IonQ Achieves Industry Breakthrough – First Trapped Ion Quantum System to Surpass 99.9% Fidelity on Barium

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IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in quantum computing, has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing 99.9% two-qubit gate fidelity on its next-generation barium development platform. This breakthrough brings IonQ closer to developing practical, commercial quantum solutions and its next-generation system, IonQ Tempo. The company's focus on barium technology offers several advantages over traditional ytterbium ions, including higher native fidelity, increased gate speeds, and better stability.

This achievement is important for enterprise-grade systems, as higher fidelity reduces the need for error correction and enables faster, more accurate quantum applications. IonQ's progress in barium technology and recent advancements in partial quantum error correction position the company at the forefront of the quantum computing industry, bringing it closer to achieving commercial advantage.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), leader nel campo del calcolo quantistico, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo superando il 99,9% di fedeltà nelle porte a due qubit sulla sua piattaforma di sviluppo bario di nuova generazione. Questo progresso avvicina IonQ allo sviluppo di soluzioni quantistiche pratiche e commerciali e al suo sistema di nuova generazione, IonQ Tempo. Il focus dell'azienda sulla tecnologia bario offre diversi vantaggi rispetto agli ioni di ytterbium tradizionali, tra cui maggiore fedeltà nativa, velocità delle porte aumentate e migliore stabilità.

Questo risultato è importante per i sistemi di classe enterprise, poiché una maggiore fedeltà riduce la necessità di correzione degli errori e consente applicazioni quantistiche più rapide e precise. I progressi di IonQ nella tecnologia bario e i recenti sviluppi nella correzione parziale degli errori quantistici pongono l'azienda in prima linea nell'industria del calcolo quantistico, avvicinandola a ottenere un vantaggio commerciale.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), líder en computación cuántica, ha logrado un hito significativo al superar el 99,9% de fidelidad en puertas de dos qubits en su plataforma de desarrollo de bario de próxima generación. Este avance acerca a IonQ al desarrollo de soluciones cuánticas prácticas y comerciales, así como a su sistema de próxima generación, IonQ Tempo. El enfoque de la compañía en la tecnología del bario ofrece varias ventajas sobre los iones de iterbio tradicionales, incluyendo mayor fidelidad nativa, velocidades de puerta incrementadas y mejor estabilidad.

Este logro es importante para los sistemas de nivel empresarial, ya que una mayor fidelidad reduce la necesidad de corrección de errores y permite aplicaciones cuánticas más rápidas y precisas. El progreso de IonQ en la tecnología del bario y los recientes avances en la corrección parcial de errores cuánticos posicionan a la empresa en la vanguardia de la industria de la computación cuántica, acercándola a lograr una ventaja comercial.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), 양자 컴퓨팅 분야의 선두주자로서 차세대 바륨 개발 플랫폼에서 99.9% 이상의 두 큐빗 게이트 충실도를 달성하는 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 breakthrough는 IonQ가 실용적이고 상업적인 양자 솔루션을 개발하고 IonQ Tempo라는 차세대 시스템으로 나아가는 데 가까워지게 합니다. 회사의 바륨 기술에 대한 초점은 전통적인 이터븀 이온에 비해 더 높은 고유 충실도, 증가된 게이트 속도, 그리고 더 나은 안정성을 제공합니다.

이 성과는 엔터프라이즈급 시스템에 중요합니다. 더 높은 충실도는 오류 수정의 필요성을 줄이고 더욱 빠르고 정밀한 양자 응용 프로그램을 가능하게 합니다. IonQ의 바륨 기술 발전과 최근 부분 양자 오류 수정의 진전을 통해 회사는 양자 컴퓨팅 산업의 선두주자로 자리 매김하고 있으며, 상업적 이점을 얻는 데 더 가까워지고 있습니다.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), leader dans le domaine de l'informatique quantique, a atteint une étape importante en dépassant 99,9 % de fidélité des portes à deux qubits sur sa plateforme de développement de baryum de nouvelle génération. Cette avancée rapproche IonQ du développement de solutions quantiques pratiques et commerciales, ainsi que de son système de nouvelle génération, IonQ Tempo. L'accent mis par la société sur la technologie du baryum offre plusieurs avantages par rapport aux ions d'ytterbium traditionnels, notamment une fidélité native plus élevée, des vitesses de porte accrues et une meilleure stabilité.

Cette réalisation est importante pour les systèmes de niveau entreprise, car une plus grande fidélité réduit la nécessité de correction d'erreur et permet des applications quantiques plus rapides et plus précises. Les progrès d'IonQ dans la technologie du baryum et les récentes avancées dans la correction d'erreurs quantiques partielles placent l'entreprise à l'avant-garde de l'industrie de l'informatique quantique, la rapprochant d'un avantage commercial.

IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Quantencomputing, hat einen wichtigen Meilenstein erreicht, indem es 99,9 % Zwei-Qubit-Gate-Fidelity auf seiner Plattform zur Entwicklung von Barium der nächsten Generation übertroffen hat. Dieser Durchbruch bringt IonQ näher an die Entwicklung praktischer, kommerzieller Quantenlösungen und an sein System der nächsten Generation, IonQ Tempo. Der Fokus des Unternehmens auf Barium-Technologie bietet mehrere Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Ytterbium-Ionen, einschließlich höherer nativer Fidelity, erhöhter Gate-Geschwindigkeiten und besserer Stabilität.

Dieser Erfolg ist wichtig für Systeme in Unternehmen, da eine höhere Fidelity die Notwendigkeit von Fehlerkorrekturen verringert und schnellere, genauere Quantenanwendungen ermöglicht. IonQs Fortschritte in der Barium-Technologie und die jüngsten Entwicklungen in der partiellen Quantenfehlerkorrektur positionieren das Unternehmen an der Spitze der Quantencomputing-Branche und bringen es näher an den Erhalt eines kommerziellen Vorteils.

  • Achieved over 99.9% two-qubit gate fidelity on barium development platform
  • Advancement brings IonQ closer to practical, commercial quantum solutions
  • Barium technology offers higher native fidelity, increased gate speeds, and better stability compared to ytterbium ions
  • Progress positions IonQ at the forefront of the quantum computing industry
  • None.

This breakthrough in quantum computing fidelity is a significant milestone for IonQ and the industry. Achieving 99.9% two-qubit gate fidelity on a barium-based system represents a important step towards practical, error-resistant quantum computers. This level of precision is essential for running complex algorithms and solving real-world problems.

The shift from ytterbium to barium ions is particularly noteworthy. Barium's intrinsic properties offer higher native fidelity, faster gate speeds and lower error rates. These advantages could translate into quantum systems that are more stable, scalable and capable of outperforming classical computers in specific tasks.

For investors, this development signals IonQ's strong R&D capabilities and potential market leadership. However, it's important to note that commercial viability and widespread adoption of quantum computing still face significant challenges.

IonQ's achievement is a testament to the rapid progress in quantum computing. The "three 9's" fidelity is a key benchmark that brings us closer to fault-tolerant quantum computation. This could accelerate the timeline for quantum advantage in industries like finance, pharmaceuticals and logistics.

The company's focus on barium-based systems, as seen in the upcoming IonQ Tempo, could give them a competitive edge. However, investors should be aware that the quantum computing landscape is highly competitive, with tech giants and startups alike vying for supremacy. IonQ's success will depend on translating this technical achievement into practical, marketable solutions that deliver value to enterprises.

While this news is undoubtedly positive for IonQ, the quantum computing market is still in its infancy and commercial success remains uncertain.

From a financial perspective, IonQ's technological breakthrough could potentially strengthen its market position and attract more investment and partnerships. However, it's important to note that the company is still in the pre-revenue stage, with significant ongoing R&D expenses.

The quantum computing market is projected to grow rapidly, with estimates ranging from $5 billion to $65 billion by 2030. IonQ's advancements could position them to capture a significant share of this emerging market. However, investors should be cautious as the path to profitability in quantum computing remains long and uncertain.

While this news is positive for IonQ's long-term prospects, short-term volatility in the stock price is likely as the market digests the implications of this technical achievement versus the company's financial performance.

IonQ surpasses “three 9's” two-qubit gate fidelity, a significant milestone in high-performance, enterprise-grade quantum computing

COLLEGE PARK, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- IonQ (NYSE: IONQ), a leader in the quantum computing industry, recently announced that it has surpassed “three 9’s” (99.9%) two-qubit gate fidelity on one of its next-generation barium development platforms. This is a crucial step along IonQ’s technical roadmap for developing practical, commercial quantum solutions. This achievement highlights IonQ’s dedication to research and development, and underscores the company’s commitment to bringing to market the highest-performing quantum computers in the world.

The company demonstrated optimized two-qubit gates on barium with greater than 99.9% fidelity in a two-ion chain via the same mechanisms used to realize two-qubit gates in IonQ's production quantum computers. Based on technical improvements developed to achieve this milestone, the company now has a significantly deeper understanding of how to identify and remove error mechanisms in large enterprise-grade quantum systems.

IonQ’s breakthrough achievement brings the company closer to its next-generation commercial system, IonQ Tempo – a barium system designed to drive commercial advantage – and help customers tackle their most complex problems with greater accuracy and efficiency.

“Achieving this level of fidelity is a major milestone in the quantum computing industry, as it marks a critical threshold for enterprise-grade systems – the better the native gate fidelity, the less error correction in all forms that is required. Higher fidelity is also essential for faster, more accurate quantum applications,” said Dean Kassmann, IonQ’s SVP of Engineering and Technology. “This accomplishment validates our long-term approach to barium technology as an enabler of performance, scale, and enterprise-grade systems.”

IonQ has worked with ytterbium ions for most of the company's history and has been exploring barium ions as qubits because they contain intrinsic features that offer the ability to improve quantum computer performance. Compared to traditional ytterbium ions, barium ions offer several key advantages, including a higher native fidelity limit, increased gate speeds, lower state preparation/measurement (SPAM) errors, and better stability as well as superior overall performance. As IonQ makes substantial headway towards reaching commercial advantage, IonQ expects these distinct properties will position its barium systems at the forefront of the quantum computing industry.

IonQ's technical achievements further establish its expertise and commitment to advancing the field of quantum computing. More recently, IonQ proved its novel, low overhead approach for partial quantum error correction - an important step that will enable fast, more accurate quantum applications with near-term computers.

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About IonQ

IonQ, Inc. is a leader in quantum computing that delivers high-performance systems capable of solving the world’s largest and most complex commercial and research use cases. IonQ’s current generation quantum computer, IonQ Forte, is the latest in a line of cutting-edge systems, boasting 36 algorithmic qubits. The company’s innovative technology and rapid growth were recognized in Fast Company’s 2023 Next Big Things in Tech List and Deloitte’s 2023 Technology Fast 500™ List, respectively. Available through all major cloud providers, IonQ is making quantum computing more accessible and impactful than ever before. Learn more at

IonQ Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Some of the forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words. Statements that are not historical in nature, including the words commitment, will, and other similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These statements include those related to the company’s technology driving commercial advantage in the future including on IonQ Tempo, the ability for third parties to implement IonQ’s offerings to increase their quantum computing capabilities and improve results, the effect of increased availability of customer support functions, IonQ’s quantum computing capabilities and plans, access to IonQ’s quantum computers, increases in algorithmic qubit achievement, reduction in error correction and overhead, and the scalability, fidelity, accuracy, speed, and reliability of IonQ’s quantum computing offerings. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including but not limited to: changes in the competitive industries in which IonQ operates, including development of competing technologies; changes in laws and regulations affecting IonQ’s business; IonQ’s ability to implement its business plans, forecasts and other expectations, identify and realize partnerships and opportunities, and to engage new and existing customers. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company’s filings, including but not limited to those described in the “Risk Factors” section of IonQ’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and other documents filed by IonQ from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and IonQ assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. IonQ does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

IonQ Media Contact:

Tyler Ogoshi

IonQ Investor Contact:

Source: IonQ


What milestone did IonQ (IONQ) recently achieve in quantum computing?

IonQ recently achieved over 99.9% two-qubit gate fidelity on its next-generation barium development platform, surpassing the 'three 9's' threshold for enterprise-grade quantum systems.

How does IonQ's barium technology compare to traditional ytterbium ions?

IonQ's barium technology offers several advantages over ytterbium ions, including higher native fidelity, increased gate speeds, lower state preparation/measurement errors, better stability, and superior overall performance.

What is the significance of IonQ's (IONQ) 99.9% fidelity achievement for quantum computing?

Achieving 99.9% fidelity is important for enterprise-grade systems as it reduces the need for error correction, enables faster and more accurate quantum applications, and brings IonQ closer to developing practical, commercial quantum solutions.

What is IonQ Tempo and how does it relate to the recent breakthrough?

IonQ Tempo is the company's next-generation commercial barium system designed to drive commercial advantage. The recent fidelity breakthrough brings IonQ closer to realizing this system, which aims to help customers tackle complex problems with greater accuracy and efficiency.

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