Ispire Technology Unveils Revolutionary "I-80" Vape Filling Machine at Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference

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Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR) is set to unveil its revolutionary I-80 vapor device filling machine at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago on October 8-9. The I-80 promises to transform cannabis production efficiency with its ability to produce 4,000 fully filled and sealed vapor devices per hour, which is 10 times faster than traditional manual methods and twice as quick as current automated systems.

Key features of the I-80 include:

  • Cost savings of $1,000 for every 10,000 units produced
  • Elimination of separate capping process with Ispire's self-sealing devices
  • Up to 1,000% boost in operational efficiency compared to manual methods
  • Estimated 100% improvement over other automated systems

The I-80 is expected to attract significant interest from multi-state operators (MSOs), single-state operators (SSOs), and investors due to its potential to dramatically reduce costs and enhance productivity in the cannabis industry.

Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR) è pronta a svelare la sua rivoluzionaria macchina per il riempimento di dispositivi a vapore I-80 durante la Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference a Chicago l'8 e il 9 ottobre. L'I-80 promette di trasformare l'efficienza della produzione di cannabis con la sua capacità di produrre 4.000 dispositivi a vapore completamente riempiti e sigillati all'ora, il che è 10 volte più veloce rispetto ai metodi manuali tradizionali e due volte più rapido rispetto ai sistemi automatizzati attuali.

Le caratteristiche chiave dell'I-80 includono:

  • Risparmi di costo di 1.000 dollari per ogni 10.000 unità prodotte
  • Eliminazione del processo di chiusura separato grazie ai dispositivi auto-sigillanti di Ispire
  • Fino al 1.000% di aumento dell'efficienza operativa rispetto ai metodi manuali
  • Un miglioramento stimato del 100% rispetto ad altri sistemi automatizzati

Si prevede che l'I-80 attirerà un notevole interesse da parte degli operatori multi-stato (MSO), degli operatori mono-stato (SSO) e degli investitori, grazie al suo potenziale di ridurre drasticamente i costi e aumentare la produttività nel settore della cannabis.

Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR) se prepara para presentar su revolucionaria máquina de llenado de dispositivos de vapor I-80 en la Conferencia de Capital Cannábico de Benzinga en Chicago el 8 y 9 de octubre. La I-80 promete transformar la eficiencia en la producción de cannabis con su capacidad de producir 4,000 dispositivos de vapor completamente llenos y sellados por hora, lo que es 10 veces más rápido que los métodos manuales tradicionales y dos veces más rápido que los sistemas automatizados actuales.

Las características clave de la I-80 incluyen:

  • Ahorros de costos de 1,000 dólares por cada 10,000 unidades producidas
  • Eliminación del proceso de taponado separado gracias a los dispositivos auto-sellantes de Ispire
  • Hasta un 1,000% de aumento en la eficiencia operativa en comparación con los métodos manuales
  • Mejora estimada del 100% sobre otros sistemas automatizados

Se espera que la I-80 atraiga un gran interés por parte de operadores multistatales (MSO), operadores de un solo estado (SSO) e inversores debido a su potencial para reducir drásticamente los costos y mejorar la productividad en la industria del cannabis.

Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR)는 10월 8일과 9일 시카고에서 열리는 Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference에서 혁신적인 I-80 증기 장치 충전기계를 공개할 예정입니다. I-80은 시간당 4,000개의 완전히 충전되고 밀봉된 증기 장치를 생산할 수 있는 능력으로 대마 생산 효율을 혁신적으로 변화시킬 것입니다. 이는 전통적인 수동 방법보다 10배 빠르며 현재의 자동화 시스템보다 2배 빠릅니다.

I-80의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 생산된 10,000개 당 1,000달러의 비용 절감
  • Ispire의 자기 밀봉 장치를 통해 별도의 캡핑 공정 제거
  • 수동 방법에 비해 최대 1,000% 운영 효율성 증가
  • 다른 자동화 시스템에 비해 추정 100% 향상

I-80은 대마 산업에서 비용을 극적으로 줄이고 생산성을 높일 수 있는 잠재력 때문에 다수주 주 운영자(MSO), 단일 주 운영자(SSO) 및 투자자들로부터 상당한 관심을 받을 것으로 예상됩니다.

Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR) est sur le point de dévoiler sa machine de remplissage de dispositifs à vapeur I-80 révolutionnaire lors de la Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference à Chicago les 8 et 9 octobre. L'I-80 promet de transformer l'efficacité de la production de cannabis grâce à sa capacité à produire 4 000 dispositifs à vapeur entièrement remplis et scellés par heure, ce qui est 10 fois plus rapide que les méthodes manuelles traditionnelles et deux fois plus rapide que les systèmes automatisés actuels.

Les caractéristiques clés de l'I-80 incluent :

  • Économies de coûts de 1 000 dollars pour chaque 10 000 unités produites
  • Élimination du processus de capsulage séparé grâce aux dispositifs auto-scellants d'Ispire
  • Jusqu'à 1 000 % d'augmentation de l'efficacité opérationnelle par rapport aux méthodes manuelles
  • Amélioration estimée de 100 % par rapport à d'autres systèmes automatisés

L'I-80 devrait attirer un intérêt considérable de la part des opérateurs multisectoriels (MSO), des opérateurs unisectoriels (SSO) et des investisseurs en raison de son potentiel à réduire considérablement les coûts et à améliorer la productivité dans l'industrie du cannabis.

Ispire Technology Inc. (NASDAQ: ISPR) wird auf der Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago am 8. und 9. Oktober seine revolutionäre I-80 Dampfgeräte-Füllmaschine vorstellen. Die I-80 verspricht, die Effizienz der Cannabisproduktion durch ihre Fähigkeit zu transformieren, 4.000 vollständig gefüllte und versiegelte Dampfgeräte pro Stunde zu produzieren, was 10-mal schneller ist als traditionelle manuelle Methoden und doppelt so schnell wie die derzeitigen automatisierten Systeme.

Zu den wichtigsten Merkmalen der I-80 gehören:

  • Kostenersparnis von 1.000 Dollar für jede produzierte Einheit von 10.000
  • Beseitigung des separaten Verschlussprozesses mit den selbstversiegelnden Geräten von Ispire
  • Bis zu 1.000% Steigerung der operativen Effizienz im Vergleich zu manuellen Methoden
  • Geschätzte 100% Verbesserung im Vergleich zu anderen automatisierten Systemen

Es wird erwartet, dass die I-80 erhebliches Interesse von Multi-State-Operatoren (MSOs), Single-State-Operatoren (SSOs) und Investoren auf sich ziehen wird, da sie das Potenzial hat, die Kosten dramatisch zu senken und die Produktivität in der Cannabisindustrie zu steigern.

  • Introduction of the I-80 vapor device filling machine with 4,000 units per hour capacity
  • 10x faster production compared to manual methods, 2x faster than current automated systems
  • Cost savings of $1,000 for every 10,000 units produced
  • Elimination of separate capping process, improving efficiency by up to 1,000% over manual methods
  • Estimated 100% improvement in efficiency over other automated systems
  • None.


The I-80 vape filling machine represents a significant technological leap in cannabis production automation. Its 4,000 units per hour capacity is truly impressive, doubling the speed of current automated systems. This level of efficiency could be a game-changer for large-scale cannabis operators, potentially reducing labor costs and increasing output substantially.

The integration with Ispire's self-sealing devices is particularly noteworthy, as it eliminates the need for a separate capping process. This streamlining could lead to fewer points of failure in the production line and reduced material costs. The claimed 1,000% efficiency boost over manual methods is substantial, though real-world performance may vary depending on implementation.

While the technology seems promising, potential adopters should consider factors such as initial investment costs, maintenance requirements and compatibility with their existing production lines. The true value of this innovation will be determined by its reliability and consistency in real-world cannabis manufacturing environments.

Ispire's I-80 machine could significantly impact the cannabis industry's competitive landscape. With a claimed cost saving of $1,000 per 10,000 units produced, this technology offers a compelling value proposition for high-volume producers. Multi-state operators (MSOs) and single-state operators (SSOs) looking to scale operations efficiently may find this particularly attractive.

The timing of this unveiling at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference is strategic, potentially attracting investor attention in a challenging market. For Ispire (NASDAQ: ISPR), this product could drive revenue growth and market share expansion in the cannabis technology sector.

However, the cannabis industry is known for regulatory complexities and regional variations. The adoption rate of the I-80 will likely depend on factors such as regulatory compliance, initial capital requirements and the machine's adaptability to different cannabis products and packaging formats. Investors should monitor early adopter feedback and the machine's performance metrics in real-world settings to gauge its long-term market potential.

Groundbreaking Technology Is 2x Faster than Current Automated Systems, Promises 10x Efficiency Boost, Unmatched Efficiency and Cost Savings

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ispire Technology Inc. ("Ispire" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: ISPR), a leader in the development and commercialization of vaping technology and precision dosing, is set to revolutionize the cannabis industry with its groundbreaking "I-80" vapor device filling machine. Unveiling at the  Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago on October 8 and 9, the I-80 promises to redefine production efficiency with its ability to produce 4000 fully filled and sealed vapor devices per hour.

The I-80 vapor filling machine sets a new standard in production capacity and efficiency for cannabis operators:

  • Unprecedented Speed: 4,000 filled and sealed 0.5ml vapor devices per hour
  • Efficiency Boost: 10x faster than traditional manual methods, 2x quicker than current automated systems
  • Cost-Effective: Saves $1,000 for every 10,000 units produced
  • Eliminates Capping: Ispire's self-sealing devices remove the need for separate capping, boosting overall workflow efficiency by 1,000% over manual methods and 100% over other automated systems

"The I-80 isn't just a machine; it's a game-changing solution to the capacity challenges that have hindered cannabis operators for years," said Michael Wang, Co-CEO of Ispire. "We're not just improving productivity – we're leading a paradigm shift in cannabis production efficiency. This innovation aligns with our mission to push the boundaries of technology for the benefit of our customers and the adult consumers they serve."

Redefining the Production Landscape
When paired with Ispire's self-sealing devices, the I-80 dramatically enhances operational efficency:

  • Eliminates the need for separate capping
  • Boosts operational efficiency by up to 1,000% compared to manual methods
  • Delivers an estimated 100% improvement over other automated systems

The I-80's launch is poised to captivate multi-state operators (MSOs), single-state operators (SSOs), and investors. Its ability to slash costs and enhance productivity makes it an irresistible proposition for industry leaders looking to gain a competitive edge.
 Experience the I-80's groundbreaking capabilities in person at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, October 8-9, at the Marriott Magnificent Mile in Chicago, IL. To schedule a live demo and explore how the I-80 can transform your business, contact Ispire at Dennis Lider, SVP Cannabis at

About Ispire Technology Inc.
Ispire is engaged in the research and development, design, commercialization, sales, marketing and distribution of branded e-cigarettes and cannabis vaping products. The Company's operating subsidiaries own or license more than 200 patents worldwide. Ispire's branded e-cigarette products are marketed under the Aspire name and are sold worldwide (except in the U.S., People's Republic of China and Russia) primarily through its global distribution network. The Company also engages in original design manufacture (ODM) relationships with e-cigarette brands and retailers worldwide. The Company's cannabis products are marketed under the Ispire brand name primarily on an ODM basis to other cannabis vapor companies. Ispire sells its cannabis vaping hardware in the US, Europe and South Africa, and it recently commenced marketing activities and customer engagement in Canada and Latin America. For more information, visit or follow Ispire on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act") as well as Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, as amended, that are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by those sections. Forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and describe the Company's future plans, strategies and expectations, can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terms such as "believe," "expect," "may," "will," "should," "would," "could," "seek," "intend," "plan," "goal," "project," "estimate," "anticipate," "strategy," "future," "likely" or other comparable terms, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release regarding the Company's strategies, prospects, financial condition, operations, costs, plans and objectives are forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause the Company's actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties including those regarding: the Company's ability to collect its accounts receivable in a timely manner, the Company's business strategies, the ability of the Company to market to the Ispire ONE™, Ispire ONE's success if meeting its goals, the ability of its customers to derive the anticipated benefits of the Ispire ONE™ and the success of their products on the markets; the Ispire ONE™ proving to be safe, and the risk and uncertainties described in "Risk Factors," "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," "Cautionary Note on Forward-Looking Statements" and the additional risk described in Ispire's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2023 and any subsequent filings which Ispire makes with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. You should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. The forward-looking statements made in the press release relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made in the press release. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events except as required by law. You should read this press release with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect.

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SOURCE Ispire Technology Inc.


What is the production capacity of Ispire's new I-80 vape filling machine?

Ispire's new I-80 vape filling machine has a production capacity of 4,000 fully filled and sealed 0.5ml vapor devices per hour.

How much faster is the I-80 compared to manual and current automated systems?

The I-80 is 10 times faster than traditional manual methods and twice as quick as current automated systems in the cannabis industry.

What cost savings does the I-80 vape filling machine offer?

The I-80 vape filling machine offers cost savings of $1,000 for every 10,000 units produced.

When and where will Ispire Technology (ISPR) unveil the I-80 vape filling machine?

Ispire Technology (ISPR) will unveil the I-80 vape filling machine at the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Chicago on October 8 and 9, 2024.

How does the I-80 improve operational efficiency compared to manual methods?

The I-80, when paired with Ispire's self-sealing devices, boosts operational efficiency by up to 1,000% compared to manual methods by eliminating the need for separate capping.

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