Irving Updates Progress at Its East Yamagano JV Project, Kyushu, Japan

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Irving Resources (IRVRF) has provided an update on its East Yamagano JV project in Kyushu, Japan. The company completed its second diamond drill hole (24SY-001) at 702.5m depth in Q3 2024, located 950m east of historic Yamagano mine workings. While this hole encountered silicification and argilization with low-grade gold (highest 2.19 gpt Au over 0.6m), it didn't match the high-grade results of the first hole (23SY-001).

A third hole (24SY-002) is currently in progress at 300m depth, located 100m east of 23SY-001, with extensive quartz veins and vein breccias observed from 180m depth. The company plans to reach approximately 500m depth and drill at least two additional holes by mid-2025. The joint venture between Newmont (60%), Sumitomo (12.5%), and Irving (27.5%) is pursuing permits for six more potential drill holes.

Irving Resources (IRVRF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sul suo progetto di joint venture East Yamagano in Kyushu, Giappone. L'azienda ha completato il suo secondo foro di perforazione a diamante (24SY-001) a una profondità di 702,5 m nel terzo trimestre del 2024, situato a 950 m a est delle storiche opere minerarie di Yamagano. Anche se questo foro ha incontrato silicificazione e argillizzazione con oro a basso grado (massimo 2,19 gpt Au su 0,6 m), i risultati non si sono avvicinati a quelli ad alto grado del primo foro (23SY-001).

Un terzo foro (24SY-002) è attualmente in corso a una profondità di 300 m, situato a 100 m a est del 23SY-001, con ampie vene di quarzo e brecce osservate a partire da 180 m di profondità. L'azienda prevede di raggiungere una profondità di circa 500 m e di perforare almeno due ulteriori fori entro metà del 2025. La joint venture tra Newmont (60%), Sumitomo (12,5%) e Irving (27,5%) sta cercando permessi per sei ulteriori potenziali fori di perforazione.

Irving Resources (IRVRF) ha proporcionado una actualización sobre su proyecto de joint venture East Yamagano en Kyushu, Japón. La empresa completó su segundo pozo de perforación de diamante (24SY-001) a 702,5 m de profundidad en el tercer trimestre de 2024, ubicado a 950 m al este de las antiguas operaciones mineras de Yamagano. Aunque este pozo encontró silicificación y argilización con oro de bajo grado (máximo 2,19 gpt Au sobre 0,6 m), no igualó los resultados de alta ley del primer pozo (23SY-001).

Un tercer pozo (24SY-002) se encuentra actualmente en progreso a 300 m de profundidad, ubicado a 100 m al este del 23SY-001, con extensas venas de cuarzo y brechas observadas desde 180 m de profundidad. La empresa planea alcanzar aproximadamente 500 m de profundidad y perforar al menos dos pozos adicionales antes de mediados de 2025. La joint venture entre Newmont (60%), Sumitomo (12,5%) y Irving (27,5%) está buscando permisos para seis pozos de perforación potenciales más.

Irving Resources (IRVRF)는 일본 규슈에 위치한 East Yamagano JV 프로젝트에 대한 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 회사는 2024년 3분기에 역사적인 Yamagano 광산 작업에서 동쪽으로 950m 떨어진 지점에서 702.5m 깊이의 두 번째 다이아몬드 드릴 홀(24SY-001)을 완료했습니다. 이 홀이 실리카화와 점토화가 발생했지만 (최고 2.19 gpt Au, 0.6m에서), 첫 번째 홀(23SY-001)의 고등급 결과와는 일치하지 않았습니다.

세 번째 홀(24SY-002)은 현재 300m 깊이에서 진행 중이며, 23SY-001의 동쪽 100m 지점에 위치해 있으며, 180m 깊이에서 광범위한 퀄츠 베인과 베인 브레치아가 관찰되었습니다. 회사는 약 500m 깊이에 도달하고 2025년 중반까지 최소 두 개의 추가 홀을 시추할 계획입니다. Newmont(60%), Sumitomo(12.5%), Irving(27.5%) 간의 조인트 벤처는 여섯 개의 추가 잠재적 드릴 홀에 대한 허가를 추진하고 있습니다.

Irving Resources (IRVRF) a fourni une mise à jour sur son projet de coentreprise East Yamagano à Kyushu, au Japon. La société a terminé son deuxième trou de forage diamant (24SY-001) à une profondeur de 702,5 m au troisième trimestre 2024, situé à 950 m à l'est des anciennes exploitations minières de Yamagano. Bien que ce trou ait rencontré de la silicification et de l'argilisation avec de l'or de faible teneur (maximum 2,19 gpt Au sur 0,6 m), il n'a pas égalé les résultats de haute qualité du premier trou (23SY-001).

Un troisième trou (24SY-002) est actuellement en cours à 300 m de profondeur, situé à 100 m à l'est de 23SY-001, avec de nombreuses veines de quartz et des brèches observées à partir de 180 m de profondeur. L'entreprise prévoit d'atteindre environ 500 m de profondeur et de forer au moins deux trous supplémentaires d'ici la mi-2025. La coentreprise entre Newmont (60 %), Sumitomo (12,5 %) et Irving (27,5 %) cherche à obtenir des permis pour six autres trous de forage potentiels.

Irving Resources (IRVRF) hat ein Update zu seinem East Yamagano JV-Projekt in Kyushu, Japan, bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen hat im dritten Quartal 2024 sein zweites Diamantbohrloch (24SY-001) in einer Tiefe von 702,5 m abgeschlossen, das 950 m östlich der historischen Bergbauarbeiten von Yamagano liegt. Während dieses Loch Silifizierung und Argilierung mit Gold niedrigem Gehalt (maximal 2,19 gpt Au über 0,6 m) nachwies, entsprach es nicht den hochgradigen Ergebnissen des ersten Lochs (23SY-001).

Ein drittes Loch (24SY-002) ist derzeit in einer Tiefe von 300 m in Arbeit, das 100 m östlich von 23SY-001 liegt, wobei aus 180 m Tiefe umfangreiche Quarzadern und Adernbrekzien beobachtet wurden. Das Unternehmen plant, etwa 500 m tief zu bohren und bis Mitte 2025 mindestens zwei zusätzliche Löcher zu bohren. Das Joint Venture zwischen Newmont (60 %), Sumitomo (12,5 %) und Irving (27,5 %) strebt Genehmigungen für sechs weitere potenzielle Bohrlöcher an.

  • Extensive quartz veins and vein breccias discovered in third drill hole (24SY-002)
  • Joint venture secured approval for six additional drill holes
  • Previous drill hole (23SY-001) yielded high-grade results of 5m grading 9.62 gpt Au
  • Second drill hole (24SY-001) showed only low-grade gold mineralization (max 2.19 gpt Au over 0.6m)

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / January 22, 2025 / Irving Resources Inc. (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) ("Irving" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on exploration activities at its East Yamagano JV project, Kyushu, Japan.

Yamagano and Noto JV project Update

In the third quarter of 2024, Irving, as manager of theYamagano and Noto joint venture, completed the second diamond drill hole at East Yamagano, 24SY-001, a south-oriented 702.5m deep drill hole inclined at -65 degrees designed to test a steeply oriented electrically resistive zone evident in AMT data (Figures 1 and 2). This zone is thought to be related to hydrothermal silicification resulting from fossil hot spring activity, a favorable setting for discovery of blind epithermal gold veins. Hole 24SY-001 is situated approximately 950m east of historic underground mine workings at the famous Yamagano mine. A similar resistive feature was tested by the first drill hole, 23SY-001, situated approximately 550m east of the historic Yamagano mine working, which encountered high-grade gold vein mineralization, 5m grading 9.62 gpt Au (for full results,please refer to the Company's news release dated May 7, 2024).

Although hole 24SY-001 did not encounter similar high grade vein mineralization to that in hole 23SY-001, a zone of argilization and silicification and associated quartz veinlets were encountered between approximately 280m and 610m down hole depth. Figure 2 illustrates a broad distribution of low grade gold that was encountered within this silicified zone, the highest individual gold assay being 2.19 gpt Au over 0.6m. Irving's geologists interpret this anomalous gold and silicification to represent a halo above a deeper rooted vein zone. Based upon this interpretation, Irving is scheduling further drilling of the underlying resistive feature.

In late 2024, Irving commenced drilling a third hole at East Yamagano, 24SY-002, located 100m east of hole 23SY-001, and oriented to 180 degree south at -70 degrees. Like previous holes, 24SY-002 is designed to test a very pronounced steeply dipping resistive zone in the hopes of finding new high-grade gold veins. This hole is in progress and currently at a depth of approximately 300m. It is planned to reach a target depth of around 500m. Beginning at approximately 180m down hole depth, extensive quartz veins and vein breccias have been observed, far more than evident in the previous two drill holes. Irving is optimistic that these veins and vein breccias are evidence of the hypothesized structural fluid feeder in this area. Completion of this hole is expected over the next three to four weeks after which it will be logged, split and sampled for assay. It is anticipated that at least two additional holes will be drilled by mid-2025. Based upon drilling to date, the joint venture between Newmont Overseas Exploration Limited ("Newmont"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Newmont Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation ("Sumitomo"), and Irving has already decided to pursue permitting of at least another six holes that may be drilled subsequent to the currently planned drill holes.

The initial interests of the parties in the Yamagano and Notojoint venture are Newmont, 60%, Sumitomo, 12.5%, and Irving, 27.5%.

Quinton Hennigh (Ph.D., P.Geo.) is the qualified person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects responsible for, and having reviewed and approved, the technical information contained in this news release. Dr. Hennigh is a technical advisor and a director of Irving Resources Inc. and has verified the data disclosed including sampling, through review of photographs of core prior to and after sawing and sampling, and analytical, through review of standard and blank analyses.

About Irving Resources Inc.:

Irving is a junior exploration company with a focus on gold in Japan. Irving resulted from completion of a plan of arrangement involving Irving, Gold Canyon Resources Inc. and First Mining Finance Corp. Additional information can be found on the Company's website:

Akiko Levinson,
President, CEO & Director

For further information, please contact:

Tel: (604) 682-3234 Toll free: 1 (888) 242-3234 Fax: (604) 971-0209

Forward-looking information

Some statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation including, without limitation, statements as to planned exploration activities. Forward-looking statements address future events and conditions and, as such, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the statements. Such factors include, without limitation, customary risks of the mineral resource exploration industry, the funding of planned drilling and other exploration activities, as well as the performance of services by third parties.


A bird's eye view of a forestDescription automatically generated

(Figure 1: Plan view showing the trace of drill hole 24SY-002 at East Yamagano. Au assays marks are presented.)

(Figure 2: Cross sectional view looking west showing the trace of drill hole 24SY-002 at Easy Yamagano. Au assays marks are presented. This hole appears to glance over the top of the prominent resistive feature evident in CSAMT data presented in the background. The light gray dashed structure is the interpreted root fluid feeder associated with this resistive zone. Silcification and associated low level gold mineralization encountered in 24SY-002 is though to represent a halo above this zone. )

SOURCE: Irving Resources Inc

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What were the gold grades found in Irving Resources' (IRVRF) second drill hole at East Yamagano?

The second drill hole (24SY-001) encountered low-grade gold mineralization, with the highest individual gold assay being 2.19 gpt Au over 0.6m.

How many additional drill holes does Irving Resources (IRVRF) plan to complete at East Yamagano by mid-2025?

Irving Resources plans to complete at least two additional drill holes by mid-2025, with permits being pursued for six more potential holes.

What is the ownership structure of the East Yamagano joint venture for IRVRF?

The joint venture ownership is divided between Newmont (60%), Sumitomo (12.5%), and Irving Resources (27.5%).

What significant findings were observed in Irving Resources' (IRVRF) third drill hole at East Yamagano?

The third drill hole (24SY-002) encountered extensive quartz veins and vein breccias beginning at approximately 180m down hole depth, showing more mineralization than previous holes.

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