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Lakeside Holding (Nasdaq: LSH) has entered into a one-year agreement with automatic annual renewals with a leading Asia-based e-commerce platform to provide cross-border fulfillment services. The collaboration aims to enhance the cross-border shopping experience for sellers by offering a comprehensive suite of logistics services, including air and ocean freight entry, customs declaration, freight recovery, parcel handling, and delivery assistance.

The partnership will leverage Lakeside's advanced technology and IT team to streamline the fulfillment process through API integration, providing real-time visibility and control over the supply chain. This integration will offer sellers up-to-date information on order status, inventory levels, and delivery timelines. Lakeside's expertise in international shipping regulations and customs procedures will allow sellers to focus on their core business, while its global network will provide various shipping options to enhance customer experience.

Lakeside Holding (Nasdaq: LSH) ha stipulato un accordo della durata di un anno, rinnovabile automaticamente, con una piattaforma di e-commerce leader in Asia per fornire servizi di evasione per il commercio transfrontaliero. Questa collaborazione mira a migliorare l'esperienza di acquisto transfrontaliero per i venditori, offrendo un'ampia gamma di servizi logistici, tra cui l'ingresso delle spedizioni aeree e marittime, la dichiarazione doganale, il recupero delle spedizioni, la gestione dei pacchi e assistenza alle consegne.

La partnership farà leva sulla tecnologia avanzata di Lakeside e sul suo team IT per semplificare il processo di evasione tramite integrazione API, fornendo visibilità e controllo in tempo reale sulla catena di approvvigionamento. Questa integrazione offrirà ai venditori informazioni aggiornate sullo stato degli ordini, sui livelli di inventario e sui tempi di consegna. L'esperienza di Lakeside nelle normative internazionali sulle spedizioni e nelle procedure doganali permetterà ai venditori di concentrarsi sul proprio core business, mentre la sua rete globale fornirà varie opzioni di spedizione per migliorare l'esperienza del cliente.

Lakeside Holding (Nasdaq: LSH) ha firmado un acuerdo de un año, con renovaciones anuales automáticas, con una plataforma de comercio electrónico líder en Asia para proporcionar servicios de cumplimiento transfronterizo. La colaboración tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia de compra transfronteriza para los vendedores al ofrecer un conjunto integral de servicios logísticos, que incluyen el ingreso de cargas aéreas y marítimas, la declaración de aduanas, la recuperación de cargas, el manejo de paquetes y la asistencia en la entrega.

La asociación aprovechará la tecnología avanzada de Lakeside y su equipo de TI para optimizar el proceso de cumplimiento a través de integración de API, proporcionando visibilidad y control en tiempo real sobre la cadena de suministro. Esta integración ofrecerá a los vendedores información actualizada sobre el estado de los pedidos, los niveles de inventario y los plazos de entrega. La experiencia de Lakeside en regulaciones de envío internacionales y procedimientos aduaneros permitirá a los vendedores centrarse en su negocio principal, mientras que su red global proporcionará diversas opciones de envío para mejorar la experiencia del cliente.

레이크사이드 홀딩 (Nasdaq: LSH)은 아시아에 본사를 둔 선도적인 전자상거래 플랫폼과 1년 계약을 체결했으며, 이 계약은 자동으로 매년 갱신됩니다. 이번 협력은 교차 국경 이행 서비스를 제공하여 판매자들의 교차 국경 쇼핑 경험을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 물류 서비스의 포괄적인 범위를 포함하여 항공 및 해상 화물 수입, 세관 신고, 화물 회수, 소포 처리 및 배송 지원이 포함됩니다.

이번 파트너십은 레이크사이드의 첨단 기술과 IT 팀을 활용하여 API 통합을 통해 이행 과정을 간소화하고 공급망에 대한 실시간 가시성과 제어를 제공합니다. 이 통합은 판매자에게 주문 상태, 재고 수준 및 배송 일정에 대한 최신 정보를 제공합니다. 레이크사이드의 국제 배송 규정 및 세관 절차에 대한 전문성은 판매자가 핵심 비즈니스에 집중할 수 있도록 하며, 글로벌 네트워크는 고객 경험을 향상시키기 위한 다양한 배송 옵션을 제공합니다.

Lakeside Holding (Nasdaq: LSH) a conclu un accord d'un an avec renouvellements automatiques annuels avec une plateforme de commerce électronique leader en Asie pour fournir des services de traitement des commandes transfrontaliers. Cette collaboration vise à améliorer l'expérience d'achat transfrontalier pour les vendeurs en offrant un ensemble complet de services logistiques, comprenant l'entrée de fret aérien et maritime, la déclaration en douane, la récupération de fret, la gestion des colis et l'assistance à la livraison.

Le partenariat tirera parti de la technologie avancée de Lakeside et de son équipe informatique pour rationaliser le processus de traitement des commandes grâce à l'intégration API, fournissant ainsi une visibilité et un contrôle en temps réel sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Cette intégration offrira aux vendeurs des informations à jour sur l'état des commandes, les niveaux de stock et les délais de livraison. L'expertise de Lakeside en matière de réglementations d'expédition internationales et de procédures douanières permettra aux vendeurs de se concentrer sur leur activité principale, tandis que son réseau mondial fournira différentes options de livraison pour améliorer l'expérience client.

Lakeside Holding (Nasdaq: LSH) hat einen einjährigen Vertrag mit automatischer jährlicher Verlängerung mit einer führenden in Asien ansässigen E-Commerce-Plattform abgeschlossen, um grenzüberschreitende Erfüllungsdienste anzubieten. Die Zusammenarbeit hat zum Ziel, das grenzüberschreitende Einkaufserlebnis für Verkäufer zu verbessern, indem ein umfassendes Angebot an Logistikdienstleistungen bereitgestellt wird, einschließlich Luft- und Seefrachtanmeldungen, Zollanmeldungen, Frachtabholung, Paketverarbeitung und Lieferhilfe.

Die Partnerschaft wird Lakesides fortschrittliche Technologie und IT-Team nutzen, um den Erfüllungsprozess durch API-Integration zu optimieren, wodurch eine Echtzeit-Sichtbarkeit und Kontrolle über die Lieferkette gewährleistet wird. Diese Integration wird Verkäufern aktuelle Informationen über den Bestellstatus, Lagerbestände und Lieferfristen bieten. Lakesides Fachwissen in internationalen Versandbestimmungen und Zollverfahren ermöglicht es Verkäufern, sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren, während das globale Netzwerk verschiedene Versandoptionen bietet, um das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern.

  • Partnership with a major e-commerce platform that generated $18 billion in gross market value of transactions in 2023
  • Expansion of cross-border fulfillment services, potentially increasing revenue streams
  • Implementation of API integration for real-time supply chain visibility, enhancing operational efficiency
  • Leveraging expertise in international shipping regulations to provide value-added services
  • None.

This partnership between Lakeside and a major Asian e-commerce platform marks a significant development in cross-border e-commerce logistics. The agreement's potential impact on Lakeside's business operations and revenue stream is substantial, given the platform's reported $18 billion gross market value of transactions in 2023.

The collaboration addresses several critical pain points in cross-border e-commerce:

  • Streamlined logistics processes through API integration
  • Real-time visibility and control over the supply chain
  • Expertise in navigating international shipping regulations and customs procedures
  • Access to a global network of partners and carriers
These features could significantly enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of sellers on the e-commerce platform, potentially driving increased transaction volumes and, consequently, higher revenues for Lakeside.

However, it's important to note that the agreement's initial one-year term with automatic renewals suggests a cautious approach from both parties. This structure allows for flexibility but also indicates that the partnership's long-term success will depend on Lakeside's ability to deliver on its promises and adapt to the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.

While this deal positions Lakeside favorably in the growing cross-border e-commerce market, investors should monitor key performance indicators in the coming quarters to gauge the partnership's actual impact on Lakeside's financial performance and market position.

This logistics agreement represents a potentially lucrative opportunity for Lakeside, given the size and growth trajectory of the Asian e-commerce market. However, the financial implications remain somewhat unclear without specific revenue projections or contract values disclosed.

Key financial considerations include:

  • Potential for increased revenue streams from a high-volume client
  • Possible margin pressure due to competitive pricing in the e-commerce logistics sector
  • Capital expenditure requirements for technology integration and potential infrastructure upgrades
  • Scalability of Lakeside's operations to meet the demands of a major e-commerce platform

The partnership with a platform that generated $18 billion in gross market value suggests significant transaction volumes. Even a small percentage of this value flowing through Lakeside's logistics services could substantially impact the company's top line. However, investors should be cautious about extrapolating this figure directly to Lakeside's potential revenue, as logistics fees typically represent only a fraction of transaction values.

Moreover, the automatic annual renewal clause in the agreement provides some revenue visibility, but also underscores the importance of Lakeside maintaining service quality to retain this potentially significant client. Future financial reports should be closely monitored for any disclosures on the revenue contribution and profitability of this partnership.

Empowers Online Marketplace Sellers with Seamless Cross-Border Fulfillment

Itasca, IL, July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lakeside Holding Limited (“Lakeside” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: LSH), a U.S.-based integrated cross-border supply chain solution provider with a strategic focus on the Asian market operating under the brand American Bear Logistics (ABL), today announced that the Company has entered into a one-year agreement with automatic annual renewals with a leading Asia-based e-commerce platform (the “Marketplace”) to provide cross-border fulfillment services. This collaboration is set to enhance the cross-border shopping experience for sellers by providing a comprehensive suite of logistics services tailored to their unique needs, including entry service on air and ocean freight, customs declaration, freight recovery services at destination,  parcel handling services, and assistance with parcel delivery.

This partnership will leverage the Company’s state-of-the-art technology and dedicated IT team to streamline the entire fulfillment process for the Marketplace. Through seamless API integration, the Marketplace will directly link with Lakeside's robust logistics platform, ensuring real-time visibility and control over the supply chain. This integration will empower sellers with up-to-the-minute updates on order status, inventory levels, and delivery timelines, fostering a transparent and efficient cross-border shopping experience.

Lakeside's expertise in navigating complex international shipping regulations and customs procedures will, allow sellers to focus on their core business. Additionally, Lakeside's extensive network of global partners and carriers will enable sellers to offer their customers various reliable and cost-effective shipping options, further enhancing the customer experience.

“Our collaboration reaffirms our commitment to providing cutting-edge logistics solutions that empower e-commerce businesses to thrive in the global marketplace,” said Henry Liu, Chairman & CEO of Lakeside. “Partnering with a leading and growing e-commerce platform that generated $18 billion of gross market value of transactions in 2023 is a testament to our dedicated team that we have earned the trust of a premiere partner, and we look forward to the opportunity to deliver world-class service to their valued sellers.”

About Lakeside Holding Limited

Lakeside Holding Limited, based in Itasca, IL, is a U.S.-based integrated cross-border supply chain solution provider with a strategic focus on the Asian market, including China and South Korea. Operating under the brand American Bear Logistics, we primarily provide customized cross-border ocean freight solutions and airfreight solutions in the U.S. that specifically cater to our customers’ requirements and needs in transporting goods into the U.S. We are an Asian American-owned business rooted in the U.S. with in-depth understanding of both the U.S. and Asian international trading and logistics service markets. Our customers are typically Asia- and U.S.-based logistics service companies serving large e-commerce platforms, social commerce platforms, and manufacturers to sell and transport consumer and industrial goods made in Asia into the U.S. For more information, please visit  

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current expectations and views of future events. Known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including those listed under “Risk Factors,” may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. You can identify some of these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to,” “potential,” “continue” or other similar expressions. We have based these forward-looking statements largely on our current expectations and projections about future events that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. These forward-looking statements involve various risks and uncertainties. Except as required by law, we undertake no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. We qualify all of our forward-looking statements by these cautionary statements.

Investor Relations Contact:

Matthew Abenante, IRC
Strategic Investor Relations, LLC
Tel: 347-947-2093


What services will Lakeside (LSH) provide under the new logistics agreement?

Lakeside (LSH) will provide cross-border fulfillment services including entry service on air and ocean freight, customs declaration, freight recovery services, parcel handling, and assistance with parcel delivery for sellers on the e-commerce platform.

How will the API integration benefit sellers on the e-commerce platform partnered with Lakeside (LSH)?

The API integration will provide sellers with real-time updates on order status, inventory levels, and delivery timelines, enabling better visibility and control over their supply chain operations.

What is the duration of the logistics agreement between Lakeside (LSH) and the e-commerce platform?

The agreement is for one year with automatic annual renewals, indicating a potentially long-term partnership between Lakeside (LSH) and the e-commerce platform.

What was the gross market value of transactions for the e-commerce platform partnering with Lakeside (LSH) in 2023?

The e-commerce platform partnering with Lakeside (LSH) generated $18 billion in gross market value of transactions in 2023.

Lakeside Holding Limited


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Integrated Freight & Logistics
United States of America