Keysight Introduces Portable 800GE Benchtop System to Test Artificial Intelligence and Data Center Interconnects

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Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) introduces the Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop, a portable design and validation platform for testing AI, HPC, data center interconnects, and network infrastructure. This multiport, multi-user, and multi-speed system addresses the growing demand for 800GE Ethernet interconnects in AI and ML network infrastructure.

Key benefits include:

  • Quiet, portable, and energy-efficient operation
  • Increased test coverage with multi-user, multi-port, multi-speed capabilities
  • Enhanced visibility through Keysight's IxExplorer software
  • Realistic network traffic emulation using IxNetwork software
  • Accelerated AI training time leveraging Keysight's AI data center solutions

The system supports all Ethernet speeds from 50GE to 800GE PAM4 for layers 1 through 3 on any port, offering a comprehensive solution for manufacturers and end-users of silicon chips, optical transceivers, cables, and network equipment.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) presenta il Tester di Prestazioni di Interconnessione e Rete 800GE Benchtop, una piattaforma portatile per la progettazione e la validazione dei test per AI, HPC, interconnessioni nei data center e infrastrutture di rete. Questo sistema multiporta, multiutente e multispeed soddisfa la crescente domanda di interconnessioni Ethernet 800GE nell'infrastruttura di rete AI e ML.

I principali vantaggi includono:

  • Funzionamento silenzioso, portatile ed energeticamente efficiente
  • Maggiore copertura dei test con funzionalità multiutente, multiporta e multispeed
  • Migliore visibilità tramite il software IxExplorer di Keysight
  • Emulazione realistica del traffico di rete utilizzando il software IxNetwork
  • Riduzione dei tempi di addestramento dell'AI sfruttando le soluzioni di data center AI di Keysight

Il sistema supporta tutte le velocità Ethernet da 50GE a 800GE PAM4 per i livelli da 1 a 3 su qualsiasi porta, offrendo una soluzione completa per i produttori e gli utenti finali di chip in silicio, trasmettitori ottici, cavi e apparecchiature di rete.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) presenta el Probador de Rendimiento de Interconexión y Red 800GE Benchtop, una plataforma portátil para el diseño y validación de pruebas para AI, HPC, interconexiones en centros de datos e infraestructura de red. Este sistema multipuerto, multiusuario y multispeed aborda la creciente demanda de interconexiones Ethernet 800GE en la infraestructura de red de AI y ML.

Los principales beneficios incluyen:

  • Operación silenciosa, portátil y eficiente en energía
  • Aumento de la cobertura de pruebas con capacidades multiusuario, multipuerto y multispeed
  • Mayor visibilidad a través del software IxExplorer de Keysight
  • Emulación realista del tráfico de red utilizando el software IxNetwork
  • Acortamiento del tiempo de entrenamiento de AI aprovechando las soluciones de centro de datos de AI de Keysight

El sistema admite todas las velocidades Ethernet desde 50GE hasta 800GE PAM4 para las capas 1 a 3 en cualquier puerto, ofreciendo una solución completa para fabricantes y usuarios finales de chips de silicio, transceptores ópticos, cables y equipos de red.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS)는 AI, HPC, 데이터 센터 간선, 그리고 네트워크 인프라 테스트를 위한 휴대용 설계 및 검증 플랫폼인 인터커넥트 및 네트워크 성능 테스터 800GE 벤치탑을 소개합니다. 이 다중 포트, 다중 사용자 및 다중 속도 시스템은 AI 및 ML 네트워크 인프라에서 800GE 이더넷 인터커넥트에 대한 증가하는 수요를 다룹니다.

주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 조용하고 휴대 가능하며 에너지 효율적인 작동
  • 다중 사용자, 다중 포트 및 다중 속도 기능을 통한 테스트 범위 확대
  • Keysight의 IxExplorer 소프트웨어를 통한 향상된 가시성
  • IxNetwork 소프트웨어를 사용한 현실적인 네트워크 트래픽 에뮬레이션
  • Keysight의 AI 데이터 센터 솔루션을 활용한 AI 훈련 시간 단축

이 시스템은 모든 포트에서 50GE에서 800GE PAM4까지의 모든 이더넷 속도를 지원하여 반도체 칩, 광 트랜시버, 케이블 및 네트워크 장비의 제조업체와 최종 사용자에게 포괄적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) présente le Testeur de Performance des Interconnexions et Réseaux 800GE Benchtop, une plateforme portable pour la conception et la validation de tests pour l'IA, le HPC, les interconnexions de centres de données et l'infrastructure réseau. Ce système multiport, multiutilisateur et multispeed répond à la demande croissante d'interconnexions Ethernet 800GE dans l'infrastructure réseau de l'IA et du ML.

Les principaux avantages incluent :

  • Fonctionnement silencieux, portable et économe en énergie
  • Couverture de test accrue avec des capacités multiutilisateur, multiport et multispeed
  • Visibilité améliorée grâce au logiciel IxExplorer de Keysight
  • Émulation réaliste du trafic réseau à l'aide du logiciel IxNetwork
  • Réduction du temps de formation de l'IA en tirant parti des solutions de centre de données IA de Keysight

Le système prend en charge toutes les vitesses Ethernet de 50GE à 800GE PAM4 pour les couches 1 à 3 sur n'importe quel port, offrant une solution complète pour les fabricants et utilisateurs finaux de puces en silicium, de transceivers optiques, de câbles et d'équipements réseau.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) stellt den Interconnect- und Netzwerk-Performance-Tester 800GE Benchtop vor, eine tragbare Design- und Validierungsplattform für Tests von KI, HPC, Datenzentrum-Interconnects und Netzwerkinfrastruktur. Dieses Multiport-, Multiuser- und Multispeed-System adressiert die wachsende Nachfrage nach 800GE Ethernet-Interconnects in der KI- und ML-Netzwerkinfrastruktur.

Wesentliche Vorteile sind:

  • Leiser, tragbarer und energieeffizienter Betrieb
  • Erhöhte Testabdeckung mit Multiuser-, Multiport- und Multispeed-Fähigkeiten
  • Verbesserte Sichtbarkeit durch die IxExplorer-Software von Keysight
  • Realistische Netzwerkverkehrs-, Emulation mit IxNetwork-Software
  • Beschleunigte KI-Trainingszeit durch die Nutzung der KI-Datacenter-Lösungen von Keysight

Das System unterstützt alle Ethernet-Geschwindigkeiten von 50GE bis 800GE PAM4 für die Schichten 1 bis 3 an jedem Port und bietet eine umfassende Lösung für Hersteller und Endbenutzer von Siliziumchips, optischen Transceivern, Kabeln und Netzwerkausrüstung.

  • Introduction of a new 800GE Benchtop system for testing AI and data center interconnects
  • Multi-user, multi-port, and multi-speed capabilities increase test coverage and efficiency
  • Supports all Ethernet speeds from 50GE to 800GE PAM4 for layers 1-3 on any port
  • Portable and energy-efficient design with 'office quiet' operation at 60 dBA
  • Includes IxExplorer software for easy hardware management and IxNetwork software for realistic network traffic emulation
  • None.


Keysight's new 800GE Benchtop tester is a significant advancement in network testing technology, particularly for AI and data center applications. This portable system addresses critical needs in the rapidly growing data center interconnect (DCI) market, which is projected to grow at a 12.6% CAGR until 2030.

Key features that stand out:

  • Multi-user, multi-port, multi-speed capabilities allow for parallel testing, significantly increasing efficiency and test coverage.
  • Portability and "office quiet" operation at 60 dBA make it suitable for various testing environments.
  • Support for high-power optical receivers up to 30 watts aligns with the demands of advanced networking equipment.
  • Comprehensive testing across Ethernet speeds from 50GE to 800GE PAM4 for layers 1-3 on any port.

This solution could accelerate the development and deployment of AI and HPC infrastructure by enabling more thorough and efficient testing of network components. For investors, this positions Keysight well in the growing market for high-speed network testing equipment, potentially driving revenue growth in their Network Test & Security Solutions segment.

The introduction of Keysight's 800GE Benchtop tester is strategically timed to capitalize on the booming AI and data center market. With the DCI market forecasted for strong growth, this product addresses a critical need for advanced testing solutions in a rapidly evolving sector.

Market implications:

  • Potential for increased market share in the network testing equipment segment
  • Enhanced competitive position against other test equipment manufacturers
  • Opportunity to expand customer base, particularly among cloud service providers and data center operators

The multi-user capability and support for various Ethernet speeds make this product versatile and cost-effective for customers, potentially driving adoption. The collaboration with Luxshare-TECH on 800G DR8 LPO transceivers also indicates Keysight's commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in this space.

For investors, this product launch signals Keysight's strong positioning in a high-growth market segment, which could translate to improved financial performance and stock value in the medium to long term.

  • Emulate, automate, and validate AI and machine learning workloads for fast, reliable, scalable performance testing of 800GE layer 2-3 computing tasks
  • Portable, office quiet, and energy efficient 50GE to 800GE PAM4 test system
  • Run more tests simultaneously, increasing throughput performance with a multi-port, multi-user solution for silicon, optical and copper interconnects, and network equipment

SANTA ROSA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) introduces the Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop, a new multiport, multi-user, and multi-speed portable design and validation platform that tests artificial intelligence (AI), high performance computing (HPC), data center interconnects (DCI), and network infrastructure.

Demand for optical interconnects (optics and fiber cables) and the 800GE Ethernet interconnects required to build AI, ML, and HPC network infrastructure is dramatically increasing, with Grand View Research forecasting a compound annual growth rate of 12.6% for the DCI market until 2030.

To support this growth, data center providers are focused on latency, throughput, streamlining operations, intelligence, and security. Testing is critical for manufacturers and the end-users of silicon chips, optical transceivers, cables, and network equipment, who must trust the products they receive have been stress tested in a real-world environment that realistically simulates how they will operate in their actual network.

The Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop delivers new capabilities in a quiet, portable, energy efficient platform that addresses the unique test requirements of manufacturers of network equipment (NEMs), silicon chips (ASIC), optics and cables as well as cloud service providers, and data center operators.

Key benefits of the Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop include:

  • Quiet, portable and energy efficient operation: The benchtop unit is lightweight and portable with a small footprint. The built-in handle enables easy movement within the lab or to another lab. Manufacturers can also transport the system to events or customer sites to demonstrate how their products are being tested, which is not possible with existing difficult to move rackmount test systems. With “office quiet” operation, the audible noise specification is only 60 decibels (dBA). The unit supports high power consumption optical receivers up to 30 watts.
  • Increase test coverage: The multi-user, multi-port, multi-speed platform, available in a 2-port and a 4-port model allows operators to run more tests simultaneously with 2, 3, or 4 users per chassis. Parallel testing optimizes resource utilization and test case throughput and minimizes testing time by covering a wider range of scenarios and configurations to identify bottlenecks and scalability issues. This capability is not possible with single-user benchtop test systems on the market. The solution can test all Ethernet speeds from 50GE to 800GE PAM4 for layers 1 through layer 3 on any port.
  • Enhance visibility: Keysight’s IxExplorer software is included with the Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop chassis and provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface to manage the hardware. The intuitive and user-friendly GUI can run on the benchtop itself by connecting a monitor, keyboard, and mouse – or connecting a computer to a test network for remote operation by multiple simultaneous users.
  • Emulate realistic network traffic: By utilizing IxNetwork software with the benchtop hardware platform, operators can simulate authentic real-world network traffic and control plane protocols. This provides end-to-end test system automation to benchmark performance and scale of layer 2 and layer 3 network devices and network protocols.
  • Accelerate AI training time: The platform leverages the validation and design capabilities of Keysight’s AI data center solutions. This accelerates AI training completion time and reduces costs by emulating high-scale workloads, providing insights into collective communication performance, executing defined behavioral models, enabling flexible ‘what-if’ scenario testing, and offering pre-packaged applications to further simplify the benchmarking process.

Ram Periakaruppan, Vice President and General Manager, Network Test & Security Solutions, Keysight, said: "The rapid growth in AI and HPC infrastructures is driving an unprecedented need for innovative testing solutions and Keysight’s mission is to champion these efforts. Our new 800GE benchtop system represents a significant leap forward in enabling the industry to validate and deploy the next generation of high-speed networks with confidence."

Dr. Mike Gao, General Manager, Luxshare-TECH Optical Business Unit, said: "As demand for high-performance solutions in AI, HPC, and ML continues to grow, the collaboration between Luxshare and Keysight is paving the way for future innovation. Our combined expertise is creating cutting-edge products to meet evolving customer needs, including 800G DR8 LPO transceivers able to meet higher speed data rates and performances with limited power consumption (less than 8W)."

Visit booth B22 at OCP Global Summit to see a demonstration of the Keysight 800GE benchtop and Luxshare AI optics.


About Keysight Technologies

At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we’re delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We’re a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Learn more at Keysight Newsroom and

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Source: Keysight Technologies, Inc.


What is the new product Keysight Technologies (KEYS) introduced for AI and data center testing?

Keysight Technologies introduced the Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop, a portable design and validation platform for testing AI, HPC, data center interconnects, and network infrastructure.

What Ethernet speeds does Keysight's (KEYS) new 800GE Benchtop system support?

The Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop supports all Ethernet speeds from 50GE to 800GE PAM4 for layers 1 through 3 on any port.

How does Keysight's (KEYS) new 800GE Benchtop system improve test efficiency?

The system improves test efficiency through its multi-user, multi-port, and multi-speed capabilities, allowing operators to run more tests simultaneously with 2, 3, or 4 users per chassis, optimizing resource utilization and test case throughput.

What software is included with Keysight's (KEYS) new 800GE Benchtop system?

The Interconnect and Network Performance Tester 800GE Benchtop includes Keysight's IxExplorer software for hardware management and IxNetwork software for simulating authentic real-world network traffic and control plane protocols.

Keysight Technologies, Inc.


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