Immunovia CEO and board members announce intention to fully exercise their TO2 warrants
Immunovia (IMMNOV) announced that CEO Jeff Borcherding and board members will fully exercise their TO2 warrants from the May 2024 rights issue. In total, holders of 1,651,608 warrants have confirmed their intention to exercise during the upcoming period. Each TO2 warrant allows subscription for one new share at 70% of the volume-weighted average price during December 12-27, 2024, with a cap at 125% of the rights issue price (SEK 0.63). The subscription period runs from January 2-16, 2025.
The CEO expressed confidence in the company's mission and recent CLARITI study results validating their next-generation pancreatic cancer detection test. Immunovia focuses on early detection of pancreatic cancer through blood-based testing, targeting the US market where an estimated 1.8 million high-risk individuals could benefit from annual surveillance.
Immunovia (IMMNOV) ha annunciato che il CEO Jeff Borcherding e i membri del consiglio eserciteranno completamente i loro warrant TO2 dell'emissione di diritti di maggio 2024. In totale, i titolari di 1.651.608 warrant hanno confermato la loro intenzione di esercitare durante il prossimo periodo. Ogni warrant TO2 consente l'iscrizione di una nuova azione al 70% del prezzo medio ponderato per volume durante il periodo dal 12 al 27 dicembre 2024, con un limite del 125% del prezzo dell'emissione di diritti (SEK 0,63). Il periodo di sottoscrizione va dal 2 al 16 gennaio 2025.
Il CEO ha espresso fiducia nella missione dell'azienda e nei recenti risultati dello studio CLARITI che convalidano il loro test di rilevamento del cancro pancreatico di nuova generazione. Immunovia si concentra sulla rilevazione precoce del cancro pancreatico attraverso test basati sul sangue, mirando al mercato statunitense, dove si stima che 1,8 milioni di individui ad alto rischio possano beneficiare di sorveglianza annuale.
Immunovia (IMMNOV) anunció que el CEO Jeff Borcherding y los miembros de la junta ejercerán completamente sus warrants TO2 de la emisión de derechos de mayo de 2024. En total, los titulares de 1.651.608 warrants han confirmado su intención de ejercer durante el próximo período. Cada warrant TO2 permite la suscripción de una nueva acción al 70% del precio promedio ponderado por volumen durante el 12 al 27 de diciembre de 2024, con un límite del 125% del precio de la emisión de derechos (SEK 0,63). El período de suscripción va del 2 al 16 de enero de 2025.
El CEO expresó confianza en la misión de la empresa y en los recientes resultados del estudio CLARITI que validan su prueba de detección de cáncer pancreático de nueva generación. Immunovia se centra en la detección temprana del cáncer pancreático a través de pruebas basadas en sangre, orientándose al mercado estadounidense, donde se estima que 1,8 millones de individuos de alto riesgo podrían beneficiarse de un seguimiento anual.
Immunovia (IMMNOV)는 CEO 제프 보르체딩과 이사들이 2024년 5월 권리 공모에서 TO2 워런트를 전액 행사할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 총 1,651,608개의 워런트 보유자는 다가오는 기간 동안 행사 의사를 확인했습니다. 각 TO2 워런트는 2024년 12월 12일부터 27일 사이의 거래량 가중 평균 가격의 70%로 한 주식을 구독할 수 있게 해줍니다. 권리 공모 가격(SEK 0.63)의 125%가 상한선입니다. 구독 기간은 2025년 1월 2일부터 16일까지입니다.
CEO는 회사의 사명과 최근 CLARITI 연구 결과가 차세대 췌장암 탐지 테스트를 검증하고 있다는 것에 대한 자신감을 표현했습니다. Immunovia는 혈액 기반 테스트를 통해 췌장암의 조기 발견에 중점을 두고 있으며, 연간 감시의 혜택을 받을 수 있는 180만 명의 고위험 개인이 있는 미국 시장을 타겟으로 하고 있습니다.
Immunovia (IMMNOV) a annoncé que le PDG Jeff Borcherding et les membres du conseil d'administration exerceront pleinement leurs warrants TO2 de l'émission des droits de mai 2024. Au total, les détenteurs de 1.651.608 warrants ont confirmé leur intention de les exercer durant la période à venir. Chaque warrant TO2 permet la souscription d'une nouvelle action à 70 % du prix moyen pondéré par le volume entre le 12 et le 27 décembre 2024, avec un plafond à 125 % du prix de l'émission des droits (SEK 0,63). La période de souscription s'étend du 2 au 16 janvier 2025.
Le PDG a exprimé sa confiance dans la mission de l'entreprise et dans les résultats récents de l'étude CLARITI qui valident leur test de détection du cancer du pancréas de nouvelle génération. Immunovia se concentre sur la détection précoce du cancer du pancréas par le biais de tests sanguins, ciblant le marché américain où 1,8 million d'individus à haut risque pourraient bénéficier d'une surveillance annuelle.
Immunovia (IMMNOV) hat angekündigt, dass CEO Jeff Borcherding und die Vorstandsmitglieder ihre TO2-Warrants aus der Bezugsrechtsemission im Mai 2024 vollständig ausüben werden. Insgesamt haben Inhaber von 1.651.608 Warrants ihre Absicht bestätigt, diese im kommenden Zeitraum auszuüben. Jeder TO2-Warrant ermöglicht die Zeichnung einer neuen Aktie zu 70 % des volumengewichteten Durchschnittspreises zwischen dem 12. und 27. Dezember 2024, mit einer Obergrenze von 125 % des Bezugsrechtspreises (SEK 0,63). Der Zeichnungszeitraum läuft vom 2. bis 16. Januar 2025.
Der CEO äußerte Vertrauen in die Mission des Unternehmens sowie in die jüngsten Ergebnisse der CLARITI-Studie, die ihren Test zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs validieren. Immunovia konzentriert sich auf die frühzeitige Erkennung von Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs durch blutbasierte Tests und zielt auf den US-Markt ab, wo schätzungsweise 1,8 Millionen Hochrisikopersonen von einer jährlichen Überwachung profitieren könnten.
- Management's confidence demonstrated through warrant exercise commitment
- Recent CLARITI study validated next-generation test accuracy
- Large addressable market of 1.8M high-risk individuals in the US
- Potential dilution from warrant exercise
- Share price-dependent warrant exercise price indicates uncertainty
Immunovia CEO Jeff Borcherding, one of the company's largest shareholders based on prior purchases, intends to exercise all warrants he purchased in the recent rights issue. In addition, all board members who currently hold TO2 warrants, Martin Møller, Hans Johansson and Peter Høngaard Andersen, have communicated their intention to fully exercise the TO2 warrants they hold. In total, holders of TO2, 1 651 608 warrants have communicated their intention to fully exercise their TO2 warrants during the upcoming exercise period.
"I will invest the funds to exercise all my TO2 warrants because I believe in our mission, our next-generation test, and our company," said Jeff Borcherding, Immunovia's CEO. "There is a tremendous unmet need for an accurate blood test to detect pancreatic cancer early in high-risk individuals. The recently announced CLARITI study results validate the accuracy of our next-generation test and prove we have the right test to meet this need. I have tremendous confidence in the Immunovia team to fulfill our mission, drive the commercial success of our test, and reward shareholders."
One (1) TO2 warrant entitles the right to subscribe for one (1) new share in the company at a subscription price corresponding to seventy (70) percent of the volume weighted average price of the company's share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the pricing period, however not less than the share's quota value and not more than an amount corresponding to 125 percent of the subscription price per share in the completed rights issue (
For more information, please contact:
Jeff Borcherding
CEO and President
Karin Almqvist Liwendahl
Chief Financial Officer
Immunovia in brief
Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company whose mission is to increase survival rates for patients with pancreatic cancer through early detection. Immunovia is focused on the development and commercialization of simple blood-based testing to detect proteins and antibodies that indicate a high-risk individual has developed pancreatic cancer.
Immunovia collaborates and engages with healthcare providers, leading experts and patient advocacy groups to make its test available to individuals at increased risk for pancreatic cancer.
Immunovia's shares (IMMNOV) are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. For more information, please visit
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SOURCE Immunovia AB
How many TO2 warrants will be exercised in Immunovia's (IMMNOV) January 2025 subscription period?
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