Frank and Donna Martell Honored with Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation’s Globe and Anchor Award

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loanDepot President and CEO Frank Martell and his wife Donna were honored with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation's Globe and Anchor Award for their dedication to educating children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen. The award was presented at the Foundation's West Coast Campaign Celebratory Dinner in Newport Beach.

The Martells have been supporters of the Foundation for over a decade, with Frank serving on its board of directors for more than six years. They announced an endowed scholarship in honor of their late parents. loanDepot is also a proud supporter of the Foundation.

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation's mission is to honor Marines by educating their children. The Foundation's President and CEO, Ted Probert, praised the Martells' generosity and its impact on military families.

Il Presidente e CEO di loanDepot, Frank Martell, e sua moglie Donna sono stati onorati con il Globe and Anchor Award della Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation per il loro impegno nell'educazione dei figli di Marines e Navy Corpsmen. Il premio è stato consegnato durante la Cena di Celebrazione della Campagna della Costa Ovest della Fondazione a Newport Beach.

I Martell sostenendo la Fondazione da oltre un decennio, con Frank che ha servito nel suo consiglio di amministrazione per più di sei anni. Hanno annunciato una borsa di studio a favore della memoria dei loro genitori defunti. loanDepot è anche un orgoglioso sostenitore della Fondazione.

La missione della Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation è onorare i Marines educando i loro figli. Il Presidente e CEO della Fondazione, Ted Probert, ha lodato la generosità dei Martell e il suo impatto sulle famiglie militari.

El Presidente y CEO de loanDepot, Frank Martell, y su esposa Donna fueron honrados con el Globe and Anchor Award de la Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation por su dedicación a la educación de los hijos de Marines y Navy Corpsmen. El premio fue presentado en la Cena de Celebración de la Campaña de la Costa Oeste de la Fundación en Newport Beach.

Los Martell han sido partidarios de la Fundación durante más de una década, con Frank sirviendo en su junta directiva durante más de seis años. Anunciaron una beca dotada en honor a sus padres fallecidos. loanDepot también es un orgulloso patrocinador de la Fundación.

La misión de la Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation es honrar a los Marines educando a sus hijos. El Presidente y CEO de la Fundación, Ted Probert, elogió la generosidad de los Martell y su impacto en las familias militares.

loanDepot의 대통령이자 CEO인 Frank Martell과 그의 아내 Donna는 해병대 장학생 재단의 Globe and Anchor Award를 수여받았으며, 이는 해병대원과 해군 병사들의 자녀 교육에 대한 그들의 헌신을 인정받은 것입니다. 이 상은 뉴포트 비치에서 열린 재단의 서부 캠페인 기념 만찬에서 수여되었습니다.

Martell 부부는 10년 이상 재단의 후원자였으며, Frank는 6년 이상 이사로 활동하였습니다. 그들은 고인의 부모를 기리기 위해 기금을 조성한 장학금을 발표하였습니다. loanDepot 또한 재단의 자랑스러운 후원자입니다.

해병대 장학생 재단의 사명은 해병대원들을 기리기 위해 그들의 자녀들을 교육하는 것입니다. 재단의 회장 겸 CEO인 Ted Probert는 Martell 부부의 관대함과 군인가족에 미친 영향을 높이 평가했습니다.

Le Président et PDG de loanDepot, Frank Martell, et sa femme Donna ont été honorés par le Globe and Anchor Award de la Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation pour leur dévouement à l'éducation des enfants des Marines et des Navy Corpsmen. Le prix a été remis lors du Dîner de Célébration de la Campagne de la Côte Ouest de la Fondation à Newport Beach.

Les Martell soutiennent la Fondation depuis plus d'une décennie, Frank siégeant au conseil d'administration depuis plus de six ans. Ils ont annoncé une bourse de mérite en l'honneur de leurs parents décédés. loanDepot est également un fier soutien de la Fondation.

La mission de la Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation est d'honorer les Marines en éduquant leurs enfants. Le Président et PDG de la Fondation, Ted Probert, a loué la générosité des Martell et son impact sur les familles militaires.

Frank Martell, Präsident und CEO von loanDepot, und seine Frau Donna wurden mit dem Globe and Anchor Award der Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation für ihr Engagement in der Bildung der Kinder von Marines und Navy Corpsmen ausgezeichnet. Die Auszeichnung wurde während des Celebratory Dinners der West Coast Campaign der Stiftung in Newport Beach überreicht.

Die Martells unterstützen die Stiftung seit über einem Jahrzehnt, wobei Frank mehr als sechs Jahre im Vorstand tätig war. Sie haben ein endowiertes Stipendium zu Ehren ihrer verstorbenen Eltern angekündigt. loanDepot ist ebenfalls ein stolzer Unterstützer der Stiftung.

Die Mission der Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation ist es, Marines zu ehren, indem sie deren Kinder ausbildet. Der Präsident und CEO der Stiftung, Ted Probert, lobte die Großzügigkeit der Martells und deren Einfluss auf Militärfamilien.

  • Recognition of loanDepot's CEO with a prestigious award
  • Long-term support and involvement with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
  • Announcement of an endowed scholarship by the Martells
  • None.

Builds on long-standing loanDepot commitment to veterans and history of serving its communities

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a continuation of loanDepot’s long history of supporting veterans and serving the communities in which its team works and lives, loanDepot President and CEO Frank Martell and his wife Donna were honored this weekend with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation’s prestigious Globe and Anchor Award for their dedication to educating the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen. The couple was presented with the award during the organization’s annual West Coast Campaign Celebratory Dinner in Newport Beach.

The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor—the official emblem of the United States Marine Corps uniform since 1868—symbolizes our proud nation, worldwide presence, and maritime tradition. Recipients of the Foundation’s Globe and Anchor Award have built a foundation of service that has had an impact around the globe.

“Frank and Donna have been incredibly generous in their support of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, serving those who have sacrificed so much for our country,” said Foundation President and CEO Ted Probert. “Their dedication has truly changed the lives of so many military families and has helped create a future generation of leaders who will serve our nation well.”

The Martells, who have a son serving as an active-duty U.S. Army Ranger, have been passionate supporters of the Foundation for more than a decade, building partnerships, broadening awareness, and raising funds that have strengthened the organization. Frank has also served for over six years on the Foundation’s board of directors, where he now leads the governance committee. loanDepot is also a proud supporter of the Foundation.

In his remarks that night, Frank said, “The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation’s mission is one of unique and important value to this country, which is to honor our Marines by educating their children. I can’t think of anything more powerful than that. My dad always told me, ‘If you can get one kid educated, you can change a life. And maybe if you’re lucky, that life will change the world.’ I believe that, and it inspires us to be part of this great organization.”

After receiving the award, the Martells announced an endowed scholarship in honor of their late parents Frank and Betty Kaszuba and Frank and Pat Martell, who Frank said “set the tone” for their lives. Donna’s father Frank, who served in World War II as part of the D-Day landing in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge before being taken prisoner of war, passed away recently at 102. Quipped Frank about his remarkable father-in-law, “He spent his last Friday on earth dancing at the American Legion!”

Added Donna, “We love our country, and we know that a great deal of its strength comes from the people who decide to make the sacrifice and commitment to join the military, whatever branch it might be, and the families who support them. We also believe in America’s future, and these students are a wonderful investment in that future. Not only do their graduation rates and GPAs far exceed the national average, they’ve also been instilled with the virtues and values that we consider to be the foundation of our country. We are very proud to support them.”

About The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation:

Established in 1962, the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships for military children. Since its inception, the Scholarship Foundation has provided approximately 60,000 renewable scholarships valued at over $200 million to the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen. For more information on the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, please visit

About loanDepot

At loanDepot (NYSE: LDI), we know home means everything. That’s why we are on a mission to support homeowners with a suite of products and services that fuel the American Dream. Our portfolio of digital-first home purchase, home refinance and home equity lending products make homeownership more accessible, achievable, and rewarding, especially for the increasingly diverse communities of first-time homebuyers we serve. Headquartered in Southern California with local market offices nationwide, loanDepot and its sister real estate and home services company, mellohome, are dedicated to helping customers put down roots and bring dreams to life – all while building stronger communities and a better tomorrow.


Jonathan Fine, loanDepot, VP of Public Relations, (781) 248 3963,

Dana Mills, MCSF, Director of Communications, (571) 384-2821,

Source: loanDepot, Inc.


What award did Frank and Donna Martell receive from the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation?

Frank and Donna Martell received the Globe and Anchor Award from the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation for their dedication to educating children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen.

How long has Frank Martell been involved with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation?

Frank Martell has been a passionate supporter of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation for more than a decade and has served on its board of directors for over six years.

What did the Martells announce at the award ceremony?

At the award ceremony, the Martells announced an endowed scholarship in honor of their late parents Frank and Betty Kaszuba and Frank and Pat Martell.

How is loanDepot (LDI) involved with the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation?

loanDepot (LDI) is a proud supporter of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, continuing its commitment to veterans and community service.

loanDepot, Inc.


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