LP Building Solutions Awards Over 75 College Scholarships for the 2024–2025 Academic Year

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LP Building Solutions has awarded over 75 college scholarships to children of LP team members for the 2024–2025 academic year. The company has significantly enhanced its Scholarship Program, increasing the scholarship amount from $1,500 to $2,500 and more than doubling the number of new recipients. This expansion raises the annual potential enrollment to 200 students.

Since its inception, the LP Scholarship Program has awarded nearly $2.5 million in scholarships to more than 470 students. For the 2024–2025 academic year, the program awarded scholarships to 35 first-time recipients and over 40 renewal recipients. Each scholarship provides up to $10,000 for four years of full-time undergraduate study or until the student completes their academic program.

LP also offers a Tuition Assistance Program for its U.S. and Canadian team members, providing reimbursement for eligible expenses when enrolling in degree-seeking programs through accredited universities or equivalent programs through trade or vocational schools.

LP Building Solutions ha assegnato oltre 75 borse di studio universitarie ai figli dei membri del team LP per l'anno accademico 2024–2025. L'azienda ha notevolmente migliorato il suo Programma di Borse di Studio, aumentando l'importo delle borse da 1.500 a 2.500 dollari e più che raddoppiando il numero di nuovi beneficiari. Questa espansione eleva il potenziale annuale di iscrizione a 200 studenti.

Dalla sua creazione, il Programma di Borse di Studio LP ha assegnato quasi 2,5 milioni di dollari in borse di studio a più di 470 studenti. Per l'anno accademico 2024–2025, il programma ha assegnato borse a 35 nuovi beneficiari e oltre 40 beneficiari in rinnovo. Ogni borsa copre fino a 10.000 dollari per quattro anni di studio universitario a tempo pieno o fino al completamento del programma accademico dello studente.

LP offre anche un Programma di Assistenza per le Tasse Universitarie per i suoi membri del team negli Stati Uniti e in Canada, fornendo rimborso per le spese ammissibili quando ci si iscrive a programmi di laurea presso università accreditate o programmi equivalenti tramite scuole professionali o tecniche.

LP Building Solutions ha otorgado más de 75 becas universitarias a los hijos de los miembros del equipo de LP para el año académico 2024–2025. La empresa ha mejorado significativamente su Programa de Becas, aumentando el monto de la beca de 1,500 a 2,500 dólares y más que duplicando el número de nuevos beneficiarios. Esta expansión eleva la posibilidad de inscripción anual a 200 estudiantes.

Desde su inicio, el Programa de Becas de LP ha otorgado casi 2.5 millones de dólares en becas a más de 470 estudiantes. Para el año académico 2024–2025, el programa otorgó becas a 35 nuevos beneficiarios y más de 40 beneficiarios de renovación. Cada beca proporciona hasta 10,000 dólares por cuatro años de estudio universitario a tiempo completo o hasta que el estudiante complete su programa académico.

LP también ofrece un Programa de Asistencia para Matrícula para sus miembros del equipo en EE. UU. y Canadá, reembolsando los gastos elegibles al inscribirse en programas de grado a través de universidades acreditadas o programas equivalentes a través de escuelas técnicas o vocacionales.

LP Building Solutions는 2024-2025 학년도에 LP 팀 구성원의 자녀에게 75개 이상의 대학 장학금을 수여했습니다. 이 회사는 장학금 프로그램을 대폭 개선했습니다, 장학금 액수를 1,500달러에서 2,500달러로 늘리고 새로운 수혜자의 수를 두 배 이상 증가시켰습니다. 이 확장은 연간 200명의 학생 등록 가능성을 높입니다.

LP 장학금 프로그램은 시작 이래로 470명 이상의 학생에게 250만 달러에 가까운 장학금을 수여했습니다. 2024-2025 학년도에는 35명의 신규 수혜자와 40명이 넘는 갱신 수혜자에게 장학금을 수여했습니다. 각 장학금은 전일제 학부 과정 동안 4년간 최대 10,000달러를 제공합니다.

LP는 미국 및 캐나다 팀 구성원을 위한 학비 지원 프로그램도 제공하여, 인증된 대학 또는 직업 학교를 통한 학위 과정에 등록할 때 발생하는 적격 비용을 환급합니다.

LP Building Solutions a décerné plus de 75 bourses d'études universitaires aux enfants des membres de l'équipe LP pour l'année académique 2024–2025. L'entreprise a considérablement amélioré son Programme de Bourses, augmentant le montant de la bourse de 1 500 à 2 500 dollars et plus que doublant le nombre de nouveaux récipiendaires. Cette expansion augmente le potentiel d'inscription annuel à 200 étudiants.

Depuis sa création, le Programme de Bourses de LP a attribué près de 2,5 millions de dollars en bourses à plus de 470 étudiants. Pour l'année académique 2024–2025, le programme a attribué des bourses à 35 nouveaux récipiendaires et plus de 40 récipiendaires en renouvellement. Chaque bourse fournit jusqu'à 10 000 dollars pour quatre ans d'études universitaires à temps plein ou jusqu'à ce que l'étudiant termine son programme académique.

LP propose également un Programme d'Assistance Scolaire pour ses membres de l'équipe aux États-Unis et au Canada, offrant un remboursement pour les dépenses éligibles lors de l'inscription à des programmes de diplôme dans des universités accréditées ou des programmes équivalents dans des écoles professionnelles ou techniques.

LP Building Solutions hat über 75 Hochschulstipendien an Kinder von LP-Teammitgliedern für das akademische Jahr 2024–2025 vergeben. Das Unternehmen hat sein Stipendienprogramm erheblich verbessert, indem es den Stipendienbetrag von 1.500 auf 2.500 Dollar erhöht und die Anzahl der neuen Stipendiaten mehr als verdoppelt hat. Diese Erweiterung erhöht die jährlichen Einschreibemöglichkeiten auf 200 Studenten.

Seit seiner Gründung hat das LP-Stipendienprogramm fast 2,5 Millionen Dollar an Stipendien an mehr als 470 Studenten vergeben. Für das akademische Jahr 2024–2025 vergab das Programm Stipendien an 35 Erststipendiaten und über 40 Erneuerungsstipendiaten. Jedes Stipendium bietet bis zu 10.000 Dollar für vier Jahre Vollzeitstudium oder bis der Student sein akademisches Programm abschließt.

LP bietet auch ein Bildungsunterstützungsprogramm für seine Teammitglieder in den USA und Kanada an, das die Erstattung von berechtigten Ausgaben beim Eintritt in Studiengänge an akkreditierten Universitäten oder gleichwertigen Programmen an Berufs- oder Fachschulen umfasst.

  • Increased scholarship amount from $1,500 to $2,500
  • More than doubled the number of new scholarship recipients
  • Expanded annual potential enrollment to 200 students
  • Awarded nearly $2.5 million in scholarships to over 470 students since program inception
  • Offers Tuition Assistance Program for U.S. and Canadian team members
  • None.

Program enhancements include increased scholarship amounts and expanded enrollment capacity

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- LP Building Solutions (LP), a leading manufacturer of high-performance building products, today announced the awarding of more than 75 college scholarships to the children of LP team members for the 2024–2025 academic year.

In 2024, LP significantly enhanced its Scholarship Program, increasing the scholarship amount from <money>$1,500 t</money>o <money>$2,500</money> and more than doubling the number of new recipients. (Photo: Business Wire)

In 2024, LP significantly enhanced its Scholarship Program, increasing the scholarship amount from $1,500 to $2,500 and more than doubling the number of new recipients. (Photo: Business Wire)

In 2024, LP significantly enhanced its Scholarship Program, increasing the scholarship amount from $1,500 to $2,500 and more than doubling the number of new recipients. This expansion raises the annual potential enrollment to 200 students, reflecting LP’s commitment to supporting the educational pursuits of its team members’ families.

“Supporting our team members and their families is central to our success,” said LP Chair and CEO Brad Southern. “We are proud to recognize these students for their hard work both in the classroom and in their communities. We look forward to continuing our support as they advance in their academic and professional journeys.”

Since its inception, the LP Scholarship Program has supported the academic journeys of LP team members’ children. Over the years, the program has awarded nearly $2.5 million in scholarships to more than 470 students. This financial support not only helps alleviate the cost of higher education but also recognizes the academic and community achievements of these students.

“The LP Scholarship Program has provided me with the financial stability to focus on my studies and engage in extracurricular activities, such as the internship I completed with LP this past summer,” said Hana Parker, a senior at Michigan Technological University and a renewal scholarship recipient. Hana is the daughter of Louis Parker, a millwright junior expert at LP’s Newberry, Michigan mill. “This support has not only enriched my academic experience but also afforded me the opportunity to explore new interests, forge stronger friendships, and acquire valuable skills for my future career.”

For the 2024–2025 academic year, the program awarded scholarships to 35 first-time recipients and over 40 renewal recipients. Each scholarship provides up to $10,000 for four years of full-time undergraduate study or until the student completes their academic program, whichever comes first.

“It’s incredibly rewarding to receive an LP scholarship,” said William Weir, a freshman at Cumberland University and first-time scholarship recipient. William is the son of Demond Weir, an end-user support analyst at LP’s Nashville, Tennessee headquarters. “The scholarship has eased the financial pressure of continuing my education, and I’m grateful to be recognized for my hard work by my father’s company.”

In addition to supporting the educational goals of its team members’ children, LP is dedicated to the continued education of its employees. LP’s Tuition Assistance Program offers U.S. and Canadian team members reimbursement for a portion of their eligible expenses each year when they enroll in degree-seeking programs through accredited universities or equivalent programs through trade or vocational schools.

The LP Scholarship Program, administered by Scholarship America, evaluates applications based on academic performance, leadership, community involvement, honors, work experience, personal and family challenges, and a statement of goals and aspirations. Scholarships are awarded based on demonstrated financial need as assessed by Scholarship America.

To learn more about LP’s support initiatives for its team members, click here.

About LP Building Solutions

As a leader in high-performance building solutions, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP Building Solutions, NYSE: LPX) manufactures engineered wood products that meet the demands of builders, remodelers and homeowners worldwide. LP’s extensive portfolio of innovative and dependable products includes Siding Solutions (LP® SmartSide® Trim & Siding, LP® SmartSide® ExpertFinish® Trim & Siding, LP BuilderSeries® Lap Siding and LP® Outdoor Building Solutions®), LP® Structural Solutions (LP® TechShield® Radiant Barrier, LP WeatherLogic® Air & Water Barrier, LP Legacy® Premium Sub-Flooring, LP® FlameBlock® Fire-Rated Sheathing, LP NovaCore® Thermal Insulated Sheathing and LP® TopNotch® 350 Durable Sub-Flooring) and oriented strand board (OSB). In addition to product solutions, LP provides industry-leading customer service and warranties. Since its founding in 1972, LP has been Building a Better World™ by helping customers construct beautiful, durable homes while shareholders build lasting value. Headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, LP operates 22 plants across the U.S., Canada, Chile and Brazil. For more information, visit

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Source: LP Building Solutions


How much did LP Building Solutions (LPX) increase its scholarship amount for 2024?

LP Building Solutions increased its scholarship amount from $1,500 to $2,500 for the 2024–2025 academic year.

How many scholarships did LP Building Solutions (LPX) award for the 2024–2025 academic year?

LP Building Solutions awarded over 75 college scholarships for the 2024–2025 academic year, including 35 first-time recipients and over 40 renewal recipients.

What is the total value of scholarships awarded by LP Building Solutions (LPX) since the program's inception?

Since its inception, the LP Scholarship Program has awarded nearly $2.5 million in scholarships to more than 470 students.

What is the maximum scholarship amount a student can receive from LP Building Solutions (LPX)?

Each scholarship provides up to $10,000 for four years of full-time undergraduate study or until the student completes their academic program, whichever comes first.

Louisiana-Pacific Corp.


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