Ricoh Modernizes to the Cloud to Informatica's AI-Powered Intelligent Data Management Cloud Platform to Improve Digital Workflow Experience

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Ricoh Company, , a leading document management solutions provider, has chosen Informatica's Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) to accelerate its GLIDER data infrastructure project. This project aims to consolidate raw data from over 50 Ricoh Group companies globally, supporting Ricoh's transformation into a digital services company. The move from Informatica's PowerCenter on-premises environment to the AI-powered, cloud-native IDMC platform will allow Ricoh to fully reuse PowerCenter assets in the cloud, saving migration costs and time.

The IDMC platform was selected for its platform neutrality, multi-cloud support, superior functionality, and performance. It offers an easy-to-use interface, a low-code/no-code environment, and the scalability needed to adapt to changing business environments. This modernization is expected to improve productivity, operational efficiency, and enable continuous innovation for better digital workflow experiences.

Ricoh Company, un fornitore leader di soluzioni per la gestione dei documenti, ha scelto Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) di Informatica per accelerare il suo progetto infrastrutturale GLIDER. Questo progetto mira a consolidare i dati grezzi provenienti da oltre 50 aziende del gruppo Ricoh a livello globale, supportando la trasformazione di Ricoh in un'azienda di servizi digitali. Il passaggio dall'ambiente on-premises di PowerCenter di Informatica alla piattaforma IDMC nativa del cloud e alimentata dall'IA consentirà a Ricoh di riutilizzare completamente le risorse di PowerCenter nel cloud, riducendo i costi e i tempi di migrazione.

La piattaforma IDMC è stata scelta per la sua neutralità della piattaforma, supporto multi-cloud, funzionalità superiori e performance. Offre un'interfaccia facile da usare, un ambiente low-code/no-code e la scalabilità necessaria per adattarsi ai cambiamenti degli ambienti aziendali. Questa modernizzazione si prevede contribuirà a migliorare la produttività, l'efficienza operativa e a consentire una continua innovazione per esperienze di workflow digitale migliori.

Ricoh Company, un proveedor líder de soluciones de gestión de documentos, ha elegido Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) de Informatica para acelerar su proyecto de infraestructura de datos GLIDER. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo consolidar datos en bruto de más de 50 empresas del Grupo Ricoh a nivel global, apoyando la transformación de Ricoh en una empresa de servicios digitales. El paso del entorno local de PowerCenter de Informatica a la plataforma IDMC nativa de la nube y potenciada por IA permitirá a Ricoh reutilizar completamente los activos de PowerCenter en la nube, ahorrando costos y tiempo de migración.

La plataforma IDMC fue seleccionada por su neutralidad de plataforma, soporte multicloud, funcionalidad superior y rendimiento. Ofrece una interfaz fácil de usar, un entorno de bajo código/sin código y la escalabilidad necesaria para adaptarse a los entornos empresariales cambiantes. Se espera que esta modernización mejore la productividad, la eficiencia operativa y permita una innovación continua para ofrecer mejores experiencias en los flujos de trabajo digitales.

리코 컴퍼니는 문서 관리 솔루션의 선두 제공업체로서 인포 매틱의 Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC)를 선택하여 GLIDER 데이터 인프라 프로젝트를 가속화했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 전 세계 50개 이상의 리코그룹 자회사로부터 원시 데이터를 통합하여 리코를 디지털 서비스 회사로 변모시키는 것을 목표로 합니다. 인포 매틱의 온프레미스 환경인 파워센터에서 AI 기반의 클라우드 네이티브 IDMC 플랫폼으로의 이전은 리코가 클라우드에서 파워센터 자산을 완전히 재사용할 수 있게 하여 마이그레이션 비용과 시간을 절약할 수 있게 해줍니다.

IDMC 플랫폼은 플랫폼 중립성, 다중 클라우드 지원, 우수한 기능, 성능으로 선택되었습니다. 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스, 로우코드/노코드 환경 및 변화하는 비즈니스 환경에 적응할 수 있는 확장성을 제공합니다. 이러한 현대화는 생산성, 운영 효율성을 개선하고 더 나은 디지털 워크플로 경험을 위한 지속적인 혁신을 가능하게 할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Ricoh Company, un fournisseur leader de solutions de gestion de documents, a choisi Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) d'Informatica pour accélérer son projet d'infrastructure de données GLIDER. Ce projet vise à consolider des données brutes provenant de plus de 50 entreprises du groupe Ricoh à l'échelle mondiale, soutenant la transformation de Ricoh en une entreprise de services numériques. Le passage de l'environnement sur site PowerCenter d'Informatica à la plateforme IDMC native du cloud alimentée par l'IA permettra à Ricoh de réutiliser entièrement les actifs de PowerCenter dans le cloud, ce qui permettra d'économiser des coûts et du temps de migration.

La plateforme IDMC a été choisie pour sa neutralité de la plateforme, son support multi-cloud, ses fonctionnalités supérieures et ses performances. Elle offre une interface facile à utiliser, un environnement low-code/no-code, et l'évolutivité nécessaire pour s'adapter à l'évolution des environnements professionnels. Cette modernisation devrait améliorer la productivité, l'efficacité opérationnelle et permettre une innovation continue pour de meilleures expériences de flux de travail numérique.

Die Ricoh Company, ein führender Anbieter von Dokumentenmanagementlösungen, hat sich für Informatica's Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) entschieden, um ihr GLIDER-Dateninfrastrukturprojekt zu beschleunigen. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, Rohdaten aus über 50 Unternehmen der Ricoh-Gruppe weltweit zu konsolidieren und Ricoh bei der Transformation zu einem digitalen Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu unterstützen. Der Wechsel von Informatica's PowerCenter-Vor-Ort-Umgebung zur KI-basierten, cloud-nativen IDMC-Plattform ermöglicht es Ricoh, die PowerCenter-Ressourcen in der Cloud vollständig wiederzuverwenden, was Kosten und Zeit für die Migration spart.

Die IDMC-Plattform wurde aufgrund ihrer Plattformneutralität, Multi-Cloud-Unterstützung, überlegenen Funktionen und Leistung ausgewählt. Sie bietet eine benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, eine Low-Code/No-Code-Umgebung und die erforderliche Skalierbarkeit, um sich an sich ändernde Geschäftsumgebungen anzupassen. Diese Modernisierung wird voraussichtlich die Produktivität, die operative Effizienz verbessern und kontinuierliche Innovationen für bessere digitale Workflow-Erfahrungen ermöglichen.

  • Ricoh's adoption of Informatica's IDMC platform for global data consolidation
  • Expected reduction in man-hours and time for data processing and analysis
  • Improved productivity and operational efficiency through IDMC's features
  • Potential for better customer service through centralized data management
  • Cost and time savings from reusing PowerCenter assets in the cloud migration
  • None.

Ricoh's decision to modernize its data infrastructure with Informatica's IDMC platform is a strategic move that could yield significant benefits. The GLIDER project aims to improve ROIC by centralizing data processing and analysis, which should enhance operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities. This transition from on-premises to cloud-based solutions aligns with industry trends and could reduce long-term IT costs.

The focus on data-driven customer service and operational improvements suggests potential for revenue growth and cost savings. However, investors should monitor the implementation costs and timeline, as large-scale IT projects can sometimes face delays or budget overruns. Overall, this move positions Ricoh well for its transformation into a digital services company, potentially improving its competitive stance in the document management solutions market.

Ricoh's adoption of Informatica's IDMC platform represents a significant technological leap. The AI-powered, cloud-native solution offers several advantages:

  • Platform neutrality and multi-cloud support: This flexibility future-proofs Ricoh's infrastructure.
  • Rapid workload conversion: The ability to migrate from PowerCenter to IDMC quickly minimizes disruption.
  • Low-code/no-code environment: This democratizes data management, potentially boosting productivity.
  • Scalability: Essential for handling Ricoh's global operations data.

The emphasis on a user-friendly interface and improved data accessibility could lead to faster innovation cycles and better service delivery. This modernization aligns with industry best practices and positions Ricoh to leverage advanced analytics and AI in the future, potentially creating new competitive advantages in their market.

Ricoh's strategic shift towards becoming a digital services company, supported by the IDMC implementation, is a smart market positioning move. The document management solutions market is evolving rapidly, with increasing demand for digital and cloud-based services. By centralizing data and improving analysis capabilities, Ricoh is better equipped to:

  • Identify market trends more quickly
  • Personalize services based on customer data
  • Respond faster to changing market conditions

This data-centric approach could help Ricoh differentiate its offerings in a competitive landscape. The focus on improving customer satisfaction through data-driven insights aligns with current market expectations. However, success will depend on Ricoh's ability to effectively leverage these new capabilities and translate them into tangible customer benefits. Investors should watch for improvements in customer retention rates and new service offerings as indicators of the strategy's success.

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, today announced that Ricoh Company, Ltd., a leading provider of document management solutions, has chosen Informatica's Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC) to accelerate the company’s GLIDER data infrastructure project which will support the overall business transformation of Ricoh becoming a digital services company.

The GLIDER project calls for consolidation of raw data from sales, inventory and operations, from Ricoh Group operating over 50 companies globally, and establishes a system for centralized data processing and analysis at the headquarters. GLIDER aims to promote Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) management by significantly reducing the man-hours and time required to process and analyze raw data from the Group. As Ricoh moves its on-premises workloads to the cloud, the company decided to modernize from Informatica’s PowerCenter on-premises environment to Informatica's AI-powered, cloud-native IDMC platform while fully reusing PowerCenter assets in the cloud, saving migration cost, time and effort. This decision followed a successful evaluation at the company’s North America site.

“We have chosen to modernize our current Informatica PowerCenter solution to an AI-powered, cloud-native Informatica’s IDMC because of IDMC’s platform neutrality, multi-cloud support, superior functionality and performance, including the ability to accelerate the conversion of workloads from PowerCenter to IDMC in a matter of minutes while supporting seamless and timeliness of our business operations across the globe,” said Yoshinobu Hamanaka, Deputy General Manager of Process, IT and Data Management, Digital Strategy Department, Corporate IT Management Center, Ricoh Company, Ltd.

“Above all, IDMC is the global standard for our data integration and management platform because it offers an easy-to-use user interface, a low-code/no-code environment and the scalability and flexibility we need to adapt to our changing business environment. It lessens our user’s daily workloads and improves productivity and operational efficiency, ensuring continuous innovation and service improvement for better digital workflow experience, as a result of empowering our IT and business users to drive trusted data from the cloud,” Mr. Hamanaka added.

With centralized data management, users have the ability to access high-quality, trustworthy data related to customer information, respond quickly to customer needs and offer customized service delivery. Additionally, IDMC’s reliability and global support enable the company to offer consistent services and improve customer satisfaction. The users can manage and process data more efficiently and flexibly, and increase the speed and efficiency of their operations.

Taito Kozawa, Country Manager and President of Informatica Japan, commented, “Informatica Japan is pleased to support Ricoh in their data integration project, enabling the customer to drive data transformation at a global scale to achieve operational excellence across their group of companies. We are honored that our industry-leading AI-powered IDMC platform has been chosen to help Ricoh simplify data management and support them in delivering positive outcomes in customer experience and service quality.”

About Informatica

Informatica (NYSE: INFA), a leader in enterprise AI-powered cloud data management, brings data and AI to life by empowering businesses to realize the transformative power of their most critical assets. We have created a new category of software, the Informatica Intelligent Data Management Cloud™ (IDMC). IDMC is an end-to-end data management platform, powered by CLAIRE® AI, that connects, manages and unifies data across any multi-cloud or hybrid system, democratizing data and enabling enterprises to modernize and advance their business strategies. Customers in approximately 100 countries, more than 80 of the Fortune 100, rely on Informatica to drive data-led digital transformation. Informatica. Where data and AI come to life.

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Informatica Public Relations

Source: Informatica


What is Ricoh's GLIDER project and how does it relate to Informatica's IDMC?

Ricoh's GLIDER project aims to consolidate raw data from over 50 global companies for centralized processing and analysis. Informatica's IDMC platform has been chosen to accelerate this project, supporting Ricoh's transformation into a digital services company.

How will Informatica's IDMC platform benefit Ricoh's operations?

Informatica's IDMC platform is expected to reduce man-hours for data processing, improve productivity and operational efficiency, enable better customer service through centralized data management, and provide scalability for Ricoh's changing business environment.

What factors influenced Ricoh's decision to choose Informatica's IDMC (INFA)?

Ricoh chose Informatica's IDMC for its platform neutrality, multi-cloud support, superior functionality and performance, easy-to-use interface, low-code/no-code environment, and the ability to reuse PowerCenter assets, saving migration costs and time.

How does Ricoh plan to use Informatica's IDMC (INFA) for data management?

Ricoh plans to use Informatica's IDMC to consolidate raw data from sales, inventory, and operations across its global group companies. This will enable centralized data processing and analysis at the headquarters, supporting Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) management.

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