CEO Update to Shareholders
Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF) CEO Kurt Budge provided a comprehensive update on the company's key projects. The company recently submitted applications for Strategic Project status under the EU's Critical Raw Materials Act and a 25-year mining lease for the Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Project, the only NI 43-101 compliant REE resource in mainland Europe. The project is estimated to produce 5,341 tonnes of rare earth oxides over 26 years.
The company's Woxna Graphite project, Europe's only built and permitted natural flake graphite mine, is positioned to supply the European anode value chain. At Bihor Sud, drilling operations have commenced with plans to expand the team and accelerate the program in 2025, targeting a large-scale polymetallic deposit.
Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF) CEO Kurt Budge ha fornito un aggiornamento completo sui principali progetti dell'azienda. Recentemente, l'azienda ha presentato domande per lo status di Progetto Strategico ai sensi della Legge europea sulle Materie Prime Critiche e una concessione mineraria di 25 anni per il Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Project, l'unica risorsa REE conforme a NI 43-101 in Europa continentale. Si stima che il progetto produrrà 5.341 tonnellate di ossidi di terre rare nell'arco di 26 anni.
Il progetto Woxna Graphite dell'azienda, l'unica miniera di grafite naturale a scaglie costruita e autorizzata in Europa, è posizionato per fornire la catena del valore degli anodi europei. Presso Bihor Sud, sono iniziate le operazioni di perforazione con piani per espandere il team e accelerare il programma nel 2025, mirando a un deposito policristallino su larga scala.
El CEO de Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF), Kurt Budge, proporcionó una actualización completa sobre los proyectos clave de la empresa. Recientemente, la compañía presentó solicitudes para el estatus de Proyecto Estratégico bajo la Ley de Materias Primas Críticas de la UE y un contrato de minería de 25 años para el Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Project, el único recurso de REE conforme a NI 43-101 en Europa continental. Se estima que el proyecto producirá 5,341 toneladas de óxidos de tierras raras en un período de 26 años.
El proyecto Woxna Graphite de la empresa, la única mina de grafito natural en escamas construida y autorizada en Europa, está posicionado para suministrar la cadena de valor del ánodo europeo. En Bihor Sud, han comenzado las operaciones de perforación con planes para expandir el equipo y acelerar el programa en 2025, con el objetivo de un depósito polimetálico a gran escala.
리딩 엣지 소재 (LEMIF)의 CEO 커트 부지(Kurt Budge)는 회사의 주요 프로젝트에 대한 종합적인 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사는 최근 EU의 중요 원자재법에 따라 전략적 프로젝트 지위에 대한 신청서를 제출했으며, 유럽 대륙에서 NI 43-101 기준에 부합하는 유일한 REE 자원인 노르라 카르 헤비 레어 어스 프로젝트에 대한 25년 채굴 임대 계약도 체결했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 26년에 걸쳐 5,341톤의 희토류 산화물을 생산할 것으로 예상됩니다.
회사의 웍스나 그래파이트 프로젝트는 유럽에서 유일하게 건설되고 허가된 자연 플레이트 그래파이트 광산으로, 유럽의 음극 가치 사슬을 공급할 수 있는 위치에 있습니다. 비호르 수드에서는 대규모 다중 금속 매장지를 목표로 하여 팀을 확장하고 2025년에 프로그램을 가속화할 계획으로 드릴링 작업이 시작되었습니다.
Le PDG de Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF), Kurt Budge, a fourni une mise à jour complète sur les projets clés de l'entreprise. Récemment, l'entreprise a soumis des demandes pour le statut de Projet Stratégique en vertu de la Loi européenne sur les matières premières critiques et un bail minier de 25 ans pour le Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Project, la seule ressource REE conforme à la norme NI 43-101 sur le continent européen. On estime que le projet produira 5 341 tonnes d'oxydes de terres rares sur 26 ans.
Le projet Woxna Graphite de l'entreprise, la seule mine de graphite naturel à paillettes construite et autorisée en Europe, est positionné pour fournir la chaîne de valeur de l'anode en Europe. À Bihor Sud, des opérations de forage ont commencé avec des plans pour élargir l'équipe et accélérer le programme en 2025, visant un gisement polymétallique à grande échelle.
Der CEO von Leading Edge Materials (LEMIF), Kurt Budge, gab ein umfassendes Update zu den wichtigsten Projekten des Unternehmens. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich Anträge auf den Status eines Strategischen Projekts gemäß dem EU-Gesetz über Kritische Rohstoffe gestellt und einen 25-jährigen Bergbaulizenzantrag für das Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth Project eingereicht, die einzige NI 43-101-konforme REE-Ressource auf dem europäischen Festland. Das Projekt soll über 26 Jahre hinweg 5.341 Tonnen seltener Erdenoxid produzieren.
Das Woxna Graphite-Projekt des Unternehmens, die einzige gebaute und genehmigte natürliche Flake-Grafitmine in Europa, ist darauf ausgelegt, die europäische Anodenwertschöpfungskette zu beliefern. In Bihor Sud haben die Bohrarbeiten begonnen, mit dem Ziel, das Team zu vergrößern und das Programm bis 2025 zu beschleunigen, um ein großangelegtes polymetallisches Vorkommen anzustreben.
- Norra Kärr project has a pre-tax NPV10 of over US$1B based on 2021 PEA
- Project estimated to produce 5,341 tonnes of rare earth oxides over 26 years
- Only NI 43-101 compliant REE resource in mainland Europe
- Woxna Graphite is Europe's only built and permitted natural flake graphite mine
- Drilling at Bihor Sud project faced initial delays
- Only one-third of Norra Kärr's defined resource being exploited in current design
Vancouver, December 15, 2024 – Leading Edge Materials Corp. (“Leading Edge Materials” or the “Company”) (TSXV: LEM) (Nasdaq First North: LEMSE) (OTCQB: LEMIF) provides an update from the CEO to shareholders.
Kurt Budge, Chief Executive Officer, writes:
“When I joined the Company in May, the Norra Kärr Heavy Rare Earth (“HREE”) Project was the priority. In August this year, the Company submitted an application for Strategic Project status under the European Union’s Critical Raw Materials Act (“CRMA”) and, last week, we submitted a new application for an Exploitation Concession (“Bearbetningskoncession”) 25-year mining lease to the Mining Inspectorate of Sweden (“Bergsstaten”).
The Norra Kärr journey started long ago, with its discovery by the Geological Survey of Sweden (“SGU”) in the early 1900s. In more recent times, July 2011, SGU designated Norra Kärr a mineral deposit of national interest linked to its potential for providing a supply of rare earth elements (“REE”) to Sweden and Europe. Norra Kärr is the only NI 43-101 compliant REE resource in mainland Europe.
Norra Kärr represents the EU’s first step towards primary production and establishment of a secure, sustainable, and resilient supply chain for HREEs. With EU demand for rare earth metals expected to increase six-fold by 2030, wars, uncertainty around geopolitics and global trade policies mean that security of supply of critical raw materials is of paramount importance.
The 2014 report by The European Rare Earths Competency Network (“ERECON”) titled Strengthening ‘The European Rare Earths Supply-Chain’, stated that ‘The development of new sources of heavy rare earths outside of China and greater recycling must [therefore] remain an urgent priority…’.
In 2023, the EU imported 18,300 tonnes of rare earth elements, with imports split between China
The CRMA, adopted by the European Council on 18 March this year is at the forefront of the EU’s efforts to reduce dependency on China, and to build secure and sustainable regional supply chains for critical raw materials. The CRMA represents a potential game-changer for the Company’s portfolio.
Looking ahead, 2025 is shaping up to be a transformational year for Norra Kärr, with a decision expected on Strategic Project status in the first quarter, and thereafter the Bearbetningskoncession. The Company is also planning for the start of Pre-feasibility in the second quarter.
The Company believes that the decoupling of extraction and downstream processing, with a quarry at Norra Kärr producing two valuable products, a HREE magnetic concentrate and the industrial mineral nepheline syenite, and an industrial plant conceptually located at Luleå, could expedite permitting timelines.
The scope of the downstream is being considered, with one option being to create a rare earths processing hub that could import concentrates as well as process Norra Kärr material. This would not only capture the value chain in Sweden, but also increase the significance of the overall project, as the Company is in effect creating two strategically important businesses instead of one.
When the financials were modelled for the Preliminary Economic Assessment in 2021, the Project had a pre-tax NPV10 of over US
The urgency to back development and attract investment is not lost on President-elect Donald Trump who posted last week that “Any person or company investing ONE BILLION DOLLARS, OR MORE, in the United States of America, will receive fully expedited approvals and permits, including, but in no way limited to, all Environmental approvals. GET READY TO ROCK!!!”.
While the substance may be lacking for now, the intent is clear, and new policies could see an acceleration of investments already being made by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (“DFC”) in critical raw materials projects.
The EU is mobilizing investment opportunities, with, on 3 December, the European Commission and the European Investment Bank (“EIB”) announcing a new partnership to support investments in the EU’s battery manufacturing sector, a further
As the only built and permitted natural flake graphite mine in Europe, Woxna Graphite is well-positioned to play a significant role in the production of a ‘headline news’ critical raw material, natural graphite, as feedstock to the European anode value chain or industrial graphite markets.
China’s influence on graphite is clear. In October 2023, China’s Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs announced that effective December 2023, export permits would be imposed on key lithium-ion battery anode raw materials. The affected products were high purity synthetic graphite and its products, and natural flake graphite and its products, including spherical and expanded graphite. The export controls were imposed by China on the grounds of safeguarding domestic interests.
When it comes to global trade, in June, the US announced
The case for regional primary raw material supply is further strengthened when a major natural graphite producer Syrah Resources declares ‘force majeure’ for its Balama operations in Mozambique, caused by post-general election civil unrest and violent protests across the country's major cities. Syrah is one of the few established graphite producers outside of China but has been unable to produce at Balama throughout October-December. Syrah reports it is working on restoring operations "as quick as possible" but has acknowledged that will be a lengthy process.
While graphite may have been the forgotten part of the lithium-ion battery until now, it’s becoming harder to ignore, and if we are to have a successful energy transition, then e-mobility and renewables generation are key, and for those end-uses you need lots of graphite for manufacturing anodes. Stable jurisdictions, such as the Nordics, can contribute to delivering the essential raw materials needed to support the European battery industry. The EU currently imports approximately 100,000 tonnes per year of natural graphite.
Woxna has had its challenges over the years, but the broader context is very different now, the adoption of the CRMA, uncertain geopolitics and trade flows, increasing the strategic importance of natural graphite to Sweden and the European Union, and by extension new opportunities to raise finance for exploration and development.
The Company continues to review options for Woxna, which include the possibility of contracting with a long-term partner willing to pay for secure natural graphite produced to the highest ESG and sustainability standards. The Company believes that the market must value and pay for these attributes, and that transparency initiatives will create a barrier to entry for non-compliant raw materials and be a driver for their improved performance.
The EU’s support for critical raw materials exploration and development has also seen, in July, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (“EBRD”) and the EU launched a joint facility aimed at providing equity investments of up to
Drilling at Bihor Sud was initially delayed over the summer, due to the late arrival of the rig and the need to implement robust health and safety protocols and finally started at the end of September. Since then, steady progress has been made as the team operating the Company’s rig has been training ‘on the job’ and is currently drilling in gallery G7.
To accelerate the programme, the Company is hiring four new geologists and will be signing up a new drill contractor to start drilling gallery G2. The driller is expected to be on site at the end of January.
Bihor Sud remains a very exciting brownfield exploration project. It’s a historic mining area with tens of kilometers of underground galleries, or tunnels, developed in the licence area. Between the 1960-90s the responsible division of the Romanian State only targeted what was then called ‘strategic metals’, principally uranium, and explored for nothing else.
The Company’s objective at Bihor Sud, is to define a large-scale, mineable mineral resource. Initially, we are following-up on the work done in gallery G7 last year, and the extensive Cobalt-Nickel-Gold mineralized zone that was identified, and in the new year starting to drill in gallery G2 which has shown its potential for extensive Zinc-Lead-Copper-Silver mineralization. We are encouraged by the findings to date, which highlight the strong potential for discovering a significant polymetallic deposit.
To wrap-up, the Company has made good progress this year, but with a fundraising under our belt, 2025 is shaping up to be even better, with key milestones to be passed on Norra Kärr as that project grows in recognition, a new plan for Woxna, and we hope exploration success at Bihor Sud.
I and the Board of Directors of Leading Edge Materials send our thanks to the Company’s shareholders, our employees and stakeholders for their support in 2024 and we wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Norra Kärr - Preliminary Economic Assessment 2021 (PEA)
PEA 2021 news release:
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Leading Edge Materials Corp.
Kurt Budge, CEO
For further information, please contact the Company at:
About Leading Edge Materials
Leading Edge Materials is a Canadian public company focused on developing a portfolio of critical raw material projects located in the European Union. Critical raw materials are determined as such by the European Union based on their economic importance and supply risk. They are directly linked to high growth technologies such as lithium-ion batteries and permanent magnets for electric motors and wind power that underpin the sustainability transition of society. The portfolio of projects includes the
Additional Information
The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, on December 15, 2024, at 11:30 PM Vancouver time.
Leading Edge Materials is listed on the TSXV under the symbol “LEM”, OTCQB under the symbol “LEMIF” and Nasdaq First North Stockholm under the symbol “LEMSE”. Mangold Fondkommission AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North and may be contacted via email or by phone +46 (0) 8 5030 1550.
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What is the production estimate for Leading Edge Materials' (LEMIF) Norra Kärr project?
What is the economic value of LEMIF's Norra Kärr project according to the 2021 PEA?
What makes LEMIF's Norra Kärr project significant in Europe?
What is the status of LEMIF's Woxna Graphite project?