InZinc Continues to Advance New Large-Scale Sedex Zn-Pb-Ag Targets at Indy Project, Central BC

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InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) has advanced two new large-scale drill targets, Keel Barite and Delta Horizon, at its Indy Sedex zinc-lead-silver project in central British Columbia. The company has deferred its planned fall 2024 drill program to 2025 due to wildfire-related challenges. A program of additional soil geochemistry and access preparation for 2025 drilling will commence in September.

The Indy project's geological setting is highly analogous to the zinc-lead-silver-barite Sedex deposits of the Selwyn Basin, which hosts some of the world's largest Sedex deposits. InZinc's property-wide Sedex drill targets include:

  • Keel Barite and Keel West: 700m strike of barite mineralization with local zinc-lead enrichment
  • Delta Horizon: 1.3km trend of barite mineralization with zinc-lead enrichment
  • B-9 Sulphide Zone: Previous drilling highlighted by 10.0% (Zn+Pb), 16.2 g/t Ag over 9.9m

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) ha avanzato due nuovi grandi obiettivi di perforazione, Keel Barite e Delta Horizon, nel suo progetto Indy Sedex di zinco-piombo-argento nella Columbia Britannica centrale. L'azienda ha rinviato il suo previsto programma di perforazione autunnale 2024 al 2025 a causa delle sfide legate agli incendi boschivi. Un programma di ulteriore geochimica del suolo e preparazione dell'accesso per la perforazione del 2025 inizierà a settembre.

Il contesto geologico del progetto Indy è altamente analogo a quello dei depositi Sedex di zinco-piombo-argento-barite del Bacino di Selwyn, che ospita alcuni dei più grandi depositi Sedex del mondo. Gli obiettivi di perforazione Sedex su scala aziendale di InZinc includono:

  • Keel Barite e Keel West: 700 m di strike di mineralizzazione da barite con arricchimento locale di zinco e piombo
  • Delta Horizon: tendenza di 1,3 km di mineralizzazione da barite con arricchimento di zinco e piombo
  • Zona B-9 Solfuro: Perforazioni precedenti evidenziate da 10,0% (Zn+Pb), 16,2 g/t Ag su 9,9 m

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) ha avanzado en dos nuevos objetivos de perforación a gran escala, Keel Barite y Delta Horizon, en su proyecto de zinc-plomo-plata Indy Sedex en la Columbia Británica central. La compañía ha pospuesto su programa de perforación programado para otoño de 2024 hasta 2025 debido a desafíos relacionados con incendios forestales. Un programa adicional de geoquímica del suelo y preparación de accesos para la perforación de 2025 comenzará en septiembre.

El entorno geológico del proyecto Indy es altamente análogo a los depósitos Sedex de zinc-plomo-plata-barita del Bacino de Selwyn, que alberga algunos de los depósitos Sedex más grandes del mundo. Los objetivos de perforación Sedex en toda la propiedad de InZinc incluyen:

  • Keel Barite y Keel West: 700 m de strike de mineralización de barita con enriquecimiento local de zinc y plomo
  • Delta Horizon: tendencia de 1,3 km de mineralización de barita con enriquecimiento de zinc y plomo
  • Zona B-9 Sulfuro: Perforaciones anteriores destacadas con 10,0% (Zn+Pb), 16,2 g/t Ag en 9,9 m

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN)은 브리티시 컬럼비아 중부의 Indy Sedex 아연-납-은 프로젝트에서 Keel Barite와 Delta Horizon이라는 두 개의 새로운 대규모 시추 목표를 발전시켰습니다. 이 회사는 산불과 관련된 문제로 인해 2024년 가을에 계획된 시추 프로그램을 2025년으로 연기했습니다. 2025년 시추를 위한 추가 토양 화학 분석 및 접근 준비 프로그램이 9월에 시작될 예정입니다.

Indy 프로젝트의 지질학적 환경은 아연-납-은-바리타 Sedex 매장층이 있는 Selwyn 분지와 매우 유사하며, 이곳은 세계에서 가장 큰 Sedex 매장층 중 일부를 보유하고 있습니다. InZinc의 전역 Sedex 시추 목표에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • Keel Barite 및 Keel West: 현지 아연-납 농축을 가진 700m 범위의 바리타 광물화
  • Delta Horizon: 아연-납 농축을 동반한 1.3km 범위의 바리타 광물화
  • B-9 황화물 구역: 이전의 시추에서 10.0% (Zn+Pb), 16.2 g/t Ag의 결과 확인됨, 9.9m

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) a développé deux nouveaux cibles de forage à grande échelle, Keel Barite et Delta Horizon, dans son projet Indy Sedex de zinc-plomb-argent en Colombie-Britannique centrale. L'entreprise a reporté son programme de forage prévu pour l'automne 2024 à 2025 en raison des défis liés aux incendies de forêt. Un programme de géochimie des sols supplémentaire et de préparation d'accès pour le forage de 2025 commencera en septembre.

Le cadre géologique du projet Indy est très similaire à celui des dépôts Sedex de zinc-plomb-argent-barite du Bassin de Selwyn, qui abrite certains des plus grands dépôts Sedex au monde. Les cibles de forage Sedex sur l'ensemble de la propriété d'InZinc comprennent :

  • Keel Barite et Keel West : 700 m de mineralisation de barite avec enrichissement local en zinc et plomb
  • Delta Horizon : tendance de 1,3 km de mineralisation de barite avec enrichissement en zinc et plomb
  • Zone B-9 Sulfure : Forages précédents révélant 10,0 % (Zn+Pb), 16,2 g/t Ag sur 9,9 m

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) hat zwei neue großangelegte Bohrziele, Keel Barite und Delta Horizon, in seinem Indy Sedex-Zink-Blei-Silber-Projekt in Zentralbritisch-Kolumbien vorangetrieben. Das Unternehmen hat sein geplantes Bohrprogramm für den Herbst 2024 aufgrund von Herausforderungen durch Waldbrände auf 2025 verschoben. Ein Programm zur zusätzlichen Boden-Geochemie und Zugangsvorbereitung für die Bohrungen 2025 wird im September beginnen.

Das geologische Umfeld des Indy-Projekts ist hochgradig analog zu den Sedex-Lagerstätten von Zink-Blei-Silber-Barit im Selwyn-Becken, das einige der größten Sedex-Lagerstätten der Welt beherbergt. Die unternehmensweiten Sedex-Bohrziele von InZinc umfassen:

  • Keel Barite und Keel West: 700 m Streichen von Baritmineralisierung mit lokaler Zink-Blei-Anreicherung
  • Delta Horizon: 1,3 km Trend von Baritmineralisierung mit Zink-Blei-Anreicherung
  • B-9 Sulfidzone: Frühere Bohrungen mit 10,0% (Zn+Pb), 16,2 g/t Ag über 9,9 m hervorgehoben
  • Two new large-scale drill targets (Keel Barite, Delta Horizon) identified
  • Geological setting analogous to prolific Selwyn Basin Sedex deposits
  • B-9 Sulphide Zone shows promising past drilling results (10.0% Zn+Pb, 16.2 g/t Ag over 9.9m)
  • 5-year drill permit renewed in mid-July
  • Company well-positioned with working capital
  • Fall 2024 drill program deferred to 2025 due to wildfire-related challenges
  • Lab results from early summer sampling program still pending

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 27, 2024) - InZinc Mining Ltd. (TSXV: IZN) ("InZinc" or the "Company") announces the initial phase of the 2024 field program, involving mapping, prospecting and geochemical surveys, has advanced two new large-scale drill targets (Keel Barite, Delta Horizon) located 4-5 km along trend of the B-9 Sulphide Zone, where past drilling is highlighted by a shallow intercept of 10.0% (Zn+Pb), 16.2 g/t Ag over 9.9 m.

Follow-up drill programs to test the Keel Barite and Delta Horizon targets, notionally scheduled for this fall, have been deferred to 2025, largely due to time lost and logistical challenges associated with wildfire-related evacuation orders and alerts in the area this summer. A program of additional soil geochemistry and access preparation for drilling in 2025 will commence in the first week of September at the Indy Sedex (zinc-lead-silver) project (100% interest) ("Indy" or the "Project") located 90 km southeast of Prince George in central British Columbia.

Lab results, pending from the early summer sampling program will be combined with results from the fall program and carried over into 2025 for drill target selection. Renewal of a 5-year drill permit was completed in mid-July and the Company is well positioned with working capital.

The geological setting at Indy is highly analogous to that hosting the zinc-lead-silver-barite Sedex deposits of the prolific, metal-rich Selwyn Basin1. The Selwyn Basin, an 1100 km long sedimentary belt, hosts the world's second largest known accumulation of Sedex deposits, including some of the world's largest (see Table 1). Previously, the mineralized sequences of the Selwyn Basin were only known to extend from the Yukon into northeastern BC.

Table 1: Sedex Districts and Deposits of the Selwyn Basin, Canada1

Sedex Deposit/DistrictHistorical and Current Estimates (Mt - million tonnes)
Anvil District, Yukon 120 Mt at 5.6% zinc, 3.7% lead and 45 to 50 g/t silver
Howard's Pass District, Yukon400 Mt at 5% zinc and 2% lead
Mac Pass District, Yukon11.2 Mt Indicated at 6.6% zinc, 2.5% lead and 21.3 g/t silver
39.5 Mt Inferred at 5.8% zinc, 3.1% lead and 38.2 g/t silver
Cirque, Northeast BC40 Mt at 7.8% zinc, 2.2% lead and 48 g/t silver
Akie, Northeast BC 22.7 Mt Indicated at 8.3% zinc, 1.6% lead and 14.1 g/t silver
7.5 Mt Inferred at 7.0% zinc, 1.2% lead and 12.0 g/t silver


Property-Wide Sedex Drill Targets

The widespread distribution of mineralization (sulphide and barite) at Indy includes many features common to prolific Sedex districts. Barite mineralization with zinc and lead enrichment defines high-potential exploration vectors. Preliminary 2025 drill targets include (see Figure 1):

  • Keel Barite and Keel West - Extensive barite mineralization (700 m strike) at Keel with local enrichment in zinc-lead sulphides at Keel West.
  • Delta Horizon - Additional widespread barite mineralization (up to 25% barite in rock samples) with zinc-lead enrichment occurring over a 1.3 km trend at Delta, located 1 km northwest of Keel.
  • B-9 Sulphide Zone - Sedex-style mineralization (10.0% zinc and lead, 16.2 g/t silver over 9.9 m) at the B-9 sulphide zone (open for expansion), located 4 km south of Keel.

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Figure 1: Indy Project - Main Trend Targets
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1 See News Release 2024-06, May 16, 2024 for details.

About InZinc

InZinc is an active explorer and, through its Indy project, equity investment and royalty interests, is exposed to a diverse portfolio of active North American base metals and precious metals projects. The Company has discovered and continues to explore for expansion of near surface zinc-lead-silver mineralization at the easily accessible Indy project located in a new and under-explored mineral region of central British Columbia, Canada. A Canadian subsidiary of South32 (ASX, LSE, JSE) became a major tenure holder in the Indy belt by staking approximately 200 km2 of adjacent claims in late 2021. InZinc has a significant equity investment in American West Metals (ASX) which is advancing multiple North American base metals projects. In addition, InZinc has a production royalty and will receive 50% of the revenue (NSR) from the sale of indium mined from American West's West Desert project. The Company is engaged in a continuing review of other properties and projects for possible acquisition.

InZinc Mining Ltd.

Wayne Hubert

Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 604.687.7211

For further information contact :
Joyce Musial
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Phone: 604.317.2728

Qualified Person

Brian McGrath, B.Sc., P.Geo. a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has approved the technical content of this news release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements or forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). All statements herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements, include but are not limited to, statements that address activities, events of developments that the Company expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipates, intends, estimates, plans, postulate, indicate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although InZinc believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results, performance or actions, and that actual results or actions may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, those risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company's Management's Discussion and Analysis for the year ended December 31, 2023 filed with certain securities commissions in Canada and other information released by the Company and filed with the appropriate regulatory agencies. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, Inzinc disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via

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What are the new drill targets identified by InZinc Mining at the Indy project?

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) has identified two new large-scale drill targets at the Indy project: Keel Barite and Delta Horizon. These targets are located 4-5 km along trend of the B-9 Sulphide Zone.

Why has InZinc Mining deferred its fall 2024 drill program at the Indy project?

InZinc Mining (TSXV: IZN) has deferred its fall 2024 drill program at the Indy project to 2025 due to time lost and logistical challenges associated with wildfire-related evacuation orders and alerts in the area during the summer of 2024.

What are the key features of the B-9 Sulphide Zone at InZinc's Indy project?

The B-9 Sulphide Zone at InZinc Mining's (TSXV: IZN) Indy project is characterized by Sedex-style mineralization, with past drilling highlighted by a shallow intercept of 10.0% (Zn+Pb) and 16.2 g/t Ag over 9.9 m. The zone remains open for expansion.

How does the geological setting of InZinc's Indy project compare to other mineral deposits?

The geological setting of InZinc Mining's (TSXV: IZN) Indy project is highly analogous to that hosting the zinc-lead-silver-barite Sedex deposits of the prolific Selwyn Basin, which is known for containing some of the world's largest Sedex deposits.

Inzinc Mng Ltd


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