Employee Engagement at Jazz Pharmaceuticals: Cultivating Our Unique Culture

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, a purpose-led, people-centric company, emphasizes employee engagement and cultivating a unique culture. The company's approach includes:

1. Continuous listening through surveys, focus groups, and town halls, with 2023 Pulse surveys showing 85% of employees feel connected to the company's purpose and 81% recommend Jazz as a good place to work.

2. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) initiatives to create a workplace where everyone can be their authentic selves.

3. Employee Resource Teams (ConcERTos) and Affinity Forums to foster inclusivity and provide spaces for underrepresented groups and allies.

These efforts aim to create a welcoming environment, drive better business outcomes, and enable employees to do their best work in transforming patients' lives.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, un'azienda orientata allo scopo e centrata sulle persone, pone l'accento sul coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e sul coltivare una cultura unica. L'approccio dell'azienda include:

1. Ascolto continuo attraverso sondaggi, gruppi focali e assemblee, con i sondaggi Pulse del 2023 che mostrano che l'85% dei dipendenti si sente connesso allo scopo dell'azienda e l'81% raccomanda Jazz come un buon posto dove lavorare.

2. Iniziative di Diversità, Equità, Inclusione e Appartenenza (DEIB) per creare un ambiente lavorativo in cui tutti possano essere se stessi.

3. Team di Risorse per i Dipendenti (ConcERTos) e Forum di Affinità per promuovere l'inclusività e fornire spazi per gruppi sottorappresentati e alleati.

Questi sforzi mirano a creare un ambiente accogliente, a migliorare i risultati aziendali e a permettere ai dipendenti di dare il massimo nel trasformare la vita dei pazienti.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, una empresa orientada a un propósito y centrada en las personas, enfatiza el compromiso de los empleados y el cultivo de una cultura única. El enfoque de la empresa incluye:

1. Escucha continua a través de encuestas, grupos focales y asambleas, con las encuestas Pulse de 2023 mostrando que el 85% de los empleados se siente conectado con el propósito de la empresa y el 81% recomienda a Jazz como un buen lugar para trabajar.

2. Iniciativas de Diversidad, Equidad, Inclusión y Pertenencia (DEIB) para crear un lugar de trabajo donde todos puedan ser auténticos.

3. Equipos de Recursos para Empleados (ConcERTos) y Foros de Afinidad para fomentar la inclusión y proporcionar espacios para grupos subrepresentados y aliados.

Estos esfuerzos buscan crear un ambiente acogedor, impulsar mejores resultados empresariales y permitir que los empleados den lo mejor de sí en la transformación de las vidas de los pacientes.

재즈 제약은 목표 중심의 사람 중심 회사로서, 직원 참여독특한 문화 조성을 강조합니다. 회사의 접근 방식은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 지속적인 청취를 통해 설문조사, 포커스 그룹 및 타운홀 미팅을 진행하며, 2023년 Pulse 설문조사 결과에 따르면 85%의 직원이 회사의 목적과 연결되어 있다고 느끼고, 81%가 Jazz를 좋은 근무 환경으로 추천합니다.

2. 다양성, 형평성, 포용성 및 소속감 (DEIB) 이니셔티브는 모든 사람이 authentically 자신을 표현할 수 있는 직장 만들기를 목표로 합니다.

3. 직원 자원 팀 (ConcERTos)친목 포럼은 포용성을 촉진하고 대표성이 부족한 그룹 및 동맹을 위한 공간을 제공합니다.

이러한 노력은 환영하는 환경을 조성하고, 더 나은 비즈니스 성과를 이끌며, 직원들이 환자의 삶을 변화시키는 최고의 업무를 수행할 수 있도록 장려하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, une entreprise axée sur un but et centrée sur les personnes, met l'accent sur l'engagement des employés et la culture unique. L'approche de l'entreprise comprend :

1. Écoute continue à travers des enquêtes, des groupes de discussion et des assemblées, avec les enquêtes Pulse de 2023 montrant que 85 % des employés se sentent connectés au but de l'entreprise et 81 % recommandent Jazz comme un bon endroit pour travailler.

2. Des initiatives de Diversité, Équité, Inclusion et Appartenance (DEIB) pour créer un lieu de travail où chacun peut être authentique.

3. Des équipes de ressources pour les employés (ConcERTos) et des forums d'affinité pour favoriser l'inclusivité et fournir des espaces pour les groupes sous-représentés et leurs alliés.

Ces efforts visent à créer un environnement accueillant, à améliorer les résultats commerciaux et à permettre aux employés de faire de leur mieux pour transformer la vie des patients.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, ein zielorientiertes und menschenzentriertes Unternehmen, legt großen Wert auf Mitarbeiterengagement und die Förderung einer einzigartigen Kultur. Der Ansatz des Unternehmens umfasst:

1. Kontinuierliches Zuhören durch Umfragen, Fokusgruppen und Versammlungen, wobei die Pulse-Umfragen 2023 zeigen, dass 85 % der Mitarbeiter sich mit dem Zweck des Unternehmens verbunden fühlen und 81 % Jazz als einen guten Arbeitsplatz empfehlen.

2. Initiativen zur Diversität, Gleichheit, Inklusion und Zugehörigkeit (DEIB), um einen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, an dem jeder authentisch sein kann.

3. Mitarbeiterressourcentrupps (ConcERTos) und Affinity-Foren, um Inklusion zu fördern und Räume für unterrepräsentierte Gruppen und Verbündete zu bieten.

Diese Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, ein einladendes Umfeld zu schaffen, bessere Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen und den Mitarbeitern zu ermöglichen, ihre beste Arbeit zur Transformation des Lebens der Patienten zu leisten.

  • High employee engagement with 85% feeling connected to the company's purpose
  • 81% of employees recommend Jazz as a good place to work
  • 32% of employees actively participate in ConcERTos and Affinity Forums
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / Jazz Pharmaceuticals

Originally published in Jazz Pharmaceuticals' 2023 Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report

Management Approach

The founders of Jazz created a company based on culture, a strong sense of purpose for delivering life-changing medicines and the ambition to create a great place to work. More than two decades later, Jazz remains a purpose-led, people-centric and performance-driven company. Our origin story remains the cornerstone of our culture and informs our approach to our People pillar.

Our talent is one of our most important assets. We attract and retain a diverse set of employees, ensuring we have the critical capabilities to successfully operate our business. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people can thrive as they work together to impact the lives of our patients and their families.

We build people programs, practices and initiatives around our purpose and culture, which support our aim for Jazz to be the best work experience of our employees' careers.

Employee Engagement: Cultivating Our Unique Culture

We believe connections matter. In order to transform the lives of patients, we must first focus on our people, ensuring we create a culture that enables them to do their best work.


A core element of our people strategy is to listen, learn and improve. Our active employee listening strategy allows us to determine areas for improvement to ensure the business environment is aligned to one global culture. This approach leverages a variety of listening methods, including surveys, focus groups, leader listening sessions, Employee Resource Teams and town halls.

Jazz conducts recurring employee Pulse surveys to gather feedback on what our employees value about the workplace experience, consistently achieving participation rates above 75%. Survey results are shared fully and openly with all employees, providing valuable insights into where to focus, prioritize and create a greater sense of belonging while informing initiatives aligned to our corporate objectives. Management actively engages employees on the results, and action plans are implemented where there are areas for improvement.

At Jazz, we truly appreciate the feedback we receive from our employees. Our 2023 Pulse surveys showed positive results with 85% of respondents indicating they feel connected to our purpose to transform the lives of patients and their families and 81% recommending Jazz as a good place to work.


Jazz strives to create a workplace culture that encourages everyone to be their authentic selves. Building a sense of belonging by championing DEIB drives better business outcomes and creates a better environment for our employees to do their best work.

At Jazz, we are committed to:

  • Create and embrace diversity in our workplace, leadership and beyond

  • Encourage all to learn more about challenges and inequities in society

  • Ensure our policies and processes are equitable

  • Foster DEIB in the world around us by investing in employee resources and support


Creating a sense of belonging for all employees is an important aspect of embracing diversity and ensuring we foster a culture of acceptance and inclusion. To this end, we created Employee Resource Teams (ConcERTos) where every employee can find membership and allyship.

Our ConcERTos were established with the intention that every employee has unique offerings and diverse experiences to offer and were established as broad self-led teams of employee volunteers. These teams deliver global events to educate the organization on important issues, celebrate important dates on our cultural calendar, foster allyship, amplify inclusive tools and resources to drive innovation, create opportunities for community and connection and act as employee listening hubs to share feedback supporting business and work practice decisions.

We have three active ConcERTos, including:

  • Inclusion for Innovation. Leveraging our people to make Jazz a better place to work and help us improve to impact more patients' lives through inclusive work practices

  • Community Beat. Strengthening the bond between our people by fostering social connection and giving back to our communities (see the Community Pillar section of this report for further details)

  • All Dimensions of Diversity. Connecting our people from a diverse range of backgrounds to educate the business, build connections and improve allyship

In addition to our unique approach to ConcERTos, we have five active Affinity Forums at Jazz that partner closely with our All Dimensions of Diversity ConcERTo. Affinity Forums are open to all employees and provide a space for employees from traditionally underrepresented groups and their allies to build community, while engaging in educational and other activities. The five forums include, ¡HOLA Jazz! (Hispanic Organization for Leadership Advancement), JazzSoul, JAWS (Jazz Association for Women Supporters), Jazz Pride and Pan-Asian. In 2023, our ConcERTos and Affinity Forums led seven global events aimed at educating employees, including events for International Women's Day, Juneteenth and Pride Month.

We believe our differentiated approach to employee-led action provides an environment that creates opportunities for all Jazz employees, regardless of background, to find belonging in the workplace. This inclusive approach inspires active engagement toward our DEIB efforts across the company, with 32% of employees active in our ConcERTo and Affinity Forums at the end of 2023.

Learn more about Jazz Pharmaceuticals commitment to progress, responsibility and innovation in its 2023 Corporate Sustainability and Social Impact Report

View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Jazz Pharmaceuticals on

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Spokesperson: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

SOURCE: Jazz Pharmaceuticals

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What are Jazz Pharmaceuticals' (JAZZ) main employee engagement initiatives?

Jazz Pharmaceuticals' main employee engagement initiatives include continuous listening through surveys and focus groups, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) programs, and Employee Resource Teams (ConcERTos) and Affinity Forums to foster inclusivity and provide spaces for underrepresented groups and allies.

How do Jazz Pharmaceuticals' (JAZZ) employees feel about the company's purpose?

According to Jazz Pharmaceuticals' 2023 Pulse surveys, 85% of respondents indicated they feel connected to the company's purpose to transform the lives of patients and their families.

What percentage of Jazz Pharmaceuticals (JAZZ) employees recommend it as a good place to work?

Based on Jazz Pharmaceuticals' 2023 Pulse surveys, 81% of employees recommend Jazz as a good place to work.

How many active ConcERTos does Jazz Pharmaceuticals (JAZZ) have?

Jazz Pharmaceuticals has three active ConcERTos: Inclusion for Innovation, Community Beat, and All Dimensions of Diversity.

Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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