Laser Photonics and CMS Laser Boost R&D Efforts in UV Laser Cutting and Marking
Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) and its subsidiary CMS Laser have announced an accelerated R&D initiative focusing on UV laser cutting and marking systems for microelectronics and medical device manufacturing applications.
The initiative targets high-precision fabrication needs in electronic components, medical devices, pharmaceutical packaging, semiconductors, LED wafers, and credit cards, where minimal heat impact and high resolution are crucial. CMS Laser's notable innovation includes the PCB Depaneling system, featuring non-charring separation process and Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) technology for precise alignment.
The company's applications development lab offers in-house material testing and analysis, with CMS Laser's expertise extending to custom laser systems incorporating fiber, CO2, and ultra-short laser sources. This R&D investment aims to enhance shareholder value and strengthen market position.
Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) e la sua sussidiaria CMS Laser hanno annunciato un'iniziativa accelerata di R&D focalizzata su sistemi di taglio e marcatura laser UV per applicazioni nella microelettronica e nella produzione di dispositivi medici.
L'iniziativa mira a soddisfare le esigenze di fabbricazione ad alta precisione in componenti elettronici, dispositivi medici, imballaggi farmaceutici, semiconduttori, wafer LED e carte di credito, dove l'impatto termico minimo e l'alta risoluzione sono fondamentali. L'innovazione notevole di CMS Laser include il sistema di depanelizzazione PCB, che presenta un processo di separazione senza carbonizzazione e la tecnologia Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) per un allineamento preciso.
Il laboratorio di sviluppo applicazioni dell'azienda offre test e analisi dei materiali in-house, con l'expertise di CMS Laser che si estende a sistemi laser personalizzati che incorporano sorgenti laser a fibra, CO2 e ultra-brevi. Questo investimento in R&D mira a migliorare il valore per gli azionisti e a rafforzare la posizione di mercato.
Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) y su subsidiaria CMS Laser han anunciado una iniciativa acelerada de I+D centrada en sistemas de corte y marcado láser UV para aplicaciones en microelectrónica y fabricación de dispositivos médicos.
La iniciativa tiene como objetivo satisfacer las necesidades de fabricación de alta precisión en componentes electrónicos, dispositivos médicos, envases farmacéuticos, semiconductores, obleas de LED y tarjetas de crédito, donde el impacto térmico mínimo y la alta resolución son cruciales. La notable innovación de CMS Laser incluye el sistema de despanelado de PCB, que presenta un proceso de separación sin carbonización y la tecnología Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) para un alineamiento preciso.
El laboratorio de desarrollo de aplicaciones de la empresa ofrece pruebas y análisis de materiales internos, con la experiencia de CMS Laser que se extiende a sistemas láser personalizados que incorporan fuentes láser de fibra, CO2 y ultra-cortas. Esta inversión en I+D tiene como objetivo mejorar el valor para los accionistas y fortalecer la posición en el mercado.
레이저 포토닉스 (NASDAQ: LASE)와 그 자회사 CMS 레이저는 마이크로전자 및 의료기기 제조 응용을 위한 UV 레이저 절단 및 마킹 시스템에 초점을 맞춘 가속화된 연구 개발(R&D) 이니셔티브를 발표했습니다.
이 이니셔티브는 전자 부품, 의료 기기, 제약 포장, 반도체, LED 웨이퍼 및 신용 카드에서 고정밀 제조 요구를 목표로 하며, 여기서 최소한의 열 영향과 높은 해상도가 중요합니다. CMS 레이저의 주목할 만한 혁신에는 탄화가 없는 분리 프로세스와 정밀 정렬을 위한 Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) 기술을 특징으로 하는 PCB 디패널링 시스템이 포함됩니다.
회사의 응용 개발 실험실은 내부 재료 테스트 및 분석을 제공하며, CMS 레이저의 전문성은 섬유, CO2 및 초단파 레이저 소스를 포함한 맞춤형 레이저 시스템으로 확장됩니다. 이 R&D 투자는 주주 가치를 향상하고 시장 위치를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) et sa filiale CMS Laser ont annoncé une initiative de R&D accélérée axée sur les systèmes de découpe et de marquage laser UV pour les applications dans la microélectronique et la fabrication de dispositifs médicaux.
Cette initiative vise à répondre aux besoins de fabrication de haute précision dans les composants électroniques, les dispositifs médicaux, les emballages pharmaceutiques, les semi-conducteurs, les wafers LED et les cartes de crédit, où un impact thermique minimal et une haute résolution sont cruciaux. L'innovation notable de CMS Laser comprend le système de dépanelisation de PCB, qui présente un processus de séparation sans carbonisation et la technologie Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) pour un alignement précis.
Le laboratoire de développement d'applications de l'entreprise propose des tests et des analyses de matériaux en interne, avec l'expertise de CMS Laser s'étendant à des systèmes laser personnalisés intégrant des sources laser à fibre, CO2 et ultra-courtes. Cet investissement en R&D vise à améliorer la valeur pour les actionnaires et à renforcer la position sur le marché.
Laser Photonics (NASDAQ: LASE) und deren Tochtergesellschaft CMS Laser haben eine beschleunigte F&E-Initiative angekündigt, die sich auf UV-Laser-Schneid- und Markierungssysteme für Anwendungen in der Mikroelektronik und der Herstellung von medizinischen Geräten konzentriert.
Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Anforderungen an die hochpräzise Fertigung in elektronischen Komponenten, medizinischen Geräten, pharmazeutischen Verpackungen, Halbleitern, LED-Wafern und Kreditkarten zu erfüllen, wo minimale Wärmebeeinflussung und hohe Auflösung entscheidend sind. Eine bemerkenswerte Innovation von CMS Laser ist das PCB-Depaneling-System, das einen nicht verkohlenden Trennprozess und die Through the Optics Vision (TTOV)-Technologie für eine präzise Ausrichtung bietet.
Das Anwendungslabor des Unternehmens bietet interne Materialtests und -analysen an, wobei die Expertise von CMS Laser auf maßgeschneiderte Lasersysteme ausgeweitet wird, die Faser-, CO2- und ultrakurze Laserquellen integrieren. Diese F&E-Investition zielt darauf ab, den Aktionärswert zu steigern und die Marktposition zu stärken.
- Strategic expansion into high-value UV laser solutions market
- Enhanced technological capabilities through PCB Depaneling system innovation
- Diversification of product portfolio with specialized applications
- R&D investments may impact short-term profitability
Today, ultraviolet (UV) lasers are used in fabrication that requires the highest level of precision. This includes the manufacturing of electronic components, medical devices, pharmaceutical packaging, semiconductors, LED wafers, credit cards, and other segments where low heat impact and high resolution are key requirements.
“Collaborating closely with CMS Laser, Laser Photonics is advancing the research and development of high-precision material processing with UV lasers for the microelectronics and medical industries,” said John Armstrong, Executive Vice President of LPC. “These high-value laser solutions expand our broad range of capabilities and applications, delivering even greater value to our clients and shareholders.”
One of CMS Laser’s innovative UV laser-powered cutting systems is the PCB Depaneling system. This technology guarantees a non-charring separation process for small-size printed circuit boards, carried out with extremely tight tolerances. This purpose-built system also integrates the company’s smart Through the Optics Vision (TTOV) for high-speed locating of board fiducial markings, ensuring accurate alignment.
In addition to UV lasers, CMS Laser designs custom laser systems integrating fiber, CO2, and ultra-short laser sources. Visitors can bring samples to CMS Laser’s applications development lab for in-house material testing and analysis. A laser specialist will help determine the ideal solution that will meet each client’s unique manufacturing and research needs.
Leveraging CMS Laser’s specialized expertise, LPC is channeling resources into R&D in the UV laser cutting and marking technology development. This move aims to enhance shareholder value and build resilience in evolving markets. For more information, visit the LPC website at
About Laser Photonics Corporation
Laser Photonics is a vertically integrated manufacturer and R&D Center of Excellence for industrial laser technologies and systems. Laser Photonics seeks to disrupt the
About CMS Laser
Control Micro Systems (CMS Laser), is a 40-year
Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended), including statements regarding the Company’s plans, prospects, potential results and use of proceeds. These statements are based on current expectations as of the date of this press release and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which may cause results and uses of proceeds to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements. These risks include, without limitation, those described under the caption “Risk Factors” in the Registration Statement. Any reader of this press release is cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release except as required by applicable laws or regulations.
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(346) 396-8696
Source: Laser Photonics Corporation