Infosys and Proximus Group Strengthen their Strategic Collaboration

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Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY) and Proximus Group have announced a strategic collaboration to unlock new business opportunities and enhance customer experience. The partnership will leverage Proximus Group's Digital Identity (DI) and Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) solutions, combined with Infosys' digital services. This collaboration aims to:

1. Drive innovation in omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants
2. Enhance digital security with robust DI and fraud protection solutions
3. Deliver superior customer experiences for joint customers
4. Strengthen both companies' leadership in digital offerings
5. Accelerate innovative solutions for business and residential customers in Belgium and abroad

The partnership involves Proximus Group's international affiliates, including Route Mobile and Telesign, and is expected to unlock significant synergies through collaboration.

Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY) e Proximus Group hanno annunciato una collaborazione strategica per sbloccare nuove opportunità di business e migliorare l'esperienza del cliente. La partnership sfrutterà le soluzioni di Identità Digitale (DI) e della Piattaforma di Comunicazione come Servizio (CPaaS) di Proximus Group, unite ai servizi digitali di Infosys. Questa collaborazione ha come obiettivo:

1. Promuovere l'innovazione nell'engagement omnicanale dei clienti e negli assistenti digitali basati sull'IA
2. Migliorare la sicurezza digitale con solide soluzioni DI e di protezione contro le frodi
3. Fornire esperienze clienti superiori per i clienti in comune
4. Rafforzare la leadership di entrambe le aziende nelle offerte digitali
5. Accelerare soluzioni innovative per clienti aziendali e residenziali in Belgio e all'estero

La partnership coinvolge le affiliate internazionali di Proximus Group, tra cui Route Mobile e Telesign, e si prevede che sblocchi sinergie significative attraverso la collaborazione.

Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY) y Proximus Group han anunciado una colaboración estratégica para desbloquear nuevas oportunidades comerciales y mejorar la experiencia del cliente. La asociación aprovechará las soluciones de Identidad Digital (DI) y Plataforma de Comunicaciones como Servicio (CPaaS) de Proximus Group, combinadas con los servicios digitales de Infosys. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo:

1. Impulsar la innovación en el compromiso del cliente omnicanal y los asistentes digitales impulsados por IA
2. Mejorar la seguridad digital con robustas soluciones DI y protección contra fraudes
3. Ofrecer experiencias superiores a los clientes conjuntos
4. Fortalecer el liderazgo de ambas empresas en ofertas digitales
5. Acelerar soluciones innovadoras para clientes comerciales y residenciales en Bélgica y en el extranjero

La asociación involucra a las filiales internacionales de Proximus Group, incluyendo Route Mobile y Telesign, y se espera que desbloquee sinergias significativas a través de la colaboración.

인포시스 (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY)와 프로시무스 그룹은 전략적 협력을 발표하여 새로운 비즈니스 기회를 열고 고객 경험을 향상시키기로 했습니다. 이 파트너십은 프로시무스 그룹의 디지털 아이덴티티(DI) 및 커뮤니케이션 플랫폼 서비스(CPaaS) 솔루션과 인포시스의 디지털 서비스를 연계하여 활용할 것입니다. 이러한 협력의 목표는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 옴니채널 고객 참여 및 AI 기반 디지털 어시스턴트의 혁신 촉진
2. 강력한 DI 및 사기 방지 솔루션으로 디지털 보안 향상
3. 공동 고객에게 우수한 고객 경험 제공
4. 두 회사의 디지털 제공 분야에서의 리더십 강화
5. 벨기에 및 해외의 기업 및 주거 고객을 위한 혁신적인 솔루션 가속화

이번 파트너십은 프로시무스 그룹의 해외 자회사인 로트 모바일(Route Mobile)과 텔레사인(Telesign)을 포함하며, 협력을 통해 상당한 시너지를 창출할 것으로 기대되고 있습니다.

Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY) et le groupe Proximus ont annoncé une collaboration stratégique pour débloquer de nouvelles opportunités commerciales et améliorer l'expérience client. Le partenariat exploitera les solutions d'Identité Numérique (DI) et de Plateforme de Communication en tant que Service (CPaaS) du groupe Proximus, combinées aux services numériques d'Infosys. Cette collaboration vise à :

1. Stimuler l'innovation dans l'engagement client omnicanal et les assistants numériques pilotés par l'IA
2. Renforcer la sécurité numérique avec des solutions DI solides et une protection contre la fraude
3. Offrir des expériences client supérieures aux clients communs
4. Renforcer le leadership des deux entreprises dans les offres numériques
5. Accélérer les solutions innovantes pour les clients professionnels et résidentiels en Belgique et à l'étranger

Le partenariat implique les filiales internationales du groupe Proximus, y compris Route Mobile et Telesign, et devrait débloquer d'importantes synergies grâce à la collaboration.

Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY) und die Proximus Group haben eine strategische Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um neue Geschäftsmöglichkeiten zu erschließen und das Kundenerlebnis zu verbessern. Die Partnerschaft wird die Digital Identity (DI) und Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) Lösungen der Proximus Group in Kombination mit den digitalen Dienstleistungen von Infosys nutzen. Diese Zusammenarbeit hat folgende Ziele:

1. Innovation im Omnichannel-Kundenengagement und KI-gesteuerten digitalen Assistenten vorantreiben
2. Digitale Sicherheit mit robusten DI- und Betrugsbekämpfungslösungen verbessern
3. Überlegene Kundenerlebnisse für gemeinsame Kunden bieten
4. Die Führungsposition beider Unternehmen im digitalen Angebot stärken
5. Innovative Lösungen für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden in Belgien und im Ausland beschleunigen

Die Partnerschaft bezieht die internationalen Tochtergesellschaften der Proximus Group, einschließlich Route Mobile und Telesign, mit ein und wird voraussichtlich durch Zusammenarbeit erhebliche Synergien freisetzen.

  • Strategic collaboration with Proximus Group to unlock new business opportunities
  • Potential for enhanced customer experience through innovative omnichannel engagement and AI-driven digital assistants
  • Expansion of Infosys' digital services portfolio with Proximus Group's DI and CPaaS solutions
  • Opportunity to strengthen leadership in digital offerings and accelerate innovative solutions
  • None.

This collaboration between Infosys and Proximus Group marks a significant step in digital transformation for both companies. By combining Proximus' CPaaS and DI solutions with Infosys' digital services, they're poised to create a powerful synergy in the telecommunications and IT services sectors.

The partnership's focus on AI-driven digital assistants and omnichannel customer engagement aligns with current industry trends towards more personalized and efficient customer interactions. This could potentially give both companies a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

However, the real game-changer here is the emphasis on digital security and fraud protection. As cyber threats continue to grow, integrating robust DI solutions could significantly enhance the value proposition for enterprise clients, potentially leading to increased market share and revenue growth for both Infosys and Proximus Group.

This strategic collaboration positions both Infosys and Proximus Group to capitalize on the growing demand for integrated digital solutions. The global CPaaS market is projected to reach $34.2 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 35.2%. By leveraging Route Mobile's CPaaS expertise, the partnership taps into this high-growth sector.

Moreover, the digital identity market is expected to hit $49.5 billion by 2026, growing at 16.7% annually. Telesign's DI solutions give the collaboration a strong foothold in this lucrative space. The partnership's focus on AI and omnichannel engagement also aligns with the increasing enterprise demand for these technologies.

While the collaboration shows promise, investors should monitor its execution and the speed at which new solutions are brought to market, as these factors will be important in determining the partnership's success and its impact on both companies' financial performance.

To unlock new business opportunities and enhance customer experience, this collaboration will leverage Proximus Group's DI and CPaaS solutions.

BRUSSELS and BENGALURU, India, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Infosys (NSE: INFY) (BSE: INFY) (NYSE: INFY), a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting, and Proximus Group, Belgium's leading digital services and communication solutions provider, today announced a strategic collaboration to help unlock new business opportunities.


The new strategic collaboration will focus on a joint go-to-market approach that will use best-in-class products of Proximus' International affiliates, including Route Mobile's Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) and Telesign's Digital Identity (DI) solutions. This combined with Infosys digital services will drive innovation in omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants for their customers. The collaboration will enhance digital security by providing robust DI and fraud protection solutions, ensuring trusted communication online.

Antonietta Mastroianni, Chief Digital & IT Officer at Proximus, said, "We are delighted to strengthen our long-standing collaboration with Infosys. By leveraging Infosys' global reach and our expertise in CPaaS and DI Solutions, the collaboration will drive innovation and deliver superior customer experiences for our joint customers. We are confident that our mutual deep expertise and proven track record will be instrumental in this two-way partnership."

Rajdip Gupta, Route Mobile CEO, said, "I'm enthusiastic about this partnership. Combining Route Mobile's product leadership in CPaaS with Infosys' excellence in digital services, is bound to make a difference for customers. It also proves that Proximus Group is on track to realize its international growth ambition and is unlocking significant synergies through collaboration of its international affiliates BICS, Telesign and Route Mobile."

Christophe Van de Weyer, Telesign CEO, said, "We all know digital fraud is on the rise. This partnership with Infosys will make it easier for enterprises to integrate our digital identity portfolio into their fraud prevention and engagement platforms to deliver the highest levels of trust to their end users. It supports Proximus Group's ambition to become the worldwide leader in digital communications by enabling trustworthy engagements globally."

Upendra Kohli, Executive Vice President – Communication, Media and Technology (Americas & Europe) at Infosys, said, "We are excited to build upon our long-standing relationship with Proximus through this expanded collaboration. Infosys' strong capabilities in digital services combined with Proximus Group's expertise in CPaaS and DI solutions will redefine omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants for the industry."

The collaboration between Infosys and Proximus allows both companies to strengthen their leadership in digital offering and accelerate their innovative solutions to business and residential customers in Belgium and abroad. Both companies are excited about the opportunities ahead and are confident that their mutual expertise will unlock significant synergies and benefits. 

About Proximus

Proximus Group (Euronext Brussels: PROX), headquartered in Brussels, is a provider of future-proof connectivity, IT and digital services, operating in the Benelux and global markets. The Group is actively engaged in building a connected world and in ensuring the trustworthiness, security and sovereignty of digital services, to the benefit of society.

Proximus has the ambition to build the #1 gigabit network for Belgium and plays a central role in creating inspiring digital ecosystems, while fostering an engaging culture and empowering ways of working. Building upon these strengths, Proximus aims to contribute to an inclusive and sustainable digital society, delight customers with an unrivalled experience and achieve profitable growth both locally and internationally to deliver long-term value for stakeholders.

In Belgium, Proximus' core products and services are offered under the Proximus, Mobile Vikings, Scarlet and Proximus NXT brands. The Group is also active in Luxembourg (Tango and Telindus Luxembourg) and in the Netherlands (Telindus Netherlands). The Group's international carrier activities are managed by BICS, a leading international communications enabler, one of the key global voice carriers and the leading provider of mobile data services worldwide. With Telesign and Route Mobile, the Group also encompasses fast-growing leaders in digital communications and digital identity, serving the world's largest internet brands, digital champions and cloud native businesses.

With 11,654 employees, imbued with Proximus' Think Possible mindset and all engaged to offer a superior customer experience, the Group realized an underlying Group revenue of EUR 6,042 million end-2023.

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About Infosys

Infosys is a global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting. Over 300,000 of our people work to amplify human potential and create the next opportunity for people, businesses and communities. We enable clients in more than 56 countries to navigate their digital transformation. With over four decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of global enterprises, we expertly steer clients, as they navigate their digital transformation powered by cloud and AI. We enable them with an AI-first core, empower the business with agile digital at scale and drive continuous improvement with always-on learning through the transfer of digital skills, expertise, and ideas from our innovation ecosystem. We are deeply committed to being a well-governed, environmentally sustainable organization where diverse talent thrives in an inclusive workplace.

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What is the purpose of the strategic collaboration between Infosys (INFY) and Proximus Group?

The collaboration aims to unlock new business opportunities, enhance customer experience, drive innovation in omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants, and enhance digital security through DI and fraud protection solutions.

Which Proximus Group affiliates are involved in the collaboration with Infosys (INFY)?

The collaboration involves Proximus Group's international affiliates, including Route Mobile for CPaaS solutions and Telesign for Digital Identity (DI) solutions.

How will the Infosys (INFY) and Proximus Group collaboration benefit customers?

The collaboration is expected to deliver superior customer experiences, provide robust digital security solutions, and offer innovative omnichannel customer engagement and AI-driven digital assistants to their joint customers.

What markets will the Infosys (INFY) and Proximus Group collaboration target?

The collaboration will target business and residential customers in Belgium and abroad, leveraging both companies' expertise to accelerate innovative solutions in these markets.

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