Linde Signs Long-Term Agreement to Supply Clean Hydrogen to Dow’s Path2Zero Project in Canada

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Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) has signed a long-term agreement to supply clean hydrogen to Dow's Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero Project in Canada. The company will invest over $2 billion to build and operate a world-scale integrated clean hydrogen and atmospheric gases facility in Alberta. The complex will use autothermal reforming and Linde's proprietary HISORP® carbon capture technology to produce clean hydrogen and recover hydrogen from Dow's ethylene cracker off-gases.

The facility will supply clean hydrogen, nitrogen, and other services to support Dow's net-zero emissions integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site. It will also provide clean hydrogen to other industrial customers for decarbonization. The complex will capture over 2 million metric tons of CO2 annually for sequestration. Set to be completed in 2028, it will be Canada's largest clean hydrogen production facility and one of the largest globally.

Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) ha firmato un accordo a lungo termine per fornire idrogeno pulito al Progetto Path2Zero di Dow a Fort Saskatchewan, in Canada. L'azienda investirà oltre $2 miliardi per costruire e gestire un impianto integrato di idrogeno pulito e gas atmosferici su scala mondiale in Alberta. Il complesso utilizzerà il reforming autothermal e la tecnologia di cattura del carbonio HISORP® di Linde per produrre idrogeno pulito e recuperare idrogeno dai gas di scarico del cracker di etilene di Dow.

L'impianto fornirà idrogeno pulito, azoto e altri servizi per supportare il cracker di etilene integrato a zero emissioni nette di Dow e il sito dei suoi derivati. Inoltre, fornirà idrogeno pulito ad altri clienti industriali per la decarbonizzazione. Il complesso catturerà oltre 2 milioni di tonnellate metriche di CO2 all'anno per il sequestro. Il completamento è previsto per il 2028 e sarà il più grande impianto di produzione di idrogeno pulito del Canada e uno dei più grandi a livello globale.

Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) ha firmado un acuerdo a largo plazo para suministrar hidrógeno limpio al Proyecto Path2Zero de Dow en Fort Saskatchewan, Canadá. La empresa invertirá más de $2 mil millones para construir y operar una instalación integrada de hidrógeno limpio y gases atmosféricos a escala mundial en Alberta. El complejo utilizará reformado autotérmico y la tecnología de captura de carbono HISORP® de Linde para producir hidrógeno limpio y recuperar hidrógeno de los gases de escape del cracker de etileno de Dow.

La instalación suministrará hidrógeno limpio, nitrógeno y otros servicios para apoyar el cracker de etileno integrado de emisiones netas cero de Dow y el sitio de sus derivados. También proporcionará hidrógeno limpio a otros clientes industriales para la descarbonización. El complejo capturará más de 2 millones de toneladas métricas de CO2 anualmente para su secuestro. Se prevé que esté completo en 2028 y será la instalación de producción de hidrógeno limpio más grande de Canadá y una de las más grandes a nivel mundial.

린데 (Nasdaq:LIN)는 캐나다 포트 사스카체완의 다우 Path2Zero 프로젝트에 청정 수소를 공급하기 위한 장기 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 회사는 알버타에서 세계적 규모의 청정 수소 및 대기 가스 통합 시설을 건설하고 운영하기 위해 20억 달러 이상을 투자할 것입니다. 이 복합 시설은 자열발열 개질과 린데의 독점 기술인 HISORP®을 사용하여 청정 수소를 생산하고 다우의 에틸렌 크래커 배출가스에서 수소를 회수합니다.

이 시설은 다우의 넷 제로 배출 통합 에틸렌 크래커 및 파생 상품 사이트를 지원하기 위해 청정 수소, 질소 및 기타 서비스를 제공합니다. 또한 다른 산업 고객을 위해 탈탄소화를 위한 청정 수소를 제공합니다. 이 복합체는 매년 200만 톤 이상의 CO2를 포집하여 격리할 것입니다. 2028년 완료될 예정인 이 시설은 캐나다에서 가장 큰 청정 수소 생산 시설이자 세계에서 가장 큰 시설 중 하나가 될 것입니다.

Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) a signé un accord de long terme pour fournir hydrogène propre au Projet Path2Zero de Dow à Fort Saskatchewan, au Canada. L'entreprise investira plus de 2 milliards de dollars pour construire et exploiter une installation intégrée de production d'hydrogène propre et de gaz atmosphériques à l'échelle mondiale en Alberta. Le complexe utilisera réformage autothermique et la technologie de capture du carbone HISORP® de Linde pour produire de l'hydrogène propre et récupérer de l'hydrogène à partir des gaz résiduels du cracker d'éthylène de Dow.

L'installation fournira de l'hydrogène propre, de l'azote et d'autres services pour soutenir le cracker d'éthylène intégré à émissions nulles de Dow et son site de dérivés. Elle fournira également de l'hydrogène propre à d'autres clients industriels pour faciliter la décarbonisation. Le complexe capturera plus de 2 millions de tonnes métriques de CO2 par an pour la séquestration. Prévue pour être achevée en 2028, elle sera la plus grande installation de production d'hydrogène propre du Canada et l'une des plus grandes au monde.

Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) hat einen langfristigen Vertrag zur Lieferung von sauberem Wasserstoff für Dows Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero-Projekt in Kanada unterzeichnet. Das Unternehmen wird über 2 Milliarden Dollar investieren, um eine weltgrößere integrierte Anlage für sauberen Wasserstoff und atmosphärische Gase in Alberta zu bauen und zu betreiben. Der komplexe Betrieb wird autothermal reforming und die von Linde entwickelte HISORP®-Kohlendioxidabscheidungstechnologie nutzen, um sauberen Wasserstoff zu produzieren und Wasserstoff aus den Abgasen von Dows Ethylencracker zurückzugewinnen.

Die Anlage wird sauberen Wasserstoff, Stickstoff und andere Dienstleistungen bereitstellen, um Dows emissionsfreies integriertes Ethylencracker-Standort und Derivate zu unterstützen. Außerdem wird saubere Wasserstoff für andere Industrieunternehmen zur Dekarbonisierung bereitgestellt. Der Komplex wird jährlich über 2 Millionen metrische Tonnen CO2 abfangen und in sicherer Weise speichern. Der Abschluss ist für 2028 geplant und wird die größte Produktionsanlage für sauberen Wasserstoff in Kanada und eine der größten weltweit sein.

  • Linde secures long-term agreement with Dow for clean hydrogen supply
  • Over $2 billion investment in world-scale clean hydrogen facility
  • Facility will be the largest clean hydrogen production site in Canada
  • Project aligns with Linde's strategy of developing high-quality projects with secured off-take
  • Potential for additional revenue from supplying clean hydrogen to other industrial customers
  • Large capital expenditure of over $2 billion
  • Project completion not until 2028, indicating a long wait for returns on investment

This $2 billion investment by Linde represents a significant commitment to the clean hydrogen market, potentially positioning the company as a leader in this growing sector. The long-term agreement with Dow provides a stable revenue stream, reducing investment risk. The project's scale, being the largest clean hydrogen facility in Canada, could offer economies of scale, potentially improving profit margins.

The partnership with Dow, a major industry player, may open doors to additional collaborations in the future. The ability to capture over 2 million metric tons of CO2 annually could provide additional revenue streams through carbon credits or offsets. However, investors should consider the project completion timeline (2028) and potential regulatory changes in the interim that could impact profitability.

Linde's investment in clean hydrogen production using autothermal reforming and proprietary HISORP® carbon capture technology marks a significant advancement in industrial decarbonization. The facility's ability to recover hydrogen from Dow's ethylene cracker demonstrates innovative circular economy principles in industrial processes.

The project's scale, capturing over 2 million metric tons of CO2 annually, represents a substantial contribution to emissions reduction efforts. This aligns with growing global demands for low-carbon industrial solutions. The versatility of the facility to supply clean hydrogen to other industries indicates potential for broader market impact and accelerated adoption of hydrogen in various sectors.

This agreement signifies a growing trend in industrial decarbonization, with major players like Dow committing to net-zero emissions projects. The investment by Linde reflects confidence in the long-term demand for clean hydrogen, potentially indicating a shift in market dynamics towards cleaner energy sources.

The project's location in Alberta, Canada, could benefit from supportive government policies and potentially attract more clean energy investments to the region. The scale of this project, being one of the largest globally, may set new industry benchmarks and influence future investments in the sector. Investors should monitor how this project impacts Linde's market share in the industrial gases and clean energy sectors, as well as its effect on the company's overall valuation.

WOKING, UK / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / Linde (Nasdaq:LIN) announced today it has signed a long-term agreement for the supply of clean hydrogen to Dow's Fort Saskatchewan Path2Zero Project. The company will invest more than $2 billion to build, own and operate a world-scale integrated clean hydrogen and atmospheric gases facility in Alberta, Canada.

Linde's new on-site complex will use autothermal reforming, combined with Linde's proprietary HISORP ® carbon capture technology, to produce clean hydrogen and will also recover hydrogen contained in off-gases from Dow's ethylene cracker. In the first phase, Linde will supply the clean hydrogen, nitrogen and other services to support Dow's world-first net-zero emissions integrated ethylene cracker and derivatives site 1 . Linde's new facility will also supply clean hydrogen to existing and new industrial customers seeking to decarbonize their operations. In total, Linde's complex will capture carbon dioxide emissions for sequestration in excess of 2 million metric tons each year.

Upon completion in 2028, Linde's new complex in Alberta will be the largest clean hydrogen production facility in Canada, and one of the largest globally. It will be Linde's largest single investment and its second new world-scale clean hydrogen project, following the announcement of its project to supply clean hydrogen to a major blue ammonia project in the U.S. Gulf Coast.

"Linde is helping to build a more sustainable future," said Sanjiv Lamba, Chief Executive Officer, Linde. "This landmark project aligns with our strategy of developing high-quality projects with secured off-take. Our technology, experience and execution are enabling the transition to a cleaner economy. We are proud to partner with Dow in its mission to decarbonize its Fort Saskatchewan site and are appreciative of the support of the Province of Alberta and the Federal Government."

"Our business strategy to decarbonize our assets and drive growth while enabling higher shareholder returns is central to Dow's long-term success," said Jim Fitterling, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Dow. "Having support from collaborators and partners across the value chain is essential. We're glad to have Linde as a partner on this industry-leading project."

As one of the world's leading industrial gases and engineering companies, Linde is playing a key role in the clean energy transition. The company is actively helping its customers to decarbonize their operations with the latest hydrogen technologies through its world-class engineering organization, key alliances and ventures, and leveraging its extensive experience and infrastructure. Linde is developing clean hydrogen projects across a range of applications and industries and growing its established hydrogen business along the entire value chain.

1 with respect to scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions.

About Linde

Linde is a leading global industrial gases and engineering company with 2023 sales of $33 billion. We live our mission of making our world more productive every day by providing high-quality solutions, technologies and services which are making our customers more successful and helping to sustain, decarbonize and protect our planet.

The company serves a variety of end markets such as chemicals & energy, food & beverage, electronics, healthcare, manufacturing, metals and mining. Linde's industrial gases and technologies are used in countless applications including production of clean hydrogen and carbon capture systems critical to the energy transition, life-saving medical oxygen and high-purity & specialty gases for electronics. Linde also delivers state-of-the-art gas processing solutions to support customer expansion, efficiency improvements and emissions reductions.

For more information about the company and its products and services, please visit


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Juan Pelaez
Phone: +1 203 837 2213

Media Relations
Anna Davies
Phone: +44 1483 244705

SOURCE: Linde plc

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What is the value of Linde's investment in the clean hydrogen facility in Alberta, Canada?

Linde (LIN) will invest more than $2 billion to build, own, and operate the world-scale integrated clean hydrogen and atmospheric gases facility in Alberta, Canada.

When is Linde's clean hydrogen facility in Alberta expected to be completed?

Linde's (LIN) new clean hydrogen complex in Alberta is expected to be completed in 2028.

How much carbon dioxide will Linde's new facility in Alberta capture annually?

Linde's (LIN) new facility in Alberta will capture carbon dioxide emissions for sequestration in excess of 2 million metric tons each year.

What technologies will Linde use in its clean hydrogen production facility in Alberta?

Linde (LIN) will use autothermal reforming combined with its proprietary HISORP® carbon capture technology to produce clean hydrogen at its new facility in Alberta.

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