Huggies® Promotes Safe Sleep During Safe Sleep Awareness Month

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Huggies is promoting safe sleep practices during Safe Sleep Awareness Month in October. The brand is giving away baby bodysuits with reminders to place babies on their backs for sleep, as recommended by experts to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The bodysuits feature "This Side Up" on the front and "Turn Me Over" on the back.

Caregivers can claim a free bodysuit at while supplies last. Huggies is also distributing bodysuits to newborns at select hospital partners during October. The initiative aims to educate caregivers on safe sleep practices, as SIDS is the leading cause of death in babies aged 1-12 months in the United States, with about 2,500 infant deaths annually due to SIDS.

For more information on safe sleep practices and SIDS risk reduction, visit the National Institutes of Health website or

Huggies promuove pratiche di sonno sicuro durante il Mese della Consapevolezza sul Sonno Sicuro in ottobre. Il marchio offre body per neonati con promemoria per mettere i bambini a dormire sulla schiena, come raccomandato dagli esperti per ridurre il rischio di Morti Improvvise Infantili (SIDS). I bodysuits presentano la dicitura "Questo Lato In Su" sul frontale e "Gira Mi" sul retro.

I caregiver possono richiedere un body gratuito su fino ad esaurimento scorte. Huggies sta inoltre distribuendo bodysuits ai neonati in ospedali selezionati durante ottobre. L'iniziativa mira a educare i caregiver sulle pratiche di sonno sicuro, poiché la SIDS è la principale causa di morte nei bambini di età compresa tra 1 e 12 mesi negli Stati Uniti, con circa 2.500 decessi infantili all'anno a causa della SIDS.

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle pratiche di sonno sicuro e sulla riduzione del rischio di SIDS, visita il sito dei National Institutes of Health o

Huggies está promoviendo prácticas de sueño seguro durante el Mes de Concienciación sobre el Sueño Seguro en octubre. La marca está regalando body para bebés con recordatorios para colocar a los bebés de espaldas para dormir, tal como lo recomiendan los expertos para reducir el riesgo de Síndrome de Muerte Súbita del Lactante (SMSL). Los bodys presentan la frase "Este Lado Arriba" en el frente y "Gírame" en la parte posterior.

Los cuidadores pueden reclamar un body gratis en mientras haya existencias. Huggies también está distribuyendo bodys a recién nacidos en hospitales seleccionados durante octubre. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo educar a los cuidadores sobre prácticas de sueño seguro, ya que el SMSL es la principal causa de muerte en bebés de 1 a 12 meses en Estados Unidos, con aproximadamente 2,500 muertes infantiles anuales debido al SMSL.

Para obtener más información sobre prácticas de sueño seguro y reducción del riesgo de SMSL, visita el sitio web de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud o

허기스는 10월 안전 수면 인식의 달 동안 안전한 수면 관행을 홍보하고 있습니다. 브랜드는 아기들을 등을 대고 눕히는 것을 권장하는 아기 바디수트를 배포하여 영아돌연사증후군(SIDS)의 위험을 줄이도록 전문가들이 추천하는 것입니다. 바디수트 앞쪽에는 "이쪽으로 올려주세요"라는 문구가, 뒷면에는 "뒤집어주세요"라는 문구가 적혀 있습니다.

보호자는 HuggiesWeGotYouBaby.com에서 재고가 있는 한 무료 바디수트를 받을 수 있습니다. 허기스는 또한 10월 동안 특정 병원 파트너들에게 신생아에게 바디수트를 배포하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 SIDS가 미국에서 1-12개월 아기의 주요 사망 원인으로, 매년 약 2,500명이 SIDS로 사망하기 때문에 보호자에게 안전한 수면 관행을 교육하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

안전한 수면 관행 및 SIDS 위험 감소에 대한 자세한 정보는 국립보건원(NIH) 웹사이트 또는 Huggies.com을 방문하세요.

Huggies promeut des pratiques de sommeil sécurisé durant le Mois de Sensibilisation au Sommeil Sécurisé en octobre. La marque offre des body pour bébés avec des rappels pour mettre les bébés sur le dos pour dormir, comme recommandé par les experts pour réduire le risque de syndrome de mort subite du nourrisson (SMSN). Les bodies affichent "Ce Côté Vers le Haut" à l'avant et "Retournez-moi" à l'arrière.

Les aidants peuvent réclamer un body gratuit sur tant que les stocks durent. Huggies distribue également des bodies aux nouveau-nés dans certains hôpitaux partenaires pendant le mois d'octobre. L'initiative vise à éduquer les aidants sur les pratiques de sommeil sécurisé, car le SMSN est la principale cause de décès chez les bébés de 1 à 12 mois aux États-Unis, avec environ 2 500 décès infantiles par an dus au SMSN.

Pour plus d'informations sur les pratiques de sommeil sécurisées et la réduction des risques de SMSN, visitez le site des National Institutes of Health ou

Huggies fördert sichere Schlafpraktiken während des Monats der sicheren Schlafbewusstseins im Oktober. Die Marke verschenkt Babybodys mit Erinnerungen, Babys zum Schlafen auf den Rücken zu legen, wie von Experten empfohlen, um das Risiko des plötzlichen Säuglingstod-Syndroms (SIDS) zu reduzieren. Die Bodys haben auf der Vorderseite "Diese Seite nach oben" und auf der Rückseite "Dreh mich um" aufgedruckt.

Betreuer können sich einen kostenlosen Body auf holen, solange der Vorrat reicht. Huggies verteilt auch Bodys an Neugeborene in ausgewählten Partnerkrankenhäusern im Oktober. Diese Initiative verfolgt das Ziel, die Betreuer über sichere Schlafpraktiken aufzuklären, da SIDS die häufigste Todesursache bei Babys im Alter von 1 bis 12 Monaten in den Vereinigten Staaten ist, mit jährlich etwa 2.500 Säuglingstoden aufgrund von SIDS.

Für weitere Informationen über sichere Schlafpraktiken und die Verringerung des SIDS-Risikos besuchen Sie die Website der National Institutes of Health oder

  • None.
  • None.

The brand is giving away baby bodysuits to help educate caregivers on safe sleep best practices as recommended by experts

CHICAGO, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- October is Safe Sleep and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) awareness month. To help spread awareness, the Kimberly-Clark U.S. Huggies® Brand is giving away baby bodysuits that serve as a physical reminder back is best when laying baby down for nap and at night.

The National Institutes for Health shares the most effective action caregivers can take to reduce baby's risk of SIDS is to always place baby on their back to sleep1. The back position is the safest sleep position for all babies, including preterm and those with reflux, until they are one-year old1.

To keep this top of mind for caregivers of young children, Huggies and its partners at Huggies Babywear have created baby bodysuits that include the visual reminder of "This Side Up" printed on the front and "Turn Me Over" on the back. Caregivers can claim their free bodysuit at while supplies last.

"Huggies is dedicated to helping babies thrive," said Evan Scanzera, Huggies senior brand manager and dad of three. "Caring for an infant can be overwhelming and there's so much to learn. Having this visual reminder will help keep baby safe and educate caregivers on safe sleep best practices."

According to the Cleveland Clinic, SIDS is the leading cause of death in babies between one month and one year old in the United States, and about 2,500 infants die every year due to SIDS2.

To further spread awareness, baby bodysuits will also be given to newborns at select Huggies Hospital partners across the U.S. during the month of October.

For more information on safe sleep best practices and how to reduce the risk of SIDS, please visit the National Institutes of Health. For more information on Huggies, please visit or follow @Huggies on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook.

About Huggies® Brand
For more than 40 years, Huggies® has been helping parents provide their babies with love, care, and reassurance. From developing innovative, everyday products for babies to partnering with NICU nurses to create special diapers and wipes for the most fragile babies, Huggies® is dedicated to helping ensure all babies get the care they need to thrive. Huggies® is proud to be the founding sponsor of the National Diaper Bank Network, a national nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals, children and families access the basic necessities they require to thrive and reach their full potential including clean, dry diapers. Huggies® is also the national sponsor of nonprofit Hand to Hold, which provides personalized support before, during, and after NICU stays and infant loss. For more information on product offerings or our community efforts, please visit  

About Kimberly-Clark
Kimberly-Clark (NYSE: KMB) and its trusted brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 175 countries.  Fueled by ingenuity, creativity, and an understanding of people's most essential needs, we create products that help individuals experience more of what's important to them.  Our portfolio of brands, including Huggies, Kleenex, Scott, Kotex, Cottonelle, Poise, Depend, Andrex, Pull-Ups, GoodNites, Intimus, Neve, Plenitud, Sweety, Softex, Viva and WypAll, hold No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in approximately 80 countries.  We use sustainable practices that support a healthy planet, build strong communities, and ensure our business thrives for decades to come.  We are proud to be recognized as one of the world's most ethical companies by Ethisphere for the sixth year in a row. To keep up with the latest news and to learn more about the company's 150-year history of innovation, visit

1 According to the National Institutes of Health Safe Sleep® Program
2 According to the Cleveland Clinic


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SOURCE Kimberly-Clark Corporation


What is Huggies doing for Safe Sleep Awareness Month in October 2024?

Huggies is giving away baby bodysuits with reminders to place babies on their backs for sleep, promoting safe sleep practices to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

How can caregivers get a free Huggies bodysuit for safe sleep awareness?

Caregivers can claim a free bodysuit at while supplies last.

What is printed on the Huggies safe sleep awareness bodysuits?

The bodysuits have "This Side Up" printed on the front and "Turn Me Over" on the back as reminders for safe sleep positioning.

How many infants die due to SIDS in the United States annually?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 2,500 infants die every year due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in the United States.

Where can I find more information on safe sleep practices and SIDS risk reduction?

For more information on safe sleep best practices and how to reduce the risk of SIDS, visit the National Institutes of Health website or

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