John Marshall Bank Announces New Loudoun County Banking Center
John Marshall Bank (JMSB) has announced the opening of its new Loudoun banking center at 540 Fort Evans Road, NE, in Leesburg, Virginia. The new location offers improved accessibility, proximity to public transit, and ample parking. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Bank, which established its first Loudoun presence in 2009, provides SBA 7(a) loans and tailored banking services for businesses of all sizes in the Loudoun and DC Metro areas. The institution also offers the Home Pursuit Mortgage Program, designed to facilitate homeownership for Loudoun residents meeting specific home value and income requirements.
A reception for clients, community leaders, and neighbors is planned for the first quarter of 2025. The Bank's former location at 842 South King Street in Leesburg has permanently closed.
John Marshall Bank (JMSB) ha annunciato l'apertura del suo nuovo centro bancario a Loudoun in 540 Fort Evans Road, NE, a Leesburg, Virginia. La nuova sede offre un accesso migliorato, vicinanza ai mezzi pubblici e ampio parcheggio. Gli orari di apertura sono dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9:00 alle 17:00.
La banca, che ha stabilito la sua prima presenza a Loudoun nel 2009, offre prestiti SBA 7(a) e servizi bancari personalizzati per imprese di tutte le dimensioni nelle aree di Loudoun e DC Metro. L'istituzione offre anche il Programma Mutui Home Pursuit, progettato per facilitare l'acquisto di case per i residenti di Loudoun che soddisfano specifici requisiti di valore della casa e reddito.
Un ricevimento per clienti, leader della comunità e vicini è previsto per il primo trimestre del 2025. La precedente sede della banca, situata in 842 South King Street a Leesburg, è stata chiusa permanentemente.
John Marshall Bank (JMSB) ha anunciado la apertura de su nuevo centro bancario en Loudoun en 540 Fort Evans Road, NE, en Leesburg, Virginia. La nueva ubicación ofrece mejor accesibilidad, proximidad al transporte público y amplio estacionamiento. El horario de operación es de lunes a viernes, de 9 a.m. a 5 p.m.
El banco, que estableció su primera presencia en Loudoun en 2009, proporciona préstamos SBA 7(a) y servicios bancarios ajustados a las necesidades de negocios de todos los tamaños en las áreas de Loudoun y DC Metro. La institución también ofrece el Programa de Hipotecas Home Pursuit, diseñado para facilitar la adquisición de viviendas para los residentes de Loudoun que cumplen con ciertos requisitos de valor de la vivienda e ingresos.
Se planea una recepción para clientes, líderes comunitarios y vecinos para el primer trimestre de 2025. La ubicación anterior del banco en 842 South King Street en Leesburg ha cerrado permanentemente.
존 마샬 은행 (JMSB)는 버지니아 리즈버그의 540 Fort Evans Road, NE에 새로운 로우던 은행 센터 개장을 발표했습니다. 새로운 장소는 접근성이 향상되어 있고 대중 교통에 가까우며 넓은 주차 공간을 제공합니다. 영업 시간은 월요일부터 금요일까지, 오전 9시부터 오후 5시까지입니다.
2009년에 로우든에 처음 진출한 이 은행은 로우든 및 DC 메트로 지역의 모든 규모의 비즈니스를 위한 SBA 7(a) 대출 및 맞춤형 은행 서비스를 제공합니다. 이 기관은 또한 특정 주택 가치 및 소득 요건을 충족하는 로우든 거주자들을 위해 주택 소유를 용이하게 하는 홈 퍼슈트 모기지 프로그램을 제공합니다.
2025년 첫 분기에 고객, 지역 사회 리더 및 이웃을 위한 리셉션이 계획되어 있습니다. 리즈버그의 842 South King Street에 있는 이전 은행 위치는 영구적으로 폐쇄되었습니다.
John Marshall Bank (JMSB) a annoncé l'ouverture de son nouveau centre bancaire à Loudoun au 540 Fort Evans Road, NE, à Leesburg, en Virginie. Le nouveau site offre une meilleure accessibilité, une proximité aux transports en commun et un stationnement ample. Les heures d'ouverture sont du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 17h.
La banque, qui a établi sa première présence à Loudoun en 2009, fournit des prêts SBA 7(a) et des services bancaires adaptés pour les entreprises de toutes tailles dans les régions de Loudoun et du métro DC. L'institution propose également le Programme Hypothèque Home Pursuit, conçu pour faciliter l'accession à la propriété pour les résidents de Loudoun répondant à des critères spécifiques de valeur de maison et de revenu.
Une réception pour les clients, les leaders communautaires et les voisins est prévue pour le premier trimestre 2025. L'ancien emplacement de la banque au 842 South King Street à Leesburg a été fermé définitivement.
John Marshall Bank (JMSB) hat die Eröffnung seines neuen Bankzentrums in Loudoun in der 540 Fort Evans Road, NE, in Leesburg, Virginia, angekündigt. Der neue Standort bietet eine verbesserte Erreichbarkeit, Nähe zu öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und ausreichend Parkplätze. Die Öffnungszeiten sind von Montag bis Freitag, 9:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
Die Bank, die 2009 ihre erste Präsenz in Loudoun etablierte, bietet SBA 7(a) Darlehen und maßgeschneiderte Bankdienstleistungen für Unternehmen aller Größen in den Gebieten Loudoun und DC Metro an. Die Institution bietet auch das Home Pursuit Mortgage Program an, das darauf abzielt, den Wohnungsbesitz für Lauton-Anwohner zu erleichtern, die bestimmte Anforderungen an den Wohnwert und das Einkommen erfüllen.
Für das erste Quartal 2025 ist ein Empfang für Kunden, Gemeindeleiter und Nachbarn geplant. Der frühere Standort der Bank in der 842 South King Street in Leesburg wurde dauerhaft geschlossen.
- Strategic relocation to more accessible location with better amenities
- Continued expansion of SBA 7(a) loan services for small businesses
- Specialized Home Pursuit Mortgage Program offering competitive rates
- None.
Since opening its first
In addition to a full range of business and consumer banking products including mortgage options, the Bank offers a Home Pursuit Mortgage Program which seeks to pave the path to homeownership. This unique mortgage product provides an avenue for
The Bank will be holding a reception during the first quarter of 2025, for commercial and retail clients, leaders in the community, and neighbors.
The Bank’s former
About John Marshall Bancorp, Inc.:
John Marshall Bancorp, Inc. is the bank holding company for John Marshall Bank. The Bank is headquartered in
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Andrew J Peden
Sr. EVP, Chief Banking Officer
Source: John Marshall
Where is John Marshall Bank's (JMSB) new Loudoun banking center located?
What are the operating hours of JMSB's new Leesburg location?
What special mortgage program does JMSB offer for Loudoun residents?
When will JMSB host the reception at its new Leesburg location?