iQIYI Releases National Day Holiday Content Consumption Report, Featuring Strong Viewer Interests Across Genres

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iQIYI, China's leading online entertainment platform, reported an 11% increase in total viewing time during the 2024 National Day Holiday (October 1-7) compared to the pre-holiday period. The report highlights growing viewer interest across various genres:

- Drama series remained dominant, with new releases quickly entering the top 10 popularity chart.
- Film viewing time surged by 70%, with four films ranking in the top 10 most popular content.
- Variety shows saw a 37% yearly increase in viewing time.
- Animation and kids' content experienced significant jumps of 69% and 35% respectively.
- Short-form content gained popularity, with iQIYI launching 'Micro-Drama Theater' and 'Short-Drama Theater'.

The platform plans to release two mobile-optimized vertical dramas weekly in the 'Micro-Drama Theater' and one new title weekly in the 'Short-Drama Theater' to cater to the growing demand for concise storytelling.

iQIYI, la principale piattaforma di intrattenimento online della Cina, ha riportato un aumento dell'11% del tempo di visione totale durante le vacanze nazionali del 2024 (1-7 ottobre) rispetto al periodo precedente alle festività. Il rapporto evidenzia l'interesse crescente degli spettatori per vari generi:

- Le serie drammatiche rimangono dominanti, con le nuove uscite che entrano rapidamente nella classifica dei 10 contenuti più popolari.
- Il tempo di visione dei film è aumentato del 70%, con quattro film che si sono classificati tra i 10 contenuti più popolari.
- I programmi di varietà hanno registrato un incremento del 37% rispetto all'anno precedente nel tempo di visione.
- I contenuti di animazione e per bambini hanno visto salti significativi del 69% e 35% rispettivamente.
- I contenuti brevi hanno guadagnato popolarità, con iQIYI che ha lanciato 'Micro-Drama Theater' e 'Short-Drama Theater'.

La piattaforma prevede di rilasciare due drammi verticali ottimizzati per dispositivi mobili settimanalmente nel 'Micro-Drama Theater' e un nuovo titolo ogni settimana nel 'Short-Drama Theater' per soddisfare la crescente domanda di narrazioni concise.

iQIYI, la plataforma de entretenimiento en línea líder de China, informó un aumento del 11% en el tiempo total de visualización durante las vacaciones del Día Nacional 2024 (1-7 de octubre) en comparación con el periodo previo a las festividades. El informe destaca el creciente interés de los espectadores en varios géneros:

- Las series dramáticas se mantuvieron dominantes, con nuevos lanzamientos que ingresaron rápidamente en el top 10 de popularidad.
- El tiempo de visualización de películas aumentó un 70%, con cuatro películas clasificadas entre los 10 contenidos más populares.
- Los programas de variedades vieron un aumento del 37% anual en el tiempo de visualización.
- Los contenidos de animación y para niños experimentaron saltos significativos del 69% y 35% respectivamente.
- El contenido breve ganó popularidad, con iQIYI lanzando 'Micro-Drama Theater' y 'Short-Drama Theater'.

La plataforma planea lanzar dos dramas verticales optimizados para móviles semanalmente en el 'Micro-Drama Theater' y un nuevo título cada semana en el 'Short-Drama Theater' para atender la creciente demanda de narraciones concisas.

중국의 선도적인 온라인 엔터테인먼트 플랫폼인 iQIYI는 2024년 국가의 날 연휴(10월 1-7일) 동안 총 시청 시간이 11% 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 이 보고서는 다양한 장르에 대한 시청자의 관심이 증가하고 있음을 강조합니다:

- 드라마 시리즈는 여전히 채널의 대세를 차지하고 있으며, 새로운 작품은 빠르게 인기 10위권에 진입했습니다.
- 영화 시청 시간이 70% 급증했으며, 네 편의 영화가 가장 인기 있는 콘텐츠 10위 안에 들었습니다.
- 버라이어티 쇼의 시청 시간은 연간 37% 증가했습니다.
- 애니메이션과 아동 콘텐츠는 각각 69%와 35%의 큰 상승폭을 보였습니다.
- 짧은 형식의 콘텐츠가 인기를 얻으며, iQIYI는 '마이크로 드라마 극장'과 '쇼트 드라마 극장'을 개설했습니다.

이 플랫폼은 '마이크로 드라마 극장'에서 매주 두 편의 모바일 최적화 세로 드라마를, '쇼트 드라마 극장'에서는 매주 하나의 새로운 제목을 출시할 계획입니다. 이는 간결한 이야기의 수요 증가에 부응하기 위함입니다.

iQIYI, la plateforme de divertissement en ligne leader en Chine, a rapporté une augmentation de 11% du temps de visionnage total pendant les vacances de la Fête nationale 2024 (1-7 octobre) par rapport à la période précédant les festivités. Le rapport souligne l'intérêt croissant des spectateurs pour divers genres :

- Les séries dramatiques restent dominantes, avec de nouvelles sorties entrant rapidement dans le top 10 de la popularité.
- Le temps de visionnage des films a augmenté de 70%, quatre films se classant parmi les 10 contenus les plus populaires.
- Les émissions de variétés ont connu une augmentation annuelle de 37% du temps de visionnage.
- Les contenus animés et pour enfants ont connu des augmentations significatives de 69% et 35% respectivement.
- Le contenu de format court a gagné en popularité, iQIYI lançant le 'Micro-Drama Theater' et le 'Short-Drama Theater'.

La plateforme prévoit de lancer deux drames verticaux optimisés pour mobile chaque semaine dans le 'Micro-Drama Theater' et un nouveau titre chaque semaine dans le 'Short-Drama Theater' pour répondre à la demande croissante d'histoires concises.

iQIYI, Chinas führende Online-Entertainment-Plattform, berichtete von einem 11%igen Anstieg der gesamten Sehdauer während der Nationalfeiertag-Urlaub (1.-7. Oktober) im Vergleich zum Zeitraum vor den Feiertagen. Der Bericht hebt das wachsende Zuschauerinteresse an verschiedenen Genres hervor:

- Drama-Serien blieben dominant, neue Veröffentlichungen schafften es schnell in die Top-10-Popularitätsliste.
- Die Sehdauer von Filmen stieg um 70%, wobei vier Filme zu den 10 meistpopulären Inhalten gehörten.
- Die Sehdauer von Varieté-Shows verzeichnete einen jahrlichen Anstieg von 37%.
- Animationen und Kinderinhalte erlebten signifikante Sprünge von 69% und 35%.
- Kurzformat-Inhalte gewannen an Beliebtheit, und iQIYI startete das 'Micro-Drama Theater' sowie das 'Short-Drama Theater'.

Die Plattform plant, wöchentlich zwei mobiloptimierte vertikale Dramen im 'Micro-Drama Theater' und wöchentlich einen neuen Titel im 'Short-Drama Theater' zu veröffentlichen, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach prägnanten Erzählungen gerecht zu werden.

  • 11% increase in total viewing time during the National Day Holiday
  • 70% surge in film viewing time
  • 37% yearly increase in variety show viewing time
  • 69% and 35% increase in animation and kids' content viewing time respectively
  • Launch of 'Micro-Drama Theater' and 'Short-Drama Theater' to meet demand for short-form content
  • Hard Noble Lady short drama surpassed RMB7 million (US$1 million) in shared revenue
  • The Obsessive Boss micro-drama achieved a popularity score of 4,500 within 24 hours of release
  • None.


iQIYI's National Day Holiday report reveals significant growth and evolving viewer preferences in China's streaming market. The 11% increase in total viewing time and 70% surge in film viewing indicate strong consumer engagement during the holiday period. This growth, coupled with the success of diverse content types, suggests iQIYI is effectively capitalizing on seasonal viewing trends.

The platform's strategic focus on short-form content, including the new 'Micro-Drama Theater' and 'Short-Drama Theater', aligns with changing viewer habits. The success of titles like "Hard Noble Lady", generating RMB7 million in shared revenue, demonstrates the potential of this format. This diversification could help iQIYI capture a broader audience and increase user retention.

However, investors should note that while these trends are positive, they represent a short-term holiday boost. The long-term impact on iQIYI's market position and financial performance will depend on sustaining this momentum and successfully monetizing the increased engagement across various content formats.

While iQIYI's holiday report showcases impressive viewership growth, the financial implications require careful consideration. The 69% increase in animation viewing time and 35% growth in kids' content suggest potential for expanded market share in these high-growth segments. However, the report lacks specific revenue or subscription growth figures, making it difficult to directly correlate viewership increases with financial performance.

The success of short-form content, particularly the RMB7 million (US$1 million) in shared revenue for "Hard Noble Lady", indicates a promising revenue stream. This format could potentially offer higher margins due to lower production costs. The planned weekly releases of micro and short dramas may drive user engagement and potentially subscription growth, but the impact on content costs and overall profitability needs to be monitored.

Investors should look for future reports detailing how these viewing trends translate into revenue growth, subscriber acquisition and improved margins to fully assess the financial impact of iQIYI's content strategy.

BEIJING, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- iQIYI, China's leading online entertainment platform, released its viewership data and content trends for the 2024 National Day Holiday (October 1-7) this week, revealing an 11% sequential increase in total viewing time compared to the pre-holiday period and highlighting a growing appetite for diverse content. Viewers turned to traditional favorites like drama series, films, and animation, while light and entertaining genres such as comedy and variety shows saw exceptional growth, and short-form content continued to gain popularity as a general trend.

A Rich Selection of Premium Content Continues to Captivate Viewers

Drama series continued to dominate holiday content consumption on iQIYI, leading the viewing time across genres. New releases such as Born To Be The One, The Limbo, Wind Direction, Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty 2: To the West, and Go East quickly entered the top 10 on the popularity chart, followed by iQIYI's evergreen hits like The Knockout and Story of Kunning Palace, which continued to rank in the top 20 as popular picks for repeat viewing.

Viewers showed stronger interests in films, as evidenced by a 70% surge in viewing time for iQIYI's film channel compared to the previous period, with 29 titles newly added between September 30 and October 7. By the end of the holiday, four films - Successor, Go For Broke, Upstream, and A Place Called Silence - ranked in the platform's top 10 most popular content.

Notably, the comedy film Successor, which led the 2024 Chinese mainland summer box office, set a new record on iQIYI's film popularity index with a score of 9,247. The iQIYI-presented action film Blade of Fury also received high ratings for its high-quality production. Additionally, data indicated that 40% of users opted for big screens, reflecting a growing preference for a richer viewing experience alongside a diverse content slate.

Viewing time for variety shows also experienced both annual and sequential growth, with a 37% yearly uptick. The hit show The King of Stand-up Comedy led in both viewing time and popularity, bringing constant laughs to audiences. Other popular IPs also maintained strong following, highlighting their lasting appeal. For example, seasons 1, 2 and a spinoff of Become a Farmer all secured spots in the top 5 for variety show viewing time.

Holiday data further revealed a significant jump in viewing time for iQIYI's animation and kids' content, rising by 69% and 35%, respectively. The iconic series One Piece claimed the top spot on the animation popularity chart, followed closely by How Dare You!, an iQIYI original production. PAW Patrol Season 10 emerged as the most popular title among kids' content, standing out within iQIYI's rich library of engaging programming for young viewers.

Short-Form Content Emerging as a New Choice for Viewers

To meet the increasing demand for concise storytelling and short-form content, iQIYI recently launched brand-new 'Micro-Drama Theater' and 'Short-Drama Theater' at its iJOY conference held last month. It also curated a dedicated section on its homepage to highlight such content during the holiday, featuring popular titles like Awaken Lion and The Great Nobody.

With a variety of genres, from suspense to period romance, iQIYI's short dramas have resonated with viewers of all ages. The period drama Hard Noble Lady surpassed RMB6 million (US$850,000) in shared revenue by October 1 and broke through the RMB7 million mark (US$1 million) by October 8.

New micro-dramas also received a positive market response, with The Obsessive Boss achieving a popularity score of 4,500 within 24 hours of release, gathering over 40 million views from 4 million viewers.

Furthermore, iQIYI recently announced that, starting in October, the new 'Micro-Drama Theater' will debut two mobile-optimized vertical dramas each week, with episodes lasting 1 to 5 minutes, aimed at both younger and older viewers.

Simultaneously, the 'Short-Drama Theater' will release one new title weekly, offering episodes between 5 and 20 minutes across various genres, further expanding the platform's content library.

Media Contact: iQIYI Press, 

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What was the increase in total viewing time for iQIYI during the 2024 National Day Holiday?

iQIYI reported an 11% increase in total viewing time during the 2024 National Day Holiday (October 1-7) compared to the pre-holiday period.

How much did film viewing time increase on iQIYI during the holiday period?

Film viewing time on iQIYI surged by 70% compared to the previous period, with 29 new titles added between September 30 and October 7.

What new content initiatives did iQIYI (IQ) launch to meet the demand for short-form content?

iQIYI launched 'Micro-Drama Theater' and 'Short-Drama Theater' to meet the increasing demand for concise storytelling and short-form content.

How did variety show viewing time change on iQIYI during the 2024 National Day Holiday?

Variety show viewing time on iQIYI experienced a 37% yearly increase during the 2024 National Day Holiday.

What was the performance of the short drama 'Hard Noble Lady' on iQIYI (IQ) during the holiday period?

The short drama 'Hard Noble Lady' surpassed RMB6 million (US$850,000) in shared revenue by October 1 and broke through the RMB7 million mark (US$1 million) by October 8 on iQIYI.

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