Comstock Fuels and Emerging Fuels Technology Advance SAF and Other Renewable Fuel Yields
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) has signed a Technology Cooperation Agreement with Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) to integrate EFT's gas-to-liquids process into Comstock's renewable fuel solutions. The partnership aims to enhance the production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and other renewable fuels from woody biomass.
The integrated system will convert carbon emissions into 'emissions derived renewable fuels' (EDF), increasing Comstock's renewable fuel yields from 125 gallons to more than 140 gallons per dry metric ton of feedstock, reaching approximately 70% of the theoretical maximum yield from woody biomass. The company's process currently achieves carbon intensity scores of 15 or less.
The technology will be implemented in Comstock's recently announced 75,000 metric ton per year demonstration facility, with plans to scale up to 1,000,000 MTPY commercial facilities.
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) ha firmato un Accordo di Cooperazione Tecnologica con Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) per integrare il processo di gas-to-liquids di EFT nelle soluzioni di combustibili rinnovabili di Comstock. La partnership mira a migliorare la produzione di Combustibile Sostenibile per l'Aviazione (SAF) e altri combustibili rinnovabili a partire da biomassa legnosa.
Il sistema integrato convertirà le emissioni di carbonio in 'combustibili rinnovabili derivati dalle emissioni' (EDF), aumentando i rendimenti di combustibili rinnovabili di Comstock da 125 galloni a più di 140 galloni per tonnellata metrica secca di materia prima, raggiungendo circa il 70% del rendimento massimo teorico dalla biomassa legnosa. Attualmente, il processo dell'azienda raggiunge punteggi di intensità di carbonio di 15 o meno.
La tecnologia sarà implementata nell'impianto dimostrativo recentemente annunciato da Comstock, con una capacità di 75.000 tonnellate metriche all'anno, con piani per espandersi fino a impianti commerciali da 1.000.000 TPA.
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) ha firmado un Acuerdo de Cooperación Tecnológica con Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) para integrar el proceso de gas a líquidos de EFT en las soluciones de combustible renovable de Comstock. La asociación tiene como objetivo mejorar la producción de Combustible Sostenible para la Aviación (SAF) y otros combustibles renovables a partir de biomasa leñosa.
El sistema integrado convertirá las emisiones de carbono en 'combustibles renovables derivados de las emisiones' (EDF), aumentando los rendimientos de combustible renovable de Comstock de 125 galones a más de 140 galones por tonelada métrica seca de materia prima, alcanzando aproximadamente el 70% del rendimiento máximo teórico de la biomasa leñosa. Actualmente, el proceso de la empresa logra puntajes de intensidad de carbono de 15 o menos.
La tecnología se implementará en la instalación de demostración recientemente anunciada por Comstock, con una capacidad de 75,000 toneladas métricas por año, con planes para escalar hasta instalaciones comerciales de 1,000,000 TPA.
컴스톡 Inc. (NYSE: LODE)는 Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT)와 기술 협력 계약을 체결하여 EFT의 가스-액체 전환 과정을 컴스톡의 재생 가능 연료 솔루션에 통합하기로 했습니다. 이 파트너십은 목재 바이오매스로부터 지속 가능한 항공 연료(SAF) 및 기타 재생 가능 연료의 생산을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이 통합 시스템은 탄소 배출을 '배출에서 유래한 재생 가능 연료'(EDF)로 전환하여 컴스톡의 재생 가능 연료 수확량을 125갤런에서 140갤런 이상으로 증가시키며, 목재 바이오매스로부터 이론적 최대 수확량의 약 70%에 도달합니다. 현재 회사의 공정은 15 이하의 탄소 집약도 점수를 기록하고 있습니다.
이 기술은 컴스톡이 최근 발표한 연간 75,000 미터톤 시연 시설에서 구현되며, 1,000,000 MTPY 상업 시설로 확장할 계획입니다.
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) a signé un accord de coopération technologique avec Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) afin d'intégrer le processus gaz-liquides d'EFT dans les solutions de carburants renouvelables de Comstock. Le partenariat vise à améliorer la production de carburant d'aviation durable (SAF) et d'autres carburants renouvelables à partir de biomasse ligneuse.
Le système intégré convertira les émissions de carbone en 'carburants renouvelables dérivés des émissions' (EDF), augmentant les rendements en carburants renouvelables de Comstock de 125 gallons à plus de 140 gallons par tonne métrique sèche de matière première, atteignant environ 70 % du rendement maximum théorique de la biomasse ligneuse. Le processus de l'entreprise atteint actuellement des scores d'intensité de carbone de 15 ou moins.
La technologie sera mise en œuvre dans l'installation de démonstration récemment annoncée par Comstock, avec une capacité de 75 000 tonnes métriques par an, avec des plans pour passer à des installations commerciales de 1 000 000 TPA.
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) hat eine Technologiekooperationsvereinbarung mit Emerging Fuels Technology (EFT) unterzeichnet, um den EFT-Gas-zu-Flüssigkeiten-Prozess in die erneuerbaren Brennstofflösungen von Comstock zu integrieren. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Produktion von nachhaltigem Flugbenzin (SAF) und anderen erneuerbaren Brennstoffen aus Holzbiomasse zu verbessern.
Das integrierte System wird Kohlenstoffemissionen in 'emissionsbasierte erneuerbare Brennstoffe' (EDF) umwandeln und damit die Erträge von Comstocks erneuerbaren Brennstoffen von 125 Gallonen auf mehr als 140 Gallonen pro trockener metrischer Tonne Ausgangsmaterial erhöhen, was etwa 70 % des theoretischen Maximalertrages aus Holzbiomasse erreicht. Der Prozess des Unternehmens erzielt derzeit Kohlenstoffintensitätswerte von 15 oder weniger.
Die Technologie wird in der kürzlich angekündigten 75.000 metrische Tonnen pro Jahr Demostelle von Comstock implementiert, mit Plänen, auf 1.000.000 MTPY kommerzielle Anlagen hochzuskalieren.
- Integration with EFT technology increases renewable fuel yields from 125 to 140+ gallons per dry metric ton
- Partnership enables conversion of 20% process emissions losses into additional yield
- Technology achieves very low carbon intensity scores of 15 or less
- Clear path to commercialization with 75,000 MTPY demonstration facility scaling to 1,000,000 MTPY
- Technology still requires scaling validation from TRL 6 to TRL 7 and 8
- Current process loses up to 20% of feedstock value to emissions
The partnership between Comstock and EFT represents a significant technological breakthrough in renewable fuel production. The integration of EFT's gas-to-liquids process with Comstock's existing technology could increase fuel yields from 125 gallons to over 140 gallons per dry metric ton of feedstock, approaching
The technology's progression from TRL 6 to TRL 7 with planned scaling to TRL 8 indicates a robust development pathway. The planned 75,000 MTPY demonstration facility, followed by a 1,000,000 MTPY commercial facility, shows a clear commercialization strategy. The integration of TRL 9 components reduces scaling risks while pushing the boundaries of yield optimization.
This partnership marks a strategic advancement in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and renewable fuel production. The technology integration achieves remarkably low carbon intensity scores of 15 or less, positioning Comstock competitively in the growing sustainable fuel market. The ability to capture and convert process emissions into additional fuel products creates a circular economy approach that enhances both environmental and economic benefits.
The modular scale-up approach through the EFT Process integration demonstrates a pragmatic path to commercialization. With woody biomass as feedstock, this technology could significantly impact the aviation industry's decarbonization efforts while maintaining cost competitiveness - a important factor for market adoption.
Combined Technologies Significantly Increase Market Leading Yields from Woody Biomass
VIRGINIA CITY, Nev., Dec. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) (“Comstock” and the “Company”) announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Comstock IP Holdings LLC, has executed a Technology Cooperation Agreement (“TCA”) with Oklahoma-based Emerging Fuels Technology, Inc. (“EFT”). Under this agreement, Comstock and EFT will enter into a Master License Agreement, supported by ongoing EFT technical development, to integrate EFT’s gas-to-liquids process (“GTL” and “EFT Process”) into Comstock’s industry-leading renewable fuel solutions. The integrated system will be able to capture and convert carbon emissions into “emissions derived renewable fuels” (“EDF”) that further extends Comstock’s industry-leading renewable fuel yields, including SAF. All commercialization of existing and future Comstock Fuels Corporation’s renewable fuel technologies, including those developed through this partnership, will be managed exclusively by Comstock Fuels Corporation. EFT is headquartered and operates in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
David Winsness, president of Comstock Fuels, said, “Ken, Mark and EFT are leading fuel innovators (and producers) and one of our most trusted technical partners and supporters for many, many years, and true leaders in innovating and deploying gas-to-liquids solutions. Integrating the EFT process with our already market leading yields enables a significant increase in our SAF production goals, while further reducing carbon intensities. Extending our system with EFT is a very natural evolution.”
Emissions Derived Fuels
Comstock Fuels delivers advanced lignocellulosic biomass refining solutions that produce market-leading yields of SAF, renewable diesel, cellulosic ethanol, and other renewable fuels at extremely low carbon intensities. Comstock’s process involves: (1) solvolytic digestion and fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass, (2) bioconversion of cellulose into Cellulosic Ethanol, (3) esterification of lignin and other derivatives into Bioleum Oil, (4) hydrodeoxygenation of Bioleum Oil into Hydrodeoxygenated Bioleum Oil (“HBO”), and (5) refining of the resulting intermediates into ASTM compliant fuels. These processes can produce up to 125 gallons of renewable fuel per dry metric ton of feedstock (on a gasoline gallon equivalent basis, or GGE), depending on feedstock, lignin content, site conditions, and other process parameters, with extremely low carbon intensity scores of 15 or even less.
Integrating EFT’s GTL process to convert Comstock’s process emissions has the potential to increase Comstock’s industry leading bulk biomass conversion yields even further, to more than 140 GGE and approximately
“Comstock’s yields and recent progress are extremely impressive,” added Kenneth Agee, founder and president of EFT. “Using woody biomass to produce circular fuels has the potential to make a major contribution to decarbonizing global mobility and this TCA and collaboration with the Comstock team is a great application of our technology for the production of premium synthetic Fischer-Tropsch fuels. We share similar ambitions of accelerating the production of renewable fuels with low or negative carbon intensity on a cost-competitive basis, and we’re excited to get to work.”
Technology Readiness Level
Comstock uses the technology readiness scale to estimate the readiness of technology from conception to commercialization, iterating sequentially as follows: (i) TRL 1 (basic principles observed and reported); (ii) TRL 2 (technology concept and application formulated); (iii) TRL 3 (analytical and experimental proof of concept); (iv) TRL 4 (validation in laboratory environment); (v) TRL 5 (pre-pilot scale validation in relevant environment); (vi) TRL 6 (pilot prototype demonstration in relevant environment); (vii) TRL 7 (scaled-up commercial prototype in operational environment); (viii) TRL 8 (commercial system demonstration); (ix) TRL 9 (commercial maturity).
Comstock’s existing process solutions use TRL 9 components in new ways that have been validated at TRL 6 with plans deployed for elevating to TRL 7 in Comstock’s recently announced 75,000 metric ton per year (“MTPY”) demonstration facility, and from there to TRL 8 in Comstock’s planned 1,000,000 MTPY commercial facilities. The scope of work under Comstock’s planned technical services agreement with EFT involves all engineering and technical support required to build and integrate a modular TRL 7 scale-up of the EFT Process into Comstock’s demonstration facility followed by continued and accelerated scaling to TRL 8 in Comstock’s commercial facilities.
“Process emissions capture and utilization will meaningfully enhance our commercialization impact,” concluded Kevin Kreisler, Comstock’s chief technology officer. “Our innovations and engineering teams have designed our processes to maximize quality, yield, throughput, and profitability while relying on robust TRL 9 systems to mitigate scaling risks. Still, upwards of
About Emerging Fuels Technologies, Inc.
Established in 2007 and led by experienced executives who have committed their careers to sustainable energy and technology development, Emerging Fuels Technology is a rapidly growing technology company focused on methods for producing synthetic fuels and chemicals from a variety of feedstocks such as natural gas, flared gas, biogas, biomass, municipal solid waste, CO2 and more. EFT is one of the world's foremost authorities on Fischer-Tropsch and related synthesis. Visit
About Comstock Fuels Corporation
Comstock Fuels delivers advanced lignocellulosic biomass refining solutions that set industry benchmarks for production of cellulosic ethanol, gasoline, renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel (“SAF”), and other renewable fuels, with extremely low carbon intensity scores of 15 and market-leading yields of up to 125 gallons per dry metric ton of feedstock (on a gasoline gallon equivalent basis, or “GGE”), depending on feedstock, lignin content, site conditions, and other process parameters. Comstock Fuels plans to directly build, own, and operate a network of Bioleum Refineries in the U.S. to refine 50 million tons of biomass annually into 8 billion gallons of renewable fuel by 2035, corresponding to
About Comstock Inc.
Comstock Inc. (NYSE: LODE) innovates and commercializes technologies that are deployable across entire industries to contribute to global decarbonization and the clean energy transition by efficiently extracting and converting under-utilized natural resources, such as waste and other forms of woody biomass into renewable fuels, and end-of-life electronics into recovered electrification metals. Comstock’s innovations group is also developing and using artificial intelligence technologies for advanced materials development and mineral discovery for sustainable mining. To learn more, please visit
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What is the expected yield increase for LODE's renewable fuels after implementing EFT technology?
What is the carbon intensity score of LODE's renewable fuel production process?
What is the production capacity of LODE's planned demonstration facility?
How will the EFT partnership improve LODE's process emissions utilization?