Ivanhoe Mines Announces Phase 3 Concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex Has Achieved Commercial Production

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Ivanhoe Mines announces that the Phase 3 concentrator at the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of Congo has achieved commercial production. The complex reported a record 35,941 tonnes of copper produced in July. With Phase 3, Kamoa-Kakula's annual copper production capacity increases to over 600,000 tonnes, making it the third-largest copper mining complex globally.

The Phase 3 concentrator was completed ahead of schedule on May 28, 2024, with copper concentrate production starting on June 10, 2024. It consistently mills at the nameplate processing rate of 5 million tonnes of ore per annum. The company is also pursuing ways to maximize copper production through the 'Project 95' program and debottlenecking of the Phase 3 concentrator.

Ivanhoe Mines annuncia che il concentratore Fase 3 presso il Complesso di Rame Kamoa-Kakula nella Repubblica Democratica del Congo ha raggiunto la produzione commerciale. Il complesso ha riportato un record di 35.941 tonnellate di rame prodotte a luglio. Con la Fase 3, la capacità di produzione annuale di rame di Kamoa-Kakula aumenta a oltre 600.000 tonnellate, rendendolo il terzo complesso minerario di rame più grande al mondo.

Il concentratore Fase 3 è stato completato prima del previsto il 28 maggio 2024, con l'inizio della produzione di concentrato di rame il 10 giugno 2024. Lavora costantemente alla capacità di lavorazione nominata di 5 milioni di tonnellate di minerale all'anno. L'azienda sta anche cercando modi per massimizzare la produzione di rame attraverso il programma 'Project 95' e il miglioramento della Fase 3.

Ivanhoe Mines anuncia que el concentrador Fase 3 en el Complejo de Cobre Kamoa-Kakula en la República Democrática del Congo ha alcanzado la producción comercial. El complejo reportó un récord de 35,941 toneladas de cobre producidas en julio. Con la Fase 3, la capacidad de producción anual de cobre de Kamoa-Kakula aumenta a más de 600,000 toneladas, convirtiéndolo en el tercer complejo minero de cobre más grande del mundo.

El concentrador Fase 3 se completó antes de lo previsto el 28 de mayo de 2024, comenzando la producción de concentrado de cobre el 10 de junio de 2024. Procesa de manera constante a la capacidad de procesamiento nominal de 5 millones de toneladas de mineral por año. La compañía también está buscando maneras de maximizar la producción de cobre a través del programa 'Project 95' y la mejora del concentrador Fase 3.

아이반호 광업(Ivanhoe Mines)콩고 민주 공화국(Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex)에 위치한 3단계 농축 공장상업 생산을 시작했다고 발표했습니다. 이 복합체는 7월에 35,941톤의 구리가 생산된 기록을 보고했습니다. 3단계로 Kamoa-Kakula의 연간 구리 생산 능력은 60만 톤 이상으로 증가하고, 이를 통해 세계에서 세 번째로 큰 구리 광산 복합체가 되었습니다.

3단계 농축공장은 예정보다 앞서 2024년 5월 28일에 완공되었으며, 구리 농축 생산은 2024년 6월 10일에 시작되었습니다. 이 공장은 연간 500만 톤의 광석 처리 능력으로 지속적으로 가공합니다. 회사는 또한 'Project 95' 프로그램과 3단계 농축공장의 병목 현상을 제거하여 구리 생산 최적화를 추구하고 있습니다.

Ivanhoe Mines annonce que le concentrateur Phase 3 du complexe de cuivre Kamoa-Kakula en République Démocratique du Congo a atteint la production commerciale. Le complexe a enregistré un record de 35 941 tonnes de cuivre produites en juillet. Avec la Phase 3, la capacité de production annuelle de cuivre de Kamoa-Kakula augmente à plus de 600 000 tonnes, ce qui en fait le troisième plus grand complexe minier de cuivre au monde.

Le concentrateur Phase 3 a été achevé avant les délais le 28 mai 2024, avec le début de la production de concentré de cuivre le 10 juin 2024. Il fonctionne en continu à un taux de traitement nominal de 5 millions de tonnes de minerai par an. L'entreprise cherche également des moyens d'optimiser la production de cuivre grâce au programme 'Project 95' et à l'amélioration du concentrateur de la Phase 3.

Ivanhoe Mines gibt bekannt, dass der Phase-3-Konzentrator im Kamoa-Kakula Kupferkomplex in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo die kommerzielle Produktion erreicht hat. Der Komplex meldete eine Rekordproduktion von 35.941 Tonnen Kupfer im Juli. Mit Phase 3 erhöht sich die Jahresproduktion von Kupfer in Kamoa-Kakula auf über 600.000 Tonnen, wodurch es zum drittgrößten Kupferbergbaukomplex weltweit wird.

Der Phase-3-Konzentrator wurde vor dem Zeitplan fertiggestellt, am 28. Mai 2024, und die Produktion von Kupferkonzentrat begann am 10. Juni 2024. Er verarbeitet ständig bei der nominellen Verarbeitungsrate von 5 Millionen Tonnen Erz pro Jahr. Das Unternehmen sucht auch nach Möglichkeiten zur Maximierung der Kupferproduktion durch das 'Projekt 95'-Programm und die Entlastung des Phase-3-Konzentrators.

  • Phase 3 concentrator achieved commercial production ahead of schedule
  • Record copper production of 35,941 tonnes in July
  • Annual copper production capacity increased to over 600,000 tonnes
  • Kamoa-Kakula becomes third-largest copper mining complex globally
  • Phase 3 concentrator consistently milling at nameplate processing rate of 5 million tonnes per annum
  • Potential for further increase in processing capacity and recovery rate
  • None.

Kamoa-Kakula reports a record 35,941 tonnes of copper produced in July

Phase 3 increases annual copper production capacity to over 600,000 tonnes, making Kamoa-Kakula the third-largest copper mining complex globally

Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo--(Newsfile Corp. - August 19, 2024) - Ivanhoe Mines (TSX: IVN) (OTCQX: IVPAF) Executive Co-Chairman Robert Friedland and President Marna Cloete announced today that the Phase 3 concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has reached commercial production. In addition, Kamoa-Kakula's Phase 1, 2 and 3 concentrators achieved a combined monthly production record of 35,941 tonnes of copper in July.

Mr. Friedland commented: "Kamoa-Kakula's operations team continues to achieve a very rare feat in our industry... delivering world-scale copper development projects ahead of schedule, while also advancing smoothly through to commercial production at an impressive rate. Kamoa-Kakula's record-setting production in July marks the onset of rapid copper growth over the second half of 2024, with Phase 3 on track to increase annualized production capacity from approximately 450,000 tonnes to over 600,000 tonnes.

"We are also pursuing avenues to maximize copper production from Kamoa-Kakula's current operating footprint, with recoveries anticipated to increase via our 'Project 95' program, and overall throughput to also increase through the near-term debottlenecking of the Phase 3 concentrator. We expect Ivanhoe's aggressive copper growth story to continue as we advance planning on Kamoa-Kakula's Phase 4 expansion, while exploration continues to impress on our adjacent Western Foreland licenses."

Kamoa-Kakula's Phase 3 concentrator was completed ahead of schedule on May 28, 2024, with copper concentrate production commencing on June 10, 2024. The Phase 3 concentrator subsequently achieved commercial production. This accelerated ramp-up schedule was primarily due to experience gained from the ramp-up of the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators that also achieved commercial production over a similar period of time.

The Phase 3 concentrator is consistently milling at the nameplate processing rate of 5 million tonnes of ore per annum. Milling has also exceeded nameplate capacity on multiple occasions over 24 hours by as much as 19%. Commissioning of the fine-grinding mills is the final stage of ramp-up required to achieve steady state production, increasing recovery from approximately 80% to the nameplate target of 86%. The fine-grinding mills, manufactured by Metso Corporation of Helsinki, Finland, are currently undergoing installation with commissioning expected to commence from the end of August.

Following the "Project 95" basic engineering work that was recently completed on the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators, Kamoa Copper's engineering team will soon commence study work targeting an increase in the Phase 3 concentrator's recovery rate to over 90%, as well as a further increase in processing capacity.

Since first production, the Phase 3 concentrator has produced over 11,000 tonnes of copper in concentrate. The first sale of copper concentrate produced by the Phase 3 concentrator took place in July, with all concentrate produced so far toll smelted at the nearby Lualaba Copper Smelter (LCS) in Kolwezi. To date, over 33,000 wet metric tonnes of copper concentrate have been delivered to LCS. In the fourth quarter, prior to the heat-up of the on-site copper smelter at Kamoa-Kakula in early 2025, a portion of the Phase 3 copper concentrate will be stockpiled on-site with the remainder delivered to LCS.

On a stand-alone basis, the Phase 3 concentrator is expected to produce approximately 150,000 tonnes of copper per annum. In addition to the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators, total copper production capacity at Kamoa-Kakula is expected to be over 600,000 tonnes per annum, making it the third largest copper mining operation globally.

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Stockpiles of Phase 3 copper concentrate inside the concentrate storage warehouse. Concentrate is transported in bulk to the nearby Lualaba copper smelter in Kolwezi for smelting to 99.7% copper blister.

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Aerial view of Kamoa-Kakula's copper smelter construction site (foreground) and Phase 1 and 2 concentrators (background). The smelter project is over 86% complete and on-schedule for construction completion by year-end. Once complete, it will be the largest copper smelter in Africa. 

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Figure 1. 2022 Scope 1, 2 & 3 copper greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity curve, highlighting Kamoa-Kakula and the top 10 largest copper mining operations. Following the completion and ramp-up of the on-site smelter, the GHG emissions intensity is expected to almost halve.

Notes: Kamoa-Kakula and industry peer Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions data are estimates by Skarn Associates. Estimates include emissions to produce refined LME-grade copper, from ore to refinery gate. The emissions estimates for Scope 3 include Category 9, downstream transportation and distribution, and Category 10, processing of sold products. The horizontal width of each bar represents each operation's 2022 copper production. In 2022, Kamoa-Kakula produced 333,497 tonnes of copper, emitting an estimated 791,939 equivalent tonnes of CO2, thereby producing 2.42 equivalent tonnes of CO2 per tonne of copper produced. In 2026, Kamoa-Kakula is estimated to produce 632,000 tonnes of copper, emitting an estimated 830,894 equivalent tonnes of CO2, thereby producing 1.31 equivalent tonnes of CO2 per tonne of copper produced. Chart sources: Skarn Associates, WSP Group, Ivanhoe Mines

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Qualified Persons

Disclosures of a scientific or technical nature at the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in this news release have been reviewed and approved by Steve Amos, who is considered, by virtue of his education, experience, and professional association, a Qualified Person under the terms of NI 43-101. Mr. Amos is not considered independent under NI 43-101 as he is Ivanhoe Mines' Executive Vice President, Projects. Mr. Amos has verified the technical data disclosed in this news release.

Ivanhoe has prepared an independent, NI 43-101-compliant technical report for the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex, which is available on the company's website and under the company's SEDAR+ profile at

  • Kamoa-Kakula Integrated Development Plan 2023 Technical Report dated March 6, 2023, prepared by OreWin Pty Ltd.; China Nerin Engineering Co. Ltd.; DRA Global; Epoch Resources; Golder Associates Africa; Metso Outotec Oyj; Paterson and Cooke; SRK Consulting Ltd.; and The MSA Group.

The technical report includes relevant information regarding the assumptions, parameters, and methods of the mineral resource estimates on the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex cited in this news release, as well as information regarding data verification, exploration procedures, and other matters relevant to the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About Ivanhoe Mines

Ivanhoe Mines is a Canadian mining company focused on advancing its three principal projects in Southern Africa; the expansion of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the DRC, the construction of the tier-one Platreef palladium-nickel-platinum-rhodium-copper-gold project in South Africa; and the restart of production at the ultra-high-grade Kipushi zinc-copper-germanium-silver mine, also in the DRC.

Ivanhoe Mines also is exploring across circa 1,808 km2 of highly prospective, 60-100% owned exploration licences in the Western Forelands, located adjacent to the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex in the DRC. Ivanhoe is exploring for new sedimentary copper discoveries, as well as expanding and further defining its high-grade Makoko, Kiala, and Kitoko copper discoveries as the company's next major development projects.

Information contact

Follow Robert Friedland (@robert_ivanhoe) and Ivanhoe Mines (@IvanhoeMines_) on X.


Vancouver: Matthew Keevil +1.604.558.1034

London: Tommy Horton +44 7866 913 207


Tanya Todd +1.604.331.9834


Forward-looking statements

Certain statements in this release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such statements and information involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company, its projects, or industry results, to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or information. Such statements can be identified using words such as "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "expect", "believe", "plan", "anticipate", "estimate", "scheduled", "forecast", "predict" and other similar terminology, or state that certain actions, events, or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. These statements reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events, performance, and results and speak only as of the date of this release.

Such statements include without limitation: (i) statements that Phase 3 will increase annualized production capacity from approximately 450,000 tonnes to over 600,000 tonnes; (ii) statements that recovery rates from the Phase 1 and 2 concentrators are expected to increase via the 'Project 95' program and that overall throughput is also expected to increase through the near-term debottlenecking of the Phase 3 concentrator; (iii) statements that commissioning of the fine-grinding mills is the final stage of ramp-up required to achieve steady state production of the Phase 3 concentrator and that commissioning is expected to commence from the end of August 2024; (iv) statements that Kamoa Copper's engineering team will soon commence study work targeting a further increase in the Phase 3 concentrator's nameplate recovery rate from 86% to over 90%; (v) statements that before the heat-up of the on-site copper smelter at Kamoa-Kakula, all copper concentrate produced by the Phase 3 concentrator will continue to be smelted at LCS, and that in the fourth quarter, a portion of the Phase 3 copper concentrate will start to be stockpiled on-site in anticipation for the smelter heat-up, which is expected in early 2025; (vi) statements that the Phase 3 concentrator is expected to produce approximately 150,000 tonnes of copper per annum, and (v) statements that total copper production capacity following the completion of the Phase 3 expansion at Kamoa-Kakula is expected to be over 600,000 tonnes per annum, making it the third largest copper mining operation globally.

Furthermore, concerning this specific forward-looking information concerning the operation and development of the Kamoa-Kakula Copper Complex, the company has based its assumptions and analysis on certain factors that are inherently uncertain. Uncertainties include: (i) the adequacy of infrastructure; (ii) geological characteristics; (iii) metallurgical characteristics of the mineralization; (iv) the ability to develop adequate processing capacity; (v) the price of copper; (vi) the availability of equipment and facilities necessary to complete development and exploration; (vii) the cost of consumables and mining and processing equipment; (viii) unforeseen technological and engineering problems; (ix) accidents or acts of sabotage or terrorism; (x) currency fluctuations; (xi) changes in regulations; (xii) the compliance by joint venture partners with terms of agreements; (xiii) the availability and productivity of skilled labour; (xiv) the regulation of the mining industry by various governmental agencies; (xv) the ability to raise sufficient capital to develop such projects; (xvi) changes in project scope or design; (xvii) recoveries, mining rates and grade; (xviii) political factors; (xviii) water inflow into the mine and its potential effect on mining operations, and (xix) the consistency and availability of electric power.

Forward-looking statements and information involve significant risks and uncertainties, should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results, and will not necessarily be accurate indicators of whether such results will be achieved. Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements or information, including, however not limited to, the factors discussed above and under the "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the company's MD&A for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and in its current annual information form, as well as unexpected changes in laws, rules or regulations, or their enforcement by applicable authorities; the failure of parties to contracts with the company to perform as agreed; social or labour unrest; changes in commodity prices; and the failure of exploration programs or studies to deliver anticipated results or results that would justify and support continued exploration, studies, development or operations.

Although the forward-looking statements contained in this release are based upon what management of the company believes are reasonable assumptions, the company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this release and are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Subject to applicable securities laws, the company does not assume any obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release.

The company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of the factors outlined in the "Risk Factors" section in the company's MD&A for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and its current annual information form.

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What is the new annual copper production capacity of Kamoa-Kakula after Phase 3?

After the completion of Phase 3, Kamoa-Kakula's annual copper production capacity has increased to over 600,000 tonnes, making it the third-largest copper mining complex globally.

How much copper did Kamoa-Kakula produce in July 2024?

Kamoa-Kakula reported a record production of 35,941 tonnes of copper in July 2024.

When did the Phase 3 concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula achieve commercial production?

The Phase 3 concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula achieved commercial production as announced on August 19, 2024.

What is the nameplate processing rate of the Phase 3 concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula?

The Phase 3 concentrator at Kamoa-Kakula consistently mills at the nameplate processing rate of 5 million tonnes of ore per annum.

How does Ivanhoe Mines (IVPAF) plan to further increase copper production at Kamoa-Kakula?

Ivanhoe Mines plans to increase copper production at Kamoa-Kakula through the 'Project 95' program to improve recoveries and by debottlenecking the Phase 3 concentrator to increase overall throughput.



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