LG Display's OLED TV panels proven to 'Sleep Friendly' supporting body and eye health

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LG Display's OLED TV panels have been proven to be 'Sleep Friendly', supporting body and eye health according to a recent clinical study. The research, conducted with Kookmin University, showed that melatonin secretion increased by 8.1% in the OLED TV group, while decreasing by 2.7% in the LCD TV group over two hours of viewing.

OLED panels emit only 36% blue light compared to 70-80% from LCD panels, minimizing the negative impact on melatonin secretion. LG Display's OLED panels have also been certified as 'Circadian Friendly' by TÜV Rheinland and earned 'Eyesafe', 'Flicker Free', and 'Discomfort Glare Free' certifications from other leading safety bodies.

I pannelli OLED TV di LG Display sono stati dimostrati essere 'Amici del Sonno', sostenendo la salute del corpo e degli occhi secondo un recente studio clinico. La ricerca, condotta con l'Università Kookmin, ha mostrato che la secrezione di melatonina è aumentata dell'8,1% nel gruppo OLED, mentre è diminuita del 2,7% nel gruppo LCD dopo due ore di visione.

I pannelli OLED emettono solo il 36% di luce blu rispetto al 70-80% dei pannelli LCD, riducendo al minimo l'impatto negativo sulla secrezione di melatonina. I pannelli OLED di LG Display sono stati anche certificati come 'Amici del Ritmo Circadiano' da TÜV Rheinland e hanno ottenuto le certificazioni 'Eyesafe', 'Senza Sfarfallio' e 'Senza Abbagliamento di Inconvenienza' da altri organismi di sicurezza di prim'ordine.

Los paneles OLED TV de LG Display han demostrado ser 'Amigos del Sueño', apoyando la salud del cuerpo y los ojos según un reciente estudio clínico. La investigación, realizada con la Universidad Kookmin, mostró que la secreción de melatonina aumentó en un 8.1% en el grupo OLED, mientras que disminuyó en un 2.7% en el grupo LCD después de dos horas de visualización.

Los paneles OLED emiten solo 36% de luz azul en comparación con el 70-80% de los paneles LCD, minimizando el impacto negativo en la secreción de melatonina. Los paneles OLED de LG Display también han sido certificados como 'Amigos Circadianos' por TÜV Rheinland y han obtenido certificaciones de 'Eyesafe', 'Sin Parpadeo' y 'Sin Deslumbramiento Inconveniente' de otros organismos líderes en seguridad.

LG 디스플레이의 OLED TV 패널은 최근 임상 연구에 따라 '수면 친화적'임이 입증되어 신체 및 눈 건강을 지원합니다. 국민대학교와 함께 수행된 연구에서 OLED TV 그룹의 멜라토닌 분비가 8.1% 증가한 반면, LCD TV 그룹에서는 두 시간 시청 후 2.7% 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다.

OLED 패널은 LCD 패널의 70-80%에 비해 36%의 블루 라이트만 방출하여 멜라토닌 분비에 미치는 부정적인 영향을 최소화합니다. LG 디스플레이의 OLED 패널은 TÜV 라인란드에서 '일주기 리듬 친화적'으로 인증받았으며, 다른 주요 안전 기관에서 'Eyesafe', '플리커 프리', '불편한 눈부심 없음' 인증도 받았습니다.

Les panneaux OLED TV de LG Display ont prouvé qu'ils étaient 'Amis du Sommeil', soutenant la santé du corps et des yeux selon une récente étude clinique. La recherche, réalisée avec l'Université Kookmin, a montré que la sécrétion de mélatonine a augmenté de 8,1% dans le groupe OLED, tandis qu'elle a diminué de 2,7% dans le groupe LCD après deux heures de visionnage.

Les panneaux OLED émettent seulement 36% de lumière bleue par rapport à 70-80% pour les panneaux LCD, minimisant ainsi l'impact négatif sur la sécrétion de mélatonine. Les panneaux OLED de LG Display ont également été certifiés 'Amis Circadiens' par TÜV Rheinland et ont obtenu les certifications 'Eyesafe', 'Sans Clignotement' et 'Sans Éblouissement Inconfortable' d'autres organismes de sécurité de premier plan.

Die OLED-TV-Panels von LG Display haben sich als 'Schlaf-Freundlich' erwiesen und unterstützen die Gesundheit von Körper und Augen, wie eine aktuelle klinische Studie zeigt. Die Forschung, die in Zusammenarbeit mit der Kookmin-Universität durchgeführt wurde, hat gezeigt, dass die Melatoninausschüttung um 8,1% in der OLED-TV-Gruppe gestiegen ist, während sie in der LCD-TV-Gruppe nach zwei Stunden Betrachtung um 2,7% gesunken ist.

OLED-Panels strahlen nur 36% des blauen Lichts aus, verglichen mit 70-80% von LCD-Panels, was den negativen Einfluss auf die Melatoninausschüttung minimiert. Die OLED-Panels von LG Display wurden auch von TÜV Rheinland als 'zirkadianfreundlich' zertifiziert und haben Zertifizierungen für 'Eyesafe', 'Flicker Free' und 'Unangenehmes Blenden Frei' von anderen führenden Sicherheitsorganisationen erhalten.

  • Clinical study shows OLED TV panels increase melatonin secretion by 8.1% over two hours
  • OLED panels emit only 36% blue light compared to 70-80% from LCD panels
  • OLED TV panels certified as 'Circadian Friendly' by TÜV Rheinland
  • OLED panels earned 'Eyesafe', 'Flicker Free', and 'Discomfort Glare Free' certifications
  • None.

LG Display's recent clinical study demonstrates a significant improvement in viewer sleep patterns when using OLED TV panels compared to LCD panels. This is a noteworthy finding as blue light is a known disruptor of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. By emitting only 36% blue light, OLED panels help maintain melatonin levels better than their LCD counterparts, which emit 70-80% blue light. The study's results—showing an 8.1% increase in melatonin secretion in the OLED group versus a 2.7% decrease in the LCD group—indicate OLED's superior sleep-friendliness. This aligns with broader health trends prioritizing reduced screen time and healthier viewing options, potentially making OLED TVs more attractive to health-conscious consumers.

The confirmation of LG Display's OLED panels as 'Sleep Friendly' could significantly impact the market dynamics for television panels. Health benefits, particularly those related to sleep, are increasingly important to consumers. Certifications such as 'Circadian Friendly' by TÜV Rheinland and 'Eyesafe' further enhance the attractiveness of OLED panels. This could lead to a rise in demand for OLED TVs, potentially increasing LG Display's market share. Investors should note that such differentiation in product offerings can be a substantial competitive advantage, likely leading to improved financial performance in the consumer electronics sector.

From a financial perspective, LG Display's validation of their OLED panels' health benefits can positively influence their revenue streams. As consumers become more health-conscious, the demand for OLED TVs is expected to rise, which could result in higher sales volumes and market penetration. Additionally, the certifications and health benefits create a premium positioning for LG Display's products, allowing for potential price premiums. This news is likely to boost investor confidence, leading to potential stock price appreciation. Moreover, the company's leadership in display technology innovation sets a strong foundation for sustained growth and profitability.

SEOUL, South Korea, July 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- LG Display, the world's leading innovator of display technologies, announced today that its OLED TV panels have been confirmed to be excellent for helping viewers maintain healthy sleep patterns.

LG Display's OLED TV panels proven to 'Sleep Friendly' supporting body and eye health

The company recently completed a clinical study to verify the impact of TV panels on sleep, in conjunction with researchers from Seoul's Kookmin University. During the two-week study, they measured levels of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin in 40 adult men and women divided into groups watching the same content on either LCD or OLED TVs.

While the LCD TV group's melatonin secretion fell 2.7% over two hours, it increased 8.1% in the OLED TV group.

The human body needs melatonin to rise in the evening to prepare for sleep. However, blue light emitted from displays is known to disturb melatonin secretion, potentially leading to sleep disorders.

In general, LCD panels emit 70-80% blue light due to their continuous reliance on a strong backlight, compared with just 36% blue light from LG Display's self-emissive, and therefore backlight-less, OLED TV panels.

"In addition to minimizing the negative impact on melatonin secretion during viewing time, OLED TVs have been shown to be effective in maintaining viewers' healthy sleep patterns through greater activation of their parasympathetic nerves, which are responsible for feelings of comfort," said Prof. Kim Chang-wook, who led the research team.

The results of the study confirm previous recognition of LG Display's OLED panels as supportive of eye and body health, including being optimized to protect viewers' circadian rhythms. Last year, the company's OLED TV and monitor panels were the first in the industry to be certified as "Circadian Friendly" by TÜV Rheinland, a leading global independent testing, inspection and certification body.

Moreover, with the lowest level of blue light emissions among all existing TV panels and absence of screen flicker, a phenomenon that can cause vision loss, the company's OLED TV panels have earned the "Eyesafe" certification created by U.S.-based Eyesafe in association with TÜV Rheinland, along with "Flicker Free" and "Discomfort Glare Free" verifications from UL, a leading global safety science company.

"We will introduce products and technologies that can provide differentiated customer value based on OLED panels that are safe for the human body while offering the best image quality," said Soo-young Yoon, CTO and Executive Vice President at LG Display.

About LG Display

LG Display Co., Ltd. [NYSE: LPL, KRX: 034220] is the world's leading innovator of display technologies, including thin-film transistor liquid crystal and OLED displays. The company manufactures display panels in a broad range of sizes and specifications primarily for use in TVs, notebook computers, desktop monitors, automobiles, and various other applications, including tablets and mobile devices. LG Display currently operates manufacturing facilities in Korea and China, and back-end assembly facilities in Korea, China, and Vietnam. The company has approximately 70,707 employees operating worldwide. For more news and information about LG Display, please visit

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Joo Yeon Jennifer Ha, Manager, Communication Team


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How do LG Display's OLED TV panels (LPL) affect melatonin secretion?

According to a clinical study, LG Display's OLED TV panels increased melatonin secretion by 8.1% over two hours of viewing, compared to a 2.7% decrease with LCD TVs.

What percentage of blue light do LG Display's OLED TV panels (LPL) emit compared to LCD panels?

LG Display's OLED TV panels emit 36% blue light, significantly less than the 70-80% emitted by LCD panels.

What certifications have LG Display's OLED TV panels (LPL) received for eye and body health?

LG Display's OLED TV panels have been certified as 'Circadian Friendly' by TÜV Rheinland, and received 'Eyesafe', 'Flicker Free', and 'Discomfort Glare Free' certifications from other leading safety bodies.

How do LG Display's OLED TV panels (LPL) support healthy sleep patterns?

LG Display's OLED TV panels support healthy sleep patterns by minimizing blue light emission, which can disturb melatonin secretion, and by activating viewers' parasympathetic nerves, responsible for feelings of comfort.

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