KRTL Holding Group Inc. Announces KRTL Biotech Inc. Acquires 55% Majority Stake in Nutrivance Global to Enhance API Distribution and Real-World Data Capabilities
KRTL Biotech Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL), has acquired a 55% majority stake in Skidmore Companies , now rebranded as Nutrivance Global. The acquisition leverages KRTL's Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) portfolio with Nutrivance Global's established government and private distribution networks.
The deal includes a sophisticated data platform for real-world decision-making, enhancing distribution efficiency and partner insights. The partnership aims to expand distribution of KRTL's APIs, FDA-approved food and beverage products, and cosmetic lines internationally. A revenue-sharing structure has been implemented to ensure transparent management and accelerate market reach.
The collaboration combines Nutrivance Global's distribution expertise and regulatory compliance capabilities with KRTL's product portfolio, positioning both companies to address growing global demand for APIs and advanced solutions.
KRTL Biotech Inc., una filiale interamente controllata di KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL), ha acquisito una partecipazione di maggioranza del 55% in Skidmore Companies, ora ribattezzata Nutrivance Global. Questa acquisizione sfrutta il portfolio di Ingredienti Farmaceutici Attivi (API) di KRTL in combinazione con le consolidate reti di distribuzione governative e private di Nutrivance Global.
L'accordo include una piattaforma dati sofisticata per il decision-making nella vita reale, migliorando l'efficienza della distribuzione e le informazioni sui partner. L'obiettivo della partnership è espandere la distribuzione degli API di KRTL, dei prodotti alimentari e delle bevande approvati dalla FDA, e delle linee cosmetiche a livello internazionale. È stata implementata una struttura di condivisione dei ricavi per garantire una gestione trasparente e accelerare l'espansione del mercato.
La collaborazione combina l'esperienza nella distribuzione e le capacità di conformità normativa di Nutrivance Global con il portfolio di prodotti di KRTL, posizionando entrambe le aziende per affrontare la crescente domanda globale di API e soluzioni avanzate.
KRTL Biotech Inc., una subsidiaria de propiedad total de KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL), ha adquirido una participación mayoritaria del 55% en Skidmore Companies, que ahora se denomina Nutrivance Global. La adquisición aprovecha el portafolio de Ingredientes Farmacéuticos Activos (API) de KRTL junto con las redes de distribución gubernamentales y privadas establecidas de Nutrivance Global.
El acuerdo incluye una plataforma de datos sofisticada para la toma de decisiones en el mundo real, mejorando la eficiencia de distribución y los conocimientos de los socios. La asociación tiene como objetivo expandir la distribución de los API de KRTL, productos de alimentos y bebidas aprobados por la FDA, y líneas cosméticas a nivel internacional. Se ha implementado una estructura de compartición de ingresos para asegurar una gestión transparente y acelerar el alcance en el mercado.
La colaboración combina la experiencia en distribución y las capacidades de cumplimiento regulatorio de Nutrivance Global con el portafolio de productos de KRTL, posicionando a ambas empresas para abordar la creciente demanda global de API y soluciones avanzadas.
KRTL Biotech Inc.는 KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL)의 완전 자회사로, Skidmore Companies의 55% 지분을 인수하였으며, 현재는 Nutrivance Global로 브랜드를 변경하였습니다. 이 인수는 KRTL의 활성 제약 성분(API) 포트폴리오와 Nutrivance Global의 확립된 정부 및 민간 유통 네트워크를 활용합니다.
이번 거래에는 실제 의사 결정을 위한 정교한 데이터 플랫폼이 포함되어 있으며, 유통 효율성과 파트너 통찰력을 향상시킵니다. 이번 파트너십은 KRTL의 API, FDA 승인 식음료 제품 및 화장품 라인의 국제 유통 확대를 목표로 하고 있습니다. 투명한 관리와 시장 접근성을 가속화하기 위해 수익 공유 구조가 구현되었습니다.
이번 협력은 Nutrivance Global의 유통 전문성과 규제 준수 능력, 그리고 KRTL의 제품 포트폴리오를 결합하여 두 회사가 API 및 고급 솔루션에 대한 증가하는 글로벌 수요에 대응할 수 있도록 합니다.
KRTL Biotech Inc., une filiale entièrement détenue par KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL), a acquis une participation majoritaire de 55 % dans Skidmore Companies, maintenant rebaptisée Nutrivance Global. Cette acquisition permet à KRTL de tirer parti de son portefeuille d'Ingrédients Pharmaceutiques Actifs (API) en s'associant aux réseaux de distribution gouvernementaux et privés bien établis de Nutrivance Global.
L'accord comprend une plateforme de données sophistiquée pour la prise de décision dans le monde réel, améliorant l'efficacité de la distribution et les connaissances des partenaires. L'objectif du partenariat est d'élargir la distribution des API de KRTL, des produits alimentaires et de boissons approuvés par la FDA, ainsi que des lignes cosmétiques à l'international. Une structure de partage des revenus a été mise en place pour assurer une gestion transparente et accélérer l'atteinte du marché.
La collaboration allie l'expertise en distribution et la conformité réglementaire de Nutrivance Global au portefeuille de produits de KRTL, positionnant ainsi les deux entreprises pour répondre à la demande mondiale croissante en API et solutions avancées.
KRTL Biotech Inc., eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft von KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL), hat eine Mehrheitsbeteiligung von 55% an Skidmore Companies erworben, das nun als Nutrivance Global umbenannt wurde. Die Übernahme nutzt das Portfolio der aktiven pharmazeutischen Inhaltsstoffe (API) von KRTL und die etablierten staatlichen sowie privaten Vertriebsnetzwerke von Nutrivance Global.
Der Deal umfasst eine ausgeklügelte Datenplattform für Entscheidungen in der realen Welt, die die Vertriebseffizienz und Partnerinformationen verbessert. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, die Distribution von KRTLs APIs, FDA-zugelassenen Lebensmittel- und Getränkewaren und kosmetischen Produktlinien international auszubauen. Eine Erlösverteilungstruktur wurde implementiert, um eine transparente Verwaltung zu gewährleisten und die Marktreichweite zu beschleunigen.
Die Zusammenarbeit kombiniert die Vertriebsexpertise und die regulatorischen Compliance-Fähigkeiten von Nutrivance Global mit dem Produktportfolio von KRTL und positioniert beide Unternehmen, um der wachsenden globalen Nachfrage nach APIs und fortschrittlichen Lösungen gerecht zu werden.
- Acquisition of 55% majority stake enhances distribution capabilities
- Access to established government and private distribution networks
- Integration of sophisticated real-world data platform for decision-making
- Revenue-sharing structure implementation
- Expansion into international markets for APIs, FDA-approved products, and cosmetics
- None.
Lakewood, CO, Jan. 08, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- KRTL Holding Group Inc. (OTC: KRTL) announces that its wholly owned subsidiary, KRTL Biotech Inc., has acquired a
A strategic component of this acquisition is the inclusion of a sophisticated data platform that enables real-world decision-making based on real-world data. This capability enhances Nutrivance Global’s ability to meet the evolving needs of its distribution partners by providing actionable insights and supporting more efficient API deployment across its networks.
This collaboration enhances the distribution of KRTL’s API portfolio while expanding access to FDA-approved food and beverage products and innovative cosmetic lines for international markets. By integrating Nutrivance Global’s financial operations and establishing a revenue-sharing structure, the partnership delivers transparent management and leverages Nutrivance Global’s distribution channels to accelerate product availability and reach.
Nutrivance Global’s expertise in API distribution and its robust networks strengthen KRTL’s infrastructure, improving supply chain efficiency and ensuring compliance with rigorous regulatory standards. Together, the companies are positioned to address increasing global demand for APIs and other advanced solutions while fostering innovation and market expansion.
“This partnership underscores the mutual strengths of KRTL and Nutrivance Global,” said Cesar Herrera, CEO of KRTL Holding Group. “With Nutrivance’s distribution network and innovative data platform paired with our extensive API portfolio, we are creating a collaborative path toward sustainable growth in global markets.”
Kim Skidmore, CEO of Nutrivance Global, added, “This transition is an exciting phase for our company. Partnering with KRTL enables us to innovate, scale operations, and deliver reliable APIs and premium cosmetic products to global consumers.”
This partnership represents a key step in KRTL’s strategy to establish a strong presence in API distribution and real-world data-driven decision-making. By combining resources, expertise, and networks, KRTL Biotech and Nutrivance Global are focused on delivering reliable, effective solutions that address the evolving needs of the healthcare and beauty industries.
About KRTL Biotech Inc.:
KRTL Biotech Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of KRTL Holding Group Inc., specializes in pharmaceutical registration, regulatory compliance, and the development of pharmaceutical products and APIs. KRTL Biotech is dedicated to innovation and operational excellence in the pharmaceutical industry.
About Nutrivance Global:
Nutrivance Global, formerly Skidmore Companies, LLC, is an FDA-registered manufacturer specializing in pharmaceutical production, cosmetic development, and advanced formulations. As the CDMO for KRTL Biotech Inc., Nutrivance Global leverages cutting-edge manufacturing capabilities and KRTL’s global partnerships to deliver high-quality pharmaceuticals, FDA-registered cosmetics, and essential products to consumers worldwide.
About KRTL Holding Group, Inc.
We are interested in having a competitive edge in the marketplace, through mergers & acquisitions, collaborations, and strategic alliances with specific partners.
KRTL Holding Group a holding company which operates through its wholly owned subsidiaries, KRTL Biotech, Inc. and KRTL International Corp. These subsidiaries have evolved to focus on distinct industries, yet they intricately intertwine, forming the bedrock of the KRTL brand. This strategic synergy empowers KRTL Holding Group to actively pursue investment opportunities and forge invaluable partnerships, ultimately enhancing shareholder value.
Additional information on KRTL is available online at and and
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What percentage stake did KRTL Biotech acquire in Nutrivance Global?
How will the Nutrivance Global acquisition benefit KRTL's distribution capabilities?
What technology assets were included in KRTL's acquisition of Nutrivance Global?
What products will KRTL distribute through Nutrivance Global's network?