Half of U.S. Shoppers Plan to Buy Earlier (54%), Spend More (48%) This Holiday Season, Reveals Sensormatic Solutions Survey

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Sensormatic Solutions, part of Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), released its 2024 U.S. Holiday Consumer Sentiment Survey, revealing key insights for retailers this holiday season. 54% of U.S. consumers plan to shop in-store on Black Friday weekend, with many starting their holiday shopping before November. The survey highlights that in-store experiences, such as browsing for gift ideas and seeing products in person, are major motivators for shoppers.

Key findings include:

  • 48% of shoppers plan to spend more this holiday season
  • Finances (52%) and promotion timing (47%) are the top factors influencing shopping start times
  • 69% of shoppers value visible security measures in stores
  • 42% plan to use BOPIS (Buy Online, Pickup In-Store) options

Retailers are advised to focus on creating seamless experiences, offering well-planned promotions, and ensuring efficient omnichannel options to succeed this holiday season.

Sensormatic Solutions, parte di Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), ha pubblicato il suo 2024 U.S. Holiday Consumer Sentiment Survey, rivelando importanti intuizioni per i rivenditori in questa stagione festiva. Il 54% dei consumatori statunitensi prevede di fare acquisti in negozio durante il fine settimana del Black Friday, con molti che iniziano a fare shopping per le festività prima di novembre. L'indagine mette in evidenza che le esperienze in negozio, come cercare idee regalo e vedere i prodotti di persona, sono motivatori principali per i clienti.

I principali risultati includono:

  • Il 48% degli acquirenti prevede di spendere di più in questa stagione festiva
  • Le finanze (52%) e il momento delle promozioni (47%) sono i principali fattori che influenzano i tempi di inizio degli acquisti
  • Il 69% degli acquirenti attribuisce valore a misure di sicurezza visibili nei negozi
  • Il 42% prevede di utilizzare le opzioni BOPIS (Acquista Online, Ritira in Negozio)

Si consiglia ai rivenditori di concentrarsi sulla creazione di esperienze fluide, offrendo promozioni ben pianificate e garantendo opzioni omnichannel efficienti per avere successo in questa stagione festiva.

Sensormatic Solutions, parte de Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), lanzó su Encuesta de Sentimiento del Consumidor durante las Vacaciones de EE. UU. 2024, revelando información clave para los minoristas en esta temporada navideña. El 54% de los consumidores en EE. UU. planea comprar en la tienda durante el fin de semana del Black Friday, con muchos comenzando sus compras navideñas antes de noviembre. La encuesta destaca que las experiencias en la tienda, como buscar ideas para regalos y ver productos en persona, son motivaciones importantes para los compradores.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 48% de los compradores planea gastar más esta temporada navideña
  • Las finanzas (52%) y el momento de las promociones (47%) son los principales factores que influyen en los tiempos de inicio de las compras
  • El 69% de los compradores valora las medidas de seguridad visibles en las tiendas
  • El 42% planea usar opciones BOPIS (Comprar en Línea, Recoger en la Tienda)

Se aconseja a los minoristas enfocarse en crear experiencias sin inconvenientes, ofrecer promociones bien planificadas y garantizar opciones omnicanal eficientes para tener éxito esta temporada navideña.

센서매틱 솔루션즈(Sensormatic Solutions)는 존슨 컨트롤즈(Johnson Controls)(NYSE: JCI)의 일부로서 2024 미국 홀리데이 소비자 심리 조사를 발표하며 이번 연휴 시즌의 소매업체를 위한 주요 인사이트를 공개했습니다. 미국 소비자의 54%가 블랙 프라이데이 주말에 매장에서 쇼핑할 계획이며, 많은 소비자들이 11월 이전에 연휴 쇼핑을 시작할 예정입니다. 조사에 따르면 매장 경험, 즉 선물 아이디어를 탐색하고 상품을 실제로 보는 것이 쇼핑객들에게 큰 동기부여가 된다고 합니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 48%의 쇼핑객이 이번 연휴 시즌에 더 많이 소비할 계획
  • 재정 상황(52%)프로모션 시기(47%)가 쇼핑 시작 시간에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인입니다
  • 69%의 쇼핑객이 매장의 보안 조치를 중요시합니다
  • 42%가 BOPIS(온라인 구매, 매장 수령) 옵션을 사용할 계획입니다

소매업체는 이번 휴가 시즌에 성공하기 위해 원활한 경험을 제공하고, 잘 계획된 프로모션을 제공하며, 효율적인 옴니채널 옵션을 보장해야 한다고 권장됩니다.

Sensormatic Solutions, faisant partie de Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), a publié son Sondage sur le Sentiment des Consommateurs pour les Fêtes aux États-Unis en 2024, révélant des informations clés pour les détaillants cette saison des fêtes. 54% des consommateurs américains prévoient de faire leurs achats en magasin pendant le week-end du Black Friday, beaucoup ayant commencé leurs achats de Noël avant novembre. L'enquête souligne que les expériences en magasin, telles que la recherche d'idées cadeaux et la découverte de produits en personne, sont des moteurs importants pour les acheteurs.

Les principales conclusions comprennent :

  • 48% des acheteurs prévoient de dépenser davantage cette saison des fêtes
  • Les finances (52%) et le timing des promotions (47%) sont les principaux facteurs influençant les moments de début des achats
  • 69% des acheteurs attachent de l'importance aux mesures de sécurité visibles dans les magasins
  • 42% prévoient d'utiliser le BOPIS (Acheter en Ligne, Retirer en Magasin)

Les détaillants sont conseillés de se concentrer sur la création d'expériences fluides, de proposer des promotions bien planifiées et d'assurer des options omnicanales efficaces pour réussir cette saison des fêtes.

Sensormatic Solutions, Teil von Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI), hat seine Umfrage zum Verbraucherverhalten während der US-Feiertage 2024 veröffentlicht, die wichtige Erkenntnisse für Einzelhändler in dieser Feiertagssaison offenbart. 54% der US-Verbraucher planen, am Black Friday-Wochenende im Laden einzukaufen, wobei viele bereits vor November mit dem Einkauf für die Feiertage beginnen. Die Umfrage zeigt, dass Erlebnisse im Geschäft, wie das Stöbern nach Geschenkideen und das Anschauen von Produkten vor Ort, Hauptmotivatoren für Käufer sind.

Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

  • 48% der Käufer planen, in dieser Feiertagssaison mehr auszugeben
  • Finanzen (52%) und der Zeitpunkt von Aktionen (47%) sind die Hauptfaktoren, die die Anfangszeiten des Einkaufs beeinflussen
  • 69% der Käufer legen Wert auf sichtbare Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Geschäft
  • 42% planen, BOPIS (Online kaufen, im Laden abholen)-Optionen zu nutzen

Einzelhändlern wird geraten, sich auf die Schaffung nahtloser Erlebnisse, gut geplanter Aktionen und die Sicherstellung effizienter Omnichannel-Optionen zu konzentrieren, um in dieser Feiertagssaison erfolgreich zu sein.

  • None.
  • None.
  • Seamless, satisfying experiences and well-planned promotions will be 2024’s top differentiators for retailers

NEUHAUSEN, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- More than half (54%) of U.S. consumers intend to shop in-store on Black Friday weekend, according to Sensormatic Solutions, the leading global retail solutions portfolio of Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI). The brand today released the results of its 2024 U.S. Holiday Consumer Sentiment Survey, which indicate that—despite expectations of a strong turnout on the annual promotional holiday—the seasonal rush will start much earlier, with 54% of consumers planning to begin their holiday shopping before November.

The data revealed that the unique benefits of in-store visits are among consumers’ biggest motivators for in-person shopping: browsing for gift ideas (34%) and being able to see products in person before buying (26%). The survey also found that good store associates, visible security measures, and short checkout lines will be key for retailers to win over in-store holiday shoppers. The biggest factors influencing when customers start their holiday shopping are finances (52%), the timing of promotions and holidays (47%), concerns over shipping delays (38%) and the timing of holiday travel/family gatherings (37%).

“If you look at the things that shoppers say will impact their choices, the list focuses primarily on creating seamless experiences that deliver on your brands expectations,” said Grant Gustafson, head of retail consulting and analytics at Sensormatic Solutions. “In-store shoppers today want fast lines, fair prices, in-stock items and a seamless omnichannel experience, and they expect these earlier in the shopping season than they have before. As retailers strive to build loyalty and shoppers plan to spend more, removing common pain points, creating flexible shopping options, personalizing and streamlining experiences from start to finish will be crucial to holiday season success.”

Other notable findings from the survey include:

  • Just over one-quarter (28%) of consumers say the state of their finances will not impact their budgets this holiday season.
  • Significant portions of all age brackets plan to spend at least 10% more this holiday season, though shoppers aged 45-60 are the most likely to do so (41%).
  • Younger shoppers are more likely to take advantage of sales and discount events for their holiday shopping, with shoppers aged 30-44 (71%), 45-60 (71%) and 18-24 (70%) having recently pursued these deal days, flash sales and one-off sales events to purchase holiday items. Only 40% of shoppers aged 60 or above said the same.
  • Forty-two percent of shoppers plan to leverage “buy online, pickup in-store” (BOPIS) options and 35% plan to use “buy online, curbside pickup.” However, 29% say that long wait times for these options have the potential to negatively impact their shopping experience.
  • Sixty-nine percent of shoppers say that visible security measures (including those that make shoppers feel safest such as security personnel, surveillance cameras, and Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) tags) impact their comfort while shopping, and 34% of these respondents will only feel safe if they see these measures in stores.
  • Nearly half (47%) of consumers interact with store associates every time they shop in-store.

“With the season’s busiest days fast approaching, it’s time for retailers to take a deep dive into their data to ensure their holiday plans and promotions are up to par,” said Christa Anz, global marketing leader at Sensormatic Solutions. “Market- and consumer-level insights tell you what shoppers want, but they can’t tell you how to deliver it. That information can only come from having enterprise-, region- and location-specific data that illustrate opportunities to dazzle shoppers throughout the year’s final quarter.”

To learn more about what to expect this holiday season, read “Insights from Sensormatic Solutions 2024 Holiday Survey.” For more Sensormatic Solutions holiday insights, use #SensormaticHolidays2024 to follow along on LinkedIn and X.

About Johnson Controls

At Johnson Controls (NYSE:JCI), we transform the environments where people live, work, learn and play. As the global leader in smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, our mission is to reimagine the performance of buildings to serve people, places and the planet.

Building on a proud history of nearly 140 years of innovation, we deliver the blueprint of the future for industries such as healthcare, schools, data centers, airports, stadiums, manufacturing and beyond through OpenBlue, our comprehensive digital offering.

Today, with a global team of 100,000 experts in more than 150 countries, Johnson Controls offers the world`s largest portfolio of building technology and software as well as service solutions from some of the most trusted names in the industry.

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About Sensormatic Solutions

Sensormatic Solutions, the leading global retail solutions portfolio of Johnson Controls, powers safe, secure and seamless retail experiences. For more than 50 years, the brand has been at the forefront of the industry’s fast-moving technology adoption, redefining retail operations on a global scale and turning insights into actions. Sensormatic Solutions delivers an interconnected ecosystem of loss prevention, inventory intelligence and traffic insight solutions, along with our services and partners to enable retailers worldwide to innovate and elevate with precision, connecting data-driven outcomes that shape retail’s future. Please visit Sensormatic Solutions or follow us on LinkedIn, X and our YouTube channel.


Madison Southall

Sensormatic Solutions by Johnson Controls

Work: +1-215-869-6452

Grace Torrance

Matter on behalf of Sensormatic Solutions

Work: +1-978-518-4504

Source: Sensormatic Solutions


What percentage of U.S. consumers plan to shop in-store on Black Friday weekend in 2024?

According to the Sensormatic Solutions survey, 54% of U.S. consumers plan to shop in-store on Black Friday weekend in 2024.

How many shoppers plan to start their holiday shopping before November 2024?

The survey reveals that 54% of consumers plan to begin their holiday shopping before November 2024.

What are the main factors influencing when customers start their holiday shopping in 2024?

The main factors are finances (52%), timing of promotions and holidays (47%), concerns over shipping delays (38%), and the timing of holiday travel/family gatherings (37%).

What percentage of shoppers plan to spend more during the 2024 holiday season?

According to the survey, 48% of shoppers plan to spend more during the 2024 holiday season.

How many consumers plan to use 'buy online, pickup in-store' (BOPIS) options for holiday shopping in 2024?

The survey indicates that 42% of shoppers plan to leverage 'buy online, pickup in-store' (BOPIS) options for their holiday shopping in 2024.

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