Irving Reports Management Changes
Irving Resources (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) announces key management changes at its Japanese subsidiary. Mr. Haruo Harada is retiring as director of Irving and president of Irving Resources Japan GK, transitioning to an advisory role. The company has appointed Mr. Takashi Yoshie as the new president of Irving Japan, effective March 1, 2025.
Mr. Yoshie brings over 40 years of experience as an economic geologist, having held senior positions at JX Nippon Mining (now JX Advanced Metals), including exploration geologist, Chief Geologist, Manager of Mines Division, and Deputy General Manager. His expertise includes exploring porphyry and epithermal deposits of copper, gold, and other metals in the circum-Pacific region. He joined Irving Japan as an advisor in November 2023 and was instrumental in completing an agreement with JX Advanced Metals in late 2024.
Irving Resources (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) annuncia importanti cambiamenti nella gestione della sua filiale giapponese. Il signor Haruo Harada si ritira dal ruolo di direttore di Irving e presidente di Irving Resources Japan GK, passando a un ruolo di consulente. L'azienda ha nominato il signor Takashi Yoshie nuovo presidente di Irving Japan, con effetto dal 1° marzo 2025.
Il signor Yoshie porta con sé oltre 40 anni di esperienza come geologo economico, avendo ricoperto posizioni di alto livello presso JX Nippon Mining (ora JX Advanced Metals), inclusi geologo di esplorazione, geologo capo, responsabile della divisione miniere e vice direttore generale. La sua esperienza include l'esplorazione di depositi porfirici ed epithermali di rame, oro e altri metalli nella regione circumpacifica. È entrato in Irving Japan come consulente nel novembre 2023 ed è stato fondamentale nel completamento di un accordo con JX Advanced Metals alla fine del 2024.
Irving Resources (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) anuncia cambios clave en la gestión de su filial japonesa. El Sr. Haruo Harada se retira como director de Irving y presidente de Irving Resources Japan GK, pasando a un rol de asesor. La compañía ha nombrado al Sr. Takashi Yoshie como nuevo presidente de Irving Japan, con efecto a partir del 1 de marzo de 2025.
El Sr. Yoshie aporta más de 40 años de experiencia como geólogo económico, habiendo ocupado puestos senior en JX Nippon Mining (ahora JX Advanced Metals), incluidos geólogo de exploración, geólogo jefe, gerente de la división de minas y subdirector general. Su experiencia incluye la exploración de depósitos porfiríticos y epithermales de cobre, oro y otros metales en la región circumpacífica. Se unió a Irving Japan como asesor en noviembre de 2023 y fue fundamental para completar un acuerdo con JX Advanced Metals a finales de 2024.
어빙 리소스 (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF)는 일본 자회사에서 주요 경영 변화를 발표했습니다. 하라다 하루오 씨가 어빙의 이사직과 어빙 리소스 재팬 GK의 사장직에서 은퇴하고, 자문 역할로 전환합니다. 회사는 타카시 요시에 씨를 2025년 3월 1일부터 어빙 재팬의 새로운 사장으로 임명했습니다.
요시에 씨는 JX 니폰 마이닝(현재 JX 어드밴스드 메탈스)에서 탐사 지질학자, 수석 지질학자, 광산 부서 관리자 및 부총괄 매니저와 같은 고위직을 역임하며 40년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그의 전문 분야는 환태평양 지역의 구리, 금 및 기타 금속의 포르피리 및 에피서말 매장지 탐사입니다. 그는 2023년 11월 어빙 재팬에 자문으로 합류했으며, 2024년 말 JX 어드밴스드 메탈스와의 협정 체결에 중요한 역할을 했습니다.
Irving Resources (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) annonce des changements clés au sein de la direction de sa filiale japonaise. M. Haruo Harada prend sa retraite en tant que directeur d'Irving et président d'Irving Resources Japan GK, et passe à un rôle de conseiller. La société a nommé M. Takashi Yoshie nouveau président d'Irving Japan, à compter du 1er mars 2025.
M. Yoshie apporte plus de 40 ans d'expérience en tant que géologue économique, ayant occupé des postes de direction chez JX Nippon Mining (aujourd'hui JX Advanced Metals), y compris géologue d'exploration, géologue en chef, responsable de la division des mines et directeur général adjoint. Son expertise comprend l'exploration de gisements porphyriques et épithermaux de cuivre, d'or et d'autres métaux dans la région circum-pacifique. Il a rejoint Irving Japan en tant que conseiller en novembre 2023 et a joué un rôle clé dans la conclusion d'un accord avec JX Advanced Metals fin 2024.
Irving Resources (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) kündigt wesentliche Veränderungen im Management seiner japanischen Tochtergesellschaft an. Herr Haruo Harada tritt als Direktor von Irving und Präsident von Irving Resources Japan GK zurück und wechselt in eine beratende Rolle. Das Unternehmen hat Herrn Takashi Yoshie zum neuen Präsidenten von Irving Japan ernannt, mit Wirkung zum 1. März 2025.
Herr Yoshie bringt über 40 Jahre Erfahrung als Wirtschaftsgeologe mit, nachdem er leitende Positionen bei JX Nippon Mining (jetzt JX Advanced Metals) innehatte, darunter Erkundungsgeologe, Chefgeologe, Manager der Bergbauabteilung und stellvertretender Generaldirektor. Seine Expertise umfasst die Erkundung von porphyrischen und epithermalen Lagerstätten von Kupfer, Gold und anderen Metallen in der circum-pazifischen Region. Er trat im November 2023 als Berater in die Irving Japan ein und spielte eine entscheidende Rolle beim Abschluss eines Vertrags mit JX Advanced Metals Ende 2024.
- New president brings 40+ years of geological expertise
- Successful completion of JX Advanced Metals agreement in 2024
- Smooth leadership transition with retiring president remaining as advisor
- Loss of long-term leadership with Harada's retirement
VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESS Newswire / March 3, 2025 / Irving Resources Inc. (CSE:IRV)(OTCQX:IRVRF) ("Irving" or the "Company") reports the retirement of Mr. Haruo Harada as a director of Irving and as president of its subsidiary, Irving Resources Japan GK. He will remain as an advisor to the Company.
"Mr. Harada has been an invaluable member of the team from the inception of Irving Japan. We thank Mr. Harada for his dedication and service for all these years and wish him the very best in his retirement," reflected Ms. Akiko Levinson, Irving's president and chief executive officer.
Irving is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Takashi Yoshie as president of Irving Japan, effective March 1, 2025.
Mr. Takashi Yoshie is an economic geologist with over 40 years of experience in positions including exploration geologist, Chief Geologist and Manager of Mines Division, Managing Director and General Manager Exploration Division and Deputy General Manager for multiple subsidiary companies of JX Nippon Mining (currently JX Advanced Metals), one of the largest mining houses in Japan. He has vast experience exploring for porphyry and epithermal deposits of copper, gold and other metals in the circum-Pacific region. Mr. Yoshie holds a BSc from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
"Mr. Yoshie joined Irving Japan as an advisor in November 2023, and he played an integral role in the completion of the agreement with JX Advanced Metals in late 2024. We very much look forward to working with Mr. Yoshie as president of Irving Japan," commented Ms. Levinson.
About Irving Resources Inc.:
Irving is a junior exploration company with a focus on gold in Japan. Irving resulted from completion of a plan of arrangement involving Irving, Gold Canyon Resources Inc. and First Mining Finance Corp. Additional information can be found on the Company's website:
Akiko Levinson,
President, CEO & Director
For further information, please contact:
Tel: (604) 682-3234 Toll free: 1 (888) 242-3234 Fax: (604) 971-0209
SOURCE: Irving Resources Inc
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
Who is the new president of Irving Resources Japan (IRVRF) as of March 2025?
What experience does Takashi Yoshie bring to Irving Resources (IRVRF)?
When did Takashi Yoshie join Irving Resources (IRVRF) initially?