SEALSQ Post-Quantum Technology Enhances Security for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

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SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) has announced its support for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) segment by providing key security components for applications that secure communications and authenticate devices. The company's technology addresses the significant security concerns raised by cloud-assisted IoMT, which uses shared public channels for data exchanges.

SEALSQ's solutions include:

  • Smart Card reader chips used in HID IDENTIV reader terminals for patient cards in European healthcare systems
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions and Secure Elements for authenticating information shared between remote patients and hospitals
  • Post-quantum cryptography resistant to attacks from both classical and quantum computers

Bernard Vian, SEALSQ's Managing Director, emphasized the critical importance of security in IoMT given the sensitive nature of healthcare data and potential risks associated with breaches.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ha annunciato il suo supporto per il segmento dell'Internet delle Cose Mediche (IoMT) fornendo componenti di sicurezza chiave per applicazioni che garantiscono comunicazioni sicure e autenticano i dispositivi. La tecnologia dell'azienda affronta le significative preoccupazioni di sicurezza sollevate dall'IoMT assistito da cloud, che utilizza canali pubblici condivisi per gli scambi di dati.

Le soluzioni di SEALSQ includono:

  • Chip lettore di Smart Card utilizzati nei terminali lettori HID IDENTIV per schede paziente nei sistemi sanitari europei
  • Soluzioni di Infrastruttura a Chiave Pubblica (PKI) e Elementi Sicuri per autenticare le informazioni condivise tra pazienti remoti e ospedali
  • Crittografia post-quantistica resistente ad attacchi sia da computer classici che quantistici

Bernard Vian, Direttore Generale di SEALSQ, ha enfatizzato l'importanza critica della sicurezza nell'IoMT dato il carattere sensibile dei dati sanitari e i rischi potenziali associati alle violazioni.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ha anunciado su apoyo al segmento de Internet de las Cosas Médicas (IoMT) proporcionando componentes de seguridad clave para aplicaciones que aseguran las comunicaciones y autentican los dispositivos. La tecnología de la empresa aborda las significativas preocupaciones de seguridad planteadas por la IoMT asistida por la nube, que utiliza canales públicos compartidos para intercambios de datos.

Las soluciones de SEALSQ incluyen:

  • Chips lectores de tarjetas inteligentes utilizados en terminales de lectores HID IDENTIV para tarjetas de pacientes en sistemas de salud europeos
  • Soluciones de Infraestructura de Clave Pública (PKI) y Elementos Seguros para autenticar la información compartida entre pacientes remotos y hospitales
  • Cifrado post-cuántico resistente a ataques tanto de computadoras clásicas como cuánticas

Bernard Vian, Director General de SEALSQ, enfatizó la importancia crítica de la seguridad en IoMT dado el carácter sensible de los datos sanitarios y los riesgos potenciales asociados con las violaciones.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES)는 의료 사물 인터넷(IoMT) 분야에 대한 지원을 발표하며 통신을 보호하고 장치를 인증하는 애플리케이션을 위한 주요 보안 구성 요소를 제공합니다. 이 회사의 기술은 데이터 교환을 위한 공유 공개 채널을 사용하는 클라우드 지원 IoMT로 인해 제기되는 중요한 보안 문제를 해결합니다.

SEALSQ의 솔루션에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 유럽의 의료 시스템에 있는 환자 카드를 위한 HID IDENTIV 판독기 단말기에 사용되는 스마트 카드 리더 칩
  • 원격 환자와 병원 간에 공유된 정보를 인증하기 위한 공개 키 인프라(PKI) 솔루션 및 보안 요소
  • 고전 및 양자 컴퓨터 공격에 저항하는 포스트 양자 암호화

SEALSQ의 관리 이사인 Bernard Vian은 의료 데이터의 민감한 성격과 위반과 관련된 잠재적 위험으로 인해 IoMT에서 보안의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) a annoncé son soutien au segment de l'Internet des Objets Médicaux (IoMT) en fournissant des composants de sécurité essentiels pour des applications qui sécurisent les communications et authentifient les dispositifs. La technologie de l'entreprise répond aux préoccupations de sécurité importantes soulevées par l'IoMT assisté par le cloud, qui utilise des canaux publics partagés pour les échanges de données.

Les solutions de SEALSQ comprennent :

  • Des puces de lecteur de carte intelligente utilisées dans les terminaux de lecture HID IDENTIV pour les cartes patients dans les systèmes de santé européens
  • Des solutions d'Infrastructure à Clé Publique (PKI) et des Éléments Sécurisés pour authentifier les informations partagées entre les patients à distance et les hôpitaux
  • Une cryptographie post-quantique résistante aux attaques tant des ordinateurs classiques que quantiques

Bernard Vian, Directeur Général de SEALSQ, a souligné l'importance cruciale de la sécurité dans l'IoMT compte tenu de la nature sensible des données de santé et des risques potentiels associés aux violations.

SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) hat seine Unterstützung für das Segment des Internet der medizinischen Dinge (IoMT) angekündigt, indem es wichtige Sicherheitskomponenten für Anwendungen bereitstellt, die die Kommunikation sichern und Geräte authentifizieren. Die Technologie des Unternehmens adressiert die erheblichen Sicherheitsbedenken, die durch das cloudgestützte IoMT aufkommen, welches öffentliche Kanäle für den Datenaustausch nutzt.

Die Lösungen von SEALSQ umfassen:

  • Smart-Card-Leser-Chips, die in HID IDENTIV-Leseterminals für Patientenkarten in europäischen Gesundheitssystemen verwendet werden
  • Öffentlichkeitsinfrastruktur (PKI)-Lösungen und sichere Elemente zur Authentifizierung von Informationen, die zwischen entfernten Patienten und Krankenhäusern ausgetauscht werden
  • Post-Quanten-Kryptografie, die gegen Angriffe von sowohl klassischen als auch quantencomputern resistent ist

Bernard Vian, Geschäftsführer von SEALSQ, betonte die entscheidende Bedeutung von Sicherheit im IoMT, angesichts der sensiblen Natur von Gesundheitsdaten und der potenziellen Risiken, die mit Sicherheitsverletzungen verbunden sind.

  • SEALSQ's technology is already supporting medical industry applications in the field
  • The company offers post-quantum cryptography resistant to both classical and quantum computer attacks
  • SEALSQ's solutions are used in large national healthcare systems in Europe
  • None.

Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SEALSQ Corp (NASDAQ: LAES) ("SEALSQ" or "Company"), a company that focuses on developing and selling Semiconductors, PKI and Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products, today announced that its technology and solutions support the IoMT segment by providing key security components for applications able to secure communications and authenticate devices. While the IoMT continues to revolutionize healthcare, the integration of advanced security measures becomes paramount to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of medical systems.

The IoMT represents a vast network of interconnected medical devices, sensors, software, and healthcare systems utilizing internet connectivity to exchange information. By leveraging technologies like wireless communication and cloud computing, IoMT offloads tasks and stores data on remote servers, vastly enhancing device functionality, storage capacity, and computational power. This integration is transforming domains such as healthcare, fitness, and patient monitoring, addressing challenges associated with increasing healthcare costs and a growing global population.

While cloud-assisted IoMT offers numerous benefits, it also raises significant security concerns. The majority of communications and data exchanges between terminal devices and cloud servers occur over shared public channels, posing a substantial risk of unauthorized access. Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities within these systems to gain access to sensitive information or impersonate legitimate devices. Moreover, ensuring the authenticity of data and its sources is crucial in preventing various types of cyberattacks, including replay attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and denial-of-service attacks.

SEALSQ provides key security components for applications such as controlling physical access to facilities, securing communications, and authenticating devices for both government and consumer purposes.

SEALSQ’s solutions are already supporting medical industry applications in the field today, including…

  • Its Smart Card reader chips are used to read patient cards in HID IDENTIV reader terminals procured by some of the largest national healthcare systems in Europe.
  • Its Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions and Secure Elements are employed to authenticate and protect information shared between remote patients and hospital systems.

Looking at the evolution of digital threats and especially at quantum computer’s capability to break commonly used cryptographic algorithms like RSA, SEALSQ offers a unique value proposition by integrating PKI using Quantum Resistant Cryptography and Post Quantum Secure Hardware to protect the keys and certificates from powerful Quantum Computer attacks.  Unlike traditional cryptographic methods, SEALSQ’s post-quantum cryptography is resistant to attacks from both classical and quantum computers, making it an essential component of future-proofing IoMT infrastructure.
“Security is a critical component of IoMT, given the sensitive nature of healthcare data and the potential risks associated with breaches,” stated Bernard Vian, SEALSQ’s Managing Director. “SEALSQ’s post-quantum technology offers a robust solution to safeguard IoMT networks from emerging cyber threats, ensuring the secure exchange of data between medical devices and cloud servers.”

SEALSQ focuses on selling integrated solutions based on Semiconductors, PKI and Provisioning services, while developing Post-Quantum technology hardware and software products. Our solutions can be used in a variety of applications, from Multi-Factor Authentication tokens, Smart Energy, Smart Home Appliances, Medical and Healthcare and IT Network Infrastructure, to Automotive, Industrial Automation and Control Systems.

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) refers to cryptographic methods that are secure against an attack by a quantum computer. As quantum computers become more powerful, they may be able to break many of the cryptographic methods that are currently used to protect sensitive information, such as RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). PQC aims to develop new cryptographic methods that are secure against quantum attacks. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-looking statements concerning SEALSQ Corp and its businesses. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our business strategy, financial performance, results of operations, market data, events or developments that we expect or anticipates will occur in the future, as well as any other statements which are not historical facts. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. These statements involve known and unknown risks and are based upon a number of assumptions and estimates which are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond our control. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Important factors that, in our view, could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements include the expected success of our technology strategy and solutions for IoMT Security for Medical and Healthcare sectors, SEALSQ's ability to implement its growth strategies, SEALSQ's ability to continue beneficial transactions with material parties, including a limited number of significant customers; market demand and semiconductor industry conditions; and the risks discussed in SEALSQ's filings with the SEC. Risks and uncertainties are further described in reports filed by SEALSQ with the SEC.

SEALSQ Corp is providing this communication as of this date and does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

Carlos Moreira
Chairman & CEO
Tel: +41 22 594 3000
SEALSQ Investor Relations (US)
The Equity Group Inc.
Lena Cati
Tel: +1 212 836-9611 /
Katie Murphy
Tel: +212 836-9612 /


What security solutions does SEALSQ (LAES) offer for the Internet of Medical Things?

SEALSQ offers Smart Card reader chips, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solutions, Secure Elements, and post-quantum cryptography to secure communications and authenticate devices in IoMT applications.

How does SEALSQ (LAES) address quantum computer threats in IoMT security?

SEALSQ integrates PKI using Quantum Resistant Cryptography and Post Quantum Secure Hardware to protect keys and certificates from powerful Quantum Computer attacks, future-proofing IoMT infrastructure.

Where are SEALSQ's (LAES) Smart Card reader chips currently being used in healthcare?

SEALSQ's Smart Card reader chips are used to read patient cards in HID IDENTIV reader terminals procured by some of the largest national healthcare systems in Europe.

What types of cyberattacks can SEALSQ's (LAES) technology help prevent in IoMT?

SEALSQ's technology helps prevent various types of cyberattacks in IoMT, including replay attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and denial-of-service attacks by ensuring data authenticity and source verification.

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