NORD Holding chooses Intapp DealCloud to modernize investor relations and fundraising functions

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NORD Holding, a leading European private equity asset manager, has chosen Intapp DealCloud to modernize its investor relations (IR) and fundraising functions. The firm aims to expand its global IR efforts and fundraising using DealCloud's AI-powered platform, which centralizes critical data and simplifies IR processes.

David Van de Fliert, Investment Relations Manager at NORD Holding, highlighted DealCloud's functionality that aligns with their IR professionals' work methods. The platform will enable better tracking of interactions, notes, and commitments across multiple partners and funds, while its reporting capabilities will provide insights into progress in new countries.

DealCloud's real-time data and analytics will empower NORD Holding to make faster, more informed decisions on IR and fundraising strategies. The platform is expected to enhance relationship cultivation, pipeline building, event organization, and collaboration with dealmakers, ultimately leading to more partnerships.

NORD Holding, un importante gestore patrimoniale di private equity europeo, ha scelto Intapp DealCloud per modernizzare le proprie funzioni di relazioni con gli investitori (IR) e raccolta fondi. L'azienda mira ad ampliare i propri sforzi globali in materia di IR e raccolta fondi utilizzando la piattaforma intelligente di DealCloud, che centralizza dati cruciali e semplifica i processi di IR.

David Van de Fliert, Responsabile delle Relazioni con gli Investitori di NORD Holding, ha evidenziato la funzionalità di DealCloud che si allinea ai metodi di lavoro dei loro professionisti IR. La piattaforma consentirà un migliore monitoraggio delle interazioni, delle note e degli impegni tra più partner e fondi, mentre le sue capacità di reporting forniranno approfondimenti sugli avanzamenti in nuovi paesi.

I dati e le analisi in tempo reale di DealCloud permetteranno a NORD Holding di prendere decisioni più rapide e informate sulle strategie di IR e raccolta fondi. Ci si aspetta che la piattaforma migliori la coltivazione delle relazioni, la creazione di pipeline, l'organizzazione di eventi e la collaborazione con i professionisti degli affari, portando infine a nuove partnership.

NORD Holding, un destacado gestor de activos de capital privado en Europa, ha elegido Intapp DealCloud para modernizar sus funciones de relaciones con inversores (IR) y recaudación de fondos. La firma tiene como objetivo expandir sus esfuerzos globales de IR y recaudación de fondos utilizando la plataforma potenciada por inteligencia artificial de DealCloud, que centraliza datos críticos y simplifica los procesos de IR.

David Van de Fliert, Gerente de Relaciones de Inversión en NORD Holding, destacó la funcionalidad de DealCloud que se alinea con los métodos de trabajo de sus profesionales de IR. La plataforma permitirá un mejor seguimiento de las interacciones, notas y compromisos entre múltiples socios y fondos, mientras que sus capacidades de informes proporcionarán información sobre el progreso en nuevos países.

Los datanálisis en tiempo real de DealCloud empoderarán a NORD Holding para tomar decisiones más rápidas y informadas sobre estrategias de IR y recaudación de fondos. Se espera que la plataforma mejore el fomento de relaciones, la creación de pipelines, la organización de eventos y la colaboración con los encargados de cerrar acuerdos, llevando finalmente a más asociaciones.

NORD Holding은 유럽의 주요 사모펀드 자산 운용사로서 Intapp DealCloud를 선택하여 투자자 관계(IR) 및 자금 조달 기능을 현대화하기로 했습니다. 이 회사는 AI 기반의 DealCloud 플랫폼을 사용하여 전 세계적인 IR 노력과 자금 조달을 확대할 계획입니다. 이 플랫폼은 중요한 데이터를 중앙 집중화하고 IR 프로세스를 간소화합니다.

NORD Holding의 투자 관계 매니저인 David Van de Fliert는 DealCloud의 기능이 그들의 IR 전문인력의 작업 방법과 일치한다고 강조했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 다양한 파트너 및 펀드 간의 상호작용, 메모 및 약속을 더 잘 추적할 수 있게 해주며, 보고 기능은 새로운 국가에서의 진행 상황에 대한 통찰력을 제공할 것입니다.

DealCloud의 실시간 데이터 및 분석은 NORD Holding이 IR 및 자금 조달 전략에 대해 더 빠르고 정보에 근거한 결정을 내릴 수 있도록 할 것입니다. 이 플랫폼은 관계 구축, 파이프라인 작성, 이벤트 조직 및 거래자와의 협력을 강화할 것으로 예상되며, 결과적으로 더 많은 파트너십으로 이어질 것입니다.

NORD Holding, un gestionnaire d'actifs de capital-investissement européen de premier plan, a choisi Intapp DealCloud pour moderniser ses fonctions de relations avec les investisseurs (IR) et de collecte de fonds. L'entreprise prévoit d'élargir ses efforts mondiaux en matière d'IR et de collecte de fonds en utilisant la plateforme alimentée par l'IA de DealCloud, qui centralise des données critiques et simplifie les processus IR.

David Van de Fliert, Responsable des Relations Investisseurs chez NORD Holding, a souligné la fonctionnalité de DealCloud qui s'aligne sur les méthodes de travail de leurs professionnels IR. La plateforme permettra un meilleur suivi des interactions, des notes et des engagements à travers plusieurs partenaires et fonds, tandis que ses capacités de reporting fourniront des informations sur les progrès dans de nouveaux pays.

Les données et analyses en temps réel de DealCloud permettront à NORD Holding de prendre des décisions plus rapides et plus éclairées sur les stratégies IR et de collecte de fonds. La plateforme devrait améliorer la cultivation des relations, la création d'un pipeline, l'organisation d'événements et la collaboration avec les décideurs, menant finalement à un plus grand nombre de partenariats.

NORD Holding, ein führender europäischer Anbieter von Private Equity, hat sich für Intapp DealCloud entschieden, um seine Investor Relations (IR) und Fundraising-Funktionen zu modernisieren. Das Unternehmen strebt an, seine globalen IR-Bemühungen und die Kapitalbeschaffung mithilfe der KI-gestützten Plattform von DealCloud auszubauen, die wichtige Daten zentralisiert und IR-Prozesse vereinfacht.

David Van de Fliert, Investment Relations Manager bei NORD Holding, hob die Funktionalität von DealCloud hervor, die mit den Arbeitsmethoden ihrer IR-Profis übereinstimmt. Die Plattform ermöglicht eine bessere Nachverfolgung von Interaktionen, Notizen und Verpflichtungen über mehrere Partner und Fonds hinweg, während die Reporting-Funktionen Einblicke in den Fortschritt in neuen Ländern bieten.

Die Echtzeitdaten und Analysen von DealCloud werden es NORD Holding ermöglichen, schnellere und fundiertere Entscheidungen zu IR- und Fundraising-Strategien zu treffen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Plattform den Beziehungsaufbau, den Pipeline-Bau, die Veranstaltungsorganisation und die Zusammenarbeit mit Dealmakern verbessert, was letztendlich zu mehr Partnerschaften führen wird.

  • NORD Holding selects Intapp DealCloud to modernize IR and fundraising functions
  • DealCloud's AI-powered platform expected to improve tracking of interactions and commitments
  • Real-time data and analytics to enhance decision-making in IR and fundraising strategies
  • Platform aims to accelerate potential fund commitments and win more partnerships
  • None.

Private equity asset management firm will use Intapp DealCloud to modernize IR management and workflows

PALO ALTO, Calif., Aug. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intapp (NASDAQ: INTA), a leading global provider of AI-powered solutions for professionals at advisory, capital markets, and legal firms, today announced that NORD Holding has selected Intapp DealCloud to modernize its investor relations (IR) and fundraising functions.

NORD Holding is a leading European private equity asset manager focusing on fund investments and direct investments. The firm’s IR team offers a wide range of services and tailored solutions to meet the individual needs of both existing and potential investors.

“As we work to expand our investor relations efforts and fundraising across the globe, we knew we needed a more modern CRM to manage processes and relationships,” said David Van de Fliert, Investment Relations Manager at NORD Holding. “Intapp DealCloud has functionality that matches the way our IR professionals work, so we’re confident it will be adopted to better track interactions, notes, and commitments across multiple limited partners and funds. Its reporting capabilities will also give us greater insight into our progress in new countries.”

Modernizing investor relations
DealCloud is a data-powered platform built for capital markets firms that centralizes critical proprietary and third-party data. DealCloud also uses Applied AI to simplify and modernize IR processes, and to accelerate potential fund commitments through every stage of the process.

With access to real-time data and analytics, NORD Holding professionals can make faster, more informed decisions around the firm’s IR and fundraising strategies. Teams will be better equipped to cultivate existing and prospective client relationships, build pipeline, organize investor events, collaborate with dealmakers, and win more limited partnerships.

“We’re excited to be working with NORD Holding, one of the longest-standing private equity firms in Germany,” said Erin Guinan, General Manager of Intapp DealCloud. “With Intapp DealCloud, the firm’s IR professionals will have greater visibility into key interactions and initiatives, letting them engage in more targeted business development activities in alignment with growth strategies.”

About Intapp 
Intapp software helps professionals unlock their teams’ knowledge, relationships, and operational insights to increase value for their firms. Using the power of Applied AI, we make firm and market intelligence easy to find, understand, and use. With Intapp’s portfolio of vertical SaaS solutions, professionals can apply their collective expertise to make smarter decisions, manage risk, and increase competitive advantage. The world's top firms — across accounting, consulting, investment banking, legal, private capital, and real assets — trust Intapp’s industry-specific platform and solutions to modernize and drive new growth. For more information, visit and connect with us on X, formerly Twitter (@intapp) and LinkedIn

About NORD Holding
With its 50-year history and assets under management of c. four billion euros, NORD Holding is one of the leading private equity asset managers in Europe with a focus on direct and fund investments. The direct investments division of NORD Holding focuses on acquiring majority ownership stakes in DACH headquartered companies while the fund investments group focuses on executing primary, secondary, and co-investments alongside private equity managers operating within the lower-end of the European market.

Intapp NORD Holding
Ali RobinsonDavid van de Fliert
Global Media Relations Director, IntappManager Investor Relations
 +49 151 12 22 47 02


What is the purpose of NORD Holding choosing Intapp DealCloud (INTA)?

NORD Holding has selected Intapp DealCloud (INTA) to modernize its investor relations (IR) and fundraising functions, aiming to expand its global IR efforts and improve management of processes and relationships.

How will Intapp DealCloud (INTA) benefit NORD Holding's investor relations team?

Intapp DealCloud (INTA) will provide NORD Holding's IR team with better tracking of interactions, notes, and commitments across multiple partners and funds, as well as improved reporting capabilities for insights into progress in new countries.

What specific features of Intapp DealCloud (INTA) will NORD Holding utilize?

NORD Holding will utilize Intapp DealCloud's (INTA) AI-powered platform, which centralizes critical data, provides real-time analytics, and simplifies IR processes to accelerate potential fund commitments and improve decision-making in IR and fundraising strategies.

When did NORD Holding announce its selection of Intapp DealCloud (INTA)?

NORD Holding announced its selection of Intapp DealCloud (INTA) on August 28, 2024, as stated in the press release.

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