LivePerson delivers measurable returns on AI investments to enterprises across the globe

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(Very Positive)

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) has demonstrated significant ROI from AI initiatives for major brands worldwide. The company's Conversational Cloud® platform and AI solutions have helped enterprises across various sectors achieve measurable results, contrary to the current AI disillusionment trend. Notable success stories include:

- Frost Bank: Achieved 91% CSAT with 24/7 support using AI-powered agent efficiency tools.
- Zurich UK: Reduced insurance claims agreement time to 13 minutes on WhatsApp.
- Open Universities Australia: Tripled lead qualification rates with generative AI agents.
- Mouser Electronics: Attained 92% customer satisfaction score using AI-powered routing in 13 languages.

Other successes include a leading US health insurer's 222% YoY digital growth, SportPesa's 58% AI chatbot containment rate, and Najm's 60% contact center savings. These achievements have earned LivePerson multiple industry recognitions.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) ha dimostrato un significativo ritorno sull'investimento dalle iniziative AI per importanti marchi in tutto il mondo. La piattaforma Conversational Cloud® e le soluzioni AI dell'azienda hanno aiutato le imprese di vari settori a ottenere risultati misurabili, contrariamente alla corrente tendenza di disillusione verso l'AI. Le storie di successo più note includono:

- Frost Bank: Raggiunto il 91% di CSAT con supporto 24/7 utilizzando strumenti di efficienza degli agenti alimentati da AI.
- Zurich UK: Ridotto il tempo di accordo per le richieste di risarcimento assicurativo a 13 minuti su WhatsApp.
- Open Universities Australia: Triplicati i tassi di qualificazione dei lead con agenti AI generativi.
- Mouser Electronics: Ottenuto un punteggio di soddisfazione clienti del 92% utilizzando il routing alimentato da AI in 13 lingue.

Altri successi includono una crescita digitale del 222% YoY per un'importante compagnia assicurativa sanitaria negli Stati Uniti, un tasso di contenimento del chatbot AI del 58% per SportPesa, e un risparmio del 60% nel contact center per Najm. Questi risultati hanno guadagnato a LivePerson numerosi riconoscimenti nel settore.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) ha demostrado un retorno significativo de la inversión por iniciativas de IA para grandes marcas en todo el mundo. La plataforma Conversational Cloud® y las soluciones de IA de la compañía han ayudado a las empresas de diversos sectores a obtener resultados medibles, contrarrestando la actual tendencia de desilusión con la IA. Las historias de éxito notables incluyen:

- Frost Bank: Logró un 91% de CSAT con soporte 24/7 utilizando herramientas de eficiencia de agentes impulsadas por IA.
- Zurich UK: Redujo el tiempo de acuerdo de reclamaciones de seguros a 13 minutos en WhatsApp.
- Open Universities Australia: Triplicó las tasas de calificación de leads con agentes de IA generativa.
- Mouser Electronics: Alcanzó un puntaje de satisfacción del cliente del 92% utilizando enrutamiento impulsado por IA en 13 idiomas.

Otros éxitos incluyen un crecimiento digital del 222% interanual de un importante asegurador de salud en EE. UU., una tasa de contención del chatbot de IA del 58% para SportPesa, y un ahorro del 60% en el centro de contacto para Najm. Estos logros han concedido a LivePerson múltiples reconocimientos en la industria.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN)는 전 세계 주요 브랜드에 대한 AI 이니셔티브에서의 상당한 ROI를 입증하였습니다. 회사의 Conversational Cloud® 플랫폼과 AI 솔루션은 다양한 분야의 기업들이 현재의 AI에 대한 환멸 추세와는 달리 측정 가능한 결과를 달성하도록 도왔습니다. 주목할 만한 성공 사례는 다음과 같습니다:

- Frost Bank: AI 기반 효율성 도구를 사용하여 24/7 지원으로 91% CSAT를 달성하였습니다.
- Zurich UK: WhatsApp에서 보험 청구 합의 시간을 13분으로 줄였습니다.
- Open Universities Australia: 생성 AI 에이전트를 통해 리드 자격 부여 비율을 세 배로 증가시켰습니다.
- Mouser Electronics: 13개 언어로 AI 기반 라우팅을 사용하여 92%의 고객 만족도를 달성하였습니다.

기타 성공 사례로는 미국의 주요 건강 보험사가 222%의 디지털 성장률을 기록하였고, SportPesa는 58%의 AI 챗봇 유지율을, Najm은 60%의 연락 센터 절감을 달성하였습니다. 이러한 성과들은 LivePerson에게 여러 산업 내 인정들을 가져다주었습니다.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) a démontré un retour sur investissement significatif des initiatives en IA pour de grandes marques à travers le monde. La plateforme Conversational Cloud® et les solutions IA de l'entreprise ont aidé des entreprises de divers secteurs à obtenir des résultats mesurables, contrairement à la tendance actuelle de désillusion face à l'IA. Parmi les succès notables, on trouve :

- Frost Bank: Atteint un taux de satisfaction client de 91% avec un support 24/7 grâce à des outils d'efficacité alimentés par IA.
- Zurich UK: Réduit le temps d'accord des demandes d'assurance à 13 minutes sur WhatsApp.
- Open Universities Australia: A triplé les taux de qualification des prospects grâce à des agents IA génératifs.
- Mouser Electronics: A obtenu un score de satisfaction client de 92% en utilisant un routage alimenté par IA en 13 langues.

D'autres succès incluent une croissance numérique de 222% d'une grande compagnie d'assurance santé américaine, un taux de confinement du chatbot IA de 58% pour SportPesa, et 60% d'économies dans le centre de contact pour Najm. Ces réalisations ont valu à LivePerson plusieurs reconnaissances dans l'industrie.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) hat einen erheblichen ROI aus AI-Initiativen für große Marken weltweit nachgewiesen. Die Conversational Cloud®-Plattform und die AI-Lösungen des Unternehmens haben Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Sektoren geholfen, messbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen, im Gegensatz zum aktuellen Trend der Desillusionierung gegenüber AI. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgsgeschichten gehören:

- Frost Bank: Erzielte 91% CSAT mit rund-um-die-Uhr-Support unter Verwendung von AI-gesteuerten Effizienzwerkzeugen.
- Zurich UK: Reduzierte die Zeit zur Einigung bei Versicherungsansprüchen auf 13 Minuten über WhatsApp.
- Open Universities Australia: Verdreifachte die Qualifizierungsraten von Leads mithilfe generativer AI-Agents.
- Mouser Electronics: Erreichte einen Kundenbindungswert von 92% unter Verwendung von AI-gesteuertem Routing in 13 Sprachen.

Weitere Erfolge umfassen ein digitales Wachstum von 222% im Jahresvergleich eines führenden US-Krankenversicherers, eine 58% AI-Chatbot-Haltequote von SportPesa und 60% Einsparungen im Contact Center durch Najm. Diese Erfolge haben LivePerson zahlreiche Branchenanerkennungen eingebracht.

  • Frost Bank achieved 91% CSAT with LivePerson's AI-powered agent efficiency tools
  • Zurich UK reduced insurance claims agreement time to 13 minutes on WhatsApp
  • Open Universities Australia tripled lead qualification rates with generative AI agents
  • Mouser Electronics attained 92% customer satisfaction score using AI-powered routing in 13 languages
  • A leading US health insurer achieved 222% year-over-year growth in digital with 86% customer satisfaction rate
  • SportPesa's AI chatbots successfully contain 58% of customer inquiries
  • Najm achieved 60% contact center savings through AI and channel expansion
  • LivePerson received multiple industry recognitions, including from Gartner and Forrester
  • None.


LivePerson's success in delivering measurable AI ROI for major enterprises is a significant positive for the company. The case studies demonstrate strong customer satisfaction scores, improved operational efficiencies and cost savings across various industries. For example:

  • Frost Bank achieved 91% CSAT with 24/7 support
  • Zurich UK reduced insurance claims agreement time to just 13 minutes
  • Open Universities Australia tripled lead qualification rates
  • Mouser Electronics attained 92% customer satisfaction
  • A leading US health insurer saw 222% YoY growth in digital sales
  • Najm achieved 60% contact center savings

These results showcase LivePerson's ability to drive tangible business outcomes, which is important for customer retention and potential new client acquisition. The external validations from Gartner, Forrester and Fast Company further strengthen LivePerson's market position. However, investors should note that with a market cap of just $90.8 million, LPSN is a small-cap stock, which can be more volatile. The company's ability to consistently deliver results and expand its customer base will be key to future growth.

LivePerson's Conversational Cloud platform demonstrates advanced AI capabilities that set it apart in the competitive landscape. Key technological advantages include:

  • Generative AI-powered agent efficiency tools
  • Voice to Messaging capabilities for omnichannel support
  • AI Studio for customizing and testing AI agents
  • AI-powered routing for efficient customer service
  • Multilingual support (13 languages for Mouser Electronics)

The platform's ability to blend AI with human agents effectively is particularly noteworthy. This hybrid approach allows for automation of routine tasks while maintaining the human touch for complex issues. The success across diverse industries (banking, insurance, education, electronics) showcases the platform's versatility and scalability. LivePerson's focus on measurable outcomes and ROI aligns well with enterprise needs, especially as AI moves past the "peak of inflated expectations" in Gartner's hype cycle. The company's continued innovation and adaptability to emerging AI technologies will be important for maintaining its competitive edge in the rapidly evolving AI and customer experience market.

Brands across financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail, and more use LivePerson solutions to generate better business outcomes from AI

NEW YORK, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN), the enterprise leader in digital-first customer conversations, has helped major brands worldwide achieve meaningful ROI from their AI initiatives. These real applications of AI and automation have accelerated contact center transformations, supercharged agent productivity, and delivered more personalized experiences for millions of customers.

According to Gartner, the hype around AI has passed the "peak of inflated expectations" and is now sliding down into the "trough of disillusionment." In contrast to vendors unable to produce measurable results, LivePerson's Conversational Cloud® platform and AI solutions have helped the world's best-loved brands attain real ROI. Over the course of 2024, customer case studies have highlighted the diversity of use cases and demonstrable business outcomes achieved in partnership with these brands, including:

Frost Bank: AI empowers live agents to deliver 91% CSAT with 24/7 support
The #1 bank for Retail Banking Customer Satisfaction in Texas (according to J.D. Power), works with LivePerson to empower its human agents to hold better, more effective customer conversations. Operating on the belief that customers should be able to speak directly to a real person no matter what channel they reach out on, the bank uses LivePerson solutions — including generative AI-powered agent efficiency tools — to respond in less than 60 seconds to hundreds of thousands of conversations annually.

"At Frost, we're passionate about using technology to strengthen human connection. That's why we're partnering with LivePerson to integrate AI that empowers our team to demonstrate our culture at scale. AI allows us to take our humans and turn them into super humans," said Laura Miller, EVP of Consumer Strategy and Digital at Frost Bank, in the June 2024 case study.

Zurich UK: AI improves insurance customer engagement
This leading insurance provider leverages LivePerson's platform and AI to provide support for customers within the messaging channels they know and trust. Zurich UK uses LivePerson's Voice to Messaging capabilities to shift customers into webchat, text messages, and WhatsApp conversations, then support them with a blend of AI and human agents. Results from a pilot include dramatically reducing insurance claims agreement time to just 13 minutes on WhatsApp.

"With this digital transformation, we're able to put the customer first and get them through that difficult time as quickly as possible," said Helen Rogers, Head of Claims Digital Experience at Zurich UK, in the June 2024 case study.

Open Universities Australia (OUA): tripling lead qualification with generative AI agents
The largest higher education marketplace in Australia uses LivePerson's generative AI agents to enhance their recruitment process. This collaboration has significantly improved lead qualification rates by 3x compared to self-searching and 2x compared to scripted chatbots. OUA used LivePerson's AI Studio, an advanced environment for customizing and testing AI agents, to build an LLM-powered generative AI agent capable of handling inquiries with ease and empathy.

"The prospective students that come to our website are in different consideration phases, so when they first decide to interact with OUA, there's a need for a conversational and personalized experience," said Rachit Monga, Head of Student Recruitment at Open Universities Australia in the September 2024 case study.

Mouser Electronics: blending the human touch with customer service AI
LivePerson AI supports 13 languages for this Texas-based, global distributor of semiconductors and electronic components. Hundreds of thousands of Mouser's customer conversations run through LivePerson's platform every year, with AI-powered routing helping customers get to the appropriate answers and agents. Mouser has achieved a customer satisfaction score of 92%.

"As a 'High Service Distributor,' it is critical that our customers receive the same high-quality interaction experience on our messaging platform as they would in any other customer interface. LivePerson's platform and their incredible support team have ensured that Mouser is able to exceed our customers' expectations," said Lori Hartman, SVP of Customer Experience, Mouser Electronics in the February 2024 case study.

Additional 2024 success stories highlighting LivePerson's ability to unlock the ROI of AI for its enterprise customers include:

  • A leading US health insurer: AI streamlines the digital sales process 
    One of the largest health insurers in the United States is accelerating digital sales with LivePerson, including using AI for external customer-facing and internal agent-facing use cases. With a variety of bots and automations assisting consumers and agents at various stages of the customer lifecycle, LivePerson solutions have helped them achieve 222% year-over-year growth in digital with an 86% customer satisfaction rate.
  • SportPesa: transforming to digital-first CX with around-the-clock AI support
    This leading sports entertainment company revolutionized the betting industry in Africa and expanded worldwide. AI chatbots successfully contain 58% of customer inquiries, with 70% of customer interactions in home base country Kenya becoming fully digital.
  • Najm: achieving 60% contact center savings through AI and channel expansion
    After years of using voice as their only support channel, this Saudi Arabian motor vehicle insurer partnered with LivePerson and its local partner BAB to open a WhatsApp channel supported by AI agents, reducing response time from 3 hours to 15 minutes.

"Contrary to the many AI and automation use cases that fail to meet expectations, our technology offers measurable, sustainable value to our enterprise customers," said John Sabino, CEO of LivePerson. "On top of that, our customers are true partners; their success is our success. We're proud to co-innovate with them on their unique digital transformation journeys — and to have helped them achieve these outstanding results that have driven their business forward."

On top of these customer successes, LivePerson has garnered several external validations for its ability to generate better business outcomes for enterprises, including multiple recognitions from Gartner and Forrester, being named to the Applied AI list in Fast Company's 2024 Most Innovative Companies program, and best-in-class product honors from the leading awards programs for the tech and customer experience industries.

To learn more about improving revenue growth and reducing operating costs with AI and messaging, visit LivePerson's ROI Calculator.

About LivePerson
LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the enterprise leader in digital-first customer conversations. The world's leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and AI-powered solutions to accelerate contact center transformation, supercharge agent productivity, and deliver more personalized customer experiences. Fast Company named us the #1 Most Innovative AI Company in the world. To talk with us or our AI, please visit

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Mike Tague

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SOURCE LivePerson


What ROI has LivePerson (LPSN) delivered to enterprises with its AI solutions?

LivePerson has delivered significant ROI to enterprises across various sectors. Examples include Frost Bank achieving 91% CSAT, Zurich UK reducing claims agreement time to 13 minutes, Open Universities Australia tripling lead qualification rates, and Mouser Electronics attaining 92% customer satisfaction score.

How has LivePerson's (LPSN) AI improved customer service for Frost Bank?

LivePerson's AI-powered agent efficiency tools have helped Frost Bank respond to hundreds of thousands of conversations annually in less than 60 seconds, resulting in a 91% customer satisfaction score with 24/7 support.

What impact has LivePerson's (LPSN) AI had on Open Universities Australia's recruitment process?

LivePerson's generative AI agents have significantly improved Open Universities Australia's lead qualification rates, tripling them compared to self-searching and doubling them compared to scripted chatbots.

How has a US health insurer benefited from LivePerson's (LPSN) AI solutions?

A leading US health insurer using LivePerson's AI solutions for customer-facing and agent-facing use cases has achieved 222% year-over-year growth in digital interactions with an 86% customer satisfaction rate.

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