Karooooo Increases Earnings by 31% Driven by Strong Subscription Revenue Growth and Higher Gross Margins

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Karooooo reported strong Q2 2025 and HY 2025 results, ending August 31, 2024. Key highlights include:

  • 17% Y/Y increase in subscribers to 2.14 million
  • 18% Y/Y increase in Cartrack net subscriber additions to 89,168
  • 300bps Y/Y improvement in Cartrack gross margin to 74%
  • 31% Y/Y increase in adjusted earnings per share to ZAR7.35

Karooooo grew subscription revenue by 15% to ZAR986 million, with operating profit up 22% to ZAR302 million. Cartrack's subscription revenue grew 15% to ZAR983 million, representing 98% of total revenue. Karooooo Logistics saw a 40% revenue increase to ZAR101 million. The company has raised its FY25 outlook for subscribers and Cartrack subscription revenue.

Karooooo ha riportato risultati solidi per il secondo trimestre del 2025 e per il primo semestre del 2025, terminato il 31 agosto 2024. I punti salienti includono:

  • Aumento del 17% su base annuale degli abbonati, raggiungendo 2,14 milioni
  • Aumento del 18% su base annuale delle nuove aggiunte nette di abbonati Cartrack, a 89.168
  • Miglioramento di 300 punti base su base annuale del margine di profitto lordo di Cartrack, al 74%
  • Aumento del 31% su base annuale degli utili per azione rettificati, a ZAR 7,35

Karooooo ha registrato un aumento del 15% nei ricavi da abbonamenti, arrivando a ZAR 986 milioni, con un utile operativo in crescita del 22%, pari a ZAR 302 milioni. I ricavi da abbonamenti di Cartrack sono aumentati del 15%, raggiungendo ZAR 983 milioni, che rappresentano il 98% del ricavo totale. Karooooo Logistics ha visto un incremento del 40% nei ricavi, a ZAR 101 milioni. L'azienda ha rivisto al rialzo le previsioni per l'anno fiscale 2025 riguardanti gli abbonati e i ricavi da abbonamenti di Cartrack.

Karooooo reportó resultados sólidos para el segundo trimestre de 2025 y el primer semestre de 2025, que finalizaron el 31 de agosto de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

  • Aumento del 17% interanual en suscriptores, alcanzando 2.14 millones
  • Aumento del 18% interanual en las nuevas adiciones netas de suscriptores de Cartrack, a 89,168
  • Mejora de 300 puntos base interanual en el margen bruto de Cartrack, al 74%
  • Aumento del 31% interanual en ganancias ajustadas por acción, a ZAR 7.35

Karooooo creció los ingresos por suscripción en un 15%, alcanzando ZAR 986 millones, con ganancias operativas aumentando un 22%, a ZAR 302 millones. Los ingresos por suscripción de Cartrack crecieron un 15% a ZAR 983 millones, representando el 98% de los ingresos totales. Karooooo Logistics vio un aumento del 40% en los ingresos, a ZAR 101 millones. La empresa ha elevado sus expectativas para el año fiscal 2025 en lo que respecta a suscriptores y ingresos por suscripciones de Cartrack.

Karooooo는 2025년 2분기 및 2025년 상반기 결과를 보고했으며, 2024년 8월 31일에 종료되었습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 구독자 수가 전년 대비 17% 증가하여 214만 명에 도달
  • Cartrack의 순 구독자 추가가 전년 대비 18% 증가하여 89,168명에 도달
  • Cartrack의 총 마진이 전년 대비 300bp 개선되어 74%에 도달
  • 조정된 주당 순이익이 전년 대비 31% 증가하여 ZAR 7.35에 도달

Karooooo는 구독 수익을 15% 증가시켜 ZAR 986백만에 도달했으며, 운영 이익은 22% 증가하여 ZAR 302백만에 도달했습니다. Cartrack의 구독 수익은 15% 증가하여 ZAR 983백만에 도달했으며, 이는 총 수익의 98%를 차지합니다. Karooooo Logistics는 수익이 40% 증가하여 ZAR 101백만에 도달했습니다. 이 회사는 FY25 구독자 및 Cartrack 구독 수익에 대한 전망을 상향 조정했습니다.

Karooooo a rapporté de bons résultats pour le deuxième trimestre de 2025 et le premier semestre de 2025, se terminant le 31 août 2024. Les temps forts incluent :

  • Augmentation de 17 % d'une année sur l'autre des abonnés, atteignant 2,14 millions
  • Augmentation de 18 % d'une année sur l'autre des nouvelles adhésions nettes de Cartrack, à 89 168
  • Amélioration de 300 points de base d'une année sur l'autre de la marge brute de Cartrack, à 74 %
  • Augmentation de 31 % d'une année sur l'autre du bénéfice par action ajusté, à 7,35 ZAR

Karooooo a augmenté ses revenus d'abonnement de 15 % pour atteindre 986 millions de ZAR, avec un bénéfice d'exploitation en hausse de 22 % pour atteindre 302 millions de ZAR. Les revenus d'abonnement de Cartrack ont augmenté de 15 % pour atteindre 983 millions de ZAR, représentant 98 % des revenus totaux. Karooooo Logistics a connu une augmentation des revenus de 40 % pour atteindre 101 millions de ZAR. L'entreprise a revu à la hausse ses prévisions pour l'année fiscale 2025 concernant les abonnements et les revenus d'abonnement de Cartrack.

Karooooo hat starke Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2025 und das erste Halbjahr 2025 zum Stichtag 31. August 2024 berichtet. Hauptpunkte sind:

  • 17% jährlicher Anstieg der Abonnenten auf 2,14 Millionen
  • 18% jährlicher Anstieg der Nettoneuzugänge von Cartrack auf 89.168
  • 300 Basispunkte jährliche Verbesserung der Bruttomarge von Cartrack auf 74%
  • 31% jährlicher Anstieg des bereinigten Gewinns pro Aktie auf ZAR 7,35

Karooooo steigerte die Abonnement-Einnahmen um 15% auf ZAR 986 Millionen, während der Betriebsgewinn um 22% auf ZAR 302 Millionen anstieg. Die Abonnement-Einnahmen von Cartrack wuchsen um 15% auf ZAR 983 Millionen, was 98% der Gesamteinnahmen ausmacht. Karooooo Logistics verzeichnete einen Umsatzanstieg von 40% auf ZAR 101 Millionen. Das Unternehmen hat seine Prognose für das Geschäftsjahr 2025 in Bezug auf Abonnenten und Cartrack-Abonnement-Einnahmen angehoben.

  • 17% year-over-year increase in subscribers to 2.14 million
  • 18% year-over-year increase in Cartrack net subscriber additions to 89,168
  • 300 basis points year-over-year improvement in Cartrack gross margin to 74%
  • 31% year-over-year increase in adjusted earnings per share to ZAR7.35
  • 15% growth in subscription revenue to ZAR986 million
  • 22% increase in operating profit to ZAR302 million
  • 40% revenue growth in Karooooo Logistics to ZAR101 million
  • Raised FY25 outlook for subscribers and Cartrack subscription revenue
  • None.


Karooooo's Q2 2025 results demonstrate robust growth and improved profitability. The 17% Y/Y increase in subscribers to 2.14 million and 18% Y/Y growth in Cartrack net subscriber additions to 89,168 indicate strong market demand. The 300bps improvement in Cartrack gross margin to 74% shows effective cost management. The 31% Y/Y increase in adjusted EPS to ZAR7.35 is particularly impressive, reflecting enhanced operational efficiency. With subscription revenue growing 15% to ZAR986 million and representing 98% of total revenue, Karooooo exhibits a stable, recurring revenue model. The company's raised FY25 outlook suggests confidence in continued growth. The investment in a new central office and increased marketing efforts in Southeast Asia position Karooooo for further expansion, albeit with a disciplined approach to maintain strong unit economics.

Karooooo's performance indicates a growing market for telematics and fleet management solutions. The company's success in South Africa and expansion plans in Southeast Asia highlight the global potential of this sector. The 40% revenue growth in Karooooo Logistics to ZAR101 million demonstrates the increasing demand for delivery-as-a-service (DaaS) solutions, particularly in e-commerce. This aligns with broader trends of digital transformation in logistics and supply chain management. The company's focus on connecting large enterprises with third-party delivery drivers without requiring asset investments is a scalable model that addresses current market needs. The consistent profitability and strong balance sheet position Karooooo well to capitalize on the underpenetrated market, suggesting potential for long-term growth and market share expansion in the telematics and logistics technology sectors.

SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Karooooo Limited (“Karooooo”) reported strong results and a positive outlook in the second quarter (“Q2 2025”) and Half-Year (“HY 2025”) ended August 31, 2024. Karooooo owns 100% of Cartrack and 74.8% of Karooooo Logistics, (collectively, “the group”).

Financial and operational highlights include:

  • Karooooo subscribers increased 17% Y/Y to 2.14 million
  • Cartrack net subscriber additions increased 18% Y/Y to a record 89,168
  • Cartrack gross margin improved approximately 300bps Y/Y to 74%
  • Karooooo adjusted earnings per share increased 31% Y/Y to a record ZAR7.35
  • Raising FY25 outlook for subscribers and Cartrack subscription revenue at midpoint

Zak Calisto, CEO and Founder:

“We delivered another strong quarter of profitable growth in the second quarter. Importantly, we recently completed the move to our newly built central office in South Africa, which positions us to support higher organic growth in the region. In addition, we started to increase our investment in sales and marketing in Southeast Asia to capitalize on the compelling growth opportunity for the group in the region. Despite increased capital allocation to growth in Southeast Asia, we remain committed to a disciplined approach to growth as evidenced by our continued strong unit economics.”

Karooooo grew subscription revenue by 15% to ZAR986 million (Q2 2024: ZAR860 million) in Q2 2025, and operating profit grew by 22% to ZAR302 million (Q2 2024: ZAR247 million).

Cartrack grew subscription revenue by 15% to a record ZAR983 million in Q2 2025 (Q2 2024: ZAR858 million). Subscription revenue equated to 98% of total revenue. Cartrack achieved 89,168 net subscriber additions in the quarter, building on its solid track record of growing at scale.

Karooooo Logistics grew revenue by 40% to ZAR101 million (Q2 2024: ZAR72 million). Karooooo Logistics focuses on delivery-as-a-service (“DaaS”) for large enterprise customers wishing to scale and digitalise their e-commerce operations without investing unnecessarily in additional assets by connecting them into an elastic fleet of third-party delivery drivers.

Our proven, robust and consistently profitable business model, underpinned by a strong balance sheet and healthy cash position, positions us to capitalize on a growing and largely underpenetrated market.

For the full earnings, visit:

Source: Karooooo Limited


What was Karooooo's (KARO) subscriber growth in Q2 2025?

Karooooo's subscribers increased by 17% year-over-year to 2.14 million in Q2 2025.

How much did Karooooo's (KARO) adjusted earnings per share grow in Q2 2025?

Karooooo's adjusted earnings per share increased by 31% year-over-year to a record ZAR7.35 in Q2 2025.

What was Cartrack's subscription revenue growth for Karooooo (KARO) in Q2 2025?

Cartrack's subscription revenue grew by 15% to a record ZAR983 million in Q2 2025, representing 98% of total revenue.

How many net subscriber additions did Cartrack achieve for Karooooo (KARO) in Q2 2025?

Cartrack achieved 89,168 net subscriber additions in Q2 2025, an 18% increase year-over-year.

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