/C O R R E C T I O N -- Landis+Gyr/
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) and SPAN have announced an expanded strategic partnership to commercialize SPAN Edge, an innovative intelligent service point solution for utilities. The partnership, announced on March 25, 2025, combines Landis+Gyr's grid modernization expertise with SPAN's technology to transform homes into distribution assets.
The SPAN Edge product integrates with Landis+Gyr's Revelo® grid sensor and DERMS system to enable homeowners to add EV chargers, heat pumps, and batteries while helping utilities avoid costly service upgrades. The solution can be installed by utility technicians in under 15 minutes, offering a fast and cost-effective approach to address load growth and distribution challenges.
This collaboration leverages Landis+Gyr's 129-year experience and presence across 3,500 utilities globally. The partnership will be showcased at the DISTRIBUTECH conference in Dallas, TX, from March 25-27, 2025, at Booth 2708.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) e SPAN hanno annunciato un'espansione della loro partnership strategica per commercializzare SPAN Edge, una soluzione innovativa di punto di servizio intelligente per le utility. L'accordo, annunciato il 25 marzo 2025, unisce l'esperienza di Landis+Gyr nella modernizzazione delle reti con la tecnologia di SPAN per trasformare le abitazioni in asset di distribuzione.
Il prodotto SPAN Edge si integra con il sensore di rete Revelo® di Landis+Gyr e il sistema DERMS, consentendo ai proprietari di casa di aggiungere caricabatterie per veicoli elettrici, pompe di calore e batterie, aiutando le utility a evitare costosi aggiornamenti del servizio. La soluzione può essere installata dai tecnici delle utility in meno di 15 minuti, offrendo un approccio rapido ed economico per affrontare la crescita del carico e le sfide di distribuzione.
Questa collaborazione sfrutta i 129 anni di esperienza di Landis+Gyr e la sua presenza in 3.500 utility a livello globale. La partnership sarà presentata alla conferenza DISTRIBUTECH a Dallas, TX, dal 25 al 27 marzo 2025, presso lo stand 2708.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) y SPAN han anunciado una expansión de su asociación estratégica para comercializar SPAN Edge, una solución innovadora de punto de servicio inteligente para las utilidades. La asociación, anunciada el 25 de marzo de 2025, combina la experiencia de Landis+Gyr en modernización de redes con la tecnología de SPAN para transformar los hogares en activos de distribución.
El producto SPAN Edge se integra con el sensor de red Revelo® de Landis+Gyr y el sistema DERMS, permitiendo a los propietarios de viviendas agregar cargadores para vehículos eléctricos, bombas de calor y baterías, mientras ayuda a las utilidades a evitar costosas actualizaciones de servicio. La solución puede ser instalada por técnicos de utilidades en menos de 15 minutos, ofreciendo un enfoque rápido y rentable para abordar el crecimiento de la carga y los desafíos de distribución.
Esta colaboración aprovecha los 129 años de experiencia de Landis+Gyr y su presencia en 3,500 utilidades a nivel mundial. La asociación se presentará en la conferencia DISTRIBUTECH en Dallas, TX, del 25 al 27 de marzo de 2025, en el stand 2708.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY)와 SPAN이 유틸리티를 위한 혁신적인 스마트 서비스 포인트 솔루션인 SPAN Edge를 상용화하기 위해 전략적 파트너십을 확대한다고 발표했습니다. 2025년 3월 25일에 발표된 이 파트너십은 Landis+Gyr의 그리드 현대화 전문성과 SPAN의 기술을 결합하여 가정을 분배 자산으로 변모시키는 것입니다.
SPAN Edge 제품은 Landis+Gyr의 Revelo® 그리드 센서 및 DERMS 시스템과 통합되어 주택 소유자가 전기차 충전기, 열 펌프 및 배터리를 추가할 수 있도록 하며, 유틸리티가 비용이 많이 드는 서비스 업그레이드를 피할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 이 솔루션은 유틸리티 기술자에 의해 15분 이내에 설치될 수 있어, 부하 증가 및 분배 문제를 해결하기 위한 빠르고 비용 효율적인 접근 방식을 제공합니다.
이 협력은 Landis+Gyr의 129년의 경험과 전 세계 3,500개 유틸리티에 대한 존재를 활용합니다. 이 파트너십은 2025년 3월 25일부터 27일까지 텍사스주 달라스에서 열리는 DISTRIBUTECH 컨퍼런스에서 부스 2708에서 전시될 예정입니다.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) et SPAN ont annoncé un partenariat stratégique élargi pour commercialiser SPAN Edge, une solution innovante de point de service intelligent pour les services publics. Ce partenariat, annoncé le 25 mars 2025, combine l'expertise de Landis+Gyr en matière de modernisation des réseaux avec la technologie de SPAN pour transformer les maisons en actifs de distribution.
Le produit SPAN Edge s'intègre au capteur de réseau Revelo® de Landis+Gyr et au système DERMS, permettant aux propriétaires de maisons d'ajouter des chargeurs de VE, des pompes à chaleur et des batteries, tout en aidant les services publics à éviter des mises à niveau coûteuses. La solution peut être installée par des techniciens des services publics en moins de 15 minutes, offrant une approche rapide et rentable pour faire face à la croissance de la charge et aux défis de distribution.
Cette collaboration s'appuie sur les 129 ans d'expérience de Landis+Gyr et sa présence dans 3 500 services publics à l'échelle mondiale. Le partenariat sera présenté lors de la conférence DISTRIBUTECH à Dallas, TX, du 25 au 27 mars 2025, au stand 2708.
Landis+Gyr (LDGYY) und SPAN haben eine erweiterte strategische Partnerschaft angekündigt, um SPAN Edge zu kommerzialisieren, eine innovative intelligente Servicepunktlösung für Versorgungsunternehmen. Die Partnerschaft, die am 25. März 2025 bekannt gegeben wurde, kombiniert die Expertise von Landis+Gyr in der Modernisierung von Netzen mit der Technologie von SPAN, um Häuser in Verteilungsressourcen zu verwandeln.
Das Produkt SPAN Edge integriert sich mit dem Revelo®-Netzsensor und dem DERMS-System von Landis+Gyr, um Hausbesitzern zu ermöglichen, EV-Ladegeräte, Wärmepumpen und Batterien hinzuzufügen, während es den Versorgungsunternehmen hilft, kostspielige Service-Upgrades zu vermeiden. Die Lösung kann von Technikern der Versorgungsunternehmen in weniger als 15 Minuten installiert werden und bietet einen schnellen und kosteneffizienten Ansatz zur Bewältigung von Lastwachstum und Verteilungsherausforderungen.
Diese Zusammenarbeit nutzt die 129-jährige Erfahrung von Landis+Gyr und die Präsenz in 3.500 Versorgungsunternehmen weltweit. Die Partnerschaft wird auf der DISTRIBUTECH-Konferenz in Dallas, TX, vom 25. bis 27. März 2025 am Stand 2708 präsentiert.
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In the news release, Landis+Gyr and SPAN, Leaders in the Energy Management Sector, Announce Expanded Partnership to Provide Utilities with SPAN® Edge Intelligent Service Point™, issued 25-Mar-2025 by Landis+Gyr over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the image file was incorrect. The file has been replaced and the link remains the same. The complete, corrected release follows:
Landis+Gyr and SPAN, Leaders in the Energy Management Sector, Announce Expanded Partnership to Provide Utilities with SPAN® Edge Intelligent Service Point™
Landis+Gyr, a leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions for over 3,500 utilities across the globe, is now offering SPAN Edge to its utility customers to unlock electrification at the grid edge.
Purpose-built for utilities, SPAN Edge enables homeowners to add EV chargers, heat pumps, batteries, and more, while providing utilities with the ability to avoid costly service upgrades and unlock unprecedented orchestration at the grid edge. It unlocks reliable, flexible load shaping benefits beyond traditional non-wires alternatives (NWAs).
With 129 years of experience, Landis+Gyr is a global leader in grid modernization, providing innovative solutions that help utilities manage energy demand, enhance resilience, and drive decarbonization. Peter Mainz, Chief Executive Officer of Landis+Gyr, highlighted the significance of this important milestone:
"Landis+Gyr is committed to innovation, and our expanded partnership with SPAN unlocks groundbreaking grid edge capabilities, transforming how utilities manage energy distribution. By integrating SPAN Edge with our industry-leading Revelo® grid sensor—featuring advanced grid edge intelligence—and the edge-to-enterprise capabilities of Landis+Gyr DERMS, Powered by OATI®, we are enabling a smarter, more resilient grid that seamlessly adapts to growing electrification demands, delivering lasting benefits to utilities and their customers."
SPAN Edge is the newest offering in SPAN's product line expansion. With components that are designed to be installed by a utility technician in less than 15 minutes, this product is a faster and lower cost solution to address load growth and distribution network challenges while delivering a superior end-customer experience.
"As a utility industry leader and innovator in grid management, Landis+Gyr is a valued partner to SPAN," said Arch Rao, founder and Chief Executive Officer of SPAN. "With their extensive footprint of AMI devices, Landis+Gyr is uniquely positioned to bring SPAN Edge to market, and we are excited to jointly enable an electric future that is clean, affordable, and reliable. Our partnership is a win across the board—not only for our two companies, but also for utilities and their customers nationwide."
Learn more about the new SPAN Edge product at span.io/utilities and to see our partnership in action, visit Landis+Gyr and SPAN in Booth 2708 at the DISTRIBUTECH conference in
About Landis+Gyr
Landis+Gyr is a leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions. We measure and analyze energy utilization to generate empowering analytics for smart grid and infrastructure management, enabling utilities and consumers to reduce energy consumption. Our innovative and proven portfolio of software, services and intelligent sensor technology is a key driver to decarbonize the grid. Having avoided around 9 million tons of CO2 in FY 2023, Landis+Gyr manages energy better – since 1896. With sales of
About SPAN
SPAN's mission is to enable electrification for all and provide energy management for every home. SPAN designs products that remove barriers to electrification, providing a holistic approach to managing increasing demands on household energy. Powering your home with clean energy should be a simple and delightful experience that is technology-forward and human-centered. For more information, go to span.io.
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