Kymera Therapeutics Presents Preclinical Data for KT-621, a Potent, Selective, First-In-Class, Oral STAT6 Degrader at the EADV Congress

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Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR) presented preclinical data for KT-621, a potent, selective, oral STAT6 degrader, at the EADV Congress. KT-621 shows potential to provide dupilumab-like activity with an oral small molecule profile for TH2 driven allergic and atopic diseases. The drug demonstrated strong degradation of STAT6 in human sensory neurons, inhibiting IL-13-induced itch- and pain-related gene transcripts, suggesting potential relief for atopic dermatitis symptoms.

Key highlights include:

  • KT-621 expected to start Phase 1 in the second half of 2024, with data in the first half of 2025
  • Preclinical studies show picomolar potency comparable or superior to dupilumab
  • Demonstrated efficacy in atopic dermatitis and asthma mouse models
  • Potential to expand patient access with a once daily, oral medicine for atopic dermatitis, asthma, and COPD

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR) ha presentato dati preclinici per KT-621, un degradatore orale selettivo e potente di STAT6, al Congresso EADV. KT-621 mostra il potenziale di offrire un'attività simile a quella del dupilumab con un profilo di piccole molecole orali per malattie allergiche e atopiche guidate da TH2. Il farmaco ha dimostrato una forte degradazione di STAT6 nei neuroni sensoriali umani, inibendo i trascritti genici associati al prurito e al dolore indotti da IL-13, suggerendo un potenziale sollievo per i sintomi della dermatite atopica.

I punti salienti includono:

  • KT-621 dovrebbe avviare la Fase 1 nella seconda metà del 2024, con dati disponibili nella prima metà del 2025
  • Gli studi preclinici mostrano una potenza picomolare comparabile o superiore a quella del dupilumab
  • Efficacia dimostrata nei modelli murini di dermatite atopica e asma
  • Potenziale di ampliare l'accesso ai pazienti con un medicinale orale da assumere una volta al giorno per la dermatite atopica, l'asma e la BPCO

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR) presentó datos preclínicos para KT-621, un degradador oral selectivo y potente de STAT6, en el Congreso EADV. KT-621 muestra potencial para proporcionar una actividad similar a la del dupilumab con un perfil de moléculas pequeñas orales para enfermedades alérgicas y atópicas impulsadas por TH2. El fármaco demostró una fuerte degradación de STAT6 en neuronas sensoriales humanas, inhibiendo los transcritos génicos relacionados con la picazón y el dolor inducidos por IL-13, lo que sugiere un posible alivio para los síntomas de la dermatitis atópica.

Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

  • Se espera que KT-621 inicie la Fase 1 en la segunda mitad de 2024, con datos en la primera mitad de 2025
  • Los estudios preclínicos muestran potencia picomolar comparable o superior a la del dupilumab
  • Eficacia demostrada en modelos murinos de dermatitis atópica y asma
  • Potencial para ampliar el acceso de los pacientes con un medicamento oral una vez al día para la dermatitis atópica, el asma y la EPOC

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR)는 EADV Congress에서 강력하고 선택적인 경구용 STAT6 분해제인 KT-621에 대한 전임상 데이터를 발표했습니다. KT-621은 TH2에 의해 유발되는 알레르기 및 아토피 질환에 대해 dupilumab와 유사한 활성을 제공할 수 있는 잠재력을 보여줍니다. 이 약물은 인간 감각 뉴런에서 STAT6의 강력한 분해를 입증했으며, IL-13에 의해 유도된 가려움증 및 통증 관련 유전자 전사를 억제하여 아토피 피부염 증상에 대한 잠재적인 완화를 제시합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • KT-621은 2024년 하반기에 1상 시험을 시작할 것으로 예상되며, 2025년 상반기에 데이터가 공개됩니다.
  • 전임상 연구에서는 dupilumab과 동등하거나 더 우수한 피코몰 농도의 효능이 입증되었습니다.
  • 아토피 피부염 및 천식 마우스 모델에서의 효능을 입증했습니다.
  • 아토피 피부염, 천식 및 COPD에 대한 1일 1회 복용하는 경구 약물로 환자 접근성을 확대할 수 있는 잠재력이 있습니다.

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR) a présenté des données précliniques pour KT-621, un dégradeur oral sélectif et puissant de STAT6, lors du Congrès EADV. KT-621 montre un potentiel pour offrir une activité semblable à celle du dupilumab avec un profil de petites molécules orales pour les maladies allergiques et atopiques déclenchées par TH2. Le médicament a démontré une forte dégradation de STAT6 dans les neurones sensoriels humains, inhibant les transcrits génétiques liés aux démangeaisons et à la douleur induits par IL-13, suggérant ainsi un soulagement potentiel des symptômes de la dermatite atopique.

Les points forts comprennent :

  • KT-621 devrait commencer la Phase 1 dans la seconde moitié de 2024, avec des données dans la première moitié de 2025
  • Les études précliniques montrent une puissance picomolaire comparable ou supérieure à celle du dupilumab
  • Efficacité démontrée dans des modèles murins de dermatite atopique et d'asthme
  • Potentiel d'élargir l'accès des patients avec un médicament oral à prendre une fois par jour pour la dermatite atopique, l'asthme et la BPCO

Kymera Therapeutics (NASDAQ: KYMR) hat auf dem EADV-Kongress präklinische Daten zu KT-621 vorgestellt, einem potenten, selektiven, oralen STAT6-Degrader. KT-621 zeigt das Potenzial, eine dupilumab-ähnliche Aktivität mit einem oralen kleinmolekularen Profil bei TH2-gesteuerten allergischen und atopischen Erkrankungen bereitzustellen. Das Medikament zeigte eine starke Degradation von STAT6 in menschlichen sensorischen Neuronen, indem es IL-13-induzierte juckreiz- und schmerzbezogene Gen-Transkripte hemmte, was auf ein potenzielles Linderungsmittel für Symptome der atopischen Dermatitis hindeutet.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Erwartete Beginn der Phase 1 in der zweiten Hälfte von 2024, mit Daten in der ersten Hälfte von 2025
  • Präklinische Studien zeigen picomolar Potenz, die mit dupilumab vergleichbar oder überlegen ist
  • Nachgewiesene Wirksamkeit in Mäusemodellen für atopische Dermatitis und Asthma
  • Potential zur Erweiterung des Patientenzugangs mit einem einmal täglich oral einzunehmenden Medikament für atopische Dermatitis, Asthma und COPD
  • KT-621 demonstrated potent and selective STAT6 degradation in preclinical studies
  • Showed efficacy comparable or superior to dupilumab in key human TH2 cellular assays
  • Exhibited strong performance in atopic dermatitis and asthma mouse models
  • Potential to offer a once-daily oral alternative to injectable biologics
  • Phase 1 trial expected to start in H2 2024 with data in H1 2025
  • KT-621 is still in preclinical stage, with no human trial data available yet
  • Potential competition from established injectable treatments like dupilumab


KT-621, Kymera Therapeutics' oral STAT6 degrader, shows promising preclinical results for treating TH2-driven allergic and atopic diseases. The data suggests KT-621 could potentially match the efficacy of dupilumab, a widely used biologic, but with the convenience of oral administration. Key findings include:

  • Picomolar potency in blocking IL-4/IL-13 function, comparable to dupilumab
  • Near-complete STAT6 degradation in relevant tissues at low oral doses
  • Efficacy in atopic dermatitis and asthma mouse models, matching or exceeding dupilumab's performance
  • Potential to alleviate itch and pain in atopic dermatitis by modulating STAT6 in sensory neurons

With Phase 1 trials set to begin in H2 2024 and data expected in H1 2025, KT-621 represents a significant opportunity in the $20+ billion atopic dermatitis and asthma markets. If successful, it could dramatically improve treatment accessibility and patient compliance compared to current injectable biologics.

Kymera's KT-621 represents a potentially disruptive innovation in the treatment of allergic and atopic diseases. The key advantages include:

  • Oral administration: Could significantly increase patient compliance and market penetration compared to injectable biologics like dupilumab
  • Broad applicability: Potential for use in atopic dermatitis, asthma, COPD and other TH2-driven diseases
  • Novel mechanism: STAT6 degradation offers a unique approach that could differentiate KT-621 in a crowded market

If successful, KT-621 could capture a significant portion of the multi-billion dollar market currently dominated by biologics. However, investors should note that the drug is still in early stages, with Phase 1 trials yet to begin. The timeline to potential commercialization is long and success is not guaranteed. Nevertheless, positive Phase 1 data in 2025 could be a significant catalyst for Kymera's stock price, given the large market opportunity.

KT-621 has the potential to provide dupilumab-like activity with an oral small molecule profile for TH2 driven allergic and atopic disease

KT-621 demonstrated strong degradation of STAT6 in human sensory neurons resulting in inhibition of IL-13-induced itch- and pain-related gene transcripts with the potential to alleviate these symptoms in atopic dermatitis patients

KT-621 expected to start Phase 1 in the second half of 2024, with Phase 1 data in the first half of 2025

WATERTOWN, Mass., Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kymera Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ: KYMR), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company advancing a new class of small molecule medicines using targeted protein degradation (TPD), today announced the presentation of preclinical data for KT-621, a potent, selective, oral degrader of STAT6, an essential transcription factor that is a central driver of TH2 inflammation. The featured data highlight the differentiated profile of KT-621 as a potential once daily, oral treatment for TH2 driven allergic and atopic diseases. The data were presented at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) Congress being held September 25-28, 2024, in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Company has completed IND-enabling studies and intends to initiate Phase 1 testing for KT-621 in the second half of 2024, with data from the Phase 1 trial expected to be reported in the first half of 2025.

“As we continue to demonstrate with disclosures of our preclinical characterization of KT-621, we believe STAT6 degradation has the potential to phenocopy upstream biologics, like dupilumab, but with the convenience of a once daily, oral medicine,” said Nello Mainolfi, PhD, Founder, President and CEO, Kymera Therapeutics. “Developing oral medicines with biologics-like activity and favorable safety profiles represents an enormous opportunity to expand patient access in many important disease areas that are currently dominated by injectable agents including atopic dermatitis, asthma and COPD, among other highly prevalent immune-inflammatory diseases. As a result, we believe Kymera has the potential to deliver differentiated therapeutic solutions to millions of patients suffering from these debilitating and chronic conditions around the world.”

In preclinical studies, KT-621 was exquisitely selective for STAT6 over other STAT proteins and fully blocked the function of IL-4/IL-13, critical cytokines in allergic and atopic inflammation, in key human TH2 cellular assays with picomolar potency that was comparable or superior to dupilumab. In addition, at low daily oral doses, preclinical studies with KT-621 demonstrated near full in vivo STAT6 degradation in disease-relevant tissues and was well-tolerated. In an MC903-induced atopic dermatitis mouse model, orally administered KT-621 demonstrated robust degradation of STAT6 in vivo and marked reduction of total serum IgE comparable to the activity of the IL-4RA saturating dose of dupilumab. In the intranasal house dust mite (HDM)-induced asthma model, KT-621 demonstrated similar robust degradation and reduced all cytokine, cell infiltration, and disease severity readouts in the lung and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid comparable or superior to dupilumab.

New data shared at EADV highlight the potential role of the STAT6 signaling pathway in the molecular mechanisms of TH2 inflammation causing itch and pain in the sensory neurons of the skin in atopic dermatitis. These findings further support the relevance of the STAT6 pathway to the clinical manifestations of the disease. KT-621 demonstrated strong degradation of STAT6 in human iPSC-derived sensory neurons and associated inhibition of IL-13-induced itch- and pain-related gene transcripts, showing the ability of KT-621 to fully block the IL-4/IL-13 pathways in these cells and the potential to alleviate these symptoms in atopic dermatitis patients by effectively targeting and modulating the STAT6 pathway.

A copy of the EADV poster presentation is available in the Resource Library section of Kymera's website. The Company will also present an overview of its KT-621 preclinical data at the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting being held October 24-28, 2024, in Boston, Massachusetts.

About STAT6 Degrader
STAT6 is a historically undrugged essential transcription factor in the IL-4/IL-13 signaling pathways and the central driver of T helper 2 (TH2) inflammation in allergic diseases. Multiple gain of function mutations of STAT6 were identified to cause severe allergic diseases in humans. Dupilumab, an injectable monoclonal antibody that blocks IL-4/IL-13 signaling, is an approved therapy for multiple allergic and atopic diseases. STAT6 targeting is therefore supported by both human genetics and clinical pathway validation. STAT6 functions through protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions, and it has been challenging to selectively and potently inhibit STAT6 with small molecule inhibitors. However, it is well suited for a targeted protein degradation approach, where a binding event is sufficient to drive degradation. KT-621 is a once daily, oral STAT6 heterobifunctional degrader with dupilumab-like activity and the potential to address multiple allergic and atopic diseases including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, among others. Kymera intends to initiate Phase 1 testing for KT-621 in the second half of 2024 and expects data from the Phase 1 trial to be reported in the first half of 2025.

About Kymera Therapeutics
Kymera is a clinical-stage biotechnology company pioneering the field of targeted protein degradation (TPD) to develop medicines that address critical health problems and have the potential to dramatically improve patients’ lives. Kymera is deploying TPD to address disease targets and pathways inaccessible with conventional therapeutics. Having advanced the first degrader into the clinic for immunological diseases, Kymera is focused on delivering oral small molecule degraders to provide a new generation of convenient, highly effective therapies for patients with these conditions. Kymera is also progressing degrader oncology programs that target undrugged or poorly drugged proteins to create new ways to fight cancer. Founded in 2016, Kymera has been recognized as one of Boston’s top workplaces for the past several years. For more information about our science, pipeline and people, please visit or follow us on X or LinkedIn.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, including, without limitation, implied and express statements by Kymera Therapeutics regarding its: strategy, business plans and objectives for its clinical programs; Sanofi’s intent to expand the Phase 2 clinical trials of KT- 474/SAR444656; plans and timelines for the preclinical and clinical development of its product candidates, including the therapeutic potential, clinical benefits and safety thereof; expectations regarding timing, success and data announcements of current ongoing preclinical and clinical trials; the ability to initiate new clinical programs; and Kymera's financial condition and expected cash runway into the first half of 2027. The words "may," "might," "will," "could," "would," "should," "expect," "plan," "anticipate," "intend," "believe," "expect," "estimate," "seek," "predict," "future," "project," "potential," "continue," "target" and similar words or expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Any forward-looking statements in this press release are based on management's current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and important factors that may cause actual events or results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, including, without limitation, risks associated with: the timing and anticipated results of our current and future preclinical studies and clinical trials, supply chain, strategy and future operations; the delay of any current and future preclinical studies or clinical trials or the development of Kymera Therapeutics' drug candidates; the risk that the results of current preclinical studies and clinical trials may not be predictive of future results in connection with current or future preclinical and clinical trials, including those for KT- 474/SAR444656, KT-333 and KT-253 and its preclinical programs STAT6 and TYK2; Kymera Therapeutics' ability to successfully demonstrate the safety and efficacy of its drug candidates; the timing and outcome of the Kymera Therapeutics' planned interactions with regulatory authorities; obtaining, maintaining and protecting its intellectual property; the risks associated with pandemics or epidemics; and Kymera Therapeutics' relationships with its existing and future collaboration partners. These and other risks and uncertainties are described in greater detail in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31, 2023, and most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q, as well as discussions of potential risks, uncertainties, and other important factors in Kymera Therapeutics' subsequent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent Kymera Therapeutics' views only as of today and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. Kymera Therapeutics explicitly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements. No representations or warranties (expressed or implied) are made about the accuracy of any such forward-looking statements.

Investor and Media Contact: 

Justine Koenigsberg
Vice President, Investor Relations


What is KT-621 and how does it work?

KT-621 is a potent, selective, oral degrader of STAT6, a transcription factor driving TH2 inflammation. It works by degrading STAT6, potentially providing dupilumab-like activity in an oral form for allergic and atopic diseases.

When is the Phase 1 trial for KT-621 (KYMR) expected to start?

Kymera Therapeutics plans to initiate the Phase 1 trial for KT-621 in the second half of 2024, with data expected in the first half of 2025.

What diseases could KT-621 potentially treat?

KT-621 shows potential for treating TH2 driven allergic and atopic diseases, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and COPD.

How does KT-621 compare to dupilumab in preclinical studies?

In preclinical studies, KT-621 demonstrated picomolar potency comparable or superior to dupilumab in key human TH2 cellular assays and showed similar or better efficacy in mouse models of atopic dermatitis and asthma.

Kymera Therapeutics, Inc.


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