G2 names LivePerson a Leader across multiple Fall 2024 Grid® reports for digital-first customer conversations

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LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) has been named a Leader in G2's Fall 2024 Grid reports for Customer Self-Service, Conversational Marketing, Chatbots, Bot Platforms, and Live Chat. These recognitions are based on user reviews and ratings on G2, the world's largest software marketplace. Products in the Leader quadrant are rated highest by G2 users and have high market presence scores.

LivePerson also achieved best-in-class rankings in categories such as Best Meets Requirements, Easiest to Use, Easiest Admin, Easiest to Do Business With, and Highest User Adoption. John Sabino, CEO of LivePerson, emphasized the significance of these recognitions as they are based on customer reviews and ratings, reflecting the trust built with leading brands.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) è stata nominata Leader nei rapporti G2 Grid dell'autunno 2024 per il Self-Service del Cliente, il Marketing Conversazionale, i Chatbot, le Piattaforme Bot e la Chat dal Vivo. Questi riconoscimenti si basano sulle recensioni e valutazioni degli utenti su G2, il più grande mercato di software al mondo. I prodotti nel quadrante Leader sono valutati al massimo dagli utenti di G2 e hanno punteggi elevati per la presenza di mercato.

LivePerson ha anche ottenuto classifiche di eccellenza in categorie come Il Migliore nel Soddisfare i Requisiti, Il Più Facile da Usare, Il Più Facile da Gestire, Il Più Facile con cui Fare Affari e La Maggiore Adozione da Parte degli Utenti. John Sabino, CEO di LivePerson, ha sottolineato l'importanza di questi riconoscimenti poiché si basano sulle recensioni e valutazioni dei clienti, riflettendo la fiducia costruita con marchi leader.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) ha sido nombrado Líder en los Informes de G2 Grid del Otoño 2024 por Servicio al Cliente, Marketing Conversacional, Chatbots, Plataformas de Bots y Chat en Vivo. Estos reconocimientos se basan en las reseñas y calificaciones de los usuarios en G2, el mercado de software más grande del mundo. Los productos en el cuadrante de Líder son los mejor valorados por los usuarios de G2 y tienen altos puntajes de presencia en el mercado.

LivePerson también logró clasificaciones de primera categoría en categorías como Mejor Cumplimiento de Requisitos, Más Fácil de Usar, Más Fácil de Administrar, Más Fácil de Hacer Negocios y Mayor Adopción por Parte de los Usuarios. John Sabino, CEO de LivePerson, enfatizó la importancia de estos reconocimientos ya que se basan en las reseñas y calificaciones de los clientes, reflejando la confianza construida con las marcas líderes.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN)은 고객 셀프 서비스, 대화형 마케팅, 챗봇, 봇 플랫폼 및 라이브 채팅에 대한 2024년 가을 G2 Grid 보고서의 리더로 선정되었습니다. 이러한 인정은 세계 최대 소프트웨어 시장인 G2에서 사용자 리뷰 및 평가를 기반으로 합니다. 리더 사분면에 있는 제품은 G2 사용자가 가장 높게 평가했으며 시장 존재 점수가 높습니다.

LivePerson은 또한 요구 사항 충족, 사용 용이성, 관리 용이성, 비즈니스 온 편리함 및 사용자 채택률 등 여러 분야에서 최고의 순위를 기록하였습니다. LivePerson의 CEO인 John Sabino는 이러한 인정이 고객 리뷰와 평가를 기반으로 하여 선도 브랜드와의 신뢰를 반영한다는 점에서 중요하다고 강조했습니다.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) a été nommé Leader dans les rapports G2 Grid de l'automne 2024 pour le Service Autonome Client, le Marketing Conversationnel, les Chatbots, les Plates-formes Bot et le Chat en Direct. Ces reconnaissances sont basées sur les avis et notations des utilisateurs sur G2, le plus grand marché de logiciels au monde. Les produits dans le quadrant Leader sont les mieux notés par les utilisateurs de G2 et affichent de forts scores de présence sur le marché.

LivePerson a également obtenu des classements de premier ordre dans des catégories telles que Meilleure Réponse aux Exigences, Plus Facile à Utiliser, Plus Facile à Administrer, Plus Facile à Faire des Affaires et Plus Grande Adoption par les Utilisateurs. John Sabino, PDG de LivePerson, a souligné l'importance de ces reconnaissances car elles reposent sur les avis et notations des clients, reflétant la confiance établie avec des marques de premier plan.

LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN) wurde als Leader in G2s Herbst 2024 Grid-Berichten für Kunden-Selbstbedienung, Conversational Marketing, Chatbots, Bot-Plattformen und Live-Chat ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnungen basieren auf Nutzerbewertungen und -bewertungen auf G2, dem größten Software-Markt der Welt. Produkte im Leader-Quadranten haben die höchsten Bewertungen von G2-Nutzern und hohe Marktanteilwerte.

LivePerson erzielte auch Spitzenbewertungen in Kategorien wie Beste Erfüllung der Anforderungen, Am Einfachsten zu Benutzen, Am Einfachsten zu Administrieren, Am Einfachsten für Geschäfte zu arbeiten und Höchste Nutzerakzeptanz. John Sabino, CEO von LivePerson, betonte die Bedeutung dieser Auszeichnungen, da sie auf Kundenbewertungen und -bewertungen basieren und das Vertrauen widerspiegeln, das mit führenden Marken aufgebaut wurde.

  • Named Leader in multiple G2 Fall 2024 Grid reports
  • Achieved best-in-class rankings in various categories
  • Recognition based on real customer reviews and ratings
  • None.

Based on buyer reviews, LivePerson earns top accolades for customer self-service,
conversational marketing, chatbot, bot platform, and live chat capabilities

NEW YORK, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LivePerson (Nasdaq: LPSN), the enterprise leader in digital-first customer conversations, has been named a Leader in G2's Fall 2024 Grid reports for Customer Self-Service, Conversational Marketing, Chatbots, Bot Platforms, and Live Chat. These recognitions are based on user responses to reviews and questions on G2, the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace.

G2 Grid reports represent the voice of real customers and are meant to help technology buyers select the best products for their businesses and learn from peers with similar experiences. Products in the Leader quadrant are rated highest by G2 users and achieve high scores for market presence.

G2 named LivePerson a Leader in the following Grids:

  • Customer Self-Service: platforms for end users, prospects, or customers to access information and perform tasks without the need for human assistance
  • Conversational Marketing: engaging potential customers with personalized, one-on-one conversations en route to specific product recommendations or offers
  • Chatbots: virtual agents or assistants used to conduct tasks or provide information based on written or spoken requests
  • Bot Platforms: tools used to build and deploy an AI chatbot or agent
  • Live Chat: messaging with website visitors in real time via chat windows

"Rankings on G2 reports are based on data provided to us by real software buyers," said Sara Rossio, Chief Product Officer at G2. "Potential buyers know they can trust these insights when researching and selecting software because they're rooted in vetted, verified, and authentic reviews."

LivePerson also achieved best-in-class rankings in G2's reports across AI agent and digital-first conversations categories, including:

  • Best Meets Requirements
  • Easiest to Use
  • Easiest Admin
  • Easiest to Do Business With
  • Highest User Adoption

"While it's always gratifying to earn recognitions of our solutions, what sets G2 reports apart is that they're awarded based on our customers' reviews and ratings," said John Sabino, CEO of LivePerson. "We're proud to have built this level of trust with the world's best-loved brands as we work hand-in-hand with them generating real ROI from customer conversations."

To learn more about LivePerson's solutions for digital-first customer conversations, visit

About LivePerson
LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the enterprise leader in digital-first customer conversations. The world's leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and AI-powered solutions to accelerate contact center transformation, supercharge agent productivity, and deliver more personalized customer experiences. Fast Company named us the #1 Most Innovative AI Company in the world. To talk with us or our AI, please visit

About G2
G2 is the world's largest and most trusted software marketplace. More than 90 million people annually — including employees at all Fortune 500 companies — use G2 to make smarter software decisions based on authentic peer reviews. Thousands of software and services companies of all sizes partner with G2 to build their reputation and grow their business — including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, and Adobe. To learn more about where you go for software, visit and follow us on LinkedIn.

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SOURCE LivePerson, Inc.


What G2 Grid reports has LivePerson (LPSN) been named a Leader in for Fall 2024?

LivePerson has been named a Leader in G2's Fall 2024 Grid reports for Customer Self-Service, Conversational Marketing, Chatbots, Bot Platforms, and Live Chat.

What do the G2 Grid reports represent for LivePerson (LPSN)?

G2 Grid reports represent the voice of real customers and are based on user reviews and ratings. They help technology buyers select the best products for their businesses.

What additional rankings did LivePerson (LPSN) achieve in G2's reports?

LivePerson achieved best-in-class rankings in categories such as Best Meets Requirements, Easiest to Use, Easiest Admin, Easiest to Do Business With, and Highest User Adoption.

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