Southwestern Electric Cooperative Contracts with Landis+Gyr for Advanced Metering and Grid Edge Intelligence Platform
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) has secured a contract with Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI) to implement its Revelo® grid intelligence platform. The platform features advanced metering and grid sensing technology for enhanced energy management and reliability.
The implementation will provide SWECI with high-resolution grid data enabling real-time load disaggregation, voltage management, outage management, and improved situational awareness. SWECI plans to utilize the platform for demand management programs incorporating smart thermostats and water heaters, while also monitoring distribution assets to reduce capital expenses.
With 8 megawatts of solar generation capacity, SWECI aims to integrate the system with its DERMS platform for managing two-way power flows. The Revelo platform currently has over 5 million sensing meters under contract for deployment across North America.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) ha ottenuto un contratto con Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI) per implementare la sua piattaforma di intelligenza di rete Revelo®. La piattaforma offre tecnologie avanzate di misurazione e senso della rete per una gestione dell'energia e una affidabilità migliorate.
L'implementazione fornirà a SWECI dati di rete ad alta risoluzione che consentiranno la scomposizione del carico in tempo reale, la gestione della tensione, la gestione delle interruzioni e una migliore consapevolezza situazionale. SWECI prevede di utilizzare la piattaforma per programmi di gestione della domanda che incorporano termostati intelligenti e scaldabagni, monitorando anche le risorse di distribuzione per ridurre le spese in conto capitale.
Con una capacità di generazione solare di 8 megawatt, SWECI intende integrare il sistema con la sua piattaforma DERMS per gestire i flussi di energia bidirezionali. La piattaforma Revelo ha attualmente oltre 5 milioni di misuratori sensoriali sotto contratto per la distribuzione in Nord America.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) ha conseguido un contrato con Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI) para implementar su plataforma de inteligencia de red Revelo®. La plataforma cuenta con tecnología avanzada de medición y sensado de red para mejorar la gestión y la fiabilidad energética.
La implementación proporcionará a SWECI datos de red de alta resolución que permitirán la desagregación de carga en tiempo real, la gestión de voltaje, la gestión de cortes de energía y una mayor conciencia situacional. SWECI planea utilizar la plataforma para programas de gestión de demanda que incorporan termostatos inteligentes y calentadores de agua, al mismo tiempo que monitorea los activos de distribución para reducir gastos de capital.
Con una capacidad de generación solar de 8 megavatios, SWECI tiene como objetivo integrar el sistema con su plataforma DERMS para gestionar los flujos de energía bidireccionales. La plataforma Revelo actualmente cuenta con más de 5 millones de medidores sensoriales bajo contrato para su despliegue en América del Norte.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY)는 Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI)와 계약을 체결하여 Revelo® 그리드 인텔리전스 플랫폼을 구현하게 되었습니다. 이 플랫폼은 향상된 에너지 관리 및 신뢰성을 위해 고급 계량 및 그리드 감지 기술을 제공합니다.
이 구현을 통해 SWECI는 실시간 부하 분산, 전압 관리, 정전 관리 및 상황 인식을 향상시키는 고해상도 그리드 데이터를 받게 됩니다. SWECI는 스마트 온도 조절기 및 온수기를 통합한 수요 관리 프로그램에 플랫폼을 활용할 계획이며, 자본 비용을 줄이기 위해 배급 자산을 모니터링할 것입니다.
SWECI는 8 메가와트의 태양광 발전 용량을 보유하고 있으며, 양방향 전력 흐름을 관리하기 위해 DERMS 플랫폼과 시스템을 통합하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Revelo 플랫폼은 현재 북미 전역에 걸쳐 배치될 500만 개 이상의 센서 미터기 계약을 보유하고 있습니다.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) a obtenu un contrat avec Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI) pour mettre en œuvre sa plateforme d'intelligence de réseau Revelo®. La plateforme propose des technologies avancées de mesure et de détection de réseau afin d'améliorer la gestion de l'énergie et la fiabilité.
Cette mise en œuvre fournira à SWECI des données de réseau haute résolution permettant une désagrégation de charge en temps réel, la gestion de la tension, la gestion des coupures et une meilleure conscience situationnelle. SWECI prévoit d'utiliser la plateforme pour des programmes de gestion de la demande intégrant des thermostats intelligents et des chauffe-eau, tout en surveillant les actifs de distribution pour réduire les dépenses d'investissement.
Avec une capacité de génération solaire de 8 mégawatts, SWECI vise à intégrer le système à sa plateforme DERMS pour gérer les flux énergétiques bidirectionnels. La plateforme Revelo compte actuellement plus de 5 millions de compteurs de détection sous contrat pour un déploiement en Amérique du Nord.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) hat einen Vertrag mit Southwestern Electric Cooperative (SWECI) abgeschlossen, um seine Revelo®-Plattform für Netzintelligenz zu implementieren. Die Plattform verfügt über fortschrittliche Mess- und Netzsensortechnologie zur Verbesserung des Energiemanagements und der Zuverlässigkeit.
Die Implementierung wird SWECI hochauflösende Netzdaten liefern, die eine Echtzeit-Ladetrennung, Spannungsmanagement, Störungsmanagement und eine verbesserte Situationsbewusstsein ermöglichen. SWECI plant, die Plattform für Programme zur Nachfragesteuerung einzusetzen, in die intelligente Thermostate und Warmwasserbereiter integriert sind, während sie auch Verteilungsressourcen überwacht, um die Investitionskosten zu senken.
Mit einer Solarkapazität von 8 Megawatt zielt SWECI darauf ab, das System in seine DERMS-Plattform zur Verwaltung bidirektionaler Energieflüsse zu integrieren. Die Revelo-Plattform hat derzeit über 5 Millionen Sensorzähler unter Vertrag, die in Nordamerika eingesetzt werden sollen.
- Secured new contract with Southwestern Electric Cooperative
- Over 5 million Revelo sensing meters under contract in North America showing strong market adoption
- None.

By deploying Landis+Gyr's
"As an independent cooperative, we're responsible for managing energy supply, reliability and costs for members," said Bobby Williams, Chief Executive Officer at SWECI. "We needed better information across our system to design demand management programs that work for customers and can utilize smart thermostats and water heaters in the process. We chose the
Additionally, SWECI is hoping to utilize distribution automation and grid edge applications for monitoring the health of distribution assets and to assist with planning to lower capital expenses. With 8 megawatts of solar generation on its system, SWECI is also looking at integrations with its DERMS platform to help operate two-way power flows.
"Utilities like SWECI have been instrumental in modernizing distribution planning and management. The real-time data
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About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is a leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions. We measure and analyze energy utilization to generate empowering analytics for smart grid and infrastructure management, enabling utilities and consumers to reduce energy consumption. Our innovative and proven portfolio of software, services and intelligent sensor technology is a key driver to decarbonize the grid. Having avoided around 9 million tons of CO2 in FY 2023, Landis+Gyr manages energy better – since 1896. With sales of
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What is the significance of Landis+Gyr's (LDGYY) contract with Southwestern Electric Cooperative?
How many Revelo sensing meters does LDGYY have under contract in North America?
What capabilities will SWECI gain from implementing LDGYY's Revelo platform?