J & J Snack Foods Reports Fiscal 2025 First Quarter Revenue Growth of 4.1% to $362.6M
J & J Snack Foods reported Q1 fiscal 2025 results with net sales increasing 4.1% to $362.6M. Despite revenue growth across all segments, the company faced challenges with gross profit declining 0.7% to $93.9M and operating income dropping 35.6% to $6.2M. Net earnings decreased 29.4% to $5.1M.
Performance was impacted by unfavorable sales mix in bakery and churros business, along with input cost inflation not fully covered by price increases. The company announced a new $50M stock repurchase authorization effective for two years. Food Services sales grew 4.5%, Retail Supermarket sales increased 2.2%, and Frozen Beverage segment sales rose 4.0%. Dippin' Dots sales showed strong growth of 8.4%.
The company has implemented additional pricing actions in Q2 and expanded leadership roles with new Chief Customer Officer and Chief Operating Officer positions to improve operations and accelerate business performance.
J & J Snack Foods ha riportato i risultati del primo trimestre fiscale 2025 con un aumento delle vendite nette del 4,1% a 362,6 milioni di dollari. Nonostante la crescita dei ricavi in tutti i segmenti, l'azienda ha affrontato sfide con un profitto lordo in calo dello 0,7% a 93,9 milioni di dollari e un reddito operativo diminuire del 35,6% a 6,2 milioni di dollari. Gli utili netti sono diminuiti del 29,4% a 5,1 milioni di dollari.
Le performance sono state influenzate da uno sfavorevole mix di vendita nel settore della panetteria e dei churros, insieme a un'inflazione dei costi di input non completamente coperta dagli aumenti di prezzo. L'azienda ha annunciato una nuova autorizzazione per il riacquisto di azioni da 50 milioni di dollari valida per due anni. Le vendite dei servizi alimentari sono cresciute del 4,5%, le vendite nei supermercati al dettaglio sono aumentate del 2,2%, e le vendite nel segmento delle bevande surgelate sono salite del 4,0%. Le vendite di Dippin' Dots hanno mostrato una forte crescita dell'8,4%.
L'azienda ha implementato ulteriori azioni di pricing nel secondo trimestre e ha ampliato i ruoli di leadership con le nuove posizioni di Chief Customer Officer e Chief Operating Officer per migliorare le operazioni e accelerare le performance aziendali.
J & J Snack Foods informó los resultados del primer trimestre fiscal 2025 con un aumento del 4,1% en las ventas netas a 362,6 millones de dólares. A pesar del crecimiento de los ingresos en todos los segmentos, la empresa enfrentó desafíos con una disminución del 0,7% en el beneficio bruto, llegándose a 93,9 millones de dólares, y una caída del 35,6% en los ingresos operativos, que ahora son 6,2 millones de dólares. Las ganancias netas disminuyeron un 29,4% a 5,1 millones de dólares.
El desempeño se vio afectado por una mezcla de ventas desfavorable en el negocio de panadería y churros, junto con la inflación en los costos de insumos que no se cubrieron completamente con aumentos de precios. La compañía anunció una nueva autorización para la recompra de acciones de 50 millones de dólares vigente por dos años. Las ventas de servicios alimentarios crecieron un 4,5%, las ventas en supermercados aumentaron un 2,2%, y las ventas del segmento de bebidas congeladas subieron un 4,0%. Las ventas de Dippin' Dots mostraron un fuerte crecimiento del 8,4%.
La empresa ha implementado acciones de precios adicionales en el segundo trimestre y ha ampliado los roles de liderazgo con nuevos puestos de Chief Customer Officer y Chief Operating Officer para mejorar las operaciones y acelerar el rendimiento empresarial.
J & J Snack Foods는 2025 회계연도 1분기 실적을 발표했으며, 순매출이 4.1% 증가하여 3억 6260만 달러에 달했습니다. 모든 세그먼트에서 수익이 증가했음에도 불구하고, 회사는 총 이익이 0.7% 감소하여 9390만 달러로 떨어지고, 운영 수익이 35.6% 감소하여 620만 달러에 이르는 어려움에 직면했습니다. 순이익은 29.4% 감소하여 510만 달러를 기록했습니다.
성과는 베이커리 및 츄로스 사업에서의 불리한 판매 믹스와 가격 인상으로 충분히 보완되지 않은 원자재 비용 인플레이션의 영향을 받았습니다. 회사는 2년 동안 유효한 5000만 달러 규모의 자사주 매입 승인을 발표했습니다. 식품 서비스 매출은 4.5% 증가했으며, 소매 슈퍼마켓 매출은 2.2% 증가하였고, 냉동 음료 부문 매출은 4.0% 증가했습니다. Dippin' Dots의 매출은 8.4%의 강한 성장을 보였습니다.
회사는 2분기에 추가적인 가격 조치를 시행하고, 운영 개선과 비즈니스 성과 가속화를 위한 새로운 고객 책임자(Chief Customer Officer) 및 최고 운영 책임자(Chief Operating Officer) 직책을 신설하여 리더십 역할을 확대했습니다.
J & J Snack Foods a annoncé les résultats du premier trimestre de l'exercice 2025 avec une augmentation des ventes nettes de 4,1% pour atteindre 362,6 millions de dollars. Malgré la croissance des revenus dans tous les segments, l'entreprise a rencontré des défis avec une baisse du bénéfice brut de 0,7% à 93,9 millions de dollars et une chute de 35,6% du résultat opérationnel à 6,2 millions de dollars. Le résultat net a diminué de 29,4% à 5,1 millions de dollars.
La performance a été affectée par une composition des ventes défavorable dans le secteur de la boulangerie et des churros, ainsi que par une inflation des coûts d'approvisionnement qui n'a pas été totalement compensée par des hausses de prix. L'entreprise a annoncé une nouvelle autorisation de rachat d'actions de 50 millions de dollars, valable pour deux ans. Les ventes de services alimentaires ont augmenté de 4,5%, celles des supermarchés de détail ont progressé de 2,2%, et les ventes du segment des boissons surgelées ont augmenté de 4,0%. Les ventes de Dippin' Dots ont montré une forte croissance de 8,4%.
L'entreprise a mis en œuvre d'autres actions tarifaires au deuxième trimestre et a élargi les rôles de leadership avec de nouveaux postes de Chief Customer Officer et Chief Operating Officer pour améliorer les opérations et accélérer la performance de l'entreprise.
J & J Snack Foods hat die Ergebnisse des ersten Quartals des Geschäftsjahres 2025 veröffentlicht, mit einem Anstieg des Nettoumsatzes um 4,1% auf 362,6 Millionen USD. Trotz Umsatzwachstums in allen Segmenten sah sich das Unternehmen Herausforderungen gegenüber, da der Bruttogewinn um 0,7% auf 93,9 Millionen USD sank und das Betriebsergebnis um 35,6% auf 6,2 Millionen USD fiel. Der Nettogewinn ging um 29,4% auf 5,1 Millionen USD zurück.
Die Leistung wurde durch eine ungünstige Verkaufsmischung im Bäckerei- und Churros-Geschäft sowie durch die Inflation der Inputkosten, die nicht vollständig durch Preiserhöhungen abgedeckt werden konnte, beeinträchtigt. Das Unternehmen kündigte eine neue Genehmigung für den Rückkauf von Aktien in Höhe von 50 Millionen USD an, die zwei Jahre gültig ist. Die Verkaufszahlen im Lebensmittelservice stiegen um 4,5%, die Verkaufszahlen im Einzelhandel erhöhten sich um 2,2%, und die Verkaufszahlen im Segment gefrorene Getränke stiegen um 4,0%. Die Verkaufszahlen von Dippin' Dots verzeichneten ein starkes Wachstum von 8,4%.
Das Unternehmen hat im zweiten Quartal zusätzliche Preisanpassungen vorgenommen und die Führungsrollen mit neuen Positionen für Chief Customer Officer und Chief Operating Officer erweitert, um die Betriebsabläufe zu verbessern und die Unternehmensleistung zu beschleunigen.
- Net sales increased 4.1% to $362.6M
- New $50M stock repurchase program authorized
- Dippin' Dots sales grew 8.4%
- Frozen Beverages segment operating income increased 29.9%
- Distribution costs improved from 11.6% to 10.9% of sales
- Operating income decreased 35.6% to $6.2M
- Net earnings declined 29.4% to $5.1M
- Gross margin decreased from 27.2% to 25.9%
- Adjusted earnings per share fell 36.5%
- Churros sales declined 9.2%
The Q1 FY2025 results reveal a complex narrative for J&J Snack Foods, highlighting both resilience and challenges in its business model. While achieving
The company's performance breakdown shows interesting dynamics across segments:
- Food Services (largest segment) grew
4.5% but saw operating income plunge72.2% , indicating severe margin pressure - Retail Supermarket segment's modest
2.2% growth was accompanied by a13.3% decline in operating income - Frozen Beverages emerged as a bright spot with
4.0% growth and29.9% increase in operating income
Management's strategic response includes:
- Implementation of additional pricing actions in Q2
- Organizational restructuring with new Chief Customer Officer and Chief Operating Officer roles
- A
$50M share repurchase authorization, reflecting strong balance sheet position
The creation of global leadership roles focused on customer portfolio and supply chain operations suggests a strategic shift toward improved operational efficiency and decision-making centralization. This restructuring, combined with the planned pricing actions, could help address margin pressures in coming quarters.
The share repurchase program, while modest at about
MOUNT LAUREL, N.J., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- J & J Snack Foods Corp. (NASDAQ: JJSF) (the “Company”) today reported financial results for the first quarter ended December 28, 2024.
First Quarter | ||||
Actuals | $ v. LY | % v. LY | ||
Net Sales | ||||
Gross Profit | ( | ( | ||
Operating Income | ( | ( | ||
Net Earnings | ( | ( | ||
Earnings per Diluted Share | ( | ( | ||
Adjusted Operating Income | ( | ( | ||
Adjusted EBITDA | ( | ( | ||
Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share | ( | ( |
This press release contains non-GAAP financial measures. Please refer to the Non-GAAP Financial Measures section below for reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.
"J & J Snack Foods total net sales increased
“Despite these near-term challenges, we are confident in our ability to address short-term margin pressures and improve profitability in the coming quarters through a combination of incremental pricing actions, which have taken effect in the second quarter, and by further driving efficiencies across our supply chain. To support these initiatives, we recently expanded the responsibilities of two of our veteran corporate leaders to take on the newly created roles of Chief Customer Officer and Chief Operating Officer. These positions will have global responsibilities for the J&J customer portfolio and supply chain operations, respectively, which will improve communication, sharpen decision making, and accelerate business performance.
“We also announced that our board has approved a new
We see many positive market catalysts in fiscal 2025, particularly in movie theaters where our customers are expected to benefit from a much stronger film slate, as well as other exciting new opportunities to drive growth across retail and foodservice. As we look ahead, the resilience of our diversified product portfolio and the ongoing success of our long-term strategy position us well for sustained growth. With a strong balance sheet, a talented team, and a commitment to innovation, we are well-positioned to extend our growth to create long-term value for our stakeholders."
First Quarter Highlights
Net sales increased
Key highlights include:
- Food Services segment sales were
4.5% above Q1 ’24. - Retail Supermarket segment sales were
2.2% above Q1 ’24. - Frozen Beverage segment sales were
4.0% above Q1 ’24. - Dippin’ Dots sales were
8.4% above Q1 ’24.
Gross profit as a percentage of sales was
Total operating expenses of
- Distribution costs represented
10.9% of sales in the quarter, versus11.6% in the prior year period, with the decrease largely driven by our strategic initiatives to improve logistics management and from start-up impacts at our regional distribution centers last year. - Marketing and selling expenses represented
7.9% of sales in both the current quarter and in the prior year period. - Administrative expenses were
5.2% of sales in both the current quarter and in the prior year period.
Operating income was
Food Services Segment First Quarter Highlights
- Q1 ’25 food service sales totaled
$238.9 million , or an increase of4.5% , compared to Q1 ’24 sales of$228.6 million . - Soft Pretzel and Frozen Novelties sales increased
4.8% and9.8% , respectively. Churros sales declined9.2% as we lapped the benefit of limited time offer volumes for a quick service restaurant last year. Handheld and Bakery sales increased by7.5% and6.6% , respectively. - Sales of new products and added placement with new customers were approximately
$7.2 million , driven primarily by the addition of churro related products and new distribution of cookies. - Q1 ’25 operating income decreased
72.2% to$1.7 million versus the prior year period, driven primarily by product mix and input cost inflation.
Retail Supermarket Segment First Quarter Highlights
- Q1 ’25 retail sales increased
2.2% to$44.7 million , compared to Q1 ’24. - Frozen novelties sales increased from a combination of strong unit volume growth and improved mix. Soft pretzels declined
7.4% , driven partly by a temporary issue with a major retail customer’s ordering system which was resolved in late December. Handhelds and Biscuit sales declined6.8% and1.0% , respectively, versus the prior year period. - Sales of new products and added placement with new customers contributed approximately
$2.3 million in the quarter driven by the growth of Superpretzel Bavarian sticks and frozen novelties, along with additional distribution of pretzel dogs and cookies. - Operating income decreased
13.3% to$0.4 million versus the prior year period, driven primarily by increased operating expenses.
Frozen Beverages Segment First Quarter Highlights
- Frozen beverage segment sales were
$79.0 million , an increase of4.0% over prior year sales. - Beverage sales grew
6.4% , or$2.7 million higher than in Q1’24 led by volume growth primarily in the theatre channel. - Machine Service revenues decreased
3.7% , versus the prior year period reflecting lower maintenance call volumes, while equipment sales increased13.0% attributed to strong growth from new clients and convenience customers. - Q1 ’25 operating income increased
29.9% to$4.2 million , compared to a Q1 ’24 operating income of$3.2 million .
Conference Call
J&J Snack Foods Corp. will host a conference call to discuss results and business outlook on February 4, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Conference call participants should register by clicking on this Registration Link to receive the dial-in number and a personal PIN, which are required to access the conference call. A live audio webcast of the conference call will also be available on the Investors homepage at investors.jjsnack.com.
About J & J Snack Foods Corp.
J & J Snack Foods Corp. (NASDAQ: JJSF) is a leader and innovator in the snack food industry, providing innovative, niche, and affordable branded snack foods and beverages to foodservice and retail supermarket outlets. Manufactured and distributed nationwide, our principal products include SUPERPRETZEL, the #1 soft pretzel brand in the world, as well as internationally known ICEE and SLUSH PUPPIE frozen beverages, DIPPIN’ DOTS ice cream, LUIGI’S Real Italian Ice, MINUTE MAID* frozen ices, WHOLE FRUIT sorbet and frozen fruit bars, HOLA! CHURROS, and THE FUNNEL CAKE FACTORY funnel cakes and several bakery brands within DADDY RAY’S, COUNTRY HOME BAKERS and HILL & VALLEY. For more information, please visit http://www.jjsnack.com.
*MINUTE MAID is a registered trademark of The Coca-Cola Company.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements regarding the Company’s expected future financial position, results of operations, revenue growth and profit levels, cash flows, business strategy, budgets, projected costs, capital expenditures, products, competitive positions, growth opportunities, plans and objectives of management for future operations, as well as statements that include words such as “anticipate,” “if,” “believe,” “plan,” “goals,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “could,” “should,” “will,” and other similar expressions are forward-looking statements. This includes, without limitation, our statements, and expectations regarding any current or future recovery in our industry and the future impact of our operational efficiency projects. Such forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain, and readers must recognize that actual results may differ materially from the expectations of management. We do not undertake a duty to update such forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include consumer spending, price competition, acceptance of new products, the pricing and availability of raw materials, transportation costs, changes in the competitive marketplace the uncertainty and ultimate economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic or similar health outbreaks, and other risks identified in our annual report on Form 10-K, and our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Many of these factors are outside of the Company’s control.
Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Adjusted EBITDA consists of net earnings adjusted to exclude: income taxes (benefit); investment income; interest expense; depreciation and amortization; share-based compensation expense; net (gain) loss on sale or disposal of assets; impairment charges, restructuring costs, merger and acquisition costs, acquisition related inventory adjustments, strategic business transformation costs, and integration costs.
Adjusted Operating Income consists of operating income adjusted to exclude: impairment charges, restructuring costs, merger and acquisition costs, acquisition related amortization expenses and inventory adjustments, strategic business transformation costs, and integration costs.
Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share consists of net earnings adjusted to exclude: impairment charges, restructuring costs, merger and acquisition costs, acquisition related amortization expenses and inventory adjustment, strategic business transformation costs, and integration costs. For purposes of comparability, the income tax effect of pre-tax adjustments is determined using statutory tax rates.
This press release contains certain non-GAAP financial measures; Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted Operating Income, and Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share. A "non-GAAP financial measure" is a numerical measure of a company's financial performance that excludes or includes amounts so as to be different than the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in the statements of income, balance sheets, or statements of cash flow of the company. Pursuant to applicable reporting requirements, the company has provided reconciliations below of non-GAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measure.
The non-GAAP financial measures presented within the Company's earnings release are not indicators of our financial performance under GAAP and should not be considered as an alternative to the applicable GAAP measure. These non-GAAP measures have limitations as analytical tools, and you should not consider them in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under GAAP. In addition, in evaluating these non-GAAP measures, you should be aware that in the future we may incur income, expenses, gains and losses, similar to the adjustments in this press release. Our presentation of these non-GAAP measures should not be construed as an inference that our future results will be unaffected by unusual or infrequent items. We compensate for these limitations by providing equal prominence to our GAAP results and using non-GAAP measures only as supplemental presentations.
The non-GAAP measures presented are utilized by management to evaluate the Company's business performance and profitability by excluding certain items that may not be indicative of our recurring core business operating results. The Company believes that these measures provide additional clarity for investors by excluding specific income, expenses, gains, and losses, in an effort to show comparable business operating results for the periods presented. Similarly, Management believes these adjusted measures are useful performance measures because certain items included in the calculations may either mask or exaggerate trends in the Company’s ongoing operating performance. See the reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures below.
Investor Contact:
Joseph Jaffoni, Norberto Aja, or Jennifer Neuman
(212) 835-8500
(unaudited) (in thousands, except per share amounts) | |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
December 28, | December 30, | ||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Net Sales | $ | 362,598 | $ | 348,308 | |||
Cost of goods sold | 268,697 | 253,723 | |||||
Gross Profit | 93,901 | 94,585 | |||||
Operating expenses | |||||||
Marketing and selling | 28,669 | 27,472 | |||||
Distribution | 39,610 | 40,303 | |||||
Administrative | 18,903 | 18,199 | |||||
Other general expense (income) | 480 | (1,072 | ) | ||||
Total Operating Expenses | 87,662 | 84,902 | |||||
Operating Income | 6,239 | 9,683 | |||||
Other income (expense) | |||||||
Investment income | 1,037 | 798 | |||||
Interest expense | (212 | ) | (560 | ) | |||
Earnings before income taxes | 7,064 | 9,921 | |||||
Income tax expense | 1,921 | 2,639 | |||||
NET EARNINGS | $ | 5,143 | $ | 7,282 | |||
Earnings per diluted share | $ | 0.26 | $ | 0.37 | |||
Weighted average number of diluted shares | 19,563 | 19,423 | |||||
Earnings per basic share | $ | 0.26 | $ | 0.38 | |||
Weighted average number of basic shares | 19,471 | 19,344 |
(in thousands, except share amounts) | |||||||
December 28, | |||||||
2024 | September 28, | ||||||
(unaudited) | 2024 | ||||||
Assets | |||||||
Current assets | |||||||
Cash and cash equivalents | $ | 73,562 | $ | 73,394 | |||
Accounts receivable, net of allowances of | 163,837 | 189,233 | |||||
Inventories | 169,752 | 173,141 | |||||
Prepaid expenses and other | 20,387 | 14,646 | |||||
Total current assets | 427,538 | 450,414 | |||||
Property, plant and equipment, at cost | 1,027,035 | 1,012,043 | |||||
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization | 633,300 | 620,858 | |||||
Property, plant and equipment, net | 393,735 | 391,185 | |||||
Other assets | |||||||
Goodwill | 185,070 | 185,070 | |||||
Trade name intangible assets, net | 109,192 | 109,695 | |||||
Other intangible assets, net | 71,142 | 72,561 | |||||
Operating lease right-of-use assets | 156,164 | 152,383 | |||||
Other | 3,946 | 3,793 | |||||
Total other assets | 525,514 | 523,502 | |||||
Total Assets | $ | 1,346,787 | 1,365,101 | ||||
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity | |||||||
Current Liabilities | |||||||
Current finance lease liabilities | $ | 252 | $ | 243 | |||
Accounts payable | 81,340 | 89,268 | |||||
Accrued insurance liability | 17,872 | 16,933 | |||||
Accrued liabilities | 11,419 | 10,063 | |||||
Current operating lease liabilities | 20,077 | 19,063 | |||||
Accrued compensation expense | 16,475 | 23,325 | |||||
Dividends payable | 15,193 | 15,178 | |||||
Total current liabilities | 162,628 | 174,073 | |||||
Long-term debt | - | - | |||||
Noncurrent finance lease liabilities | 501 | 445 | |||||
Noncurrent operating lease liabilities | 143,813 | 140,751 | |||||
Deferred income taxes | 87,713 | 87,824 | |||||
Other long-term liabilities | 5,292 | 5,038 | |||||
Stockholders' Equity | |||||||
Preferred stock, | - | - | |||||
Common stock, no par value; authorized, 50,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 19,479,000 and 19,460,000 respectively | |||||||
139,013 | 136,516 | ||||||
Accumulated other comprehensive loss | (17,876 | ) | (15,299 | ) | |||
Retained Earnings | 825,703 | 835,753 | |||||
Total stockholders' equity | 946,840 | 956,970 | |||||
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity | $ | 1,346,787 | 1,365,101 | ||||
(Unaudited) (in thousands) | |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
December 28, | December 30, | ||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Operating activities: | |||||||
Net earnings | $ | 5,143 | $ | 7,282 | |||
Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash provided by operating activities | |||||||
Depreciation of fixed assets | 15,814 | 15,176 | |||||
Amortization of intangibles and deferred costs | 1,930 | 1,616 | |||||
Loss (Gain) from disposals of property & equipment | 146 | (23 | ) | ||||
Share-based compensation | 1,125 | 1,480 | |||||
Deferred income taxes | (158 | ) | (192 | ) | |||
Other | (93 | ) | 157 | ||||
Changes in assets and liabilities | |||||||
Decrease in accounts receivable | 24,987 | 32,407 | |||||
Decrease (Increase) in inventories | 3,164 | (971 | ) | ||||
(Increase) Decrease in prepaid expenses | (5,769 | ) | 2,625 | ||||
(Decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities | (11,127 | ) | (10,604 | ) | |||
Net cash provided by operating activities | 35,162 | 48,953 | |||||
Investing activities: | |||||||
Purchases of property, plant and equipment | (19,065 | ) | (19,930 | ) | |||
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment | 131 | 82 | |||||
Net cash used in investing activities | (18,934 | ) | (19,848 | ) | |||
Financing activities: | |||||||
Proceeds from issuance of stock | 1,372 | 4,481 | |||||
Borrowings under credit facility | 15,000 | 15,000 | |||||
Repayment of borrowings under credit facility | (15,000 | ) | (35,000 | ) | |||
Payments on finance lease obligations | (42 | ) | (85 | ) | |||
Payment of cash dividends | (15,178 | ) | (14,209 | ) | |||
Net cash used in financing activities | (13,848 | ) | (29,813 | ) | |||
Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash equivalents | (2,212 | ) | 1,147 | ||||
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents | 168 | 439 | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period | 73,394 | 49,581 | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period | $ | 73,562 | $ | 50,020 | |||
(Unaudited) | |||||||
(in thousands) | |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
December 28, | December 30, | ||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Sales to External Customers: | |||||||
Food Service | |||||||
Soft pretzels | $ | 52,539 | $ | 50,128 | |||
Frozen novelties | 23,118 | 21,050 | |||||
Churros | 25,472 | 28,061 | |||||
Handhelds | 23,703 | 22,047 | |||||
Bakery | 108,746 | 101,982 | |||||
Other | 5,305 | 5,341 | |||||
Total Food Service | $ | 238,883 | $ | 228,609 | |||
Retail Supermarket | |||||||
Soft pretzels | $ | 17,078 | $ | 18,447 | |||
Frozen novelties | 16,113 | 12,861 | |||||
Biscuits | 6,963 | 7,032 | |||||
Handhelds | 5,138 | 5,510 | |||||
Coupon redemption | (528 | ) | (332 | ) | |||
Other | (47 | ) | 241 | ||||
Total Retail Supermarket | $ | 44,717 | $ | 43,759 | |||
Frozen Beverages | |||||||
Beverages | $ | 44,654 | $ | 41,950 | |||
Repair and maintenance service | 23,639 | 24,559 | |||||
Machines revenue | 10,047 | 8,889 | |||||
Other | 658 | 542 | |||||
Total Frozen Beverages | $ | 78,998 | $ | 75,940 | |||
Consolidated Sales | $ | 362,598 | $ | 348,308 | |||
Depreciation and Amortization: | |||||||
Food Service | $ | 11,948 | $ | 10,673 | |||
Retail Supermarket | 283 | 527 | |||||
Frozen Beverages | 5,513 | 5,592 | |||||
Total Depreciation and Amortization | $ | 17,744 | $ | 16,792 | |||
Operating Income: | |||||||
Food Service | $ | 1,672 | $ | 6,016 | |||
Retail Supermarket | 392 | 452 | |||||
Frozen Beverages | 4,175 | 3,215 | |||||
Total Operating Income | $ | 6,239 | $ | 9,683 | |||
Capital Expenditures: | |||||||
Food Service | $ | 12,607 | $ | 11,865 | |||
Retail Supermarket | 25 | 2 | |||||
Frozen Beverages | 6,433 | 8,063 | |||||
Total Capital Expenditures | $ | 19,065 | $ | 19,930 | |||
Assets: | |||||||
Food Service | $ | 973,260 | $ | 930,533 | |||
Retail Supermarket | 34,459 | 36,219 | |||||
Frozen Beverages | 339,068 | 325,805 | |||||
Total Assets | $ | 1,346,787 | $ | 1,292,557 | |||
(Unaudited) (in thousands) | |||||||
Three months ended | |||||||
December 28, | December 30, | ||||||
2024 | 2023 | ||||||
Reconciliation of GAAP Net Earnings to Adjusted EBITDA | |||||||
Net Earnings | $ | 5,143 | $ | 7,282 | |||
Income Taxes | 1,921 | 2,639 | |||||
Investment Income | (1,037 | ) | (798 | ) | |||
Interest Expense | 212 | 560 | |||||
Depreciation and Amortization | 17,744 | 16,792 | |||||
Share-Based Compensation | 1,125 | 1,480 | |||||
Strategic Business Transformation Costs (2) | - | 2,246 | |||||
Net (Gain) Loss on Sale or Disposal of Assets | 146 | (23 | ) | ||||
Adjusted EBITDA | $ | 25,254 | $ | 30,178 | |||
Reconciliation of GAAP Operating Income to Adjusted Operating Income | |||||||
Operating Income | $ | 6,239 | $ | 9,683 | |||
Strategic Business Transformation Costs (2) | - | 2,246 | |||||
Acquisition Related Amortization Expenses | 1,930 | 1,616 | |||||
Adjusted Operating Income | $ | 8,169 | $ | 13,545 | |||
Reconciliation of GAAP Earnings per Diluted Share to Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share | |||||||
Earnings per Diluted Share | $ | 0.26 | $ | 0.37 | |||
Strategic Business Transformation Costs (2) | - | 0.12 | |||||
Acquisition Related Amortization Expenses | 0.10 | 0.08 | |||||
Tax Effect of Non-GAAP Adjustments (1) | (0.03 | ) | (0.05 | ) | |||
Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share | $ | 0.33 | $ | 0.52 | |||
(1) Income taxes associated with pre-tax adjustments determined using statutory tax rates | |||||||
(2) Strategic business transformation costs are start-up costs related to our regional distribution center supply chain transformation. |

What was JJSF's revenue growth in Q1 2025?
How much is JJSF's new share repurchase authorization?
What was JJSF's Q1 2025 earnings per share?
How did JJSF's different segments perform in Q1 2025?