UK ELECTRIC AIR TAXI SERVICE ON THE HORIZON: Joby and Virgin Atlantic Announce Partnership
Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) has announced a strategic partnership with Virgin Atlantic to launch electric air taxi services in the UK. The collaboration aims to provide zero-emission, short-range journeys from Virgin Atlantic's hubs at Heathrow and Manchester Airport.
The partnership extends an existing agreement between Joby and Delta Air Lines, which owns 49% of Virgin Atlantic. Joby's electric aircraft can transport a pilot and four passengers at speeds up to 200 mph, with potential routes including a 15-minute flight from Manchester Airport to Leeds or an 8-minute journey from Heathrow Airport to Canary Wharf.
Virgin Atlantic will support Joby through marketing, regulatory engagement, and infrastructure development. Customers will be able to book flights through Virgin Atlantic's platforms, with prices expected to be comparable to premium ground ridesharing options at launch. The aircraft features six tilting propellers for vertical takeoff and landing, producing significantly less noise than helicopters and optimized for rapid, back-to-back flights up to 100 miles.
Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Virgin Atlantic per lanciare servizi di taxi aereo elettrico nel Regno Unito. La collaborazione mira a fornire viaggi a zero emissioni e a breve raggio dagli hub di Virgin Atlantic presso l'aeroporto di Heathrow e l'aeroporto di Manchester.
La partnership estende un accordo esistente tra Joby e Delta Air Lines, che possiede il 49% di Virgin Atlantic. Gli aerei elettrici di Joby possono trasportare un pilota e quattro passeggeri a velocità fino a 200 mph, con rotte potenziali che includono un volo di 15 minuti dall'aeroporto di Manchester a Leeds o un viaggio di 8 minuti dall'aeroporto di Heathrow a Canary Wharf.
Virgin Atlantic supporterà Joby attraverso marketing, coinvolgimento normativo e sviluppo delle infrastrutture. I clienti potranno prenotare voli tramite le piattaforme di Virgin Atlantic, con prezzi previsti comparabili alle opzioni di ridesharing premium a terra al lancio. L'aereo dispone di sei eliche inclinate per il decollo e l'atterraggio verticali, producendo significativamente meno rumore rispetto agli elicotteri e ottimizzato per voli rapidi e consecutivi fino a 100 miglia.
Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Virgin Atlantic para lanzar servicios de taxi aéreo eléctrico en el Reino Unido. La colaboración tiene como objetivo proporcionar viajes de cero emisiones y de corto alcance desde los centros de Virgin Atlantic en el aeropuerto de Heathrow y el aeropuerto de Manchester.
La asociación amplía un acuerdo existente entre Joby y Delta Air Lines, que posee el 49% de Virgin Atlantic. Los aviones eléctricos de Joby pueden transportar a un piloto y cuatro pasajeros a velocidades de hasta 200 mph, con rutas potenciales que incluyen un vuelo de 15 minutos desde el aeropuerto de Manchester a Leeds o un viaje de 8 minutos desde el aeropuerto de Heathrow a Canary Wharf.
Virgin Atlantic apoyará a Joby a través de marketing, participación regulatoria y desarrollo de infraestructura. Los clientes podrán reservar vuelos a través de las plataformas de Virgin Atlantic, con precios que se espera sean comparables a las opciones de ridesharing premium en tierra al lanzamiento. La aeronave cuenta con seis hélices inclinadas para el despegue y aterrizaje vertical, produciendo significativamente menos ruido que los helicópteros y optimizada para vuelos rápidos y consecutivos de hasta 100 millas.
조비 항공(JOBY, NYSE:JOBY)는 버진 애틀랜틱과 전략적 파트너십을 체결하고 영국에서 전기 공중 택시 서비스를 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 이번 협력은 버진 애틀랜틱의 히드로 공항과 맨체스터 공항 허브에서 제로 배출의 단거리 여행을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
이번 파트너십은 조비와 델타 항공 간의 기존 계약을 연장하는 것으로, 델타 항공은 버진 애틀랜틱의 49%를 소유하고 있습니다. 조비의 전기 항공기는 조종사 1명과 승객 4명을 태울 수 있으며, 최대 200 mph의 속도로 이동할 수 있습니다. 잠재적인 노선으로는 맨체스터 공항에서 리즈까지 15분 비행 또는 히드로 공항에서 카나리 워프까지 8분 여행이 포함됩니다.
버진 애틀랜틱은 마케팅, 규제 참여 및 인프라 개발을 통해 조비를 지원할 예정입니다. 고객들은 버진 애틀랜틱의 플랫폼을 통해 비행기를 예약할 수 있으며, 가격은 출시 시점에 프리미엄 지상 차량 공유 옵션과 비슷할 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 항공기는 수직 이착륙을 위한 6개의 기울어진 프로펠러를 갖추고 있으며, 헬리콥터보다 소음이 현저히 적고 최대 100마일까지 빠른 연속 비행에 최적화되어 있습니다.
Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Virgin Atlantic pour lancer des services de taxi aérien électrique au Royaume-Uni. La collaboration vise à offrir des trajets zéro émission et de courte portée depuis les hubs de Virgin Atlantic à l'aéroport d'Heathrow et à l'aéroport de Manchester.
Le partenariat prolonge un accord existant entre Joby et Delta Air Lines, qui possède 49 % de Virgin Atlantic. Les avions électriques de Joby peuvent transporter un pilote et quatre passagers à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 200 mph, avec des itinéraires potentiels incluant un vol de 15 minutes de l'aéroport de Manchester à Leeds ou un trajet de 8 minutes de l'aéroport d'Heathrow à Canary Wharf.
Virgin Atlantic soutiendra Joby par le biais de marketing, d'engagement réglementaire et de développement d'infrastructures. Les clients pourront réserver des vols via les plateformes de Virgin Atlantic, avec des prix qui devraient être comparables aux options de covoiturage premium au sol lors du lancement. L'avion est équipé de six hélices inclinées pour le décollage et l'atterrissage verticaux, produisant beaucoup moins de bruit que les hélicoptères et optimisé pour des vols rapides et consécutifs jusqu'à 100 miles.
Joby Aviation (NYSE:JOBY) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Virgin Atlantic angekündigt, um elektrische Lufttaxidienste im Vereinigten Königreich einzuführen. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, emissionsfreie Kurzstreckenreisen von den Drehkreuzen von Virgin Atlantic am Flughafen Heathrow und am Flughafen Manchester anzubieten.
Die Partnerschaft erweitert eine bestehende Vereinbarung zwischen Joby und Delta Air Lines, die 49 % von Virgin Atlantic besitzt. Jobys Elektroflugzeuge können einen Piloten und vier Passagiere mit Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 200 mph transportieren, wobei potenzielle Routen einen 15-minütigen Flug vom Flughafen Manchester nach Leeds oder eine 8-minütige Reise vom Flughafen Heathrow nach Canary Wharf umfassen.
Virgin Atlantic wird Joby durch Marketing, regulatorische Beteiligung und Infrastrukturentwicklung unterstützen. Kunden können Flüge über die Plattformen von Virgin Atlantic buchen, wobei die Preise zum Start voraussichtlich mit Premium-Fahrgemeinschaften am Boden vergleichbar sein werden. Das Flugzeug verfügt über sechs geneigte Propeller für den vertikalen Start und die Landung, produziert deutlich weniger Lärm als Hubschrauber und ist für schnelle, aufeinanderfolgende Flüge von bis zu 100 Meilen optimiert.
- Strategic partnership with major airline Virgin Atlantic provides established distribution channels and customer base
- Extension of existing partnership with Delta Air Lines (49% Virgin Atlantic stakeholder) strengthens market position
- Zero-emission technology positions company for sustainable aviation market
- Competitive pricing strategy aligned with premium ground transportation options
- Regulatory approval from UK Civil Aviation Authority still pending
- Infrastructure development for landing locations needs to be built out
- initial route network from only two hubs (Heathrow and Manchester)
Joby Aviation's partnership with Virgin Atlantic represents a strategic expansion of its commercial footprint beyond the U.S. into the UK market. This agreement builds upon Joby's existing partnership with Delta Air Lines (which owns 49% of Virgin Atlantic), creating a cohesive international strategy across both markets.
The deal provides Joby with several tangible commercial advantages: integration into Virgin Atlantic's booking platforms, marketing support from an established premium airline brand, assistance navigating the UK regulatory environment, and help developing critical landing infrastructure at key airports including Heathrow and Manchester.
The partnership's focus on airport connections provides a logical initial market entry with predictable passenger flows and clear value proposition – reducing 80-minute ground journeys to 8-minute flights in some cases. Joby's pricing strategy, positioned comparable to "premium ground ridesharing," suggests a focus on business travelers and higher-margin customers.
While this partnership advances Joby's commercialization roadmap and provides validation from established aviation players, investors should note the absence of specific launch timelines, regulatory approval status (despite a 2022 CAA application), or financial projections. The exclusive nature of the Delta/Virgin partnerships for 5+ years post-launch creates a competitive moat but also potential dependency on these relationships.
This agreement represents meaningful progress in Joby's go-to-market strategy, expanding its potential market reach while leveraging established aviation partners to accelerate adoption.
This partnership positions Joby to potentially transform UK urban mobility patterns through integration with established air travel infrastructure. The technical specifications – carrying four passengers at 200 mph with vertical takeoff capability – enable Joby to target high-congestion routes where their value proposition is strongest, such as the 8-minute Heathrow-to-Canary Wharf connection.
Virgin Atlantic's support addressing regulatory and infrastructure hurdles is particularly valuable, as these represent the most significant non-technical challenges to commercial deployment. The UK Civil Aviation Authority application (submitted in 2022) indicates Joby is already progressing through regulatory channels, though approval timelines remain undefined.
From an operational perspective, beginning with airport connections leverages existing transportation hubs rather than requiring entirely new infrastructure networks. This hub-and-spoke approach allows for incremental scaling while demonstrating the technology's reliability and safety record.
The partnership's emphasis on emissions-free travel aligns with the UK's sustainability goals and positions Joby's service as an environmentally superior alternative to road transport for premium travelers. This differentiates Joby from competing mobility solutions that might offer time savings but without the environmental benefits.
With thousands of completed test flights across multiple countries (including exhibition flights in New York, Japan and Korea), Joby has demonstrated operational capability beyond lab conditions. The Virgin partnership now provides a commercial framework to translate this technical progress into a viable transportation service within a defined geographic market.
Partnership will deliver revolutionary, emissions-free travel in the
UK , including greater connectivity for Virgin Atlantic customers traveling to and from the airport -
Virgin Atlantic to support Joby’s preparations for operation in the
UK - Agreement builds on Virgin Atlantic’s track record of innovation and award-winning customer service

Joby’s all-electric air taxi in flight above the company’s flight test facility in
The partnership builds on an existing agreement between Joby and Delta Air Lines – which owns a 49 percent stake in Virgin Atlantic – to launch service in the US and
The partnership aims to offer seamless, zero-emission, short-range journeys across the
Joby’s electric air taxi is designed to carry a pilot and up to four passengers at speeds of up to 200 mph and the partnership means Virgin Atlantic customers will be able to reserve a seat on Joby’s aircraft through Virgin Atlantic’s app, website and other channels.
Shai Weiss, CEO of Virgin Atlantic, said: “As a leader in sustainability and with innovation firmly in our DNA, we are delighted to be partnering with Joby to bring short-haul, zero-emission flight to airports and cities throughout the
JoeBen Bevirt, Founder and CEO of Joby, commented: “Virgin Atlantic’s commitment to delighting its customers reflects our experience with Delta and we couldn’t imagine a better partner to work with in the
Joby’s electric air taxi utilizes six tilting propellers that allow it to take off and land vertically with a fraction of the noise produced by today’s helicopters. The aircraft is optimized for rapid, back-to-back flights and is expected to be deployed on routes of up to 100 miles. Joby has completed thousands of test flights, including exhibition flights in
Journeys in the
In 2022, Joby and Delta Air Lines announced a multi-city, commercial and operational partnership to pioneer community-to-airport transportation for customers. While the Joby/Delta partnership is mutually exclusive across the US and
Joby exhibited its aircraft for the first time in the
Media assets, including photos and footage of Joby’s aircraft as well as illustrative route networks in the
About Joby
Joby Aviation, Inc. (NYSE:JOBY) is a
About Virgin Atlantic
Virgin Atlantic was founded by entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson in 1984, with innovation and amazing customer service at its core. In 2024, Virgin Atlantic was voted Britain’s only Global Five Star Airline by APEX for the eighth year running in the Official Airline Ratings. Headquartered in
Alongside shareholder and Joint Venture partner Delta Air Lines, Virgin Atlantic operates a leading transatlantic network, with onward connections to over 200 cities around the world. In February 2020, Air France-KLM, Delta Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic launched an expanded Joint Venture, offering a comprehensive route network, convenient flight schedules, competitive fares and reciprocal frequent flyer benefits, including the ability to earn and redeem miles across all carriers. Virgin Atlantic joined SkyTeam in March 2023 as the global airline alliance’s first and only
Virgin Atlantic has been pioneering sustainability leadership for more than 15 years, committing to Net Zero by 2050 and continuous action that reduces environmental impact. The airline operates one of the youngest and most fuel-efficient fleets in the skies, with an average age under seven years. In October 2022, Virgin Atlantic welcomed its first A330-900’s to the fleet, continuing its transformation towards
For more information visit or via Facebook, X and Instagram @virginatlantic.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including but not limited to, statements regarding the development and performance of our aircraft, our regulatory outlook, progress and timing, our business plan, objectives, goals and market opportunity; plans for, and potential benefits of, our strategic partnerships, including plans to form a joint venture with Virgin Atlantic to launch and operate an air taxi service across the
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Source: Joby Aviation, Inc.