IR-MED Wins Prestigious Netty Award for Best Up-and-Coming Health Tech Company

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IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) has been awarded 'Best Up-and-Coming Health Tech Company' at the prestigious Netty Awards, recognizing its innovative AI-driven spectrographic analysis technology platform. The company's 'Sensing the Invisible' technology aims to enhance healthcare through early detection of various medical conditions.

IR-MED's flagship products include PressureSafe™, set to launch in the U.S. in late 2024, which identifies early-stage pressure injuries with 92% accuracy, addressing a $26.8 billion market. DiaSafe™, planned for launch in 2025, targets the diabetic foot ulcer detection market, projected to reach $17.1 billion by 2031.

The company's technology provides non-invasive, skin tone agnostic, real-time analysis of blood and tissue, potentially revolutionizing patient care and treatment paradigms in multi-billion dollar markets.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) è stata insignita del premio 'Miglior Azienda Emergente nel Settore della Salute' ai prestigiosi Netty Awards, riconoscendo la sua innovativa piattaforma di analisi spettrografica basata sull'IA. La tecnologia 'Sensing the Invisible' dell'azienda mira a migliorare l'assistenza sanitaria attraverso la rilevazione precoce di varie condizioni mediche.

I principali prodotti di IR-MED includono PressureSafe™, che sarà lanciato negli Stati Uniti alla fine del 2024, il quale identifica le lesioni da pressione in fase iniziale con il 92% di precisione, affrontando un mercato da 26,8 miliardi di dollari. DiaSafe™, previsto per il lancio nel 2025, si rivolge al mercato della rilevazione delle ulcere del piede diabetico, che si prevede raggiunga i 17,1 miliardi di dollari entro il 2031.

La tecnologia dell'azienda offre un'analisi non invasiva, indipendente dal tono della pelle, in tempo reale di sangue e tessuti, con il potenziale di rivoluzionare l'assistenza ai pazienti e i paradigmi di trattamento in mercati da miliardi di dollari.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) ha sido galardonada como la 'Mejor Empresa Emergente en Tecnología de Salud' en los prestigiosos Netty Awards, reconociendo su innovadora plataforma de análisis espectrográfico impulsada por IA. La tecnología 'Sensing the Invisible' de la empresa tiene como objetivo mejorar la atención médica mediante la detección temprana de diversas condiciones médicas.

Los productos insignia de IR-MED incluyen PressureSafe™, que se lanzará en EE. UU. a finales de 2024, y que identifica lesiones por presión en etapas tempranas con un 92% de precisión, abordando un mercado de 26.800 millones de dólares. DiaSafe™, previsto para lanzarse en 2025, se centra en el mercado de detección de úlceras en pies diabéticos, que se proyecta alcanzará los 17.100 millones de dólares para 2031.

La tecnología de la empresa proporciona un análisis no invasivo, independiente del tono de piel, en tiempo real de sangre y tejidos, lo que podría revolucionar la atención y los paradigmas de tratamiento en mercados multimillonarios.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME)는 혁신적인 AI 기반 스펙트로그래픽 분석 기술 플랫폼으로 '최고의 신생 헬스테크 기업'으로 넷티 어워드에서 수상했습니다. 회사의 'Sensing the Invisible' 기술은 다양한 의학적 상태의 조기 발견을 통해 의료 서비스를 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

IR-MED의 주력 제품은 PressureSafe™로, 2024년 말 미국에서 출시될 예정이며, 초기 단계의 압력 손상을 92%의 정확도로 식별하여 268억 달러의 시장을 다루고 있습니다. DiaSafe™는 2025년에 출시될 예정이며, 이는 2031년까지 171억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 당뇨병 발 궤양 탐지 시장을 타겟으로 합니다.

회사의 기술은 비침습적이며 피부 톤에 구애받지 않고 혈액 및 조직의 실시간 분석을 제공하여 수십억 달러 규모의 시장에서 환자 치료 및 치료 패러다임에 혁신을 가져올 가능성이 있습니다.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) a été récompensée par le prix de la 'Meilleure Entreprise Émergente en Technologie de Santé' lors des prestigieux Netty Awards, reconnaissant sa plateforme innovante d'analyse spectrographique pilotée par IA. La technologie 'Sensing the Invisible' de l'entreprise vise à améliorer les soins de santé grâce à une détection précoce de diverses conditions médicales.

Les principaux produits d'IR-MED comprennent PressureSafe™, qui sera lancé aux États-Unis à la fin de 2024, et qui identifie les blessures par pression à un stade précoce avec 92 % de précision, s'attaquant à un marché de 26,8 milliards de dollars. DiaSafe™, prévu pour lancement en 2025, se concentre sur le marché de la détection des ulcères du pied diabétique, dont la valeur est projetée à 17,1 milliards de dollars d'ici 2031.

La technologie de l'entreprise offre une analyse non invasive, indépendante du teint, en temps réel du sang et des tissus, pouvant potentiellement révolutionner les soins aux patients et les paradigmes de traitement sur des marchés de plusieurs milliards de dollars.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) wurde bei den prestigeträchtigen Netty Awards als 'Bester aufstrebender Gesundheits-Tech-Unternehmen' ausgezeichnet, was ihre innovative KI-gesteuerte spektrographische Analysentechnologie-Plattform anerkennt. Die Technologie 'Sensing the Invisible' des Unternehmens zielt darauf ab, die Gesundheitsversorgung durch die frühzeitige Erkennung verschiedener medizinischer Bedingungen zu verbessern.

Zu den Hauptprodukten von IR-MED gehört PressureSafe™, das Ende 2024 in den USA auf den Markt kommt, mit dem 92 % Genauigkeit frühzeitige Druckverletzungen identifiziert und einen Markt von 26,8 Milliarden Dollar adressiert. DiaSafe™, geplant für die Markteinführung im Jahr 2025, zielt auf den Markt zur Erkennung von diabetischen Fußgeschwüren ab, dessen Wert bis 2031 voraussichtlich 17,1 Milliarden Dollar erreichen wird.

Die Technologie des Unternehmens bietet eine nicht-invasive, tonal unabhängige Echtzeitanalyse von Blut und Gewebe und könnte die Patientenversorgung sowie die Behandlungsmethoden in milliardenschweren Märkten revolutionieren.

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Rosh Pina, Israel, Aug. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IR-MED Inc., (“IR-MED” or the “Company”) (OTCQB:IRME), developer of a noninvasive artificial intelligence (AI) driven spectrographic analysis technology platform to address significant healthcare needs, announced today it has been recognized for its outstanding work in the development of its platform healthcare technology for “Sensing the Invisible” and awarded “Best Up-and-Coming Health Tech Company” at the Netty Awards.

The Netty Awards celebrate achievements in the digital landscape, honoring top companies and leaders across more than 100 distinct categories. It sets a benchmark for excellence and is a testament to the creativity, innovation, and technical prowess demonstrated by the winners.

Dr. Yaniv Cohen, IR-MED’s Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer, commented, "We are proud and honored to be recognized by the Netty Awards. Our team has put years of work and creativity into our platform technology which we believe will enhance quality of life through the early detection of various medical conditions. We believe that the Best Up-and-Coming Health Tech Company award is a testament to our hard work and dedication.”

IR-MED’s winning entry, consisting of its technology, is a groundbreaking work designed to improve patient care through technology. By providing healthcare professionals with non-invasive, skin tone agnostic, real-time data-driven analysis of blood and tissue to identify medical conditions, the Company aims to change treatment paradigms and economics in muti-billion dollar markets. PressureSafe™, slated for launch in the second half of 2024 in the U.S., is a handheld decision support device that identifies early-stage pressure injuries with 92% accuracy, creating a novel solution to a $26.8 billion problem and driving healthcare equality for people of all skin tones. DiaSafe™, a similar decision support device for diabetic foot ulcer detection, is slated for launch in the U.S. in the second half of 2025, and is being developed to address the $10.5 billion global diabetic foot ulcers treatment market, which is expected to grow to $17.1 billion by 2031.

According to the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, in the U.S. alone, 60,000 patients die every year as a direct result of pressure injuries. Patient care cost per pressure injury ranges from $20,900 up to $151,700, for the 2.5 million patients per year who develop pressure injuries. Pressure injuries are one of the five most common harms experienced by patients and the second most common claim for lawsuits after wrongful death.

About IR-MED

IR-MED Inc., is developing a noninvasive spectrographic analysis technology platform, allowing healthcare professions to detect, measure and monitor, in real time, different molecules in the blood, in human tissue, and in body fluids without invasive procedures. PressureSafe, the first product under development, is a handheld optical monitoring device that is being developed to support early detection of pressure injuries (PI) to the skin and underlying tissue, regardless of skin tone as it calibrates personally to each patient’s skin.

IR-MED’s technology is being developed to allow accurate readings of biomarkers in a non-invasive method, that may provide caregiver the optimal decision support-system in cases where uncertainties disturb physicians in their decision processes.

IR-MED holds patents protecting its technology and innovations in the noninvasive tissue analysis, and in the modeling and analysis of subcutaneous tissue.

PressureSafe is currently undergoing usability studies at multiple medical centers.

Safe Harbor Statement / Forward-Looking Statements

Statements included in this press release, which are not historical in nature, are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For example, IR-Med is using forward-looking statements when it discusses the ability of the its platform technology to enhance quality of life through the early detection of various medical conditions, its belief that the award is a testament to its hard work and dedication and the expected launch dates for its devices. Statements relating to the future performance of IR-Med are subject to many factors including, but not limited to, the sufficiency or working capital and our ability to raise the capital needed to fund our development efforts, completion of the development and design of PressureSafe device, results of clinical/useability studies and trials, timing of product development, FDA approval/clearance of products in development, customer acceptance of our products in the market, the introduction of competitive products, the impact of any product liability or other adverse litigation, commercialization and technological difficulties, and the other risks identified in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K/A filed on April 8, 2024 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information, or otherwise.


Sharon Levkoviz, Chief Financial Officer

Tel: +972 (0) 4 6555054



What award did IR-MED (IRME) win at the Netty Awards?

IR-MED (IRME) won the 'Best Up-and-Coming Health Tech Company' award at the Netty Awards for its innovative AI-driven spectrographic analysis technology platform.

When is IR-MED's PressureSafe™ device expected to launch in the U.S.?

IR-MED's PressureSafe™ device is slated for launch in the second half of 2024 in the United States.

What is the accuracy rate of IR-MED's PressureSafe™ in identifying early-stage pressure injuries?

IR-MED's PressureSafe™ device identifies early-stage pressure injuries with 92% accuracy.

What market is IR-MED's DiaSafe™ device targeting?

IR-MED's DiaSafe™ device targets the diabetic foot ulcer detection market, which is expected to grow to $17.1 billion by 2031.

How many patients develop pressure injuries annually in the U.S., according to the PR?

According to the press release, 2.5 million patients per year develop pressure injuries in the United States.



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Medical Devices
United States of America
Rosh Pinna