Immunovia's CLARITI study results selected for prestigious presentation at the world's largest gastroenterology conference
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm) announces that its CLARITI study results have been selected for a distinguished plenary presentation at the Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2025 conference on May 5, 2025. The study was chosen as one of only six abstracts for the AGA Institute Council's Pancreatic Disorders Section Distinguished Abstract Plenary.
Dr. Aimee Lee Lucas, Chief of Gastroenterology at Mount Sinai West and Mount Sinai Morningside Hospitals, will present findings on the clinical validation of Immunovia's novel blood-based multi-biomarker test for early pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) detection in high-risk populations. As a member of Immunovia's Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Lucas contributed to the study's design and sample collection.
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm) annuncia che i risultati del suo studio CLARITI sono stati selezionati per una prestigiosa presentazione plenaria alla conferenza Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2025 che si terrà il 5 maggio 2025. Lo studio è stato scelto come uno dei soli sei abstract per la Plenaria degli Abstract Distinti della Sezione Disturbi Pancreatici dell'AGA Institute Council.
La Dott.ssa Aimee Lee Lucas, Capo di Gastroenterologia presso gli Ospedali Mount Sinai West e Mount Sinai Morningside, presenterà i risultati sulla validazione clinica del nuovo test multi-biomarker basato su sangue di Immunovia per la rilevazione precoce dell'adenocarcinoma duttale pancreatico (PDAC) in popolazioni ad alto rischio. In qualità di membro del Consiglio Consultivo Scientifico di Immunovia, la Dott.ssa Lucas ha contribuito alla progettazione dello studio e alla raccolta dei campioni.
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm) anuncia que los resultados de su estudio CLARITI han sido seleccionados para una distinguida presentación plenaria en la conferencia Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2025 que se llevará a cabo el 5 de mayo de 2025. El estudio fue elegido como uno de los seis resúmenes para la Plenaria de Resúmenes Distintos de la Sección de Trastornos Pancreáticos del AGA Institute Council.
La Dra. Aimee Lee Lucas, Jefa de Gastroenterología en los Hospitales Mount Sinai West y Mount Sinai Morningside, presentará los hallazgos sobre la validación clínica de la nueva prueba multi-biomarcador basada en sangre de Immunovia para la detección temprana del adenocarcinoma ductal pancreático (PDAC) en poblaciones de alto riesgo. Como miembro del Consejo Asesor Científico de Immunovia, la Dra. Lucas contribuyó al diseño del estudio y a la recolección de muestras.
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm)는 CLARITI 연구 결과가 2025년 5월 5일에 열리는 소화기 질병 주간® (DDW) 2025 회의에서 저명한 전체 발표를 위해 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 AGA Institute Council의 췌장 질환 섹션에서 6개의 초록 중 하나로 선택되었습니다.
Mount Sinai West 및 Mount Sinai Morningside 병원의 위장병학 책임자인 Aimee Lee Lucas 박사가 고위험군에서 조기 췌장관 선암(PDAC) 탐지를 위한 Immunovia의 새로운 혈액 기반 다중 바이오마커 테스트의 임상 검증에 대한 결과를 발표할 예정입니다. Immunovia의 과학 자문 위원회 위원으로서 Lucas 박사는 연구 설계 및 샘플 수집에 기여했습니다.
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm) annonce que les résultats de son étude CLARITI ont été sélectionnés pour une présentation plénière distinguée lors de la conférence Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2025 qui se tiendra le 5 mai 2025. L'étude a été choisie comme l'un des six résumés pour la Plénière des Résumés Distingués de la Section des Troubles Pancréatiques du Conseil de l'AGA Institute.
Dr. Aimee Lee Lucas, Chef de la Gastroentérologie aux hôpitaux Mount Sinai West et Mount Sinai Morningside, présentera les résultats sur la validation clinique du nouveau test multi-biomarqueurs basé sur le sang d'Immunovia pour la détection précoce de l'adénocarcinome canalaire pancréatique (PDAC) dans les populations à haut risque. En tant que membre du Conseil Consultatif Scientifique d'Immunovia, Dr. Lucas a contribué à la conception de l'étude et à la collecte d'échantillons.
Immunovia (IMMNOV: Nasdaq Stockholm) gibt bekannt, dass die Ergebnisse seiner CLARITI-Studie für eine herausragende Plenarvorstellung auf der Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) 2025 Konferenz am 5. Mai 2025 ausgewählt wurden. Die Studie wurde als eines von nur sechs Abstracts für die Plenarvorstellung der Sektion für Pankreaserkrankungen des AGA Institute Council ausgewählt.
Dr. Aimee Lee Lucas, Leiterin der Gastroenterologie an den Mount Sinai West und Mount Sinai Morningside Krankenhäusern, wird die Ergebnisse zur klinischen Validierung des neuartigen blutbasierten Multi-Biomarker-Tests von Immunovia zur frühzeitigen Erkennung von Pankreaskrebs (PDAC) in Hochrisikopopulationen präsentieren. Als Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats von Immunovia hat Dr. Lucas zur Planung der Studie und zur Probenentnahme beigetragen.
- Study selected as 1 of only 6 abstracts for prestigious plenary presentation
- Strong performance of next-generation pancreatic cancer detection test validated
- Recognition validates scientific quality and addresses unmet clinical need
- None.
The CLARITI study was selected as one of only six abstracts to be presented at the AGA Institute Council's Pancreatic Disorders Section Distinguished Abstract Plenary—an honor reserved for research demonstrating exceptional scientific and clinical impact.
Dr. Aimee Lee Lucas, Chief of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Mount Sinai West and Mount Sinai Morningside Hospitals and Professor of Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine, will present the CLARITI study findings at DDW 2025. Her presentation, titled "Clinical validation of a novel blood-based multi-biomarker test for the early detection of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) in an independent high-risk population shows similar high performance as observed in its model development study," highlights the study's robust methodology and the strong performance of Immunovia's next-generation test.
As a member of the Immunovia Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Lucas was integral to the study's design and played a key role in the collection of blood samples.
"I am excited to present these data at the world's largest conference for gastroenterologists. Selection of these study results for a distinguished plenary oral presentation underscores the rigor of the CLARITI validation study and the strong performance of the Immunovia test in the study," says Dr. Aimee Lee Lucas.
"We are very proud to see the CLARITI study receive this remarkable recognition. It's a strong statement about the quality of our science and it highlights the importance of the unmet clinical need our new test addresses," says Jeff Borcherding, Immunovia CEO.
About Digestive Disease Week
Digestive Disease Week® (DDW) is the largest international gathering of physicians, researchers and academics in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology, endoscopy and gastrointestinal surgery. Jointly sponsored by the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and other professional societies, DDW is an in-person and online meeting from May 3-6, 2025. The meeting is expected to include more than 13,000 attendees encompassing global researchers, clinicians and key decision-makers in gastroenterology and hepatology.
For further information, please contact
Jeff Borcherding, CEO
Karin Almqvist Liwendahl, CFO
+46 70 911 56 08
Immunovia in brief
Immunovia AB is a diagnostic company whose mission is to increase survival rates for patients with pancreatic cancer through early detection. Immunovia is focused on the development and commercialization of simple blood-based testing to detect proteins and antibodies that indicate a high-risk individual has developed pancreatic cancer. Immunovia collaborates and engages with healthcare providers, leading experts and patient advocacy groups to make its test available to individuals at increased risk for pancreatic cancer.
For more information, please visit
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What is the significance of IMMNOV's CLARITI study being selected for DDW 2025?
What is the focus of Immunovia's (IMMNOV) CLARITI study presentation at DDW 2025?
When and where will IMMNOV's CLARITI study results be presented?