Embracing Circularity: International Paper’s Sustainable Resource Strategy

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International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report outlines the company's commitment to circularity as a key strategy. This approach prioritizes renewable, sustainably managed, recycled, and reused resources throughout their value chain. The company focuses on four pillars:

1. Using every part of the tree, including selling pine chemicals.
2. Sourcing sustainable raw materials, with 5.2 million tons of recovered fiber used annually.
3. Implementing circular manufacturing processes, with 48% of manufacturing waste diverted for beneficial uses in 2023.
4. Creating innovative products designed for sustainability and easy recycling.

IP also partners for IT circularity, remarketing over 2,500 systems and recycling 183,389 pounds of assets in 2023. The company collaborates with customers and partners to develop circular, low-carbon solutions, emphasizing the sustainability benefits of fiber-based packaging.

Il Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023 di International Paper delinea l'impegno dell'azienda verso la circolarità come strategia fondamentale. Questo approccio pone l'accento su risorse rinnovabili, gestite in modo sostenibile, riciclate e riutilizzate lungo tutta la loro catena del valore. L'azienda si concentra su quattro pilastri:

1. Utilizzare ogni parte dell'albero, compresa la vendita di prodotti chimici di pino.
2. Sourcing di materie prime sostenibili, con 5,2 milioni di tonnellate di fibra recuperata utilizzata annualmente.
3. Implementazione di processi di produzione circolare, con il 48% dei rifiuti di produzione deviati per usi benefici nel 2023.
4. Creazione di prodotti innovativi progettati per la sostenibilità e il facile riciclaggio.

IP collabora anche per la circolarità IT, rinnovando oltre 2.500 sistemi e riciclando 183.389 libbre di beni nel 2023. L'azienda collabora con clienti e partner per sviluppare soluzioni circolari a basse emissioni di carbonio, sottolineando i benefici di sostenibilità degli imballaggi a base di fibra.

El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023 de International Paper describe el compromiso de la empresa con la circularidad como una estrategia clave. Este enfoque prioriza recursos renovables, gestionados de manera sostenible, reciclados y reutilizados a lo largo de toda su cadena de valor. La empresa se centra en cuatro pilares:

1. Utilizar cada parte del árbol, incluida la venta de productos químicos de pino.
2. Abastecimiento de materias primas sostenibles, con 5.2 millones de toneladas de fibra recuperada utilizadas anualmente.
3. Implementación de procesos de fabricación circulares, con el 48% de los residuos de fabricación desviados para usos beneficiosos en 2023.
4. Creación de productos innovadores diseñados para la sostenibilidad y el fácil reciclaje.

IP también colabora para la circularidad en TI, re comercializando más de 2,500 sistemas y reciclado 183,389 libras de activos en 2023. La empresa colabora con clientes y socios para desarrollar soluciones circulares de bajo carbono, enfatizando los beneficios de sostenibilidad del embalaje a base de fibra.

2023년 국제 종이 지속 가능성 보고서는 회사의 주요 전략으로서 순환성에 대한 약속을 설명합니다. 이 접근 방식은 재생 가능하고, 지속 가능하게 관리되는, 재활용되고 재사용되는 자원을 가치 사슬 전반에 걸쳐 우선시합니다. 회사는 네 가지 기둥에 집중하고 있습니다:

1. 나무의 모든 부분을 사용하는 것, 소나무 화학물질 판매 포함.
2. 매년 520만 톤의 회수된 섬유를 사용하는 지속 가능한 원자재 조달.
3. 2023년 제조 폐기물의 48%가 유익한 용도로 전환되는 순환 제조 공정 구현.
4. 지속 가능성과 용이한 재활용을 위해 설계된 혁신적인 제품 창출.

IP는 IT 순환성을 위해 2,500개 이상의 시스템을 재판매하고 2023년 자산 183,389파운드를 재활용합니다. 이 회사는 고객 및 파트너와 협력하여 순환적이고 저탄소 솔루션을 개발하며, 섬유 기반 포장의 지속 가능성 이점을 강조합니다.

Le Rapport sur la durabilité 2023 d'International Paper décrit l'engagement de l'entreprise envers la circularité comme une stratégie clé. Cette approche privilégie les ressources renouvelables, gérées de manière durable, recyclées et réutilisées tout au long de leur chaîne de valeur. L'entreprise se concentre sur quatre piliers :

1. Utiliser chaque partie de l'arbre, y compris la vente de produits chimiques à base de pin.
2. S'approvisionner en matières premières durables, en utilisant 5,2 millions de tonnes de fibres récupérées chaque année.
3. Mettre en œuvre des processus de fabrication circulaire, avec 48 % des déchets de fabrication détournés pour des usages bénéfiques en 2023.
4. Créer des produits innovants conçus pour la durabilité et le recyclage facile.

IP collabore également pour la circularité informatique, re-commercialisant plus de 2 500 systèmes et recyclant 183 389 livres d'actifs en 2023. L'entreprise collabore avec des clients et des partenaires pour développer des solutions circulaires à faible émission de carbone, en soulignant les avantages en matière de durabilité de l'emballage à base de fibres.

Der Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 von International Paper skizziert das Engagement des Unternehmens für Zirkularität als Schlüsselstrategie. Dieser Ansatz priorisiert erneuerbare, nachhaltig bewirtschaftete, recycelte und wiederverwendete Ressourcen entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf vier Säulen:

1. Jede Teile des Baumes zu nutzen, einschließlich des Verkaufs von Kieferchemikalien.
2. Beschaffung von nachhaltigen Rohstoffen mit jährlich 5,2 Millionen Tonnen recycelter Faser.
3. Umsetzung von zirkulären Fertigungsprozessen, wobei 48 % des Fertigungsabfalls 2023 für nützliche Zwecke umgeleitet werden.
4. Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, die auf Nachhaltigkeit und einfache Recyclingfähigkeit ausgelegt sind.

IP arbeitet auch an der IT-Zirkularität, indem 2.500 Systeme neu vermarktet und 2023 183.389 Pfund an Vermögenswerten recycelt werden. Das Unternehmen kooperiert mit Kunden und Partnern, um zirkuläre, kohlenstoffarme Lösungen zu entwickeln, und betont die Nachhaltigkeitsvorteile von faserbasierten Verpackungen.

  • International Paper uses 5.2 million tons of recovered fiber annually for new products
  • 48% of manufacturing waste was diverted from disposal for beneficial uses in 2023
  • Remarketed over 2,500 IT systems and recycled 183,389 pounds of assets in 2023
  • Plans to scale capabilities to sell 100% of pine chemicals by 2027
  • None.


International Paper's circular economy strategy demonstrates a comprehensive approach to sustainability in the paper and packaging industry. The company's focus on using every part of the tree, sourcing sustainable raw materials, implementing circular manufacturing processes and creating innovative products aligns well with global sustainability trends.

Key highlights include:

  • Commitment to sell 100% of pine chemicals by 2027, offering eco-friendly alternatives to petroleum-based materials
  • Utilization of 5.2 million tons of recovered fiber annually
  • 48% of manufacturing waste diverted for beneficial uses in 2023
  • Collaboration with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation to advance circular low-carbon solutions

While these initiatives are positive for long-term sustainability, their immediate impact on financials may be Investors should monitor how these efforts translate into cost savings, new revenue streams and market share gains in the evolving eco-conscious packaging market.

International Paper's circularity strategy aligns with global environmental policies and market trends towards sustainable packaging. The company's approach addresses key areas of concern:

  • Forest management and biodiversity conservation
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Waste reduction and resource efficiency
  • Innovation in sustainable product design

The zero-landfill policy for IT equipment and the remarketing of over 2,500 systems in 2023 demonstrate a holistic approach to sustainability beyond core operations. However, the impact of these initiatives on overall environmental footprint needs quantification.

For investors, this strategy positions International Paper favorably in light of potential future regulations on packaging and waste management. The company's proactive stance may provide a competitive advantage as markets increasingly demand sustainable solutions, but concrete metrics on the financial implications of these initiatives would be valuable for assessing long-term value creation.

Originally published in International Paper's 2023 Sustainability Report

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 25, 2024 / International Paper Company

Our approach: Circularity at International Paper

Circularity is a key strategy for International Paper. It means that we prioritize the use of resources that are renewable, sustainably managed, recycled and reused through design, production and recovery across our value chain. For International Paper, circularity begins in the forest, where we encourage sustainable forest management and continual improvement in growing, harvesting and processing practices. This carries through to our mills where we use this renewable material and give used fiber products new life.

Circularity means recovering and reusing as much wood fiber, energy, water and other materials as possible in a continual cycle from natural resource to finished product and back again. Likewise, it means keeping as much material as possible from becoming waste destined for landfills.

Circularity also touches on product design, as engineers work to improve product quality and capability, while reducing waste and increasing the amount of recycled material that is used.

Embracing the circular economy means looking throughout our value chain for opportunities to optimize and improve our operations. In this regard, International Paper has a unique position in the market as one of the world's largest stewards of wood and recovered fiber. As both a producer of fiber-based products and a consumer of recovered fiber, we have a marked impact on the overall circularity of our industry.

Partnering for IT circularity

IP is also committed to green computing. Our IT team has a zero-landfill policy for end-of-life electronics. We partner with Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations to remarket our old electronic equipment for reuse or, where that's not possible, recycle defunct devices. This partnership includes computers, servers, hard drives, monitors and miscellaneous equipment. In 2023, we remarketed over 2,500 systems and recycled 183,389 pounds of assets. That's the equivalent to taking 95 passenger vehicles off the road for a year.

The four key pillars of circularity at International Paper

To achieve our Renewable Solutions goal, we've implemented a circularity strategy made up of four pillars. These pillars help guide how we think about our impact across our value chain and identify implementation tactics within each of our businesses that advance circular solutions.

Using every part of the tree

One way that we integrate sustainability into our operations is by selling high-quality pine chemicals. These materials come from pine trees and are a byproduct of the kraft pulping process, which can be used to make a variety of everyday goods such as biofuels, fragrances, cleaners and ink. Their small carbon footprints make these pine chemicals an eco-friendly alternative to the petroleum-based materials used by the chemical industry. With demand for some pine chemicals exceeding supply and expected to grow, we plan to rapidly scale our capabilities so we can sell 100% of our pine chemicals by 2027.

Source sustainable raw materials

International Paper's primary raw material is, of course, fiber. And this is where our sustainability strategy begins. We source both recycled and new, renewable fiber from trees grown in sustainably managed forests. Wherever possible, we use renewable, sustainable or recycled materials - fibers, chemicals, packaging, etc. - across our manufacturing process.

Our commitment to using sustainable raw materials aligns with a core principle of circularity: regenerating natural systems. In a nutshell, since our products are made from renewable resources, they replace less sustainable, carbon-intensive nonrenewable alternatives.

Every year, our operations use 5.2 million tons of recovered fiber to make new fiberbased products, making International Paper one of the world's largest users of recovered fiber.

Use circular manufacturing processes

Circularity is at the heart of what we do at International Paper. Within our manufacturing process, this is done by designing for sustainability, minimizing waste and maximizing the recovery and reuse of materials.

By becoming more circular, designing in efficiency, and improving our environmental impact, we reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to a sustainable low-carbon future. In 2023, 48% of our manufacturing waste was diverted from disposal for beneficial uses.

Create innovative products

International Paper products make a significant contribution to a low-carbon circular economy. We think about the entire lifecycle of the product and how changes in product design impact decisions along its value chain. The result is products that are:

  • Made efficiently and sustainably, from sourcing to production to transportation

  • Designed with end of life in mind

  • Easily recovered, recycled, reused or composted

Our product strategy is informed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the world's leading circular economy network. Through our membership, we're working with the Foundation and its partners to advance our contributions to circular lowcarbon solutions.

Learn more about our 2023 product innovations here.

Collaborate on solutions

Collaboration across our value chain is key to our success. That's why we team up with our customers, supply chain partners and thought leaders to develop innovative ideas and gather diverse points of view. The teams at our research and development centers are at the forefront of these creative solutions.

The circular solutions we create together not only respond to changing market conditions and consumer demands, but also have multiple lives through repeated cycles of reuse, recovery and recycling. Learn more about some of our 2023 collaborations here.

The sustainability benefits of fiber-based packaging

Fiber-based packaging:

is made from a renewable resource
so it is composed of both recycled and new fiber grown in sustainably managed forests. Using paper packaging reduces the reliance on non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels, and promotes sustainable practices.

is easy to recycle
so it can be turned into new paper products. Recycling paper ensures a valuable renewable material is recovered and reused, reducing waste going into landfills

is lightweight
so it can lower freight and handling costs with fewer trucks on the roads, less fuel used and lower emissions from transportation.

has a lower carbon footprint
so it has a smaller impact on the climate. The production process of paper involves fewer chemicals and energy than other packaging, which means that it generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

keeps forests working
so they can continue to conserve biodiversity and provide clean air and water for communities. Responsibly grown, managed and harvested forests provide a sustainable supply of fiber for products, while ensuring forestland remains forested.

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About International Paper

International Paper (NYSE: IP) is a global producer of sustainable packaging, pulp and other fiber-based products, and one of the world's largest recyclers. Headquartered in Memphis, Tenn., we employ approximately 39,000 colleagues globally who are committed to creating what's next. We serve customers worldwide, with manufacturing operations in North America, Latin America, North Africa and Europe. Net sales for 2023 were $18.9 billion. Additional information can be found by visiting

About International Paper - EMEA

In Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), International Paper focuses on the production and marketing of fiber-based packaging and specialty pulp, employing approximately 4,400 people. As a leading supplier of high-quality corrugated containers for a multitude of applications, we serve customers throughout the region from our network of two recycled containerboard mills and 23 box plants in France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal and Spain. Specialty pulp is made in Gdansk, Poland. Other products available from International Paper in the region include a variety of Kraft linerboard and other pulp products.

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SOURCE: International Paper Company

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What are the four pillars of International Paper's circularity strategy?

International Paper's circularity strategy consists of four pillars: 1) Using every part of the tree, 2) Sourcing sustainable raw materials, 3) Using circular manufacturing processes, and 4) Creating innovative products.

How much recovered fiber does International Paper (IP) use annually?

International Paper uses 5.2 million tons of recovered fiber annually to make new fiber-based products, making it one of the world's largest users of recovered fiber.

What percentage of International Paper's manufacturing waste was diverted for beneficial uses in 2023?

In 2023, 48% of International Paper's manufacturing waste was diverted from disposal for beneficial uses.

What is International Paper's goal for selling pine chemicals by 2027?

International Paper plans to rapidly scale its capabilities to sell 100% of its pine chemicals by 2027.

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