Jackson Named 2024 Blackbaud Impact Award Winner
Jackson National Life Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Jackson Financial Inc. (NYSE: JXN), has been named the Fueling Greatness Award winner in the 2024 Blackbaud Impact Awards. The company was recognized for its outstanding associate volunteerism in 2023, with 48% of associates participating in volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Jackson partnered with Blackbaud to implement YourCause® CSRconnect®, enabling them to track and exceed their goal of 30% associate participation in volunteer service. Key achievements include:
- More than 1,800 individual associates participated
- Over 400 nonprofits were served nationwide
- Nearly 21,000 hours of volunteerism took place
Jackson's corporate philanthropy program focuses on building long-term partnerships with nonprofits to help people achieve financial freedom for life. The company's efforts are centered in Lansing, Michigan; Nashville, Tennessee; and Chicago, Illinois.
Jackson National Life Insurance Company, una filiale di Jackson Financial Inc. (NYSE: JXN), è stata nominata vincitrice del Fueling Greatness Award agli Impact Awards 2024 di Blackbaud. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta per il suo eccezionale volontariato da parte degli associati nel 2023, con il 48% degli associati che ha partecipato alle opportunità di volontariato nel corso dell'anno.
Jackson ha collaborato con Blackbaud per implementare YourCause® CSRconnect®, consentendo loro di monitorare e superare il loro obiettivo di partecipazione del 30% negli servizi di volontariato. I principali risultati includono:
- Oltre 1.800 associati individuali hanno partecipato
- Più di 400 organizzazioni non profit sono state servite a livello nazionale
- Quasi 21.000 ore di volontariato sono state registrate
Il programma di filantropia aziendale di Jackson si concentra sulla costruzione di partnership a lungo termine con organizzazioni non profit per aiutare le persone a raggiungere la libertà finanziaria per la vita. Gli sforzi dell'azienda sono incentrati a Lansing, Michigan; Nashville, Tennessee; e Chicago, Illinois.
Jackson National Life Insurance Company, una subsidiaria de Jackson Financial Inc. (NYSE: JXN), ha sido nombrada ganadora del Fueling Greatness Award en los Impact Awards 2024 de Blackbaud. La empresa fue reconocida por su destacada labor voluntaria entre los asociados en 2023, con el 48% de los asociados participando en oportunidades de voluntariado durante todo el año.
Jackson se asoció con Blackbaud para implementar YourCause® CSRconnect®, lo que les permitió rastrear y superar su meta del 30% de participación de asociados en el servicio voluntario. Los logros clave incluyen:
- Más de 1.800 asociados individuales participaron
- Se brindó servicio a más de 400 organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro a nivel nacional
- Casi 21.000 horas de voluntariado se llevaron a cabo
El programa de filantropía corporativa de Jackson se centra en construir asociaciones a largo plazo con organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro para ayudar a las personas a alcanzar la libertad financiera para toda la vida. Los esfuerzos de la empresa están centrados en Lansing, Michigan; Nashville, Tennessee; y Chicago, Illinois.
잭슨 내셔널 라이프 인슈어런스 컴퍼니는 잭슨 파이낸셜 주식회사(NYSE: JXN)의 자회사로, 2024 블랙본 임팩트 어워드에서 우수한 성과상(Fueling Greatness Award) 수상자로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 2023년 동안 48%의 직원이 자원봉사 기회에 참여한 뛰어난 직원 자원봉사 활동으로 인정받았습니다.
잭슨은 블랙본과 협력하여 YourCause® CSRconnect®를 구현하여 직원 자원봉사 참여 목표인 30%를 초과 달성할 수 있도록 했습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:
- 1,800명 이상의 개별 직원이 참여했습니다.
- 전국적으로 400개 이상의 비영리 단체에게 서비스가 제공되었습니다.
- 약 21,000시간의 자원봉사가 이루어졌습니다.
잭슨의 기업 기부 프로그램은 사람과의 장기 파트너십 구축에 중점을 두어 평생 재정적 자유를 달성할 수 있도록 돕습니다. 회사의 노력은 미시간주 랜싱, 테네시주 내슈빌 및 일리노이주 시카고에 집중되고 있습니다.
Jackson National Life Insurance Company, une filiale de Jackson Financial Inc. (NYSE: JXN), a été nommée lauréate du Fueling Greatness Award lors des Blackbaud Impact Awards 2024. L'entreprise a été reconnue pour son exceptionnel bénévolat parmi ses employés en 2023, avec 48 % des employés participant à des opportunités de bénévolat au cours de l'année.
Jackson s'est associé à Blackbaud pour mettre en œuvre YourCause® CSRconnect®, ce qui leur a permis de suivre et de dépasser leur objectif de participation de 30 % des employés aux services bénévoles. Les réalisations clés comprennent :
- Plus de 1 800 employés individuels ont participé
- Plus de 400 organisations à but non lucratif ont été servies à l'échelle nationale
- Près de 21 000 heures de bénévolat ont été effectuées
Le programme de philanthropie d'entreprise de Jackson se concentre sur la construction de partenariats à long terme avec des organisations à but non lucratif pour aider les gens à atteindre la liberté financière tout au long de leur vie. Les efforts de l'entreprise sont centrés à Lansing, Michigan ; Nashville, Tennessee ; et Chicago, Illinois.
Jackson National Life Insurance Company, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Jackson Financial Inc. (NYSE: JXN), wurde als Gewinner des Fueling Greatness Award bei den Blackbaud Impact Awards 2024 ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen wurde für sein herausragendes ehrenamtliches Engagement seiner Mitarbeiter im Jahr 2023 anerkannt, wobei 48% der Mitarbeiter teilnahmen an freiwilligen Aktivitäten im Laufe des Jahres.
Jackson arbeitete mit Blackbaud zusammen, um YourCause® CSRconnect® zu implementieren, wodurch sie ihre Zielvorgabe von 30% Mitarbeiterbeteiligung an freiwilligen Diensten übertreffen konnten. Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:
- Über 1.800 individuelle Mitarbeiter nahmen teil
- Mehr als 400 gemeinnützige Organisationen wurden landesweit unterstützt
- Fast 21.000 Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit wurden geleistet
Das Unternehmensphilanthropie-Programm von Jackson konzentriert sich darauf, langfristige Partnerschaften mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen aufzubauen, um Menschen dabei zu helfen, finanzielle Freiheit im Leben zu erreichen. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens konzentrieren sich auf Lansing, Michigan; Nashville, Tennessee; und Chicago, Illinois.
- None.
- None.
“The growth we saw in volunteer service from our associates in 2023 was inspiring and made a meaningful impact for our nonprofit partners and their clients,” said Danielle Robinson, Vice President, Corporate Communications and Responsibility at
Jackson’s strong 2023 volunteerism efforts led to the following results:
Associates engaged in nonprofit service rose to
48% , far surpassing the30% goal and 2023 finance and insurance industry volunteerism averages of15% , according to Blackbaud - More than 1,800 individual associates participated in volunteer efforts
- More than 400 nonprofits were served in communities across the country
- Nearly 21,000 hours of volunteerism took place
Jackson’s corporate philanthropy program forms meaningful, long-term partnerships with nonprofits that build the foundation for helping people achieve financial freedom for life. The company’s nonprofit partnerships engage
The Blackbaud Impact Awards celebrates organizations and people achieving outstanding results and driving impact with Blackbaud software. Blackbaud announced the winners at bbcon 2024, its annual technology conference. For more details about the finalists, the winners and the awards, visit: https://www.blackbaud.com/impact-awards.
*SQM (Service Quality Measurement Group) Contact Center Awards Program for 2004 and 2006-2023, for the financial services industry (to achieve world-class certification,
Annuities are issued by Jackson National Life Insurance Company® (
Jackson® is the marketing name for Jackson Financial Inc., Jackson National Life Insurance Company® (
iJackson Financial Inc. is a
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Patrick Rich
Source: Jackson Financial Inc.