Keysight Advances Capabilities of Vector Network Analyzer Portfolio

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Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) has introduced the NA520xA PNA-X, an advanced Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that simplifies complex RF component characterization. This highly configurable instrument features four RF signal sources, two internal combiners, and two low-noise receivers in a single unit, streamlining test setups and reducing potential errors.

Key benefits include enhanced hardware integration, expanded measurement versatility, and an advanced receiver architecture. The NA520xA PNA-X enables bi-directional noise figure and intermodulation distortion testing without external switches, faster S-parameter and spectrum analysis measurements, and high-resolution pulsed RF measurements.

This new addition to Keysight's PNA-X portfolio aims to accelerate component characterization and help engineers tackle complex RF design challenges more efficiently, potentially reducing time-to-market for customers.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) ha introdotto il NA520xA PNA-X, un avanzato Analizzatore di Rete Vettoriale (VNA) che semplifica la caratterizzazione complessa dei componenti RF. Questo strumento altamente configurabile comprende quattro sorgenti di segnale RF, due combinatori interni e due ricevitori a bassa rumorosità in un'unica unità, ottimizzando i setup di test e riducendo i potenziali errori.

I principali vantaggi includono integrazione hardware migliorata, versatilità di misurazione ampliata e un architettura dei ricevitori avanzata. Il NA520xA PNA-X consente test della figura di rumore bidirezionale e della distorsione da intermodulazione senza interruttori esterni, misurazioni S-parametro e analisi spettrale più rapide, e misurazioni RF pulsatili ad alta risoluzione.

Questa nuova aggiunta al portafoglio PNA-X di Keysight mira ad accelerare la caratterizzazione dei componenti e ad aiutare gli ingegneri ad affrontare le sfide di progettazione RF complesse in modo più efficiente, potenzialmente riducendo il tempo di immissione sul mercato per i clienti.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) ha presentado el NA520xA PNA-X, un analizadores de red vectorial (VNA) avanzado que simplifica la caracterización de componentes RF complejos. Este instrumento altamente configurable cuenta con cuatro fuentes de señal RF, dos combinadores internos y dos receptores de bajo ruido en una sola unidad, optimizando las configuraciones de prueba y reduciendo errores potenciales.

Los beneficios clave incluyen mejor integración de hardware, versatilidad de medición ampliada y una arquitectura receptora avanzada. El NA520xA PNA-X permite pruebas bidireccionales de figura de ruido y distorsión por intermodulación sin interruptores externos, mediciones más rápidas de parámetros S y análisis espectral, así como mediciones de RF pulsadas de alta resolución.

Esta nueva adición al portafolio PNA-X de Keysight tiene como objetivo acelerar la caracterización de componentes y ayudar a los ingenieros a abordar los desafíos de diseño RF complejos de manera más eficiente, reduciendo potencialmente el tiempo de comercialización para los clientes.

키사이트 테크놀로지스(주식 코드: KEYS)가 복잡한 RF 부품 특성을 간소화하는 고급 벡터 네트워크 분석기(NA520xA PNA-X)를 소개했습니다. 이 고도로 구성 가능한 장치는 네 개의 RF 신호 소스, 두 개의 내부 조합기, 두 개의 저소음 수신기를 하나의 장비에 통합하여 테스트 설정을 간소화하고 잠재적인 오류를 줄입니다.

주요 이점으로는 향상된 하드웨어 통합, 확장된 측정 다재다능성, 고급 수신기 아키텍처 등이 있습니다. NA520xA PNA-X는 외부 스위치 없이 양방향 노이즈 수치 및 상호 변조 왜곡 테스트를 가능하게 하며, S-매개변수 및 스펙트럼 분석 측정을 더 빠르게 수행하고, 고해상도 펄스 RF 측정을 지원합니다.

키사이트의 PNA-X 포트폴리오에 새로 추가된 이 장비는 구성 요소 특성을 가속화하고 엔지니어가 복잡한 RF 설계 과제를 보다 효율적으로 처리하도록 도와줍니다. 이는 고객의 시장 출시 시간을 잠재적으로 단축할 수 있습니다.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) a introduit le NA520xA PNA-X, un analyseur de réseau vectoriel (VNA) avancé qui simplifie la caractérisation des composants RF complexes. Cet instrument hautement configurable dispose de quatre sources de signal RF, deux mélangeurs internes et deux récepteurs à faible bruit dans une seule unité, rationalisant les configurations de test et réduisant les erreurs potentielles.

Les principaux avantages incluent l'intégration matérielle améliorée, la polyvalence des mesures accrue et une architecture de récepteur avancée. Le NA520xA PNA-X permet des tests bidirectionnels de la figure de bruit et de la distorsion d'intermodulation sans commutateurs externes, des mesures S-paramètres et d'analyse spectrale plus rapides, ainsi que des mesures RF pulsées à haute résolution.

Cette nouvelle addition au portefeuille PNA-X de Keysight vise à accélérer la caractérisation des composants et à aider les ingénieurs à relever de manière plus efficace les défis de conception RF complexes, réduisant ainsi potentiellement le temps de mise sur le marché pour les clients.

Keysight Technologies (NYSE: KEYS) hat den NA520xA PNA-X vorgestellt, einen fortschrittlichen Vektor-Netzwerkanalysator (VNA), der die Charakterisierung komplexer RF-Komponenten vereinfacht. Dieses hochgradig konfigurierbare Gerät bietet vier RF-Signalgeneratoren, zwei interne Kombinierer und zwei rauscharme Empfänger in einer einzigen Einheit, was die Testeinrichtungen optimiert und potenzielle Fehler reduziert.

Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören verbesserte Hardwareintegration, erweiterte Messvielfalt und eine fortschrittliche Empfängerarchitektur. Der NA520xA PNA-X ermöglicht bidirektionale Rauschfiguren- und Intermodulationsverzerrungstests ohne externe Schalter, schnellere S-Parameter- und Spektrumanalysen sowie hochauflösende gepulste RF-Messungen.

Dieses neue Mitglied des PNA-X-Portfolios von Keysight zielt darauf ab, die Charakterisierung von Bauelementen zu beschleunigen und Ingenieuren zu helfen, komplexe RF-Design-Herausforderungen effizienter zu bewältigen, was potenziell die Markteinführungszeit für die Kunden verkürzt.

  • Introduction of a highly configurable Vector Network Analyzer (NA520xA PNA-X) with advanced features
  • Integration of four RF signal sources, two internal combiners, and two low-noise receivers in a single instrument
  • Enables bi-directional noise figure and intermodulation distortion testing without external switches
  • Potential to accelerate component characterization and reduce time-to-market for customers
  • None.

Keysight's introduction of the NA520xA PNA-X Vector Network Analyzer represents a strategic product enhancement but is unlikely to have an immediate significant impact on the company's financials. While the new analyzer offers improved capabilities, it's an iterative upgrade in an existing product line rather than a revolutionary new offering. The market for high-end test equipment is relatively niche, so while this product may strengthen Keysight's competitive position, it's not expected to drive substantial revenue growth in the short term. However, the long-term implications could be positive if it helps Keysight maintain or expand its market share in the RF testing segment. Investors should view this as a neutral to slightly positive development, reinforcing Keysight's commitment to innovation in its core business areas.

The NA520xA PNA-X represents a significant technological advancement in vector network analyzers. Its integration of four RF signal sources, two internal combiners and two low-noise receivers into a single instrument is a notable engineering feat. This consolidation reduces test setup complexity, potentially accelerating product development cycles for Keysight's customers. The ability to perform bi-directional noise figure and intermodulation distortion testing without external switches is particularly innovative, addressing a key pain point in RF component characterization. The analyzer's flexible architecture and advanced receiver design also position it well for future RF technologies, including those in 5G and eventual 6G applications. While impressive, it's important to note that the real-world impact will depend on how effectively it integrates into customers' existing workflows and its pricing strategy relative to competitive offerings.

The launch of the NA520xA PNA-X aligns with the growing demand for sophisticated test equipment in the RF and microwave industry. As 5G deployment accelerates and research into 6G begins, there's an increasing need for high-performance, versatile test solutions. Keysight's new offering addresses this trend, potentially strengthening its position in a competitive market. However, the impact on market share may be gradual, as customers typically have long replacement cycles for such high-value equipment. The endorsement from Focus Microwaves Group suggests positive reception among key industry players, which could influence adoption rates. While this product launch is unlikely to cause immediate market disruption, it reinforces Keysight's reputation for innovation and could contribute to long-term market leadership in the RF test and measurement sector.

  • Delivers greater hardware versatility, reducing test setup complexity
  • Enables bi-directional noise figure and intermodulation distortion testing without external switches

SANTA ROSA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Keysight Technologies, Inc. (NYSE: KEYS) has expanded its PNA-X Vector Network Analyzer portfolio with the new NA520xA PNA-X, a highly configurable vector network analyzer (VNA) featuring four radio frequency (RF) signal sources, two internal combiners, and two low-noise receivers in a single instrument that accelerates component characterization.

Keysight’s new-generation network analyzer, NA520xA PNA-X, simplifies complex characterization test setups with a highly configurable architecture offering four independent RF sources with pulse modulators, two low-noise receivers and two internal combiners. (Photo: Business Wire)

Keysight’s new-generation network analyzer, NA520xA PNA-X, simplifies complex characterization test setups with a highly configurable architecture offering four independent RF sources with pulse modulators, two low-noise receivers and two internal combiners. (Photo: Business Wire)

When validating the design of a new device, RF development engineers must ensure the design meets the waveform and spectral characteristics outlined in the associated standard or specification. To do this, engineers must characterize the behavior of complex active components to ensure the system will perform as expected when it is deployed. However, this characterization process requires complex test setups that increase test cycle time and the potential to introduce errors into the development workflow.

The new Keysight PNA-X Vector Network Analyzer meets this challenge by simplifying complex characterization test setups with a highly configurable architecture offering four independent RF sources with pulse modulators and source filters.

Key benefits of the NA520xA PNA-X include:

  • Enhanced Hardware Integration – Four independent integrated, high-speed, ultra-low phase noise RF signal sources eliminate the need for external sources.
  • Expanded Measurement Versatility – Two low-noise receivers and signal combiners enable noise figure and intermodulation distortion measurements in two directions — without external switches.
  • Advanced Receiver Architecture – Eight wideband, high dynamic range, pre-selected receivers enable faster S-parameter and spectrum analysis measurements, and high-resolution pulsed RF measurements.
  • Flexible Design Verification Setup – Precision network analysis on a wide variety of complex active devices leveraging direct receiver access and accessible front-panel loops.

Bryan Hosein, Vice President of Engineering of Focus Microwaves Group, said: "The new PNA-X is yet another game changing advance from Keysight. Its four independent, phase-coherent sources are key to both our harmonic hybrid-active, and D-band hybrid vector load pull systems."

Joe Rickert, Vice President and General Manager of Keysight’s High-Frequency Measurements Center of Excellence, said: “The newest addition to the PNA-X Vector Network Analyzer portfolio is a testament to Keysight’s commitment to providing engineers with the tools they need to tackle increasingly complex RF design challenges. By integrating essential capabilities into a single, powerful instrument, we’ve significantly streamlined the design and testing process helping engineers get high-accuracy insights faster and accelerate time-to-market for our customers.”


About Keysight Technologies

At Keysight (NYSE: KEYS), we inspire and empower innovators to bring world-changing technologies to life. As an S&P 500 company, we’re delivering market-leading design, emulation, and test solutions to help engineers develop and deploy faster, with less risk, throughout the entire product life cycle. We’re a global innovation partner enabling customers in communications, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, automotive, semiconductor, and general electronics markets to accelerate innovation to connect and secure the world. Learn more at Keysight Newsroom and

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Source: Keysight Technologies, Inc.


What is the new product Keysight Technologies (KEYS) has introduced?

Keysight Technologies has introduced the NA520xA PNA-X, an advanced Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) that simplifies complex RF component characterization.

What are the key features of Keysight's new NA520xA PNA-X Vector Network Analyzer?

The NA520xA PNA-X features four RF signal sources, two internal combiners, two low-noise receivers, enhanced hardware integration, expanded measurement versatility, and an advanced receiver architecture.

How does the NA520xA PNA-X improve RF testing capabilities?

It enables bi-directional noise figure and intermodulation distortion testing without external switches, faster S-parameter and spectrum analysis measurements, and high-resolution pulsed RF measurements, streamlining test setups and reducing potential errors.

What potential benefits does the NA520xA PNA-X offer to Keysight's (KEYS) customers?

The NA520xA PNA-X aims to accelerate component characterization, help engineers tackle complex RF design challenges more efficiently, and potentially reduce time-to-market for customers.

Keysight Technologies, Inc.


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Scientific & Technical Instruments
Industrial Instruments for Measurement, Display, and Control
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