Laser Photonics Unveils Animated Concept of Brokk 110 With Laser Cleaning & Cutting Attachments

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Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) and Brokk have unveiled an animated concept of the Brokk 110 Robot with LPC's laser cleaning system as an attachment. This development is part of their recent partnership aimed at integrating laser cleaning and cutting technology with advanced robotics. The collaboration targets industries such as construction, tunneling, mining, metal processing, and military, addressing labor shortages and enhancing worker safety.

The combined system aims to provide a competitive edge, enabling safe and efficient handling of heavy-duty laser cleaning and cutting tasks in hazardous environments. Wayne Tupuola, CEO of LPC, expressed excitement about the partnership's quick progress and commitment to advancing the combined technology. He emphasized LPC's role in setting new standards for safe, precise, and repeatable laser cleaning operations.

Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) e Brokk hanno presentato un concetto animato del Robot Brokk 110 con il sistema di pulizia laser di LPC come accessorio. Questo sviluppo fa parte della loro recente partnership mirata a integrare la tecnologia di pulizia e taglio laser con la robotica avanzata. La collaborazione si rivolge a settori come costruzione, tunnel, estrazione mineraria, lavorazione dei metalli e militare, affrontando le carenze di personale e migliorando la sicurezza dei lavoratori.

Il sistema combinato mira a fornire un vantaggio competitivo, consentendo la gestione sicura ed efficiente di compiti di pulizia e taglio laser pesanti in ambienti pericolosi. Wayne Tupuola, CEO di LPC, ha espresso entusiasmo per il rapido progresso della partnership e l'impegno nell'avanzare la tecnologia combinata. Ha sottolineato il ruolo di LPC nel fissare nuovi standard per operazioni di pulizia laser sicure, precise e ripetibili.

Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) y Brokk han presentado un concepto animado del Robot Brokk 110 con el sistema de limpieza láser de LPC como un accesorio. Este desarrollo es parte de su reciente asociación destinada a integrar la tecnología de limpieza y corte láser con la robótica avanzada. La colaboración se dirige a industrias como la construcción, el túnel, la minería, el procesamiento de metales y el sector militar, abordando la escasez de mano de obra y mejorando la seguridad de los trabajadores.

El sistema combinado tiene como objetivo proporcionar una ventaja competitiva, permitiendo el manejo seguro y eficiente de tareas de limpieza y corte láser de alta carga en entornos peligrosos. Wayne Tupuola, CEO de LPC, expresó su entusiasmo por el rápido progreso de la asociación y el compromiso de avanzar en la tecnología combinada. Subrayó el papel de LPC en establecer nuevos estándares para operaciones de limpieza láser seguras, precisas y repetibles.

레이저 포토닉스(NASDAQ: LASE)와 브록은 브록 110 로봇과 LPC의 레이저 청소 시스템을 부착한 애니메이션 개념을 공개했습니다. 이 개발은 레이저 청소 및 절단 기술과 첨단 로봇 공학을 통합하기 위한 최근 파트너십의 일환입니다. 이 협업은 건설, 터널링, 광업, 금속 가공 및 군사와 같은 산업을 대상으로 하며, 인력 부족 문제를 해결하고 근로자의 안전을 향상시키는 데 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

결합된 시스템은 위험한 환경에서 중량급 레이저 청소 및 절단 작업을 안전하고 효율적으로 처리하여 경쟁력을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. LPC의 CEO인 웨인 투푸올라는 파트너십의 빠른 진행과 결합된 기술을 발전시키겠다는 의지에 대해 열정을 표명했습니다. 그는 LPC가 안전하고 정밀하며 반복 가능한 레이저 청소 작업을 위한 새로운 기준을 설정하는 데 중요한 역할을 하고 있다고 강조했습니다.

Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) et Brokk ont dévoilé un concept animé du Robot Brokk 110 avec le système de nettoyage au laser de LPC en tant qu'accessoire. Ce développement fait partie de leur partenariat récent visant à intégrer la technologie de nettoyage et de découpe au laser avec des robots avancés. La collaboration cible des secteurs tels que la construction, le tunnel, l'exploitation minière, le traitement des métaux et l'armée, en répondant aux pénuries de main-d'œuvre et en améliorant la sécurité des travailleurs.

Le système combiné vise à fournir un avantage concurrentiel, permettant une manipulation sûre et efficace des tâches de nettoyage et de découpage au laser dans des environnements dangereux. Wayne Tupuola, PDG de LPC, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour le progrès rapide du partenariat et l'engagement à faire avancer la technologie combinée. Il a souligné le rôle de LPC dans l'établissement de nouvelles normes pour des opérations de nettoyage au laser sûres, précises et répétables.

Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) und Brokk haben ein animiertes Konzept des Brokk 110 Roboters mit LPCs Laserreinigungssystem als Anhang vorgestellt. Diese Entwicklung ist Teil ihrer kürzlich geschlossenen Partnerschaft, die darauf abzielt, Laserreinigungs- und -schneidetechnologie mit fortschrittlicher Robotik zu integrieren. Die Zusammenarbeit richtet sich an Branchen wie Bauwesen, Tunnelbau, Bergbau, Metallverarbeitung und Militär, um Arbeitskräftemangel zu bekämpfen und die Sicherheit der Mitarbeiter zu erhöhen.

Das kombinierte System zielt darauf ab, einen Wettbewerbsvorteil zu bieten, der eine sichere und effiziente Handhabung von schwerem Laserreinigungs- und -schneideaufgaben in gefährlichen Umgebungen ermöglicht. Wayne Tupuola, CEO von LPC, äußerte sich begeistert über den schnellen Fortschritt der Partnerschaft und das Engagement zur Weiterentwicklung der kombinierten Technologie. Er betonte die Rolle von LPC bei der Festlegung neuer Maßstäbe für sichere, präzise und wiederholbare Laserreinigungsoperationen.

  • Partnership with Brokk to integrate laser cleaning technology with robotics
  • Potential to address labor shortages in multiple industries
  • Enhanced worker safety in hazardous environments
  • None.

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC) (NASDAQ: LASE), a leading global developer of industrial laser systems for cleaning and other material processing applications, and Brokk, a leading provider of remote-controlled robotic machines for construction, tunneling, mining, metal processing and military customers, have revealed an exciting visual concept of the Brokk 110 Robot with LPC’s laser cleaning system as an attachment.

This innovative system is the next step in the recent partnership between LPC and both Brokk US and Brokk Australia, which is aimed at integrating cutting-edge laser cleaning and cutting technology with advanced robotics. This collaboration will lead to the development of a system that provides a significant competitive edge to its users, enabling operators to safely and efficiently handle heavy-duty laser cleaning and cutting tasks in hazardous environments. By combining their expertise, LPC and Brokk are transforming the construction, tunneling, mining, metal processing, and military industries, addressing critical labor shortages and enhancing worker safety.

“Seeing our partnership with Brokk manifest so quickly is thrilling,” said Wayne Tupuola, CEO of LPC. “At Laser Photonics, we are setting new standards for safe, precise, and repeatable laser cleaning operations. As pioneers of industrial laser cleaning, we are committed to advancing this combined technology alongside our partner to maintain our lead and expand opportunities in the market. Our laser systems perfectly complement Brokk’s robotic machinery, tackling the toughest jobs in the most rugged environments. We are excited to deepen our collaboration both domestically and globally, providing Brokk operators worldwide with state-of-the-art laser technology.”

For more information about the partnership, visit LPC at and Brokk at For more information about LPC’s laser cleaning and cutting technology, please visit LPC’s system pages at

About Laser Photonics Corporation

Laser Photonics is a vertically integrated manufacturer and R&D Center of Excellence for industrial laser technologies and systems. Laser Photonics seeks to disrupt the $46 billion, centuries-old sand and abrasives blasting markets, focusing on surface cleaning, rust removal, corrosion control, de-painting and other laser-based industrial applications. Laser Photonics’ new generation of leading-edge laser blasting technologies and equipment also addresses the numerous health, safety, environmental and regulatory issues associated with old methods. As a result, Laser Photonics has quickly gained a reputation as an industry leader in industrial laser systems with a brand that stands for quality, technology and product innovation. Currently, world-renowned and Fortune 1000 manufacturers in the aerospace, automotive, defense, energy, maritime, nuclear and space industries are using Laser Photonics’ “unique-to-industry” systems. For more information, visit

About Brokk, Inc.

Brokk, Inc., is the world’s leading manufacturer of advanced remote-controlled demolition machines, popularly called “demolition robots.” Brokk is known for providing more effective, profit-enhancing and safer demolition. Since 1976, they’ve continued to push the limits for what is possible in remote-controlled demolition. For more information on Brokk’s full line of remote-controlled demolition machines and attachments, visit

Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements are based on current expectations as of the date of this press release and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause results and uses of proceeds to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements. We encourage readers to review the “Risk Factors” in our Registration Statement for a comprehensive understanding. Laser Photonics Corp. undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws or regulations, to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release.


Source: Laser Photonics Corporation


What is the new product concept unveiled by Laser Photonics (LASE) and Brokk?

Laser Photonics and Brokk unveiled an animated concept of the Brokk 110 Robot with LPC's laser cleaning system as an attachment, integrating laser cleaning and cutting technology with advanced robotics.

Which industries are targeted by the Laser Photonics (LASE) and Brokk partnership?

The partnership targets industries such as construction, tunneling, mining, metal processing, and military sectors.

How does the Laser Photonics (LASE) and Brokk collaboration aim to benefit users?

The collaboration aims to provide users with a significant competitive edge by enabling safe and efficient handling of heavy-duty laser cleaning and cutting tasks in hazardous environments, while also addressing labor shortages and enhancing worker safety.

What did the CEO of Laser Photonics (LASE) say about the partnership with Brokk?

Wayne Tupuola, CEO of LPC, expressed excitement about the quick progress of the partnership and commitment to advancing the combined technology, emphasizing LPC's role in setting new standards for safe, precise, and repeatable laser cleaning operations.

Laser Photonics Corporation


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