delta - Additional widespread barite mineralization at surface (up to 25% barite in rock samples) with zinc-lead enrichment occurring over a 1.3 km trend, untested and located 1 km northwest of Keel.

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Figure 2: Indy Project - Main Trend Mineralization and Targets

To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:

1 Working capital as of September 30, 2024 (Q3 2024 Financial Reports, September 30, 2024). (See Financial Reports at

About InZinc

InZinc is an active explorer at its Indy Sedex project (100%) in central British Columbia, Canada. The Company is exploring near surface zinc-lead-silver and barite mineralization discovered at Indy in a new, under-explored mineral region correlating to the prolific Selwyn Basin of northeastern BC and the Yukon. South32 Limited (ASX, LSE, JSE) became a major tenure holder in the Indy belt by staking approximately 200 km2 of adjacent claims in late 2021. Through its equity investment in American West Metals (ASX) and a 50% royalty interest (NSR) from any future production of indium mined at American West's West Desert project, InZinc is also exposed to a portfolio of North American base metals and precious metals projects.

InZinc Mining Ltd.

Wayne Hubert

Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 604.687.7211
For further information contact :
Joyce Musial
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Phone: 604.317.2728


Qualified Person

Kerry M. Curtis, B.Sc., P.Geo. a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has approved the technical content of this news release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements or forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). All statements herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements, include but are not limited to, statements that address activities, events of developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipates, intends, estimates, plans, postulate, indicate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although InZinc believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results, performance or actions, and that actual results or actions may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2024 filed with certain securities commissions in Canada and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, InZinc disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via

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What is the significance of InZinc's new Hilo anomaly discovery at the Indy project?

The Hilo anomaly, located 400m east of the B-9 Zone, suggests potential eastward continuation of mineralization and extends over 2.0km by 350m, indicating significant expansion potential for the project.

What are the recent drilling results from InZinc's B-9 Zone?

The B-9 Zone has been intersected in 13 of 15 drill holes over 450m strike-length, with notable results including 10.0% zinc and lead and 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9m.

How much working capital does InZinc (TSXV: IZN) have as of September 2024?

InZinc reported working capital of $2.0 million as of September 30, 2024.

What is the connection between InZinc's Indy project and the Selwyn Basin?

The Indy project has been identified as a southern analogue of the Selwyn Basin, one of the world's most prolific Sedex zinc-lead-silver-barite belts, enhancing its potential value.

What infrastructure advantages does InZinc's Indy project have?

The Indy project is located 90km from Prince George, British Columbia, with excellent access to road, rail, and power infrastructure.

Inzinc Mng Ltd


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