IR-MED Appoints Ran Ziskind, Tech Entrepreneur, Growth Manager, and Inventor as Chief Executive Officer

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IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) has appointed Ran Ziskind as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective September 1, 2024. Ziskind, a tech entrepreneur and growth manager, brings two decades of experience in launching and expanding innovative companies. He was previously co-founder and CEO of Galatea , where he developed groundbreaking electro-optics technology for the diamond industry. Ziskind's expertise spans research and development, intellectual property management, and product commercialization.

IR-MED, developer of a noninvasive AI-driven spectrographic analysis technology platform for healthcare, is preparing to launch its first product, PressureSafe™. The company aims to improve healthcare outcomes through early, non-invasive detection of skin, tissue, and blood vessel-related conditions. With Ziskind's leadership, IR-MED plans to capture market share and set new standards in detection and diagnosis.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) ha nominato Ran Ziskind come nuovo Amministratore Delegato, con effetto dal 1 settembre 2024. Ziskind, imprenditore tecnologico e manager di crescita, porta con sé due decenni di esperienza nel lancio e nell'espansione di aziende innovative. In precedenza è stato co-fondatore e CEO di Galatea, dove ha sviluppato una tecnologia elettro-ottica all'avanguardia per l'industria dei diamanti. L'expertise di Ziskind abbraccia ricerca e sviluppo, gestione della proprietà intellettuale e commercializzazione dei prodotti.

IR-MED, sviluppatore di una piattaforma tecnologica di analisi spettrografica non invasiva basata su intelligenza artificiale per il settore sanitario, si sta preparando a lanciare il suo primo prodotto, PressureSafe™. L'azienda mira a migliorare i risultati nella salute attraverso la rilevazione precoce e non invasiva di condizioni legate alla pelle, ai tessuti e ai vasi sanguigni. Grazie alla leadership di Ziskind, IR-MED intende conquistare quote di mercato e stabilire nuovi standard nella rilevazione e nella diagnosi.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) ha designado a Ran Ziskind como su nuevo Director Ejecutivo, efectivo el 1 de septiembre de 2024. Ziskind, un emprendedor tecnológico y gerente de crecimiento, aporta dos décadas de experiencia en el lanzamiento y la expansión de empresas innovadoras. Anteriormente, fue cofundador y CEO de Galatea, donde desarrolló una tecnología electroóptica innovadora para la industria del diamante. La experiencia de Ziskind abarca investigación y desarrollo, gestión de propiedad intelectual y comercialización de productos.

IR-MED, desarrollador de una plataforma tecnológica de análisis espectrográfico no invasivo impulsada por inteligencia artificial para la atención médica, se prepara para lanzar su primer producto, PressureSafe™. La empresa tiene como objetivo mejorar los resultados de salud mediante la detección temprana y no invasiva de condiciones relacionadas con la piel, los tejidos y los vasos sanguíneos. Con el liderazgo de Ziskind, IR-MED planea capturar participación de mercado y establecer nuevos estándares en detección y diagnóstico.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME)는 Ran Ziskind를 2024년 9월 1일부터 새로운 최고 경영자로 임명했습니다. Ziskind는 기술 기업가이자 성장 관리자이며, 혁신적인 기업을 시작하고 확장하는 데 20년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 그는 이전에 Galatea의 공동 창립자이자 CEO로 재직하면서 다이아몬드 산업을 위한 획기적인 전자 광학 기술을 개발했습니다. Ziskind의 전문성은 연구 및 개발, 지적 재산 관리, 제품 상용화에 걸쳐 있습니다.

일반적으로 비침습적 AI 기반 분광 분석 기술 플랫폼을 개발하는 IR-MED는 첫 번째 제품인 PressureSafe™를 출시할 준비를 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 피부, 조직 및 혈관 관련 질병을 조기에 비침습적으로 감지함으로써 건강 관리 결과를 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Ziskind의 리더십을 통해 IR-MED는 시장 점유율을 확보하고 탐지 및 진단의 새로운 기준을 설정할 계획입니다.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) a nommé Ran Ziskind en tant que nouveau directeur général, à compter du 1er septembre 2024. Ziskind, entrepreneur technologique et gestionnaire de croissance, apporte deux décennies d'expérience dans le lancement et l'expansion d'entreprises innovantes. Auparavant, il a été co-fondateur et PDG de Galatea, où il a développé une technologie électro-optique de pointe pour l'industrie du diamant. L'expertise de Ziskind couvre la recherche et le développement, la gestion de la propriété intellectuelle et la commercialisation des produits.

IR-MED, développeur d'une plateforme technologique d'analyse spectrographique non invasive basée sur l'intelligence artificielle pour les soins de santé, se prépare à lancer son premier produit, PressureSafe™. L'entreprise vise à améliorer les résultats des soins de santé grâce à la détection précoce et non invasive des conditions liées à la peau, aux tissus et aux vaisseaux sanguins. Avec le leadership de Ziskind, IR-MED prévoit de gagner des parts de marché et de définir de nouvelles normes en matière de détection et de diagnostic.

IR-MED Inc. (OTCQB:IRME) hat Ran Ziskind zum neuen Chief Executive Officer ernannt, wirksam ab dem 1. September 2024. Ziskind, ein Technologieunternehmer und Wachstumsmanager, bringt zwei Jahrzehnte Erfahrung im Start und der Expansion innovativer Unternehmen mit. Zuvor war er Mitbegründer und CEO von Galatea, wo er bahnbrechende elektro-optische Technologien für die Diamantenindustrie entwickelte. Ziskinds Fachwissen umfasst Forschung und Entwicklung, Management geistigen Eigentums und Produktkommerzialisierung.

IR-MED, Entwickler einer nicht-invasiven, KI-gesteuerten spektroskopischen Analyse-Technologieplattform für das Gesundheitswesen, bereitet sich darauf vor, sein erstes Produkt, PressureSafe™, auf den Markt zu bringen. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, die Ergebnisse im Gesundheitswesen durch frühzeitige, nicht-invasive Erkennung von Haut-, Gewebe- und Blutgefäßerkrankungen zu verbessern. Unter Ziskinds Leitung plant IR-MED, Marktanteile zu gewinnen und neue Standards in der Erkennung und Diagnose zu setzen.

  • Appointment of experienced tech entrepreneur and growth manager as CEO
  • New CEO brings expertise in R&D, IP management, and product commercialization
  • First product, PressureSafe™, ready for launch
  • Multiple healthcare indications in development pipeline
  • None.

Rosh Pina, Israel, Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- IR-MED Inc., (“IR-MED” or the “Company”) (OTCQB:IRME), developer of a noninvasive artificial intelligence (AI) driven spectrographic analysis technology platform to address significant healthcare needs, announced today that Mr. Ran Ziskind has joined the Company as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective September 1, 2024. Mr. Ronnie Klein, who had been serving as Interim CEO, continues to serve as the Company’s Chief Technology Officer.

Mr. Ziskind is a highly experienced high-tech innovator and company leader with two decades of expertise in launching, developing, and expanding pioneering enterprises that were later acquired by leading firms in their fields. Throughout his career, Mr. Ziskind has been instrumental in the success of numerous companies playing a key role in every stage of the business value chain, from ideas, to IP portfolio management, to development, manufacturing, and commercialization of products that have become established industry standards.

Mr. Ziskind was co-founder and CEO of Galatea Ltd., a groundbreaking startup in diamond manufacturing from 2004 to 2023. Under his leadership, Galatea developed a pioneering electro-optics technology that became the industry gold standard, driving significant innovations in the field. His role encompassed a broad range of responsibilities, including spearheading research and development, managing intellectual property with a global patent portfolio, defining product specifications, and leading the company through challenging global conditions, including the 2007-2008 financial crisis, ultimately resulting in its acquisition by Sarin Technologies, the world’s leading company in the field. Prior to this, Mr. Ziskind was an engineer at Lithotech Ltd., where he contributed to the development of medical technologies, and at Eurika Ltd., where he worked on various engineering projects. Mr. Ziskind has dual degrees in mechanical engineering and management from Tzur University.

“IR-MED’s platform technology is highly compelling for its potential to substantially improve healthcare outcomes through early, non-invasive detection of skin, tissue, and blood vessel related conditions. With the first product, PressureSafe, ready to launch and several other indications in the pipeline, IR-MED is well poised to rapidly capture market share and set new standards for detection and diagnosis. I’m very excited to lead the company into its growth trajectory,” Mr. Ziskind stated.

Executive Chairman of the Board, Oded Bashan, commented, “We are very pleased to welcome Ran to IR-MED and are confident in his leadership abilities. His track record of advancing and successfully commercializing optics-based and medical technologies will be a great asset to IR-MED as we enter our commercial phase while continuing to innovate and build out our IP portfolio.”

About IR-MED

IR-MED Inc., is developing a noninvasive spectrographic analysis technology platform, allowing healthcare professions to detect, measure and monitor, in real time, different molecules in the blood, in human tissue, and in body fluids without invasive procedures. PressureSafe, the first product planned to be launched, is a handheld optical monitoring device that is being developed to support early detection of pressure injuries (PI) to the skin and underlying tissue, regardless of skin tone as it calibrates personally to each patient’s skin.

IR-MED’s technology is being developed to allow accurate readings of biomarkers in a non-invasive method, that may provide caregivers the optimal decision support-system in cases where uncertainties disturb physicians in their decision processes.

IR-MED holds patents protecting its technology and innovations in the noninvasive tissue analysis, and in the modeling and analysis of subcutaneous tissue.

PressureSafe is currently undergoing usability studies at multiple medical centers.

Safe Harbor Statement / Forward-Looking Statements

Statements included in this press release, which are not historical in nature, are forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For example, IR-Med is using forward-looking statements when it discusses the Company’s platform potential to substantially improve healthcare outcomes through early, non-invasive detection of skin, tissue, and blood vessel related conditions and its ability to rapidly capture market share and set new standards for detection and diagnosis. Statements relating to the future performance of IR-Med are subject to many factors including, but not limited to, the sufficiency or working capital and our ability to raise the capital needed to fund our development efforts, completion of the development and design of PressureSafe device, results of clinical/useability studies and trials, timing of product development, FDA approval/clearance of products in development, customer acceptance of our products in the market, the introduction of competitive products, the impact of any product liability or other adverse litigation, commercialization and technological difficulties, and the other risks identified in our most recent annual report on Form 10-K filed on March 29, 2023 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof, and we do not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of future events, new information, or otherwise.


Sharon Levkoviz, Chief Financial Officer

Tel: +972 (0) 4 6555054



Who is the new CEO of IR-MED (IRME) and when does he start?

Ran Ziskind is the new CEO of IR-MED (IRME), starting his role on September 1, 2024.

What is IR-MED's (IRME) first product and when is it launching?

IR-MED's (IRME) first product is PressureSafe™, which is ready to launch, although a specific date was not provided in the press release.

What technology is IR-MED (IRME) developing?

IR-MED (IRME) is developing a noninvasive artificial intelligence (AI) driven spectrographic analysis technology platform for healthcare applications.

What is the background of IR-MED's (IRME) new CEO, Ran Ziskind?

Ran Ziskind is a tech entrepreneur with two decades of experience in launching and expanding innovative companies. He was previously co-founder and CEO of Galatea , where he developed electro-optics technology for the diamond industry.



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Rosh Pinna