KinderCare Celebrates First Day of Trading at the New York Stock Exchange

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KinderCare Learning Companies, the largest private provider of high-quality early childhood education in the US by center capacity, celebrated its first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol 'KLC'. CEO Paul Thompson and senior leaders were present for this milestone event.

Thompson emphasized the company's commitment to addressing the growing need for child care among working families across the country. He stated that going public will enable KinderCare to expand its high-quality early childhood education and care services to more families and communities.

The CEO reaffirmed the company's core purpose: 'to build confidence in kids, families, and the future we share.' This public listing marks a significant step in KinderCare's journey to meet the increasing demand for quality child care services in the United States.

KinderCare Learning Companies, il più grande fornitore privato di educazione infantile di alta qualità negli Stati Uniti per capacità dei centri, ha celebrato il suo primo giorno di negoziazione presso il New York Stock Exchange con il simbolo di borsa 'KLC'. Il CEO Paul Thompson e i dirigenti senior erano presenti per questo evento storico.

Thompson ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nell'affrontare la crescente necessità di servizi per l'infanzia tra le famiglie lavoratrici in tutto il paese. Ha dichiarato che diventare pubblica permetterà a KinderCare di ampliare i suoi servizi di educazione e cura dell'infanzia di alta qualità a più famiglie e comunità.

Il CEO ha ribadito lo scopo fondamentale dell'azienda: 'costruire fiducia nei bambini, nelle famiglie e nel futuro che condividiamo.' Questa quotazione pubblica segna un passo significativo nel percorso di KinderCare per soddisfare la crescente domanda di servizi di assistenza infantile di qualità negli Stati Uniti.

KinderCare Learning Companies, el mayor proveedor privado de educación infantil de alta calidad en Estados Unidos según la capacidad de sus centros, celebró su primer día de negociación en la Bolsa de Nueva York bajo el símbolo de cotización 'KLC'. El CEO Paul Thompson y líderes senior estuvieron presentes en este evento histórico.

Thompson enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de abordar la creciente necesidad de cuidado infantil entre las familias trabajadoras en todo el país. Afirmó que hacerse público permitirá a KinderCare expandir sus servicios de educación y cuidado infantil de alta calidad a más familias y comunidades.

El CEO reafirmó el propósito central de la empresa: 'generar confianza en los niños, las familias y en el futuro que compartimos.' Esta cotización pública marca un paso significativo en el camino de KinderCare para satisfacer la creciente demanda de servicios de cuidado infantil de calidad en Estados Unidos.

킨더케어 학습 회사, 미국 내 센터 용량 기준으로 고품질 유아 교육의 가장 큰 민간 공급자는 뉴욕 증권 거래소에서 'KLC'라는 티커 기호로 첫 거래를 시작했습니다. CEO인 폴 톰슨과 고위 관리들이 이 이정표가 된 행사에 참석했습니다.

톰슨은 전국의 일하는 가족의 증가하는 돌봄 필요를 해결하기 위한 회사의 의지를 강조했습니다. 그는 공개 상장이 킨더케어가 더 많은 가족과 지역 사회에 고품질 유아 교육 및 돌봄 서비스를 확장할 수 있게 할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

CEO는 회사의 핵심 목적을 재확인했습니다: '아이들, 가족, 그리고 우리가 공유하는 미래에 대한 자신감을 키운다.' 이번 상장은 미국 내 양질의 어린이 돌봄 서비스에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하기 위한 킨더케어의 여정에서 중요한 단계입니다.

KinderCare Learning Companies, le plus grand fournisseur privé d'éducation préscolaire de haute qualité aux États-Unis par capacité des centres, a célébré son premier jour de cotation sur le New York Stock Exchange sous le symbole 'KLC'. Le PDG Paul Thompson et des dirigeants de haut niveau étaient présents pour cet événement marquant.

Thompson a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à répondre aux besoins croissants en matière de garde d'enfants parmi les familles travaillant à travers le pays. Il a déclaré que le passage en bourse permettra à KinderCare d'élargir ses services d'éducation et de soins préscolaires de haute qualité à davantage de familles et de communautés.

Le PDG a réaffirmé l'objectif fondamental de l'entreprise : 'instaurer la confiance chez les enfants, les familles et dans l'avenir que nous partageons.' Cette introduction en bourse marque une étape significative dans le parcours de KinderCare pour répondre à la demande croissante de services de garde d'enfants de qualité aux États-Unis.

KinderCare Learning Companies, der größte private Anbieter frühkindlicher Bildung in den USA nach Kapazität der Einrichtungen, feierte seinen ersten Handelstag an der Börse New York unter dem Tickersymbol 'KLC'. CEO Paul Thompson und leitende Führungskräfte waren bei diesem bedeutenden Ereignis anwesend.

Thompson betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, den wachsenden Bedarf an Kinderbetreuung für berufstätige Familien im ganzen Land zu adressieren. Er erklärte, dass der Gang an die Börse KinderCare ermöglichen wird, seine hochwertigen Frühkindbildungs- und Betreuungsdienste auf mehr Familien und Gemeinschaften auszuweiten.

Der CEO bekräftigte den Kernzweck des Unternehmens: 'Vertrauen bei Kindern, Familien und in die gemeinsame Zukunft zu schaffen.' Diese börsliche Notierung markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Reise von KinderCare, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach hochwertigen Kinderbetreuungsdiensten in den Vereinigten Staaten gerecht zu werden.

  • None.
  • None.

PORTLAND, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KinderCare Learning Companies, Inc., the nation’s largest private provider of high-quality early childhood education by center capacity, today celebrated its first day as a New York Stock Exchange-listed company under the ticker symbol “KLC.”

KinderCare’s Chief Executive Officer Paul Thompson, senior leaders and guests were on hand to celebrate the company’s milestone.

“Working families across the country need child care more than ever, and going public provides us with the opportunity to bring high-quality early childhood education and care to more families and communities,” said Thompson. “Throughout all of this, our purpose remains constant: to build confidence in kids, families, and the future we share.”

To learn more about KinderCare, please visit:

About KinderCare Learning Companies™

A leading private provider of early childhood and school-age education and care, KinderCare builds confidence for life in children and families from all backgrounds. KinderCare supports hardworking families in 40 states and the District of Columbia with differentiated flexible child care solutions:

  • In neighborhoods, with KinderCare® Learning Centers that offer early learning programs for children six weeks to 12 years old;
  • Crème Schools®, which offers a premium early education model using a variety of themed classrooms; and
  • In local schools, with Champions® before and after-school programs.

KinderCare partners with employers nationwide to address the child care needs of today’s dynamic workforce. We provide customized family care benefits for organizations, including care for young children on or near the site where their parents work, tuition benefits, and backup care where KinderCare programs are located. Headquartered in Lake Oswego, Oregon, KinderCare operates more than 2,400 early learning centers and sites.


Sloan Bohlen, Solebury Strategic Communications


Stephanie Knight, Solebury Strategic Communications

Source: KinderCare


When did KinderCare (KLC) start trading on the New York Stock Exchange?

KinderCare (KLC) celebrated its first day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange on the day of the press release.

What is KinderCare's (KLC) ticker symbol on the NYSE?

KinderCare's ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange is 'KLC'.

Who is the CEO of KinderCare (KLC) at the time of its NYSE listing?

Paul Thompson is the Chief Executive Officer of KinderCare (KLC) at the time of its listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

What is KinderCare's (KLC) main business focus?

KinderCare (KLC) is the largest private provider of high-quality early childhood education by center capacity in the United States.

What is the stated purpose of KinderCare (KLC) according to the press release?

KinderCare's (KLC) stated purpose is 'to build confidence in kids, families, and the future we share.'

KinderCare Learning Companies, Inc.


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United States of America