Instructure Launches First-of-its-Kind Education Policy Atlas to Aid in Identifying Funding Requirements for Every State

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Instructure has launched the Education Policy Atlas, a comprehensive resource outlining federal, state, and funding guidelines for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence. This first-of-its-kind atlas is designed for K-12 districts, state education departments, and edtech companies, providing specific evidence requirements for each state. The atlas aims to simplify the complex process of navigating state funding requirements, which often vary across states.

Key points:

  • 34 states encourage evidence-based programs, while 16 states require at least ESSA Level IV
  • The atlas outlines minimum ESSA levels required for Title I Funds and school improvement funds
  • It supports educational institutions in maximizing resources and identifying compliant solutions
  • The tool can help edtech companies align their solutions with funding requirements, enhancing their market position

This initiative expands Instructure's commitment to evidence-based edtech management and aims to improve student learning outcomes across the country.

Instructure ha lanciato l'Education Policy Atlas, una risorsa completa che delinea le linee guida federali, statali e di finanziamento per le prove della legge Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Questo atlante, il primo del suo genere, è progettato per i distretti K-12, i dipartimenti educativi statali e le aziende edtech, fornendo requisiti specifici di prove per ciascuno stato. L'obiettivo dell'atlas è semplificare il complesso processo di navigazione nei requisiti di finanziamento statali, che spesso variano da uno stato all'altro.

Punti chiave:

  • 34 stati incoraggiano programmi basati su prove, mentre 16 stati richiedono almeno il livello IV di ESSA
  • L'atlas delinea i livelli minimi di ESSA richiesti per i Fondi del Titolo I e i fondi per il miglioramento scolastico
  • Supporta le istituzioni educative nel massimizzare le risorse e identificare soluzioni conformi
  • Il tool può aiutare le aziende edtech ad allineare le loro soluzioni con i requisiti di finanziamento, migliorando la loro posizione di mercato

Questa iniziativa amplifica l'impegno di Instructure nella gestione dell'edtech basata su prove e mira a migliorare i risultati di apprendimento degli studenti in tutto il paese.

Instructure ha lanzado el Education Policy Atlas, un recurso integral que describe las pautas federales, estatales y de financiación para las evidencias de la ley Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Este atlas, el primero de su tipo, está diseñado para distritos de K-12, departamentos de educación estatales y empresas de edtech, proporcionando requisitos de evidencia específicos para cada estado. El objetivo del atlas es simplificar el complejo proceso de navegación por los requisitos de financiación estatal, que a menudo varían de un estado a otro.

Puntos clave:

  • 34 estados fomentan programas basados en evidencias, mientras que 16 estados exigen al menos el nivel IV de ESSA
  • El atlas describe los niveles mínimos de ESSA requeridos para los Fondos Título I y los fondos de mejora escolar
  • Apoya a las instituciones educativas en la maximización de recursos e identificación de soluciones conformes
  • La herramienta puede ayudar a las empresas de edtech a alinear sus soluciones con los requisitos de financiación, mejorando su posición en el mercado

Esta iniciativa expande el compromiso de Instructure con la gestión de edtech basada en evidencias y tiene como objetivo mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en todo el país.

Instructure는 Education Policy Atlas를 출시했습니다. 이는 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) 증거에 대한 연방, 주 및 자금 지침을 포함한 포괄적인 리소스입니다. 이 최초의 아틀라스는 K-12 학군, 주 교육부 및 에드테크 기업을 위해 설계되었으며 각 주에 대한 특정 증거 요구 사항을 제공합니다. 아틀라스의 목표는 주마다 상이한 자금 요구 사항을 탐색하는 복잡한 과정을 간소화하는 것입니다.

주요 사항:

  • 34개 주에서 증거 기반 프로그램을 권장하며, 16개 주에서는 최소 ESSA IV 수준을 요구합니다
  • 아틀라스는 Title I Fund 및 학교 개선 기금을 위한 최소 ESSA 수준을 명시합니다
  • 교육 기관이 자원을 극대화하고 준수 솔루션을 식별하는 데 지원합니다
  • 이 도구는 에드테크 기업이 자금 요건에 맞추어 솔루션을 조정하는 데 도움이 되어 시장 경쟁력을 높일 수 있습니다

이 이니셔티브는 Instructure의 증거 기반 에드테크 관리에 대한 헌신을 확장하며, 전국적으로 학생 학습 성과를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Instructure a lancé l'Education Policy Atlas, une ressource complète décrivant les lignes directrices fédérales, étatiques et financières pour les preuves de la loi Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Ce premier atlas de son genre est conçu pour les districts K-12, les départements d'éducation des États et les entreprises edtech, fournissant des exigences spécifiques en matière de preuves pour chaque État. L'atlas vise à simplifier le processus complexe de navigation dans les exigences de financement des États, qui varient souvent d'un État à l'autre.

Points clés :

  • 34 États encouragent des programmes basés sur des preuves, tandis que 16 États exigent au moins le niveau IV de l'ESSA
  • L'atlas décrit les niveaux ESSA minimum requis pour les fonds de Titre I et les fonds d'amélioration scolaire
  • Il aide les établissements éducatifs à maximiser les ressources et à identifier des solutions conformes
  • L'outil peut aider les entreprises edtech à aligner leurs solutions avec les exigences de financement, améliorant ainsi leur position sur le marché

Cette initiative renforce l'engagement d'Instructure en matière de gestion edtech basée sur des preuves et vise à améliorer les résultats d'apprentissage des élèves à travers le pays.

Instructure hat das Education Policy Atlas eingeführt, eine umfassende Ressource, die die Bundes-, Länder- und Finanzierungsrichtlinien für die Beweise des Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) umreißt. Dieses erstmals verfügbare Atlas ist für K-12-Distrikte, staatliche Bildungsbehörden und EdTech-Unternehmen konzipiert und bietet spezifische Beweisanforderungen für jeden Staat. Das Ziel des Atlas ist es, den komplexen Prozess der Navigation durch landesweite Finanzierungsanforderungen zu vereinfachen, die oft von Staat zu Staat variieren.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • 34 Staaten fördern evidenzbasierte Programme, während 16 Staaten mindestens den ESSA Level IV verlangen
  • Das Atlas skizziert die Mindest-ESSA-Level, die für Titel-I-Fonds und Mittel zur Schulverbesserung erforderlich sind
  • Es unterstützt Bildungseinrichtungen dabei, Ressourcen zu maximieren und konforme Lösungen zu identifizieren
  • Das Werkzeug kann EdTech-Unternehmen helfen, ihre Lösungen an die Finanzierungsanforderungen anzupassen, wodurch ihre Marktposition verbessert wird

Diese Initiative erweitert das Engagement von Instructure für evidenzbasierte EdTech-Verwaltung und zielt darauf ab, die Lernleistungen der Schüler im ganzen Land zu verbessern.

  • Launch of a unique Education Policy Atlas to aid in identifying funding requirements for every state
  • Potential to help educational institutions maximize available resources and find compliant solutions
  • May benefit EdTech companies in aligning their solutions with funding requirements, improving market position
  • Expansion of Instructure's commitment to evidence-based edtech management
  • None.


The launch of Instructure's Education Policy Atlas is a significant development in the edtech sector, addressing a important gap in information accessibility. This tool simplifies the complex landscape of ESSA funding requirements across states, potentially streamlining decision-making processes for K-12 districts and edtech companies.

Key implications include:

  • Improved resource allocation: Districts can more efficiently identify compliant solutions, potentially leading to better-targeted edtech investments.
  • Market positioning for edtech companies: Firms aligning their products with state-specific evidence requirements may gain a competitive edge.
  • Transparency in funding landscapes: The atlas could drive increased accountability and evidence-based practice in education.

While this tool doesn't directly impact Instructure's financials, it reinforces their position as a thought leader in the edtech space. Long-term, this could translate to stronger partnerships and potentially increased market share. However, the immediate impact on stock performance is likely to be minimal.

Instructure's Education Policy Atlas represents a strategic move in the evolving edtech landscape. Key market implications include:

  • Market differentiation: By providing this free resource, Instructure positions itself as a valuable partner to both educational institutions and other edtech companies.
  • Potential market consolidation: As funding requirements become more transparent, we may see a shift towards edtech solutions with stronger evidence bases, potentially benefiting established players like Instructure.
  • Changing purchasing dynamics: With 92% of schools having used pandemic relief funds on edtech, future purchases will likely be more scrutinized. This tool could influence purchasing decisions, favoring companies that align with ESSA requirements.

While innovative, the direct revenue impact of this tool is unclear. Its primary value lies in strengthening Instructure's ecosystem and potentially driving long-term growth through increased brand loyalty and partnerships. Investors should view this as a strategic positioning move rather than an immediate revenue driver.

SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In keeping with an ongoing commitment to maximizing edtech effectiveness, Instructure has published the Education Policy Atlas, a valuable new resource outlining the federal, state, and funding guidelines for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence. Created for K-12 districts, state departments of education and edtech companies, this first-of-its-kind atlas outlines the specific evidence requirements for any state in the country. Instructure already provides comprehensive evidence-based edtech management solutions to K12 organizations with LearnPlatform, and partners directly with other edtech companies to build rigorous, third-party research. This initiative expands upon and democratizes that work by offering a singular resource to use during strategic planning initiatives and to evaluate how edtech tools align with federal and state requirements for funding sources in this new post-pandemic funding landscape.

"Understanding evidence and funding requirements is essential for educational institutions to maximize the available resources and identify compliant solutions that will drive meaningful improvement. Without this knowledge, schools risk missing critical opportunities to provide research-backed interventions that support students and meet their unique needs," explained Melissa Loble, Chief Academic Officer at Instructure. "Unfortunately, navigating state funding requirements can be incredibly challenging. Information is often scattered across various documents and agencies, making it difficult for decision-makers to pinpoint exactly what is needed to access these crucial funds. Having a one-stop page where administrators can find what they need allows them to reallocate one of their most precious resources — time — to other priorities that can directly impact students."

Not only can stakeholders struggle with finding specific evidence requirements to access funding, these requirements often vary by state. Although all 50 states require interventions, practices, and programs to be evidence-based, there is great variability in how each state defines "evidence-based." Thirty-four states generally encourage evidence-based programs, while 16 states define evidence-based as meeting at least ESSA Level IV or better. Only one state defines evidence-based as meeting at least ESSA Level III or better.

To ease the burden of finding state-wide funding requirements, Instructure's Education Policy Atlas outlines the minimum ESSA Level required for Title I Funds and the minimum ESSA Level required to access school improvement funds. Interested parties can view these requirements in an easy-to-read table view or in map form to compare with other states.

"Although these policy requirements might seem daunting, ESSA is a crucial framework to ensure that all students, regardless of background, have access to a quality education. By holding states accountable for academic standards, equity, and student achievement, ESSA aims to close achievement gaps, promote transparency, and empower local stakeholders to address the unique needs of their schools. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to fostering an education system that prioritizes the success of every child," explained Christoper Downs, Director of Government Affairs at Instructure.

Instructure's Education Policy Atlas may also benefit EdTech companies aiming to make their solutions more attractive and impactful for educational institutions. According to one federal estimate, about 92% of schools used pandemic relief funds on edtech. Changes in funding will require educational institutions to be more discerning about how they spend their limited resources. A recent poll found that only 18% of administrators say that a lot of evidence-based information is available about the effectiveness of the digital learning tools used in their school districts. Aligning demonstrated outcomes with funding requirements not only appeals to these institutions but also helps companies position their solutions as leading options in the market.

"As operators in the educational space, we share a collective responsibility to keep improving student learning outcomes. We must ensure our solutions meet the highest level of evidence required," added Loble. "By aligning solutions with funding sources like Title dollars, companies can position themselves as go-to partners, gaining a competitive edge in the RFP process as school districts seek evidence-based interventions that deliver real impact."

Instructure's Education Policy Atlas can be found here:

To identify the evidence requirements for each state, researchers used a targeted search strategy. First, researchers conducted a separate online search for each state using the terms "[State] department of education Title I 1003a school improvement funds evidence ESSA." They then reviewed various documents generated from the search using key terms. Only documents published by state education agencies were used to identify the evidence requirements. Researchers recorded relevant primary source text regarding evidence requirements and criteria for identifying CSI or TSI schools in need of improvement. All cases were reviewed by a second researcher to reach agreement on the evidence requirements, and disputed cases were discussed among three researchers until consensus was achieved. The requirements were reviewed in August 2024, so the information may change as new details become available.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the primary education law for public schools in the United States, aiming to ensure all children have a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education while closing achievement gaps. ESSA encourages state and local education agencies to follow the school improvement cycle, progressing from identifying needs to selecting and implementing interventions, and then examining the outcomes. The law offers guidance to districts and schools through a tiered framework for determining which programs, practices, strategies, and interventions are effective in specific contexts and for particular students.

Instructure (NYSE: INST) powers the delivery of education globally and provides learners with the rich credentials they need to create opportunities across their lifetimes. Today, the Instructure ecosystem of products enables educators and institutions to elevate student success, amplify the power of teaching, and inspire everyone to learn together. With our global network of learners, educators, partners and customers, we continue to deliver on our vision to be the platform that powers learning for a lifetime and turns that learning into opportunities. We encourage you to discover more at

Brian Watkins
Corporate Communications
(801) 658-7525 


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SOURCE Instructure


What is the Education Policy Atlas launched by Instructure (INST)?

The Education Policy Atlas is a comprehensive resource launched by Instructure that outlines federal, state, and funding guidelines for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence. It provides specific evidence requirements for each state, aimed at helping K-12 districts, state education departments, and edtech companies navigate funding requirements.

How does the Education Policy Atlas benefit educational institutions?

The Education Policy Atlas helps educational institutions maximize available resources, identify compliant solutions, and navigate complex state funding requirements. It provides a centralized resource for understanding evidence and funding requirements, potentially saving time and improving access to research-backed interventions that support students.

What information does Instructure's (INST) Education Policy Atlas provide about ESSA levels?

Instructure's Education Policy Atlas outlines the minimum ESSA Level required for Title I Funds and the minimum ESSA Level required to access school improvement funds for each state. It shows that 34 states generally encourage evidence-based programs, while 16 states define evidence-based as meeting at least ESSA Level IV or better.

How can EdTech companies benefit from Instructure's (INST) Education Policy Atlas?

EdTech companies can use the Education Policy Atlas to align their solutions with funding requirements, making their products more attractive to educational institutions. This can help them position their solutions as leading options in the market and gain a competitive edge in the RFP process as schools seek evidence-based interventions.

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